Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 74: An elated Li Sha


Although he knew that Li Sha wanted to save money for himself, so he suggested that the day laborer's salary be RM30, but Li Shu did not listen to him and decided to pay him RM60 a day.

His Neverland is likely to recruit people in the future, and offering a higher salary can also attract the attention of others. Of course, this salary does not exceed the salary of Li Sha and Uncle Hai, otherwise the two of them would have differences.

After Li Sha agreed to find a part-time job, he went to have breakfast. Now he has a high salary of RM2,000 per month, his family status has skyrocketed, and he looks a bit like the head of the family when waving his arms.

"I'm full, let's go out for a walk." Li Sha wiped his mouth, stood up and walked out.

"Son, come back early at noon. Mom will cook shrimp stew for you." Li Sha's mother shouted.

"I know, I know."

If Li Sha remembers correctly, the last time his mother cooked shrimp stew for him was when he got married.

"Hiss~ I'm used to living in the exquisite villas in Neverland, but when I look at these shabby mud houses on Sapi Island, tsk tsk tsk~ they're really nothing." Li Sha touched his pocket, and there was a pack of specially bought items in it. Good smoke.

Turning the corner of a dilapidated house, Li Sha, with a dark complexion, saw an old man with gap teeth approaching.

"Old Stubborn Head" - an old man who looked down on Li Sha very much before and was older than Li Sha's father. He liked to give advice on national affairs.

"Xiao Sha? Don't you work in Neverland? Why are you back?" In the past, when he met Li Sha, the "old stubborn man" would always ignore him or scold him directly. He actually showed a rare smile. Now everyone Everyone in Sapi Island knows that Li Sha worked for a big boss, became rich, and couldn't spend all his salary. This was all because Li Sha had a show-off lady who helped him everywhere.

"It's vacation, paid vacation." Li Sha took out a box of quite high-end cigarettes from his pocket quite "casually", took one out and handed it to the old stubborn man, click~ and lit it for him with a lighter. “Our boss thinks highly of me and gives me a day off if I’m tired.”

The old stubborn man sneered at Li Sha's words. He knew that Li Sha had a lazy temperament and had never been honest since he was a child. However, his eyes shifted to the box of cigarettes that Li Sha took. There was a silly coconut pattern on the cigarette box. Looking at the cigarette he was taking a puff of, he was instantly shocked and said: "Damn it, Lisa, you are really rich!? A pack of these hard-shell coconut cigarettes costs RM100, right?"

The old stubborn man's eyes flashed with horror, as if he was getting to know Li Sha all over again, and he wanted to see through Li Sha.

Normally, islanders smoke "Little Crab" for 2 ringgit per box, and even worse, they just roll their own cigarettes. A box of coconut cigarettes can be exchanged for 50 boxes of Little Crab cigarettes, which is enough for many people to smoke for a month or two.

"Oh, it's just so-so." A look of surprise flashed in Li Sha's eyes, but on the surface he said calmly and modestly: "My monthly salary is only 2,000 ringgit, and there will be a little bonus, plus miscellaneous The benefits provided by the boss still make me less than 50,000 ringgit a year."

"50,000 ringgit a year!?" The old stubborn man opened his mouth wide in surprise, and his only two big yellow teeth were exposed in the air. In an instant, he felt that Li Sha was standing tall.

"No, no..." Li Sha said deliberately modestly. In fact, it is now estimated that he can earn more than 20,000 ringgit a year, 20,000 < 50,000, so he is not lying. As for how the old stubborn man understands it, that doesn't matter. His business.

"By the way, stubborn old man, our boss said that we need to find some short-term workers to help build a greenhouse. They are all from the countryside. I will get everyone a salary of 60 ringgit a day, and they will also take care of food and housing. Is there anyone you would recommend? "?" Li Sha smiled.

Now it was time to finish breakfast. Some villagers who had nothing to do also walked out of their houses. After seeing Li Sha, they also gathered around him. Li Sha also called "uncle", "aunt" and "mother-in-law".

"60 ringgit a day, such a high salary? Then let my son go, and my nephew, they are all great young men who can endure hardship..." the old stubborn man said.

Other villagers who gathered around also heard what Li Sha said and answered anxiously:

"Xiao Sha, my son is also free at home."

"My husband has nothing to do either, so count me as my husband."

"Let's see if I can do it. Although I am a woman, my work is no worse than that of men."

… …

The noisy sound almost shattered Li Sha's eardrums, as if there were 200 ducks noisy in his ears. However, Li Sha, who was the center of attention for the first time in his life, was very excited and even gave it to everyone who wanted to go. record it:

"Don't be anxious, don't argue. Even if you don't get selected this time, there will be another chance. I will submit the list of people who want to work part-time. The specific selection will be decided by our boss."

"Yes, yes, it should be decided by your boss."

"Xiao Sha is so awesome. If my son could be half as good as yours, I would be satisfied."

"Xiaosha has shown promise since he was a child. I've seen it a long time ago."

Hundreds of people gathered around Li Sha, it was dark and dripping with heat and sweat.

Li Sha gave away a box of cigarettes to everyone. The people who could get his cigarettes were also very particular. Those who had a good relationship with his family could get cigarettes, which is understandable. The guy who looked down on him the most could also get cigarettes. -Without him, he just wants to see those guys who used to look down on him smile at him in a flattering way, and then praise him: "Xiaosha is really developed."

A pack of cigarettes is not enough to divide the points, and those ordinary villagers who have nothing to do with him are gone.

Looking for an excuse to leave the villagers, Li Sha walked east, walked around and came to a courtyard with earthen walls supported by wooden sticks, and knocked on the dilapidated wooden door.

“Dong dong dong~ Lao Yan, open the door!”.

When Li Sha was about to knock on the door again, the old wooden door creaked and was opened from the inside. A man in his 20s, 180cm tall, covered in tendon flesh, opened the door.

The man didn't speak, but his eyes still showed joy when he saw Li Sha. He opened the door and invited Li Sha in.

Li Sha looked around the small courtyard and found that the courtyard was very clean. Even the firewood was neatly stacked, which looked pleasing to the eye.

"Hiss~ You still use stones to sharpen rolling pins?" Li Sha picked up a stone bar with a cylindrical outline next to a big stone. His scalp went numb instantly: "Stop going to such trouble, just buy one."

"Yan Zhang" scratched his head in embarrassment, his face a little red. Ever since his parents passed away in a shipwreck, he had been living alone, and because of his throat problem, he didn't have many friends, and no one wanted to team up with him to fish. .

As time goes by, there is less and less money.

"I happen to have a lucrative business looking for you. My boss wants to hire part-time workers for 60 ringgit a day. I thought of you. I'm going to sign you up and go to Neverland with me to work when I get the news." Li Sha patted Yan Zhang on the shoulder.

"Thank you~" Yan Zhang said with great emotion. His vocal cords had been damaged, and the sound he made was a bit like the harsh sound of nails scratching glass, and Li Sha couldn't help but frown.

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(End of chapter)