Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 42: Goose meat and inquire about naturalization


Li Shu only fed the orange cat a little bit of chalcedony water, and the cat happily licked the chalcedony water off with a happy face.

Before leaving, Li Shu asked the store owner to conduct a comprehensive examination on the orange cat and concluded that it was very strong.

"Its heart problem is congenital, and it sometimes coughs up blood. Remember to give it medicine on time." Boss Big Ears instructed.

"Yeah." Li Shu agreed and left with the orange cat on his back - the orange cat had fallen asleep due to taking medicine containing sleeping pills.

"Since you are already asleep, there is no need to put you in a cage. I guess you hate cages too." Li Shu said lightly.

The sunset gradually went down, the night gradually came, and the cicadas in the evening were no longer powerful. It seemed that even the wind on the street softened. The owner of the big ear shop watched Li Shu leave, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "3,000 ringgit." The profit from the medicine is 1,800 yuan, perfect. Let’s buy some delicious fried noodles.”

Li Shu bought a few roast geese and took a taxi to the dock. Li Sha called him while he was on the way. He must have been a little anxious to wait.

"Brother Li Shu, where are you now?"

"I'm on my way to the dock. You heat up the machine first, and I'll start the boat as soon as I arrive."

"Okay, okay."

As soon as Li Shu ended the call with Li Sha, another call came in. It was his sister Li Yao.

"Brother, I am squatting in front of a very delicately packaged package. It was delivered by a black-faced uncle before."

On the first floor of the Neverland Villa, the little girl squatted in front of a package and called Li Shu.

"Brother, when will you come back? It's almost dark."

"Go back soon. I bought a cat. You can see it later, haha."

"Cat!!??" When she heard the word cat, the little girl's voice suddenly raised an octave, and her eyes became bright. She wanted to ask for more details, but unfortunately Li Shu had hung up the phone. The girl suppressed all her questions.

"What color is the cat? Is it a big one or a small one?" The little girl looked at the stars gradually emerging in the sky through the window, thinking with anticipation in her heart.

Danguan City Pier.

Li Shu carried the cat on his back, an empty cage in his left hand, and vacuum-packed cooked food in his right hand and jumped on the boat: "It's getting dark, let's set sail."

Da da da~

The rusty ferry boat started to paddle forward like an old man, with two small white water waves rippling from the stern to both sides.

It was a two-hour water journey from the pier to Neverland. An hour later, it was completely dark. A ferry boat drove forward alone. In the sky was a gorgeous Milky Way composed of countless stars, twinkling, each star was like Each beautiful gemstone is breathtakingly beautiful.

"It's so beautiful." Li Shu raised his head and murmured to himself. In his more than 20 years of life, he had never seen such a beautiful Milky Way.

"Here, Li Sha takes a picture for me." Li Shu stuffed the sleeping big orange cat lying on his shoulder into the cage, clicked the lock, and then handed his mobile phone to Li Sha.


Li Sha also found it interesting. He squatted half-crouched, adjusted the angle and pressed the shutter directly. Click, click, click, and the beautiful picture was instantly frozen.

"I took a dozen pictures, just choose the best one."

"Not bad, you are very talented in taking photos."

"Hey, I'll just take a shot."

In the photo, Li Shu is standing beside the dilapidated ferry boat. The background is the gorgeous starry sky and the sea reflecting the starry sky. Li Shu has a tall and tall figure and a confident smile on his lips. Everything is just right.

"Hey, brother Li Shu, you are so handsome." Li Shadu couldn't help but praise sincerely.

"Stop flattering and drive the boat properly. The wind is strong at night, so our boat must not be blown over." Li Shu noticed that the big orange cat in the cage had woken up, and the latter was looking at him. Lianda said: "What are you looking at? If the boat capsizes, then your orange cat will also feed the fish."

"Meow~" the big orange cat meowed softly and stopped paying attention to him. Instead, he lay down at the bottom of the cage and fell asleep.

The sea breeze blew in and out like a ghost crying and a wolf howling, and Li Shu couldn't help but tighten his clothes.

Time passed by little by little. When he was approaching Neverland, Li Shu suddenly remembered something and asked: "Li Sha, I remember you lived on Shapi Island. Can you still settle on Shapi Island now?"

"Settling? It should be possible. This kind of thing is the final say of our village chief." Li Sha scratched his head, "What, Brother Li Shu, do you want to settle on our Sapi Island?"

"It's not me, it's a friend of mine." Li Shu said with a smile. The friend he was talking about was "Boss Jing." Li Shu still felt that "Boss Jing" was like a puppet, but he felt that he could train Boss Jing to be his own. A good helper, he will be able to find time to do other things when the time comes.

Solving the identity problem for Boss Jing is the top priority.

"Oh, I have the cell phone number of our village chief, let me tell you."

"Okay, I'll note it down."

The ferry boat arrived at Neverland without incident. Li Shu originally bought 4 bags of vacuum-packed "roast goose", but finally left one bag for Li Sha to take home and eat with his family.

Seeing Li Shu walking toward the depths of Neverland with a cat cage in his left hand and a roast goose in his right hand, Li Sha sighed: "Brother Li Shu is such a good person."

Buzz buzz~

Li Sha started the boat and rushed to Sapi Island. By the time he got home, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening.

"Why are you coming back just now? Did there be any accidents on the way?" Li Sha's wife came forward anxiously, with worry on her face.

"It's no surprise. I bought rice, thump thump thump~ I even bought you face powder, and Brother Li Shu also gave me a roast goose!" Li Sha said to his wife as if he was offering a treasure.

"Buying fans is really a waste of money~" Li Sha's wife blushed slightly, but she was still scolding her. She took the vacuum-packed roast goose and said: "Hi~ What a big roast goose." Ah, I remember the last time our family ate goose meat was when I married you, hiss~ I could smell the aroma through the bag."

"Go, go, don't make trouble, how can you smell the fragrance through the bag?"

"I really smell it."

Li Sha, Li Sha's wife hugged each other and went back to the house. The four of them and Li Sha's parents soon started eating roast goose happily.

the other side.


Li Shu, the little girl, and Uncle Hai were also sitting around the dining table eating delicious roast goose. The soy sauce-colored roast goose was very delicious and moderately salty. The little girl was chewing a goose leg with a pretty face. There were a lot of oil stains on them.

"It's delicious. This goose meat is great. This is the first time I've eaten goose meat in my life." The little girl muttered.

Li Shu's face was covered with black lines, but he still wiped the corners of the little girl's mouth with a napkin: "Eat slowly and don't choke. No one will compete with you."

"Yeah, yeah." The little girl agreed, slowing down slightly.

Li Shu and Uncle Hai were also eating goose meat. The delicious goose meat was indeed unforgettable.

Thank you "Ya Nan" for your recommendation vote. I wish readers "Ya Nan" good health, all the best, smooth work, and good fortune~~~~

(End of chapter)