Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 88: Eating cactus fruit and taking a helicopter back to the island


Li Shu followed the little girl to the Baicao Garden, and sure enough, she saw that the cactus on land No. 2 had grown mature red fruits, and a faint sweet smell floated in the air.

"It smells so good~chiliu~" The little girl was too short. She couldn't reach the top of the huge cactus that was already 1.5 meters high. She could only beg Li Shu: "Brother, brother, pick off the cactus fruit quickly. I saw a small prickly pear cactus." Bugs are flying around the cactus fruit, and they seem to want to eat the cactus fruit.".

"Wait a minute, I'm wearing a pair of gloves." Li Shu took out a white glove from his pants pocket and put it on. He stretched out his hand to pick the cactus fruit and said with a smile: "There is a layer of small thorns on the cactus fruit. Picking the cactus fruit is easy. Don’t be reckless, otherwise those little thorns will pierce into the flesh and you may suffer.”.

Li Shu picked off a pink cactus fruit, carefully removed some small thorns on it, and then handed it to her sister.

After peeling off the peel, the little girl leaned in with her little nose and sniffed it gently, then took a small bite.

"It's delicious! In addition to the unique sweet taste, it also has a soft and waxy texture. This softness is different from bananas. It's a bit... oh, I can't describe this feeling." The little girl's eyes lit up for a moment, and she bit into it again and again. I took a sip of the cactus fruit, and the light pink juice stained the corner of my mouth.

"Eat slowly, I see it's all on the corners of your mouth." Li Shu wiped her mouth with a piece of paper towel, and also picked a cactus fruit to taste. It tasted really good.

He thought: "This should be mainly attributed to the chalcedony spiritual water. Watermelons and corn grown with chalcedony spiritual water are more delicious. The cactus fruits grown with chalcedony spiritual water may also be better than ordinary cactus fruits." If you eat too much, ordinary cactus fruit may not reach this level of deliciousness.".

"Leave one for Uncle Hai and Li Sha, and let them have a taste. The rest will be yours." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." The little girl's wish came true, and her little face was filled with a happy smile.


The sound of propellers churning the air came from outside. The two of them walked out of the "Baicao Garden" and saw a huge helicopter hovering in mid-air. The metal surface shone coldly in the sunlight.

"Hand plane! Hand plane!" The little girl excitedly ran toward the direction of the plane's landing, but Li Shu grabbed her.

"Woof woof~" When has the big yellow dog ever seen such a big strange bird? He barked instantly.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp," the thrush flew out of the villa, not daring to come near at all. It hovered not far from the plum tree, and it was safer to stay with its owner.

"Meow~" The big orange cat was lying on the balcony railing on the third floor of the villa, its beard raised in shock: "Meow~" [What is this?]

When the helicopter stopped on the tarmac not far away, Jinglao Dalian, who exuded a tough aura, got off the plane, respectfully walked to Li Shu and said: "Boss, you have fulfilled your mission, I brought the helicopter back!" ".

"Okay." Li Shu took his sister to the helicopter, held the little girl in his arms and let her touch the hard shell of the helicopter, and then took her inside to take a look. The little girl exclaimed: "The back seat is so big and soft. , Hey~ there is a small glass next to it. ".

"Yes, when the helicopter flies into the blue sky, you can see the white clouds, sea water, and overlook the city from this small window." Li Shu explained to his sister with a smile.

Buying a helicopter is also a dream of Li Shu's. Now that his dream has come true, he feels much more relaxed both physically and mentally.

As soon as he lowered his head, he was slightly startled. The big orange cat that was supposed to be lying on the railing of the villa a few hundred meters away actually came to the side of the helicopter, peering towards the plane, as if he wanted to get on the plane too.

"Big orange cat, why are you here?".

"Meow~" [I'll come over and take a look.]

At the little girl's request, Li Shu carried the big orange cat onto the helicopter. In order not to favor one another, he also carried the big yellow dog onto the helicopter.

Look here, sniff that, the big orange cat standing in the back seat flicks the tip of its tail and calls softly: "Meow meow~meow meow~" [It turns out that this is the inside of the big iron bird, like a small house, but this The seats are quite soft.]

Uncle Hai and Li Sha also watched around the helicopter, tapping this and touching that from time to time, admiring it again and again.

Li Shu stood next to the helicopter and asked Boss Jing to take a photo of himself and the helicopter. Click, click, click~ and then posted on Moments:

[After unremitting efforts, the helicopter was finally purchased! Keep working hard and strive to buy a private jet as soon as possible! picture]

After posting to Moments, Li Shu put away his phone and smiled at everyone: "Today is a day worth celebrating. Boss Jing went to the sea to catch some crabs and fish. Let's have a good meal!"

"Okay, boss." Jing Lao Dalian agreed.

… …


In a cold drink shop next to a jade street.

"This weather is really going to be hot to death." Xu Hao, who was quite strong, drank a cold drink and looked out the window. The sun seemed to distort the air on the road. The heat wave was rolling, and the trees with withered leaves , the boring chirping of cicadas calls for summer.

"Damn it, there are no beautiful legs to see on the street." Xu Hao's eyes returned to his mobile phone, and he was stunned for a moment: "Hey, that guy Li Shu posted on Moments... Damn it, helicopter!"

Xu Hao's loud shout made other people in the cold drink shop look over. Xu Hao didn't pay attention at all, but his face turned red with excitement. He called Li Shu directly. After being connected, he yelled: "Damn it, Ashu, you guys bought a helicopter?... It's so enviable. How much does the helicopter cost? Just give me a price and make me give up... I have to fight against the local tycoons!"


After enduring Xu Hao's envy, jealousy and hatred, Li Shu hung up the phone with a smile on his face. His circle of friends had been exploded. His college classmates, high school classmates, and some elementary school classmates with whom he had no contact were all exposed. Express admiration and envy in his circle of friends.

In the eyes of many people, helicopters are still extremely high-end.

During meal time, a giant crab with strutting claws was steamed, and a sea bass was braised. Everyone was devoured by the delicious food.

After lunch, Li Shu first went to the Baicao Garden to pick a cucumber with yellow flowers on its head. Then he put a huge blue parasol on the south beach, took out a deck chair and placed it in the shade of the parasol, lying on it and admiring the endless scenery. Eating cucumbers with beautiful sea view.

"Not bad, not bad. It's sweet and moist, perfect for relieving tiredness." Li Shu looked at the milky white clouds in the sky and smiled: "It's really sleepy at noon in midsummer. I'd better take a nap." ".

When sleepiness hit him, Li Shu fell asleep directly on the lounge chair. The cool sea breeze and the sound of rushing sea water blew over his body. Everything was so peaceful.


A thrush suddenly flew from a distance, landed on the beach and jumped around. A hermit crab hiding in the sand shrank its body. They felt that the island was too dangerous, and the big yellow dog couldn't afford to offend this little bird. They can't afford it either.

(End of chapter)