Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 59: An oil painting and 5 gold coins


When the evening glow filled the sky and the soft wind blew slowly from the Java Sea in the north, the bearded boss invited Li Shu, Boss Jing, and tour guide Zans to have dinner.

"Grilled shrimp?" Li Shu was slightly startled as he looked at the shelled prawns lying on the grill.

"Haha, yes, these prawns are produced in the nearby sea. They are about 15 centimeters long. Even if the shrimp heads are removed, they are still 11 centimeters long. The meat is delicious. You will definitely fall in love with the taste later." Bearded man The boss smiled heartily. He was extremely happy now. After all, he could make a lot of money this time.

Although the selling price of a dragonfly fry is 3.5 million Indonesian rupiah, the actual cost is only about 200,000 Indonesian rupiah, and the profit is astonishingly huge! That is to say, the sales of this kind of fry are extremely poor, otherwise the bearded boss would have become a rich man long ago.

The curled-up shrimp meat was inserted into the roaster one by one, sizzling~ It was roasted and oily, and the color gradually began to turn red with an alluring fragrance. The grilled shrimp chef with a goatee quickly flipped it with his left hand. Grilled shrimps on skewers, sprinkled with salt, chili powder, bay leaf powder, etc. on your right hand, and instantly a more attractive mixed aroma began to waft.

Even Boss Jing, a very dull guy, couldn't help but swallow hard: "It really smells good."

Strings of delicious shrimps were grilled quickly, and bang~ the strings of grilled shrimps were placed on a plate on the wooden table next to them, and everyone could take them as they pleased.


The bearded boss poured wine for everyone from a silver jug. Looking at the slightly yellowish wine, the tour guide Zans approached the plum tree and whispered: "That's banana wine. It tastes very good."

Li Shu dubiously picked up the cup and took a sip, smacking his lips slightly. It was a bit like rice wine, but with a faint banana flavor and a sour taste.

After dinner, Li Shu quickly returned to his room, and his consciousness controlled Boss Jing to swim into the sea. He wanted to explore the box-shaped object he found in the sea in the evening.

The sea water was cool, and fish were swimming around in the water with their tails swung. Based on the memory of "Plum Tree", they quickly found an object that looked like a box.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

A long-legged crab weighing more than a kilogram was lying on the box. When he felt the "Plum Tree" approaching, he immediately opened his teeth and claws and waved a pair of sharp pincers. He was arrogant but also a bit fierce at the inside.

"Go, go, go, you stupid crab, just be glad that I don't have time to talk to you now, otherwise I will steam you."

"Plum Tree" waved his hand, and the water flow stirred and pushed the big crab away from the box. The big crab was frightened for a moment, knowing that he was no match for "Plum Tree", so he rustled away quickly.

"Hiss~ Is this really a wooden box and it's locked?"

"Plum Tree" stroked some mud off the box with his hand, and the light gray striped wooden texture was instantly revealed. He moved his eyes downward and saw a small rusty black lock.

"We'll talk about it after we move back."

"Plum Tree" hugged the box and exerted a little force. In an instant, the box that had been sleeping on the seabed for countless years was moved, and the small fish swimming around it quickly escaped.

"Damn, this big box weighs 300 kilograms. Fortunately, I am controlling Boss Jing's body now. If my true body came, I might not be able to move this big box out underwater."

"Li Shu" had countless thoughts in his mind for a moment, but the next thing he felt was ecstasy: "Is there gold in the box? If there is 300 kilograms of gold, how much would it be? Is it worth more than 50 million yuan? Run quickly ~”

The night is long, and smoke-like clouds in the sky are floating to cover the moonlight. The sky and the earth fall into a state of darkness and silence. Swish, swish, groups of hermit crabs on the beach begin to look for food at night.

Suddenly, the large group of hermit crabs were stunned. They seemed to be aware of the approaching danger, and then began to run away crazily. In panic, they knew that they could not escape, and even stuck their butts out and burrowed into the sand, thinking in their hearts: Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me~

"These hermit crabs are quite naughty. They heard my footsteps even from so far away."

"Li Shu" carrying a big box of 300 kilograms passed by like a gust of wind and quickly returned to the room where Li Shu lived.

Click~ After locking the door, Li Shu's consciousness returned to his original body and he excitedly looked for tools to pick the lock: "I made a lot of money by coming to Indonesia this time. Let me see what treasures are in the box. I'm really looking forward to it." "



The rusty lock was pried open, and Li Shu opened the box carefully. Buzz~ The inside of the box was covered with a kraft paper-like oilcloth, which seemed to be waterproof.

Li Shu opened the tarpaulin with great expectation. Li Shu's expression suddenly froze and he couldn't help but burst into rage: "Damn, why are there so many rocks in the box!?"

There was a bamboo tube placed horizontally in the box. I took out a painting from the bamboo tube. After opening it, I found an oil painting - a plump white village woman, looking up to pick yellow fruits from the tree.

There is also a small iron box 5 cm high in the lower left corner of the box. After opening it, it was found that there were 5 gold coins with reliefs inside.

"This shouldn't be gold-plated, but pure gold, right?" Li Shu frowned slightly, looking at several gold coins, and muttered: "What does the pattern on it mean? A guy who looks like a medieval European man is chopping off a piece of gold." Just a stupid eagle? Look at the head and wings, it must be an eagle."

Apart from an oil painting and 5 gold coins, all that was left in the box were long blue stones that looked like rulers.

"Why are there stones in the box?" Li Shu frowned and thought. Standing on the right side of Li Shu, Jinglao Dadao with a dull expression asked: "Maybe... these are not ordinary stones, but jade?"

"It makes sense." Li Shu's eyes lit up, he took out a stone, wiped it clean with a wet towel, and put it under the light: "Boss Jing, your brain is getting better."

"Hey, it's just a flash of inspiration occasionally." Boss Jing scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

After looking at it for a long time, he couldn't see any difference from ordinary stones. Then Li Shu gritted his teeth and smashed a stone... He gave up completely in an instant. This was an ordinary stone. Bang bang bang~ Boss Jing smashed all the others. Yes, they are all ordinary stones.

"I'm really stupid." An idea flashed in Li Shu's mind, and he understood: "These stones should be used for "weighting". If you don't put the stones, but only put a painting and a few gold coins, then The treasure chest was probably pushed away by a large fish or current."

Li Shu sat down on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and took pictures of oil paintings and gold coins, and then sent them to appraiser Yin Sumei, along with a red envelope of 5,000 ringgit.

If you want someone to help with the appraisal, you have to pay a certain amount of money.


Appraiser Yin Sumei quickly sent a message to Li Shu: "How is the frosting on the surface of the oil painting? Is it a third-level frosting or a fourth-level frosting? The third-level frosting is coarser."

Li Shu: "-_-||"

He stood up and slowly slid his left index finger on the oil painting. He didn't feel clearly, and then moved his little finger which he didn't use often. He then typed a reply to appraiser Yin Sumei: "This frosted feeling should be thicker than smooth ceramic tiles and better than dry ones." The old bark is thinner.”

Appraiser Yin Sumei: "-_-||".

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(End of chapter)