Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 86: Planting cacti with nutrient solution


"I bought cactus and many plant seeds. Let's take a walk." Li Shu looked at his sweating sister and said with a smile: "It's too hot outside. Come back to the villa quickly."

"Hmm, is this a cactus? It seems to have thorns on it."

“Don’t touch it with your fingers, be careful to prick your fingers.”.

Gorgeous fire clouds appeared on the horizon, the hot atmosphere gradually dissipated, and the cool sea breeze began to blow on the island. After taking a short rest, Li Shu took his sister to the "Baicao Garden". The 900-square-meter Baicao Garden was evenly divided into 36 pieces of land. , the side length of each square piece of land is 3.83 meters.

"Every time I see the scenes in the Baicao Garden, I think of the days when I played on the farm, but the Baicao Garden is a real farm." Li Shu held a cactus and some vegetable seeds in his left hand, and held the little girl's hand in his right hand. hand, and the little girl held a small shovel in her right hand, waving it excitedly from time to time.

"Grow cactus, grow cactus, and eat delicious cactus fruits when you grow up." The little girl was jumping up and down, very happy. She could eat the cactus fruits she planted. This was a small wish of the little girl. She This wish is about to come true.

The 36 pieces of land in Baicao Garden are numbered from No. 1 to No. 36. No. 1 is in the northwest corner, followed by No. 2, No. 3... No. 6 to the east. Land No. 6 is next to the small gate on the east side of Baicao Garden. To the south of No. 7 is land No. 7, to the west of No. 7 is No. 8, No. 9... No. 12, to the south of No. 12 is No. 13, and so on.

The entire 36 pieces of land in Baicao Garden form a long dragon with several "bends".

This is a habit Li Shu formed when he was in college. Numbering the crop planting areas makes it easier to record and manage.

"Dig a hole, bury some soil, and count one, two, three, four, five..." Li Shu and his sister squatted on the ground, dug a hole with a small shovel, and planted a 10-centimeter-high cactus in it.

"Brother, can this cactus really bear fruit?" The little girl patted the soil next to the cactus with her palms and compacted the soil.

Although the cactus has been planted, the little girl is still a little unsure.

"Yes, just watch, big brother will do a magic trick for you." Li Shu looked at his sister and smiled, "Swipe~" With a thought in his mind, a ball of chalcedony spiritual water as big as a walnut emerged from the white jade ring.


The ball of chalcedony spiritual water was controlled by Li Shu's mind, rotating slightly in mid-air. A moist luster flowed on its surface, and at the same time an alluring light fragrance emitted.

The little girl's nose is very sensitive. She frowned and inhaled: "Breathe in, it's really amazing! And I smelled a faint aroma, as if there was a voice in my heart telling me that if I swallow it, I can get huge benefits from this nutrient solution.".

"Haha~ Don't I usually give you nutrient solution?" Li Shu divided out 1/3 of a ball of chalcedony water and put it into the little girl's mouth. The little girl immediately swallowed the chalcedony water: "Well, Delicious~".

"By the way, brother, the big cat also wants to drink chalcedony spiritual water. When you didn't come back, it asked me to drink it. Unfortunately, I didn't have it, so I couldn't give it to it."

Li Shu's face darkened: "This big orange cat has almost become a spirit. He already knows that he wants chalcedony water from you. But speaking of these pets, it seems that I just fed the big orange cat and Thrush yesterday, and the big yellow cat If so, it seems that I haven’t fed it chalcedony spiritual water for three days.”.

Dahuang: “…/crying”

2/3 of a ball of chalcedony water fell on the roots of the cactus and soon seeped into the soil. The originally wilted cactus glowed with vitality at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"Wow! The cactus is growing rapidly!" The little girl was stunned. She felt that her world view had been refreshed. She had never seen such a novel thing in her life.

The cactus soon grew to a height of 20 centimeters, then 30 centimeters, 40 centimeters, 50 centimeters... A tuber grew out, then grew from small to large, from light green to dark green, and then a stem grew from the top.

When the cactus reaches a height of 1 meter, five thick, thorny stems have been stacked, and at the same time, a pink flower bone quietly appears, grows and blooms at the top of the cactus.

"Are these cactus flowers? They are as big as my fist. They are really beautiful." The little girl was extremely excited.

"Most of the nutrients in the nutrient solution have been consumed, and now the growth rate has begun to slow down. However, with some of the remaining nutrients, it is enough for the cactus to mature." Li Shu smiled, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Huh? On the left Of the two branches, the three branches on the right are all blooming. It seems that we can harvest a lot of cactus fruits this time."

"Brother, where did you get the nutrient solution? And... the cactus absorbed the nutrient solution and quickly bloomed and bore fruit. So if I take so much nutrient solution, will I be able to grow into a big girl soon? ?" The little girl tapped her chin with her jade-like fingers, and there was a trace of expectation in her gem-like eyes.

She feels better as an adult, with a taller body, longer legs, and better looks.

"I'm a genius in biology. I invented this nutrient solution together with some professors and doctors. However, the cost of this nutrient solution is very high now. A fist-sized ball can buy about 10,000 dolls. money.

People will not grow rapidly after taking it, but will only become healthy, strong and full of energy. "Li Shu said with a smile: "And many of the raw materials used to make this nutrient solution are non-renewable. It can be said that this nutrient solution requires less use. ".

The little girl didn't have much idea about the amount of money, but she was extremely sensitive to the number of dolls. Using the number of dolls as a general equivalent, the little girl understood in an instant how precious the chalcedony spiritual water was.

"Hiss~ Is it so expensive?" the little girl shouted in shock. She didn't expect that the chalcedony spiritual water that she could occasionally drink was so expensive. She even covered her mouth and muttered: "Then I I don’t want to drink this nutrient solution anymore. I want dolls, lots and lots of dolls.”

Obviously, in the little girl's opinion, the chalcedony spirit water is not as cost-effective as the doll.

The plum tree's face was covered with black lines. He used a small shovel to dig a hole in land No. 3 to plant eggplants. He said with a smile: "I don't drink nutrient solution, and I don't buy dolls. When buying things, you have to pay attention to moderation and understand the principle of too much is not enough."

"Enough is enough, but too much is not enough?" The little girl was stunned for a moment. She chewed these two sentences over and over again, and seemed to have gained a lot. Li Shu was amazed to see them.

Eggplants are grown on land No. 2, cucumbers are grown on land No. 3, cabbages are planted on land No. 4, tomatoes are planted on land No. 5, and in order, zucchini, lantern peppers, loofah, carrots, white radish and so on.

Three days flew by.

During these three days, the little girl went to the Herb Garden and squatted almost every day after breakfast. She watched with anticipation as the cactus flowers faded and the cactus fruits slowly grew.

(End of chapter)