Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 66: 66 Durian Sticky Rice and Greenhouse Concept


Li Shu and Boss Jing were sitting in the living room on the first floor of the villa, happily chatting about anecdotes about his journey, when a little girl wearing rabbit slippers came downstairs holding a crocodile doll.

She also sat on the sofa, wide-eyed and curiously asking questions. The last question was: "Brother Jing, have you seen Spongebob?"

Boss Jing's mouth twitched, and he was instantly speechless.

In the evening, the heavy rain outside the villa slowly subsided and turned into a drizzle.

The second watermelon planted in the vase also grew to weigh 10 pounds, so the plum tree picked it.


Li Shu and Boss Jing walked out of the north villa and were going to the south villa where Uncle Hai and Li Sha lived for dinner. The cold wind was blowing. Li Shu held the little girl in his left elbow, the big orange cat in his right elbow, and the thrush on his shoulder; Boss Jing He is holding a big watermelon in his left hand and a big yellow dog in his right hand.

The big yellow dog was too tall, and being held in Boss Jing's arms, it could barely lift its legs to prevent them from touching the muddy water.

"Boss Jing, don't let Dahuang's feet touch the ground, otherwise it will be covered with mud. Then there will be dog paw prints everywhere in the southern villa, and Uncle Hai will have to wipe it." Li Shu walked in front and said.

"Okay, boss." Jinglao Dalian, who was walking 2 meters away from Li Shu, agreed. At 1.5 meters tall, it was really difficult for him to hold the tall yellow dog.

A thin drop of rain fell on the face, feeling cool. A drop of rain fell on the pink nose of the big orange cat. In an instant, the big orange cat made eye contact: "Meow~".

"Giggle, the big orange cat is so cute." The little girl held by Li Shu's arm giggled, stretched out her jade-like fingers and tapped the big orange cat's little nose. The big orange cat didn't want her to touch it, and opened its mouth to bite. she.

"You two, don't make trouble. If I lose my balance and fall, everyone will be covered in mud." Li Shu said with a smile.

Walking to the door of the south villa, Li Sha opened the door for them with a smile. The sound of clinking pots and pans was heard in the kitchen. Uncle Hai poked his head out of the kitchen with a shovel: "Everyone, wait a moment, the durian glutinous rice will be here soon." Enough.".

“Do you have durian sticky rice to eat?”.

The little girl who was placed on the ground by Li Shu had bright eyes. She ran to the kitchen door with her short legs, wrinkled her little nose and sniffed hard: "Sniff it~ I can smell the aroma of durian. I can't help it anymore, my mouth is watering." It’s going to flow out.”.

The big orange cat walked towards the door wagging its tail, vomit, vomit~ it was about to vomit, and now it wanted to breathe fresh air. It really couldn't understand why humans like to eat such foul-smelling things

"Meow meow~" [Sure enough, humans are all inferior creatures, hum ╯^╰]

"This cat seems to be vomiting." Li Sha said blankly.

"Haha." Li Shu said with a smile: "The big orange cat hates durian the most, even more than the thrush."

Although he knew that the big orange cat hated durian, when the fragrant durian glutinous rice covered with raisins and walnuts was brought to the table, the big orange cat still inhaled the aroma.

It smells of glutinous rice, raisins, and walnut kernels.

"Try it, it tastes good." Li Shu picked up a piece of durian glutinous rice the size of a coin, pinched it with his fingers and handed it to the big orange cat.

The big orange cat was about to run away, staring at the plum tree with a vigilant face, and tentatively called: "Meow~" [Are you trying to harm me, my slave?]

"Try it, it's really delicious, I won't lie to you." Li Shu held the durian glutinous rice with his fingers and moved it closer to the big orange cat.

An aroma mixed with the smell of durian penetrated his nostrils. The big orange cat swallowed a mouthful of saliva, opened his mouth and ate the glutinous rice. When he took the first bite, his eyes lit up - it was really delicious!

"Haha, eat slowly and don't choke. There are still a lot of them." Li Shulian said with a smile. Uncle Hai, Li Sha, Boss Jing, and the little girl all looked over. The little girl put her head in the air and said with a smile: "The big orange cat is indeed I still like durian.".

The big yellow dog squatting not far away glanced sideways at the big orange cat and softly barked: "Woo~" [Silly cat!]

After everyone finished eating the delicious durian sticky rice, they went to sit on the sofa in the living room, laughing and chatting while drinking tea. Li Shu also talked about his next plan for Neverland - to build a greenhouse in the center of the island.

"Build a greenhouse?" Li Sha sat in front of the plum tree and said slowly: "Is it to solve the problem of vegetables bought from Danguan City and transported to the island becoming stale?"

Li Shu nodded slowly. Since he was able to quickly grow a large watermelon, his mind became more active. After building a greenhouse, he could not only grow vegetables, but also some flowers and plants.

"It's really good to build a greenhouse, but for small trees, how big and what specifications do you want to build?" Uncle Hai also expressed support and asked.

"I have already thought about building a greenhouse with a length of 30 meters and a width of 30 meters. It will be built with bricks on the outside, sealed with glass on the top, and equipped with air conditioners, lights, temperature adjustment systems, humidity adjustment systems, etc. inside." Li The tree talked about the blueprint in his mind:

"The small greenhouse is not too complicated. I asked a designer to design the artwork first."

"Yeah, once you have the drawings, it will be easier to build." Uncle Hai agreed.

Li Sha was confused. He felt that the greenhouse Li Shu mentioned was different from what he had imagined. In his impression, the greenhouses were all long, with arched shelves made of bamboo or steel and covered with plastic sheets. .

He leaned closer to Uncle Hai and whispered: "What is a temperature adjustment system, and what is a humidity adjustment system?".

The corners of Uncle Hai's mouth twitched and he glared at him fiercely. He gritted his molar teeth and said, "I asked you to study more, but you went fishing and checked your phone when you went back."

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, at Li Shu's suggestion, everyone cut into pieces the second 10-pound watermelon. This watermelon was also covered with fine sand, and the dark watermelon seeds were like black jade.

"This watermelon is also very good.".

“Big and sweet.”.

"Does the big yellow dog eat watermelon?" the little girl said suddenly.

"The big yellow dog doesn't eat watermelon, but the thrush eats watermelon." Li Shu said with a smile. He cut a triangular piece of watermelon and put it in front of the thrush. The bird jumped up and down and ate it with its sharp beak.

A large watermelon weighs 10 kilograms. Since they had just eaten, Uncle Hai, Li Sha, Li Shu and others had limited food. In the end, most of the watermelon went into Boss Jing's belly, which was like a bottomless pit. , seems not to have enough to eat.

As the night went on, the rain outside the villa became lighter and lighter.

Li Shu, Boss Jing, and the little girl returned to the north villa with their pets. Li Shu went directly to the negative floor and pulled out the watermelon seedlings in the jade vase, scattering bits of soil on the floor.

"You have completed your task." Li Shu rolled the watermelon seedlings into a ball and placed them next to him. He replaced the sapphire bottle with new soil, then buried two corn seeds in it, and poured some chalcedony water on it. , and soon two corn seedlings sprouted out of the ground, 1 cm, 5 cm, 20 cm...

Looking at the rapidly growing corn seedlings, one second Li Shu was full of joy, and the next second he was shocked and rushed to help the corn seedlings: "Damn it, don't fall down, don't fall down~".

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(End of chapter)