Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 46: Catch a Bagan fish and eat it


The sea breeze blows, and the white clouds in the sky are like pieces of white jade inlaid in the emerald sky, very beautiful.

The little girl dug the sand castle - it was actually four small mounds and a small winding ditch. She introduced the sea water into the small ditch, and the sea water flowed slowly. The little girl stood up and looked at her masterpiece with excitement. Clapping: "It's done! The beach castle is officially built!"

The little girl turned around and shouted to Li Shu: "Brother, brother, come and see the castle I built!"

"Okay, come here." Li Shu handed him Boss Jing's ID card and asked him to keep it. Li Shu and Boss Jing came to the castle built by his sister one after another. He suppressed his smile and said, "Not bad, not bad!" The primitive nature of this castle reveals a humanistic atmosphere, with uneven heights, beautiful symmetry, sand and water... Sister, you really have the potential to be an architect!"

"Really?" The little girl looked up at Li Shu, her eyes widening in surprise. She originally thought the castle she built was a little ugly, but she didn't expect it to be praised so highly by her brother.

"Of course..." Li Shu said with certainty: "But there is still room for improvement in some details. Later I will buy you a reference magazine on beach castles to study. I believe you can build a better-looking castle. Come on. oh!"

"Yeah, I'll do my best." My sister Li Yao nodded. Her heart was filled with great joy. She didn't expect that such a powerful brother would praise her.

Since the death of sister Li Yao's biological parents in a car accident, her sister Li Yao is actually a bit autistic and has low self-esteem. Li Shu decided to adopt "encouragement education" to cultivate and guide her sister's growth.

Li Shu sat on the beach with the sea breeze, and his consciousness entered Boss Jing's body. Boss Jing was equivalent to his second clone. Now he felt that Boss Jing's body was his own body.

"Li Shu" walked towards the seaside, jumped into the seawater without any equipment, and swam towards the seawater in the distance.

"Boss Jing's body is really powerful. Both its movement speed and breath-holding ability are far stronger than mine. My body cannot catch up with the fast-swimming fish in the sea, but Boss Jing's body is really powerful." I don’t have a body, but I can catch a fish and stew it.”

"Li Shu" thought in his mind that he was swimming too fast, and the seawater around him was flowing forward under his guidance, making a dull thumping sound.

"Li Shu" is now using the body of Boss Jing. His eyes can't see through the sea water now, so he can only swim in the sea and rely on luck to find sea fish.

"Found it, my luck seems pretty good today."

"Li Shu" saw a sea fish with round scales and a slightly longer tail swimming by on his left not far away, and he even paddled his legs to chase after it.

The fish weighed 3-4 pounds, and it was enough to eat it for a day.

The big fish is very alert. With its flat eyes, it noticed that the "Plum Tree" was approaching at a very fast speed. It immediately started to move in a snake shape, swimming to the left for a short distance and then immediately turned to the right, and then left and right~

"I'll go, you stupid fish still want to walk me?"

"Li Shu" looked at the big fish swimming to the right and instantly predicted that this stupid fish would move to the left soon, so he swam to the left first.


As "Li Shu" expected, the big fish quickly crashed into his arms.

"No matter how cunning the fox is, he can't defeat the old hunter. Eat him, eat him."

"Li Shu" punched Dahaiyu on the head, and the latter turned over on his belly and fainted.

Hua Hua Hua ~

On the beach, when she saw "Li Shu" carrying a big fish weighing 3-4 kilograms ashore, the little girl even shouted in surprise: "Wow, it's really a big fish~"

During lunch, Uncle Hai stewed this 3-4 kilograms of ocean fish. Uncle Hai is indeed a chef, and his techniques are expert. The moment he opened the lid of the pot, a strong aroma wafted out. Even the sleeping big orange cat and big yellow dog rushed over quickly.

"Woof woof~ woof woof woof~"

"Meow meow~meow meow~"

The big orange cat has slightly adapted to life in Neverland, so it was released from the cage. It jumped from the chair to the dining table, and then jumped to the floor, with its eyes always being held by Uncle Hai. The fish meat moves.

"Don't be anxious, big cat. I'll feed you fish later." The little girl knelt down and gently touched the soft fur of the big orange cat.

Li Shu, the little girl, Boss Jing, and Uncle Hai were sitting at the dining table eating. The big orange cat and the big yellow dog were standing or sitting on the ground waiting. The thrush was not interested in fish and was standing on a shelf not far away. Preening feathers.

Li Shu took a piece of fish meat with chopsticks and put it into his mouth to chew, and said: "The meat is very delicious, very good."

"Yeah, it's really delicious." The little girl also said. She picked up a piece of fish, held it with her hands and handed it to the big orange cat who was walking around under the table. The latter even opened his mouth and started eating happily. , with a face full of happiness.

"Hmm~" The big yellow dog became more and more dissatisfied when he saw this scene. At the same time, a look of envy flashed in the dog's eyes - it also wanted to eat fish.

"Here you go, don't scream." Li Shu smiled, picked up a 5 cm long piece of fish meat without fish bones, and tossed it gently.

The big yellow dog accurately caught the fish with its long mouth, and when he ate it, a piece of fish that could possibly be enough for the cat was served as an appetizer here at Dahuang. When Li Shu tossed the fish, a drop of soup splashed onto the floor. , Big Yellow Dog Lian walked over and licked the soup that fell on the ground clean with his tongue, then squatted on the ground and continued to watch Li Shu and others eating with anticipation.

He looks forward to the next piece of fish thrown to him.

Uncle Hai saw that Li Shu had finished a bowl of rice, and stood up to serve him another bowl of rice. He smiled and said, "I thought there were no such big sea fish near Neverland, but I didn't expect that there are still some. I remember ten A few years ago, there were a lot of these "Bagan fish" in the nearby waters.

Some of them have caught a large Bagan fish weighing more than 200 kilograms. Unfortunately, due to the exhaustion of fishing, this kind of Bagan fish is rarely seen in nearby waters now. "

"Sorry, sorry, what I said was a bit sad." Uncle Hai saw that the atmosphere at the dinner table was a little quiet, and he even came to his senses and apologized.

"It's okay, but the fish you cooked is really delicious, Uncle Hai. Uncle Hai, please help me serve another bowl of rice." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Haha okay, eat more, there is still a lot of rice."

Everyone was satisfied with the meal. According to Uncle Hai, bagan fish costs at least 100 ringgit per catty in Tanguan City, so this bagan fish of about 3 pounds and 5 taels is worth about 350 ringgit. Li Shu instantly felt that he had made a profit. arrive.

After helping to clear the table, Li Shu came to the door and looked at the thin white clouds in the sky. Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and it showed that it was Su Zhizhe calling.

"Mr. Su, what's the good news?"

"Haha, brother Li Shu, the renewal of your lease on Neverland has been settled. The annual rent is 5 million ringgit, and you can rent it for 20 years!" Su Zhizhe smiled heartily on the other side of the phone.

(End of chapter)