Island Fishing Grounds

Chapter 987: 987 Mom (finale)


Outside the window, the sky is full of sunset, and there are tired seagulls returning to the forest.

On the beach, two large leatherback turtles slowly crawled toward the sea with dozens of smaller leatherback turtles. They are a family of turtles and will come back to the shore to bask in the sun tomorrow.

In the kitchen.

After Huang Yun finished cooking a dish of fried pork with potato slices, she held Xiao Li Ming and Xiao Li Xuan while Li Shu cooked beef noodles.

Gudu Gudu~

The pork ribs soup used in the soup is thick and fragrant. When the heat is turned on, bubbles float to the surface of the soup and then explode, releasing an alluring aroma.

Not to mention the little girl and Huang Lan in the restaurant outside, even the big orange cat who was used to eating delicious food couldn't help but swallow wildly, then ran over and squatted obediently at the door of the kitchen to wait quietly.


It smells so good.

Li Shu puts the hand-pulled noodles into the pot and adds an appropriate amount of beef, shrimps, vegetables, meatballs, etc.

Then he started brushing the abalone, preparing to make a plate of braised abalone. Each abalone was super large and of extremely high quality, each weighing more than 600g. Of course, the weight would be reduced a lot after removing the internal organs and shells.

Huang Yun smiled and said: "I haven't sent anything to China for more than half a month. I plan to send some abalones back. The various fruits I sent last time were sea cucumbers... It seems that the last time I sent abalones was 2 months ago. In front."

While talking to Li Shu, she was playing with two little cubs, a son and a daughter, who were having a silly time.

Li Shu moved his hands smoothly and put the washed abalone on the plate, then heated up the oil in the pot:

"Okay, then let's send back 20 abalones to each of our parents, 20 abalones for each family, 40 abalones in total.

Then we will send back some of our homemade soy milk powder to the older generation. Chalcedony water is added to this milk powder. Long-term consumption is very good for the elderly's health. "

"Okay, okay, I'll let Jing Laoer prepare."

"Actually, my mother-in-law doesn't seem to like eating abalone, so why not replace the 20 abalones with two pomfrets." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Bah~ Who said my mother doesn't like to eat abalone? My mother is too cute to eat abalone. My mother's love for you is really in vain."

"How could it be? I really like my mother-in-law. No matter which time you abuse me, I will give my mother-in-law a call and she will support me."

"You have no shame. Anyone who abuses you is just complaining~ Goose Goose~" As she spoke, Huang Yun laughed first.

Jinglaoer quickly prepared abalone and milk powder, and then took a helicopter to deliver the gifts to Danguan Airport. Cargo planes fly between China and Malaysia every day.

When he came back, he also picked up little Zhao Lin. It was during the summer vacation. Little Zhao Lin went to her grandma's house in the countryside to play for a few days. When he saw the little girl, they hugged each other, as if they had endless topics to talk about.

The food was served to the table, and everyone ate happily.

Huang Yun picks up abalone for little Zhao Lin, who is smart and agile with a ponytail.

Xiao Zhao Lin smiled and said: "Thank you godmother!"

Huang Yun smiled and said: "Child, don't be so polite. Come and eat quickly. Is Teacher Zhao still busy?"

Xiao Zhao Lin was eating abalone with big mouthfuls and couldn't speak clearly: "No, my mother is obsessed with square dancing. I should go to square dancing first."

"It's good to move your body."

The beef noodles are tender, smooth and chewy, and the pork bone broth has soaked into the noodles. It tastes so delicious that even the little girl ate half a bowl more.

"Hiccup, it's so delicious~"

“My brother-in-law’s cooking skills are very good.”

“This is seriously the best beef noodle I’ve ever had.”

"Brother, I want to drink some more noodle soup."

"Okay, I'll serve it to you." Li Shu said with a smile.

After the meal, most people went to the living room to chat and eat fruit, while Li Shu fed the five pets.


The big orange cat arched the plum tree's calf, wagging the tip of its tail, meowing softly, and its big eyes were as black as gems.

And grilled fish? Give me another one, I'm not full.

Li Shu squatted on the ground, touched her smooth body, and said with a smile: "You shouldn't eat too much at night, just eat half full."


Cut ~ stingy ~

The big orange cat squatted on the ground, licked its paws and began to wash its face.

Huang Yun went upstairs with the two little cubs in her arms. She wanted to feed the two little guys. After finishing her work on the first floor, Li Shu also walked to the second floor.

