Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 53: Three pieces of porcelain


Lying in bed unable to sleep, Li Sha got out of bed to drink water. He came to the desk next to him, picked up the water bottle with thick scale and drank a lot~

"Damn it, there seems to be someone at the beach?" Li Sha accidentally looked through the window towards the east beach and almost spit out a mouthful of water.

He just seemed to see a humanoid creature swaying on the beach. In the middle of the night, the lights were dim, and Li Sha's pupils shrank in fear.

He held his breath and looked out of the window again, this time for a minute or two, but found nothing.

"Huh~ Maybe it's because I'm dazzled. Who would go to the beach to wander around in the middle of the night? They're crazy. I really scared myself." Li Sha shook his head and lay back on the bed, and soon he was snoring like thunder, entering. Sweet dreams.

The sea breeze blew harder. In fact, Li Sha was right. There was indeed a person on the beach - Boss Jing, who was controlled by Li Shu's consciousness.

Boss Jing is like a puppet. Li Shu's consciousness can control his body, and his own consciousness can also control his body, but Li Shu's consciousness has a higher priority.

Boss Jing jumped into the sea and swam eastward like a sea fish spirit. The water was cold, the light was dim, and especially the dull sound of water surging that occasionally sounded, filling Li Shu's heart with a trace of tension and depression.

A big carnivorous fish more than three meters long was swimming 3 meters away from Boss Jing. Its huge mouth seemed to be able to swallow a person by opening and closing it. This was undoubtedly one of the dangers in the sea.

"Huh~ I haven't seen the sea at night. It turns out that the sea looks like this at night. It feels like hell. If a timid person enters here, he will be so scared that he will have nightmares for several nights." Li Shu controlled Boss Zhu Jing came to the bottom of the sea and swam eastward, then north, and then east again, looking for traces of the sunken ship.

Clusters of white or light pink corals are growing on the seabed, just like a forest, with many luminous plankton or small fish moving back and forth among them, slowly and leisurely, and extremely beautiful.

"The seabed is so beautiful, it's like a paradise on earth. It seems to have been like this for millions of years, and few humans can set foot here."

A translucent little fish with golden lines on its back playfully nudged Boss Jing's butt, and was driven away by him with a wave of his hand.

With the light emitted by the creatures on the seabed, the pressure on Li Shu's heart was relieved a lot, and he swam faster.

The ground under the sea was undulating, with hills, ravines, valleys, and hills. The beautiful scenery on the seabed along the way opened Li Shu's eyes, but he didn't see a single hair of the sunken treasure.

In the blink of an eye, it was past 2 o'clock in the morning, and we were in Boss Jing's consciousness space.

"Boss Jing, please continue looking for the sunken ship. I'm too sleepy, so I'll go back first."

"Okay, boss."

Li Shu's consciousness returned to its original form and handed Boss Jing's body under the control of his own consciousness. Boss Jing began to move south, much faster than when Li Shu controlled his body.

Not long after, Boss Jing, who was moving rapidly on the seabed, was startled. Not far away, several shipboards about ten meters long and covered with sand came into view.

"There is a sunken ship!" Jing Lao Dalian swam over. When he got closer, he realized that it was a sunken ship that had been salvaged. Many broken shipboards had been half-buried in the mud and sand on the seabed, and many of them had already grown a plant. Coral.

"There are broken porcelain! This should also be a ship transporting porcelain, but when the ship sank to the bottom of the sea, a large number of porcelain was broken, so the salvagers ignored these broken porcelain." Boss Jing's hands were like two shovels Likewise, he began to dig through the broken porcelain, looking for possible intact porcelain. Soon, he dug out a large disc with a willow pattern.

"This disc is complete! It should be an antique. Take it back to the boss. The boss will like it." Boss Jing's eyes showed a hint of joy.

… …

The next morning, amid the chirping of the thrush, Li Shu got up on time, opened the window and let the thrush go out to look for food. As Li Shu was about to wash up, he unexpectedly saw the thrush's nest.

The thrush's nest is round and bowl-shaped, dark brown, and only about 10 centimeters in diameter.

"The thrush likes this little nest I bought." Li Shu saw some feathers, hay stems, and a pearl that Li Shu had given to the thrush in the nest.

The white pearl hidden by the hay stems looks like a small bird egg, which looks quite interesting.

"The thrush seems to be a female bird. Will it really lay eggs in the future? Hey~ This is the hair of a big yellow dog, right? How come there are hairs of a big yellow dog in the bird's nest?" Li Shu picked up a golden egg from the bird's nest. His face was filled with helplessness for a moment. If his guess was correct, Huamei should have secretly plucked this hair from the golden retriever.

After washing up and changing clothes, Li Shu walked out of the villa and started jogging on Dream Island. The oval-shaped Dream Island is 500 meters long and 300 meters wide. It takes a long time to jog around. Da Huang followed Li Shu wagging his tail and woke up early. The big orange cat climbed onto the guardrail outside the balcony on the third floor of the villa, leisurely basking in the sun while wagging its tail.

The creamy white balcony guardrail is only 10 centimeters wide, but the plump big orange cat is very stable when lying on it, and there is no need to worry about falling off.

When breakfast was about to be eaten, Boss Jing, who had returned from the sea, found Li Shu.

"What! You found porcelain in the sea?" Li Shu was stunned by Boss Jing's words.

"Yes, boss, I sneaked ashore to the northwest. There were two vases and a porcelain plate. I hid them in the leaf litter on the right side of the durian tree." Boss Jing was also overjoyed.

"Let's go and have a look." Li Shu didn't care about eating anymore and ran towards the northwest woods.

Arriving under the durian tree, Li Shu pulled away the fallen leaves and saw three pieces of porcelain still stained with water - two vases and a porcelain plate.

"Ming Dynasty Chenghua Year?" Li Shu picked up a vase, turned the bottom over and looked at it: "So this was made during the Chenghua Year of the Ming Dynasty?"

The sunlight shines on the porcelain vase through the gaps between the leaves, forming spots of light, and the dragon-shaped painting on the vase becomes more and more vivid.

"Hiss~ Jiaolong is also a dragon, right? Wasn't dragon something exclusive to emperors in ancient times?" Li Shu put down the vase in his hand, then looked at the remaining vase and a porcelain plate, and found that the inscriptions on the bottom were "Da Ming Cheng" "Annual system".

"It looks quite exquisite, but... this thing should be considered porcelain from the sea. The porcelain from the sea is not very valuable." Li Shu's knowledge of porcelain is relatively lacking, but he also knows that the porcelain from the sea is not very valuable.

The reason why Hailao porcelain has little value is also very simple:

One: The quantity is large. In some underwater shipwrecks, hundreds of thousands of pieces of porcelain can be found at one time. If the quantity is too large, the price will be low.

2: The production is rough and corroded by sea water. Hailao porcelain refers specifically to the porcelain sold to foreign countries. At that time, most of them were fired from small folk caves. The materials and production were poor. Later, they were corroded by sea water on the seabed. , some become very ugly and naturally of low value.

Sorry, I'm 5 minutes late.

(End of chapter)