Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 78: Herb Garden and Bird's Nest


Li Sha was lightly kicked by Uncle Hai, but he did not dare to resist, not only because Uncle Hai was his biological uncle, but also because Uncle Hai was indeed very good to him.

"Thank you, Brother Li Shu." Li Sha said.

"Yeah, everyone's almost done drinking. Let's go and have a rest." Li Shu said with a smile.

The evening breeze was blowing, and the sea water slapped against the cliff shore, making a swishing sound. The cicadas that had been chirping all day fell into silence, but the small insects in the grass began to become active, chirping like they were dreaming. It adds a quiet and peaceful atmosphere to the air.

After everyone dispersed, Li Shu took the big yellow dog and walked towards the north villa. He walked through the grass on the ground. In addition to the occasional jumping grasshopper, there was also a rustling sound.

"The stars in the sky are so beautiful. This reminds me of the bright starry sky I saw on the sea when I was sailing at night with Li Sha. It was really charming." Li Shu looked up at the gorgeous Milky Way, his eyes enchanted.


After Li Shu came to his senses, he looked around: "Hey, where is the little girl? Where did this little girl go? Dahuang, have you seen my sister?"

Dahuang, who was wagging his tail, thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"Damn it, Dahuang, can you understand what I'm saying?" Li Shu said in shock.

Dahuang thought for a while and shook his head.

"Um, can you only shake your head?" Li Shu was stunned.

Dahuang looked confused, then opened his mouth wide to bite the flies flying around him, and then chased his own tail in circles.

"Silly dog." Li Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He thought Dahuang could understand what he said. He first returned to the north villa. He searched upstairs and downstairs but couldn't find the little girl. Then he walked out of the villa and went to "Baicao" "Garden" came, and the big yellow dog followed, wagging its tail.

"Maybe here.".

Baicao Garden is more than 200 meters away from the villa in the north. Li Shu came to the east gate of Baicao Garden. After looking up, he could faintly see the three characters "Baicao Garden" on the plaque with the help of moonlight.


Pushing open the 1.5-meter-wide door, Li Shu saw his sister in the Herb Garden. On her right, there was a big orange cat strolling leisurely and a jumping thrush.

"Chirp, chirp~" The smart thrush turned around and saw the plum tree. With a flap of wings, it flew directly to the right shoulder of the plum tree. It jumped up and down cutely and naughtily pecked the plum tree's hair from time to time.

"Go, go, you guy's claws are full of mud, and my new clothes are stained by you." Li Shu grabbed the thrush off his shoulder. The latter felt that Li Shu disliked it, and he felt aggrieved instantly. looked at Li Shu.

"Brother, are you here? This place is really big~ But why do we use stone slabs to divide the ground into grids?" the little girl ran along the criss-crossing stone road and asked curiously.

Baicao Garden covers an area of 900 square meters, with a length and width of 30 meters and a height of 10 meters. Looking around, what you can see are huge mirrors that fit tightly on the four walls, and several air conditioners in the corners.

As for other temperature control systems, most of the humidity control system components are hidden inside the wall.

There is a circle of stone paths close to the mirror wall. In addition, there are also 5 horizontal and 5 vertical stone paths interspersed inside. The 5 horizontal and 5 vertical paths in the middle + the circle of paths tightly close to the mirror wall jointly connect the interior of the Baicao Garden. The land is divided into equal-sized square plots - 36 plots in total.

"There are 36 pieces of land in total, and each piece of land is a square with a side length of about 3.83 meters. In the future, we can plant a crop in each piece of land, such as eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, and the cactus you want to grow." Li Shumo He touched his sister's head and said with a smile: "And every piece of land is surrounded by 1-meter-wide stone paths. It will be very convenient to travel between pieces of land."

"Well, this slate is so hard, I can't even step on it." My sister jumped up and down on the slate road, but the 1-meter-wide blue-gray slate didn't move at all.

"Haha, the ground must be hard. If it can be stepped on, then there will be a problem." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Then what are these signs stuck in the soil for?" Sister Li Yao curiously walked into a piece of soil and pulled out a white wooden sign stuck in the soil. There was a number painted on the wooden raft like a ghost painting. , she didn’t recognize.

"This is for identification." Li Shu smiled and took the sign from his sister and pointed it out to her: "The number above is 6, which means this is the sixth piece of land. The northwest corner is the land numbered 1, and then The numbers increase as you go east. The land at the east door is number 6. Next to it is number 6. The land slightly to the south is land number 7. To the west of number 7 is land number 8, 9... 12. To the south of land number 12 is land number 8. Lot 13…There are 36 lots in total.”.

"Oh, so the number 6 is written like this." The little girl wrote the number 6 several times on the palm of her left hand with the index finger of her right hand, and said with a smile: "I have remembered it. I will recognize the number 6 when I see you again in the future."

"Smart, let's leave here. Tomorrow I will go to Danguan City to buy more seeds and plant them in the soil. Soon our herb garden will be thriving." Li Shu said with a smile.

"That's good." My sister picked up the orange cat on the ground. It was quite difficult for her small body to hold the plump orange cat. The big orange cat's face was stuck with its double chin.

"Big Cat~ You sleep on the railing on the third floor of the villa every day and don't exercise. You are so fat that I can hardly hold you." The little girl swayed and her breathing became louder obviously.

"Meow~" [I am strong, not fat.]

The big orange cat meowed softly in protest.

Back at the villa in the north, Li Shu took out a folding ladder from the utility room and said to his puzzled sister: "Come on, little girl, I will take you to dig out the bird's nest."

The little girl, who had been full of doubts just now, immediately opened her eyes and jumped up excitedly: "Really!? Brother! Haha, let's go quickly, I know that brother is the best to me! Haha~".

When she heard that Li Shu was going to take her to dig out a bird's nest, her sister was extremely excited. In fact, she didn't expect much at first, but as time went by, the anticipation only deepened and almost became her obsession. .

My sister has been a little depressed these past two days. Although she didn't say it, Li Shu also knew that because he was busy building a herb garden, he never took his sister to see the bird's nest, so her sister might think that her brother was lying to her.

"Be obedient later. The seabirds are sleeping at night, so we should try to be as quiet as possible."

"Yeah, yeah, I listen to my brother." The little girl nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

The little girl took Li Shu's hand and followed him out of the villa, walking more than 400 meters northwest to the woods. In the dark environment, there were the sounds of wind blowing leaves, the rustling of small insects, and the occasional seabird. The sound of murmuring in sleep, the roar of sea water in the distance.

The little girl was a little scared. She couldn't help but squeeze Li Shu's big hand. The warmth and strength conveyed by Li Shu's big hand made her feel more at ease: "I have never been in the woods at night. It feels so scary."

(End of chapter)