When he reached the second floor, he looked back at the living room. The little girls, Xiao Zhao Lin and Huang Lan were sitting on the sofa watching the cartoon "Chinese Boy". They were eating fruits, eating melon seeds, drinking coconut milk, and petting squirrels and thrushes. It was very interesting. The big orange cat also jumped onto the sofa and lay down on the crook of the little girl's legs.

The big yellow dog was lying on the little girl's slippers, and the lamb was lying next to the big yellow dog, chewing its cud. The atmosphere was relaxed and beautiful.

Li Shu raised the corners of his mouth, shook his head and went upstairs.


Pushing open the bedroom door, Huang Yun is squatting next to the cradle, gently rocking the exquisite wooden cradle with her left hand, and reading a baby bedtime story in her right hand, her voice is gentle and sweet, like a wisp of breeze, like a layer of gauze:

"Mr. Owl fell in love with Moon Girl. He stared at the moon in the sky with his eyes wide open every night..."

The two babies were lying in the cradle, covered with quilts and fast asleep, their noses twitching and their expressions very cute.

Li Shu moved two small stools from the side, one for Huang Yun to sit on, and the other for him to sit on.

The couple sat next to the cradle, looking at the crystallization of their love - two sleeping babies.

Huang Yun glanced at Li Shu with love and tenderness, and then continued to read each bedtime story in a soft tone, as if each story could weave colorful dreams for the two babies.

After reading another seven or eight short stories, Huang Yun stopped and stretched her body.

"Okay, the two little beasts finally fell asleep." Huang Yun said with a cute smile, the brilliance of motherhood radiating on her pretty face.

Li Shu laughed and touched Huang Yun's pretty face: "Thank you for your hard work."

Huang Yun put her hand on Li Shu's big hand that touched her face, and chuckled:

"Don't say that, I am very happy to work for my own children, and I even feel very satisfied and happy.

Sometimes I think that this should be regarded as a kind of selfishness, different from the narrow selfishness that is popular in the world now, but a kind of selfishness similar to dedication.

I devote time, energy, and money to my little son and daughter, and then get a kind of spiritual satisfaction and happiness. I am very greedy for this kind of satisfaction and happiness. "

Li Shu pondered slightly and said with a smile: "The selfishness and egoism that is popular nowadays does seem to be more focused on the material aspect, and indeed somewhat ignores the spiritual aspect.

What is number one in the world is matter, not consciousness. This is a materialist point of view, and it is correct.

But that is from a global perspective. If we look at individuals, what is the number one priority for people? Maybe it’s the spirit, the spirit comes first and the body comes second. "

Huang Yun smiled and said: "You are right. I read fantasy novels, about souls traveling to other worlds, seizing bodies, etc. Whoever the soul is, that person is who it is. It doesn't matter if the body belongs to someone else."

Li Shu: “… “

"Ahem, maybe we have very great material wealth and have begun to pursue spiritual enjoyment... But I always feel that many people nowadays ignore the spirit. On the contrary, ancient times attached great importance to the spirit."

After a slight hesitation, Li Shu smiled and said: "I have read so many books. Business was very suppressed in ancient times. One of the reasons is that many powerful academics believe that business represents material, and the competition between material and spiritual is inevitable.

Too much respect for material things will lower spiritual requirements, and lowering spiritual requirements is intolerable to many big guys. They even believe that when morality is lost, the world will collapse and order will no longer exist. "

Huang Yun said slowly: "Material and spirituality are in conflict. Do you respect the spiritual and therefore suppress the material? And the representative of material is business, so do you suppress the business very much

It seems that there is some truth to their ideas.

But they did go too far. When the robbers who drink blood and hair come, they can't use noble spirit, um, words to curse others to death. They still have to use material weapons and equipment to resist the enemy. "

"That's true. You're right. She is indeed my Li Shu's daughter-in-law. She is so smart!" Li Shu said with a smile.

"Pfft~ Bah~ I'm still a doctor. It's normal to have this kind of thoughts and opinions. Sister, I'm a senior intellectual." Huang Yun rolled her eyes at Li Shu charmingly.


Huang Yun's cell phone rang softly. She took it out and saw that it was a video call from Huang's mother.


"Hey, Mom~"

"Well, Xiaoyun, are the two little guys asleep?" Huang's mother appeared in the mobile phone interface. It turned out that she was thinking about her grandson and granddaughter.

