Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 62: Seaweed seeds and Go


"Boss Jing has already obtained the treasure chest in Indonesia," Li Shu thought as he looked at the heavy rain outside.

Boss Jing has already gone to Indonesia to move the treasure box. He needs to swim there, and then swim back with the treasure box in his arms. The whole journey is expected to take 4-5 days. This is just Boss Jing. If he were a normal ordinary person, he would have died of exhaustion long ago. Eight hundred times.

"The gold coins and paintings in that treasure box are worth a total of 2.6 million U.S. dollars. It is impossible not to let them go." Li Shu thought, he walked to the southwest corner of the first floor of the villa, and a white light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the sea water in the southeast was directly seen through. I could clearly see the swimming young dragonfish one after another.

The reason why Li Shu could see a flash of white light in his eyes and then be able to see through the sea water with a radius of one kilometer was because he took a large amount of chalcedony spiritual water.

"The dragonfly fry has begun to adapt to the environment of Neverland. It is really good. The quality of these dragonfly fry is indeed much better. If it is the cheap ordinary dragonfly fry, it will probably die a lot after a lot of trouble." Li Shu said in his heart I have to admit that being expensive does have its advantages.

"When the wind and rain stop, I will go into the sea and feed these dragonfly fry some chalcedony spiritual water. I have high hopes for these little guys, and I must cultivate them well."

He looked away from the sea and took out his mobile phone to call a company selling seaweed seeds.


The phone kept waiting for it to ring. The wind outside the window blew the raindrops sideways. The raindrops hit the glass and slowly slid down, making bursts of noise. The big yellow dog was so frightened that it buried its head under the sofa, leaving only its butt. Outside the sofa, the little girl squatted on the right side of the big yellow dog, stroking its butt and comforting it in a soft voice.

There is a food chain in the sea, which can be roughly divided into seaweed at the bottom, then plankton and microorganisms at a higher level, small fish, shrimps, crabs, etc. at the next level. Some small fish also eat seaweed, and then there are The most advanced big fish.

The big fish Li Shu wants to raise is the one at the top of the food chain. If you want to raise them well, you must have enough aquatic plants and small fish and shrimps.

"Hey, Mr. Li, I'm really sorry. The second batch of grass seeds you asked for has been loaded on the ship, but the sudden heavy rain made it impossible for the ship to go to sea..." After the phone was connected, , said a slightly feminine male voice.

"When will it arrive?" Li Shu also knew that the heavy rain could not be resisted by human beings, so he did not blame the other party harshly.

"This... what I can guarantee is that as soon as the heavy rain subsides, the boat carrying grass seeds will go to sea immediately." The feminine male voice said tangledly.

"Yes." Li Shu responded slightly: "The safety of sailors comes first. If anything happens, call me at any time."

"Okay, okay~"


After hanging up the phone, Li Shu turned around and found that the little girl was missing, along with the big yellow dog.


At the entrance of the stairs, the blackbird suddenly flew over with its own nest in its mouth. It placed the nest on the coffee table, then jumped in and lay down. It curled its neck slightly and looked around smartly. It looked warm and warm.

"Hey~ your house is still a mobile house." Li Shu was very interested. He walked over and sat on the sofa and gently stroked the thrush's little head with his index finger.

"Chirp, chirp~ chirp, chirp~"

The thrush closed its eyes and trembled all over. The bird's face was full of happy enjoyment, as if the plum tree was massaging it.

Li Shu looked around and saw that there was indeed no big yellow dog on the first floor, but he did find a big orange cat on the red carpet at the door of the first floor.

The latter lay lazily on the carpet, exposing his slightly white belly hair, and rolled cutely from time to time. The heavy downpour outside the villa and the orange cat on the carpet inside the villa formed a sharp contrast in an instant. It seems like these are two completely different worlds.

"Meow~" The big orange cat suddenly raised its head slightly and barked at the plum tree.

"Want to drink chalcedony water again? I found that you are getting better and better." Li Shu smiled and walked not far from the door of the villa, waved his hand and a small ball of chalcedony water emerged from the white jade ring. , the chalcedony spiritual water fell into the cat bowl, only a shallow layer.

"Meow~" The big orange cat quickly got up from the carpet and ran over to happily drink the chalcedony water. This is really good stuff. Being able to take a sip is a great blessing.

"Eh? Big Orange Cat, part of the blood scab on your abdominal wound has fallen off. Is this the result of the chalcedony spiritual water?" Li Shu gently stroked the big orange cat's hair from head to tail, and the latter's hair was shiny. It is water-slippery, as if it were the finest silk in the world, and feels good to the touch.

At this time.

The little girl walked down the stairs holding a light yellow chess board and said softly: "Brother, let's play Go!"


It was pouring rain outside and they couldn't go out, so they might as well play with their sister.

The two of them sat opposite each other on the sofa, and the chessboard was placed on the coffee table. The younger sister moved first with the black stones, and Li Shu held the white stones and moved later. The two of them alternately placed the stones one by one.

"Brother, I'm very good at Go. I'm afraid you will lose." My sister, who is just over 4 years old, is too short. In order to reach the chess board, she almost leaned on the coffee table.

"I won't lose." Li Shu said with a confident smile.

"Well... If you lose, you have to learn how to bark like a dog." My sister suddenly said simply.

"Pfft~" Li Shu looked at his sister in disbelief. This little guy is really brave.

After thinking about it, Li Shu smiled and said: "Even if I lose, I will not bark like a dog. Playing a rogue is my specialty. I will never bark."

"Hmm (three sounds) Well (two sounds)~~" My sister hummed dissatisfied: "If you lose, you will be punished."

"Well, if I lose, I will take you to dig out bird eggs. There are many bird's nests in the northwest woods." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Really!" My sister's eyes were illuminated with endless novelty for a moment, and she nodded excitedly: "I have never picked out a bird's nest in my life, so I'm going to pick out a bird's nest!"

"Hmph, you win first and then I'll talk."

The way to play Go is very simple. There are 19 horizontal lines and 19 vertical lines on the chessboard. The "points" where the horizontal lines and vertical lines intersect are called "acupoints", and the chess pieces must be placed on the "acupoints".

19*19=361, there are 361 acupuncture points in total.

When a chess piece lands on an acupuncture point, there will be an "acupuncture point" directly connected to it in each of the four directions of the chess piece, the southeast, northwest, and south. These four "acupoints" directly connected to the chess piece are the four "qi" of the chess piece. If these four "qi" points are all occupied by the opponent's chess pieces, then the chess piece will be "out of breath" and become a dead chess piece, and the chess piece needs to be removed from the chessboard.

The "Qi" between connected chess pieces is shared. In a long series of closely adjacent white chess pieces, as long as there is one white chess piece that still has "Qi", then all the white chess pieces in this long series are alive.

There are 361 acupuncture points on the chessboard. Whichever side controls the most acupuncture points in the end will win.

"Let me go, how did you kill my big dragon?" More than an hour later, Li Shu said to his sister with a face full of shock.

"Kekeke~ Your big dragon is dead, you are doomed." The little girl was extremely happy, and her joyful laughter floated in the villa, which was completely different from the scene of lightning, thunder, wind and rain outside the villa.

"Brother, when are we going to dig out the bird's nest?" the little girl said expectantly.

"Well... after we get the permission of the mother bird, we will dig out its nest." Li Shu said with a smile.

Little girl: "..."

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(End of chapter)