Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 96: Hold your breath for 10 minutes and let the dragon fish spawn


Li Shu only slept for two hours and became energetic. He got up from the bed and looked at the bright moonlight outside the window. Sure enough, he saw that the big orange cat was no longer on the bedside.

The thrush was still sleeping in its nest, looking peaceful and chirping from time to time.

"Hiss~ Did this stupid cat sneak out to play again!?" Li Shu put on his clothes by the moonlight coming in from the window, washed his face and went downstairs.

"It's 1:30 in the morning now, I can't sleep anymore, I went to the sea to see my precious dragon fish, and by the way, I also tested whether this watch is waterproof or not. It is worth 6 million ringgit, which is more than 9 million yuan when converted into RMB. It’s already a super luxury product.” Li Shu said as he glanced at his watch.

"Woo~" Dahuang happened to be lying on the first floor, and the moonlight slanted on the big yellow dog through the window, casting a veil over the soft-haired big yellow dog.

Seeing Li Shu suddenly appear on the first floor in the middle of the night, Da Huang, who was lying down, raised his neck.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, I won't disturb you, I'll be out right away." Li Shu squatted next to the big yellow dog and gently touched the dog's head.


As soon as he realized something, a ball of chalcedony spiritual water as big as a walnut emerged from the ring and floated quietly beside the big yellow dog's mouth. Under the quiet moonlight, the ball of chalcedony spiritual water seemed to become more and more beautiful, and that A faint aroma penetrated the big yellow dog's nostrils, and the latter's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Woof woof~" The big yellow dog swallowed the chalcedony spiritual water floating around his mouth in one gulp. The instant relief that rippled through his body made the big yellow cry excitedly, and he shouted in a low voice: "Woof woof~" [Master , you finally fed me this wonderful water again.]

"Okay, okay, if you don't like to drink chalcedony spiritual water, then I won't feed you anymore. Why does it taste so bad that you start crying? It's like drinking isatis root when I was a kid." Li Shu touched the dog's head, The moonlight shone on his face, giving him a slightly cold feeling.

Dahuang: “… “.

"Woof woof~" It could easily understand Li Shu's words and instantly became anxious. What if Li Shu really misunderstood its meaning and really stopped feeding it chalcedony spiritual water in the future

Hearing Rhubarb's slightly louder barking, Li Shu immediately pinched its mouth with both hands: "Don't bark, don't bark, okay, okay, I'm teasing you, and I will feed you chalcedony water often in the future. ".

Seeing Li Shu get up and get the diving equipment and walk out, his figure gradually disappearing into the night, the big yellow dog shook his head slightly: "Woo~" [The owner is so bad, he likes to tease this honest dog like me, I'm sure I learned it from that silly cat.]

The night breeze was blowing, and there was actually a hint of coolness. Because Boss Jing had injured his right arm by a swordfish before, he was resting in the villa tonight instead of going to the sea to look for sunken treasures.

The sea water was making a splash, and groups of hermit crabs on the beach that had been hiding during the day began to rustle and become active carrying the house on their backs. However, when the plum tree approached, they quickly ran away or stuck their buttocks out and dug into the sand. It was funny and stupid. .

"Little hermit crabs, I'm not here to catch you." Li Shu took off his short sleeves and placed them on the beach, holding them down with rocks to prevent the silly hermit crabs from stealing them. Then he put on snorkeling equipment and dived into the sea.

Gudu Gudu Gudu~

A white light flashed in Li Shu's eyes, and then his vision instantly penetrated the sea water, and the colorful underwater world instantly appeared in front of him without being blocked by the sea water.

Groups of beautiful, glowing tropical fish swim around among colorful corals shaped like antlers, or spherical, or stick-shaped, with a comfortable and comfortable look. Small shrimps with translucent bodies are also crawling among the corals. They are looking for broken algae to eat. Occasionally, they will encounter similar people who are also looking for broken algae, and they will fight with you pushing me and others squeezing you.

"Little Xiami, who has just been born, must also have troubles. Why do the same kind of people want to snatch its food? People who don't have martial ethics squeeze it." Li Shu silently thought about Xiao Xiami's thoughts in his heart, and couldn't help but feel happy first. .

He raised his right wrist and looked at the exquisite watch worth 6 million ringgit. The sapphires shone brightly, making people's hearts sway when looking at it.

"Yes, it looks like it is waterproof. I just don't know how long it will last. Let's wait and see if it breaks." The more Li Shu looked at it, the more he liked this small brand watch whose selling point was that it was waterproof. He felt that it was heavy on his wrist. It seemed like it was just a watch. A watch, but it could also be an apartment in Yanjing!

"I feel that my breath-holding ability has increased again. Let's test how long I can hold my breath for now." Li Shu came to the surface, took a big breath and buried his head in the water to hold his breath. His eyes protected by goggles stared at his watch. The hands on the watch are constantly beating - 1 second, 10 seconds, 50 seconds, 1 and a half minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes.

"5 minutes! This is the longest time I have ever held my breath! In the past, when the time reached 5 minutes, I would have difficulty breathing and had to surface to breathe; but now I feel that I can continue to hold my breath easily. The strength has indeed increased!" Li Shu said silently in his heart.

6 minutes, 8 minutes, 10 minutes!

When the time came to 10 minutes, Li Shu's breath-holding experiment gradually became painful and he was on the verge of syncope due to lack of oxygen. He even used a breathing tube and began to take deep breaths.

"Fufufu~ In order to do a test experiment, I almost suffocated myself to death, but the results of the experiment were exciting. The full 10 minutes of holding my breath far exceeded the previous limit." Li Shu was extremely excited.

Being in the sea is extremely dangerous. Being able to hold your breath for a longer time not only means that you can swim a longer distance in one dive, but also means that you have a greater chance of survival.

"It should be related to the fact that I have been taking chalcedony spiritual water regularly during this period, which has strengthened my body. It seems that if I continue to take chalcedony spiritual water, maybe one day I can hold my breath in the water for an hour!" Li Shu couldn't help but think with anticipation.

His eyes, glowing with a faint white light, suddenly looked to the north, and when he focused his eyes, he saw a 40-cm-long dragonfish laying eggs next to two half-meter-high white corals shaped like antlers.

Swish, brush, brush~

One by one, translucent "little dragonfish" about 1 millimeter in length were sprayed out, rolling in circles in the seawater, blinking stupidly with eyes that were extremely difficult to see with the naked eye, observing this strange seawater world.

"Damn it, the dragon fish has spawned! This is really a gratifying thing!" Li Shu just wanted to swim over, but immediately stopped because he was afraid of disturbing the fish's spawning.

"I bought 3,000 dragontail fish in Indonesia before, but some of them seem to have escaped during this period. I counted some time ago, and there are about 2,950 dragonfish in the fishery. There are only such a small number of dragonfish fry in such a large fishery. It is obviously It's not enough. Now that the dragonfish has spawned, you can rest assured." Li Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

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(End of chapter)