Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 57: Expensive dragonfly fry


This night.

Danguan Municipal Airport.

Li Shu A group of male and female passengers took a shuttle bus to the parking lot of the passenger plane. Through the window, they could faintly see the moon in the clouds.

"Boss, can we go to Seina Island in Indonesia tomorrow morning?" Boss Jing, who was sitting on the left side of Li Shu, said angrily.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to get there. We first need to fly from Tanguan City to Kuala Lumpur, then fly from Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, then take another passenger flight, and finally take a helicopter to Seine Island.

It will take almost tomorrow afternoon to reach Seine Island after walking all the way, but I contacted a senior tour guide named "Zans" and he will provide us with the necessary help. "Li Shu's eyes swept across the people in the shuttle bus. It was late at night, and many people were already starting to feel sleepy.

… …

After a tiring journey, Li Shu and Li Shu met the senior tour guide "Zans" at the airport in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. He was a thin middle-aged man with a slight stoop. When Li Shu shook hands with him, he discovered that his right hand actually had six fingers.

"I was born with six fingers. I hope I didn't scare you." Zans grinned, then clasped his hands together to apologize.

"It doesn't matter, the world is wonderful because of differences." Li Shu smiled and patted Zansers on the shoulder. Zansers spoke Chinese very well. He was originally responsible for receiving tourist groups from China to Indonesia. It was precisely because he was good at Chinese. , so Li Shu hired him.

With the help of Zansers, Li Shu and Boss Jing have virtually saved themselves a lot of trouble. He has already exchanged a large amount of Indonesian rupiah for Li Shu in advance.

Li Shu sat on a chair in the waiting hall, holding an orange-green banknote with the Arabic numeral "100,000" written on it and looking at it. The only time he had seen such a large banknote before was when he burned the paper for his ancestors.

Zhaners sat on the right side of Li Shu and said with a smile: "The denominations of Indonesian rupiah are relatively large. This 100,000 rupiah denomination is about 45 yuan when converted into RMB, and about 29 ringgit when converted into Malaysian ringgit. .”

Li Shu nodded.

Several people took a passenger plane directly to the capital city of "Runus Province", and then took a helicopter to sea and flew to Seine Island.

The sky is blue and white, the sea breeze is blowing. The sea here is calmer than the sea near Neverland. Sitting on the helicopter, Li Shu's eyes are covered with a layer of white light. He can see directly through the sea water and see the wonderful creatures in the sea.

There were jellyfish swimming flickeringly, small fish avoiding the pursuit of big fish, octopuses moving stones to build houses on the seabed, and sea fish laying eggs. Li Shu even saw a large white turtle eating bloody turtles. shark.

"It's really a magnificent sea." Li Shu sighed in his heart.

Buzz buzz~

The huge propeller of the helicopter rotated rapidly, and after flying over the sea, it landed on an open space on Seine Island. The air flow raised by the helicopter directly blew the dust on the ground flying everywhere, and it fell into the mouth, which was extremely disgusting.

Seeing Li Shu and the other two people getting off the helicopter one after another, a bearded man in gray clothes not far away ran over quickly and hugged Li Shu enthusiastically.

"Guan Leng murmured the guest silver, Guan Leng murmured the guest silver, came Guan Leng murmured the guest silver..." The bearded man repeated the sentence repeatedly, and Li Shu thought for a moment, Then I realized what he said was "Welcome guests from afar."

Li Shu nodded with a smile on his face and thought to himself: "I must have just learned this Chinese sentence."

However, being willing to learn the welcome language proved that Mr. Bearded, the boss of Longzong Miao, valued Li Shu and others, which instantly made Li Shu feel good about him.

Li Shu slightly raised his chin towards Zansles, who stepped forward and said: "%@&@%"

A look of surprise instantly appeared in the bearded man's big eyes. He did not expect that there was anyone in Li Shu's group who understood their dialect, and he even said: "@%/%@".

Zans: “#@#&#@#”</p><p>He turned to Li Shu and said: "The bearded boss said that he has prepared a hotel and sumptuous dishes for us. Please rest for a while before going to see the fish fry with him."</p><p>"Well, let's arrange it this way." Li Shu nodded. Seeing the bearded boss looking at him, Lian Ye smiled and nodded.</p><p>Smiling can release kindness, and nodding to express affirmation. Since words cannot communicate, then just smile. Well, the eyes must be smiling, and it is not enough to smile on the surface but not on the face.</p><p>The island is not big, with only about 200 families living there. Some of the houses have turned into ruins. Maybe the owners have moved away from the isolated and backward island.</p><p>The bearded boss treated Li Shu and others to a meal of fried rice. The rice was golden and chewy. In addition to a few slices of short, thick, hard cucumbers, a local specialty, there were also eggs, sea vegetables, and some minced fish meat.</p><p>In the hotel restaurant, Li Shu, Boss Jing, Zansers, and Boss Hu were sitting around a table by the window to eat. The air conditioner was blowing to dispel the heat that was constantly trying to erode in.</p><p>The sunlight shines through the window on the golden rice grains, and the latter's golden color becomes more and more vivid. Li Shu feels like he is eating gold.</p><p>With Zansers, the humanoid translator, communication between Li Shu and Big Beard became much easier.</p><p>"How many years have you been cultivating dragonfly seedlings?" Li Shu asked.</p><p>"It's been almost 20 years. I dare to say that my dragonfly seedlings are far better than those from other companies. They are not only larger and healthier, but also more spiritual..." The bearded boss boasted for a while, and then suddenly the topic After a turn, he sighed lonely:</p><p>"Although the price is a little more expensive, it is still worth it. Unfortunately... many short-sighted guys don't know that good fry are half the success, and instead they are greedy for cheap and buy junk fry with a very high mortality rate."</p><p>Regularly taking chalcedony spiritual water, Li Shu's energy and physical strength have greatly increased. He rested just by sitting down to eat. Boss Jing and Zans were not tired, so after eating, the three of them followed the bearded man directly. The boss went to see the fish fry.</p><p>Several people came to the east of the island. Standing on the shore, they saw green cages floating in the sea from a distance. Each cage was cylindrical, with a bottom diameter of about 1.5 meters. The cages were connected by ropes. Together, floating in the sea.</p><p>"There are dragonfly seedlings in this cage. Some of them are already 10 centimeters long. Look, these dragonfly seedlings with big mouths and spots all over their bodies are so clever..." A few people took a boat with a big Patch's fishing boat approached the cage, and the bearded boss lifted one of the cages to show Li Shu and others the seedlings of the dragonfly inside.</p><p>"These seedlings are really good." Li Shu also admired sincerely, then looked into the eyes of the bearded boss and said: "Boss, how much does one of these fry cost?"</p><p>"This... Hehe." The bearded boss suddenly felt embarrassed. He rubbed his hands and was silent for a few seconds before gritting his teeth: "The fry here are indeed much better, so the price is more expensive, 3.5 million Indonesian rupiah per fish." .”</p><p>"Pfft~" Li Shu's pupils shrank and he looked at the bearded boss with shock.</p><p>(End of chapter)</p>