Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 80: Buy two new ferry boats


Early the next morning, Li Sha first drove his shabby ferry boat to send Yan Zhang and his four fellow villagers back to Shapi Island, and then came back to Danguan City with Li Shu and Jing Boss.

The sea breeze slowly blew away the heat. Li Shu looked up at the white clouds floating in the sky, and listened to the buzzing noise of the dilapidated ferry boat traveling on the sea. He turned back to Li Sha and said:

"Li Sha, I don't think I've asked you yet, how old is your ferry boat?"

"Um, it's about 25 years or more." Li Sha, who was sailing the boat, paused slightly and said a little embarrassedly: "This boat is older than me. It can still reach a speed of 10 knots. Over the years, The damage was repaired and the damage was repaired, and the speed gradually dropped. Now it can still maintain a speed of 7 knots. ".

The corners of Li Shu's mouth twitched.

7 knots = 7 nautical miles per hour, and 1 nautical mile = 1.852 kilometers, so the shabby ferry they took did not even have a shed, and could only sail 13 kilometers in an hour, and it was 26 kilometers from Neverland to Tanguan City Pier. , so it takes two hours one way.

Li Shu had been pimping out Li Sha's ferry boat, so he didn't say that the boat was too bad, but said: "I just happened to come to Danguan City this time and buy a new ferry boat. I will always use yours." It’s no big deal, now new ships can generally reach speeds of more than 10 knots, and traveling between Neverland and Tanguan City is much faster.”


Hearing Li Shu's casual words, Li Sha's ears were like thunder. His pupils shrank and he said in disbelief: "Brother Li Shu, you want to buy a boat?"

"Yes." Li Shu's eyes moved, and he instantly understood why Li Sha was so excited. He smiled and said: "I was too busy to take care of it before. Now it is normal to find time to buy a boat. A small boat The ferry is not expensive, and when a new ferry is available, it will be opened for you."

"Hey, that's really great!" Li Sha immediately became active and suggested who to buy a boat from. His current mood was like a driver who had driven a broken car to solicit customers for many years and suddenly knew that he could get a new car.

He has long been troubled by this broken ship. Some parts have been replaced many times. It looks so shabby that it is not only embarrassing but also a huge safety hazard. If the car breaks down on the road, it can wait for rescue. If his ship If something went wrong at sea, it would probably sink to the bottom of the sea in less than a minute. Li Sha would also feed the turtle.

Li Sha was very familiar with several companies selling fishing boats in Danguan City, and he knew all the advantages and disadvantages. After an analysis, he suggested that Li Shu go to "Fuzhi Fisherman's" to buy a boat, and Li Shu immediately agreed.

The dilapidated ferry boat diverted the waterway directly to the south and took the sea route to "Fu Zhi Fisherman's House". Soon, Li Shu from a distance saw a large sign supported by two pillars standing on the shore. The sign was ten meters high and covered the whole body. It is dark black, with Malay characters on top and Chinese and English characters below.

The Chinese text is "Welcome to Fuzhi Fisherman's Family!".

"Oh, Simplified Chinese." Li Shu said with a smile, and soon a speedboat led the ferry to dock at a vacant berth. Dong Dong~ stepped ashore on the cracked wooden board, and a "strong" woman with pearl earrings came ashore. The salesperson received a few people, and after asking about their intentions, enthusiastically sold several types of ferry boats to them.

The female saleswoman is Malay. Years of working outdoors have made her skin very dark, cracked, and rough, but she has a good figure.

"Does this mean that the three models B6, B7 and B8 are more suitable?" After listening to the female salesperson's explanation, Li Shu flipped through the crumpled, almost torn fishing boat introduction magazine in his hand, looking at I scanned the three types of fishing boats on the left, in the middle, and on the right.

"Uh, yeah."

The "strong" female saleswoman looked at Li Shu expectantly. She knew Li Sha. After all, Li Sha had been here 800 times. This is normal. A fishing boat is almost the same as a fisherman's family. It is the most important asset, so we usually look at it a dozen times or even dozens of times before placing an order for a fishing boat.

Buying a fishing boat is much more cautious than buying a house.

Li Sha has long wanted to buy a new boat, but he couldn't even afford it with the loan money.

The female salesperson saw that the fair-skinned Li Shu was a boss-like person, and she secretly expected in her heart: "Now that we are bosses, we should be able to place orders happily. I haven't received commissions for a long time. Hurry up and ask me to open a pornographic one." Well, as long as he places an order for a B7, I will be satisfied."

"Hiss~" Li Shu directly gave up the much smaller B6, and moved his eyes between B7 and B8: "They are both 8 meters long ferry boats. Even if B8 uses galvanized steel, it doesn't have to be so expensive, right? B8 It costs RM250,000, while the B7 is only RM150,000.”


The "strong" female saleswoman paused slightly. In fact, she also felt that the price-performance ratio of B8 was far inferior to that of B7. After all, the price difference of 100,000 is not a small amount.

However, for selling a B8, she can get a commission of 13,000 ringgit, but for selling a B7, she can only get a commission of 4,500 ringgit. The commission is almost three times different! It's so scary, so she will still try her best to sell B8.

"Boss, the B8 model uses better materials and has stronger wind and wave resistance, which means its safety performance is higher! Water may enter the B7, but water will not enter the B8!

Moreover, the general sailing speed of B7 is 11 knots, while the general sailing speed of B8 is 12 knots. You must not underestimate the speed difference of 1 knot. At the critical moment... "The strong female salesperson has a lotus tongue" , vigorously promoting it.

Li Sha suddenly interrupted and said faintly: "The B8 is faster, but the fuel consumption is also faster, and the fuel tank of the B8 is the same size as the B7, so its battery life should not be as good as the B7."

The sturdy female salesperson paused and asked Li Sha with her eyes: "We are all old acquaintances. Shouldn't you be on my side?"]

Li Sha stood directly next to Li Shu, raised his chin slightly and looked at the saleswoman: [Of course I am on the side of our boss, and you don't give me wages.]

The saleswoman was a little angry for a moment, but then she showed helplessness. She really couldn't refute Li Sha's words and could only ignore him: "There is another advantage, that is, the decoration of B8 is better. The tent is equipped with air conditioning that B7 does not have, as well as gray sofas, etc. ".

The air became quiet for a moment.

Just when the female salesperson no longer dreamed about the high commission, Li Shu suddenly said: "I want a B8 model ferry boat. I want two boats, one white and one gray."

"What!!" The saleswoman suddenly raised her head. She suspected that she had heard wrong. Adrenaline was soaring. She felt that the commission of 26,000 ringgit was slowly coming towards her. This is the salary of an ordinary person for two years. She couldn't help but be excited.

"Yes, I want 2 boats, one white and one gray." Li Shu repeated with a faint smile, patted Li Sha on the shoulder and said: "You and Boss Jing are responsible for receiving it, and you will pay the full price in one go. , grab all the discounts and gifts.

Then you and Boss Jing go to buy solar panels and go to the telecom operator to improve the network service. Our Internet speed in Fantasy Island is a bit slow.

I have other things to buy, so let's split up into two groups and I'll call you later. ".

"Okay, Brother Li Shu." Li Sha said.

(End of chapter)