He showed Mother Huang the two sleeping little guys and chatted for about ten minutes. When Mother Huang was about to hang up the video call, Li Shu said:

"By the way, Mom, I just sent over some live abalones. They should arrive tomorrow afternoon. Just sign for them then."

Huang Yun also nodded her little head: "They are all big abalones, two circles bigger than my fist. They are about 600g of top-quality abalones, raised in our own fishery."

Mother Huang was very happy. She felt the filial piety of her daughter and son-in-law, but she said:

"Oh~ Your dad and I don't like to eat abalone, and we don't know how to cook it. You don't have to go to the trouble of mailing it back in the future. You eat well, wear clothes, don't quarrel, and live a good life. That's what's best for your dad and me. "

Li Shu winked at Huang Yun in a funny way, and the meaning was obvious - let me just say that my mother-in-law doesn't like eating abalone!

"Pfft~ get out of here." Huang Yun pursed her lips and smiled, then gave Li Shu a punch.

Huang's mother didn't know what happened, but she found it interesting that Li Shu and Huang Yun were playing around, so she started laughing.

She asked Huang Lan how life was like here, and then hung up the video call.

The bedroom fell silent.

Huang Yun and Li Shu sat next to the cradle, holding their chins in their palms, looking at their sleeping son and daughter and saying, "Time will pass very quickly. Maybe as time goes by, the two little guys will grow up."

After a slight hesitation, Huang Yun added lonely: "By then, maybe we will be old."

"Don't say that. We have all broken through the fifth level of the Chalcedony Nourishing Heart Sutra, and our life span has been increased by 100 years. In the next 100 years, we will all be in our 20s, and we will slowly grow old after 100 years."

"Then you still have to grow old~"

"Oh, you can't be greedy. Not only compared to ordinary people, but also compared to the vast majority of super rich people, we are much luckier."

"Hehe, that's true."

After thinking for a while, Huang Yun said again: "Husband, what kind of life partner do you think our son and daughter should look for in the future? A good match? But there are several families in the world that can compare to ours~"

Li Shu thought for a while and said, "Is it too early to think about this issue now?"

"Oh, it's just a small talk, just talk."

"Well... I feel that we should train them well as they grow up, so that they can become strong, confident, humble, enterprising adults with independent personalities.

It would be best if they still have a skill, then they can choose whoever they want to be their partner.

Of course, we have the right to make suggestions, but it is only the right to make suggestions. The initiative is still in their hands.

At that time, even if my son finds a black girl who is illiterate and has thick lips, and my daughter finds a smart guy who is violent, slovenly, and crazy, I don't care. Anyway, it will be whatever they decide after careful consideration. "

"Pfft~" Huang Yun was overjoyed instantly, her big eyes curved into crescents, and cute dimples appeared on her pretty face.

"That's not the case... But, if our son marries his daughter-in-law, will her daughter-in-law dislike me?"

"Ahem, you are thinking too far." Li Shu looked at Huang Yun's beautiful, big eyes that seemed to be able to speak, and said slowly:

"When the time comes, do more, talk less, and give more money, and your daughter-in-law will definitely not criticize you."

"Pfft~" Huang Yun instantly burst into laughter.

After chatting for a while, it was 10 o'clock in the evening.

Li Shu got up and turned off the lights in the bedroom.


The light was turned off, and the light in the bedroom completely dimmed in an instant, but the moonlight outside the window was very bright. The dim moonlight entered the room, illuminating the floor to the right of the baby's cradle, and also illuminated part of the baby's cradle and the big bed in the bedroom. .

Through the moonlight, Huang Yun could clearly see that the two little guys had long eyelashes, their little mouths pouted occasionally, and they were sleeping very happily.

Huang Yun looked up and looked out the window.

On a summer night, the moonlight is bright, the stars are shining, and the sound of crickets rustling is heard, like a gentle dream.

She looked at the two little cubs in the cradle and sang a cappella: "

Quiet summer~

There are stars in the sky~

I miss you a little~

Missing your face~

I can pretend not to see~

You can also miss me secretly~

Until I touch your warm face~

Cicada also fell asleep, and slept peacefully~

In my heart, peaceful summer~"

Huang Yun kept singing softly, and Li Shu sat beside her and listened quietly, looking at Huang Yun lovingly from time to time.

When she finished singing again, Huang Yun paused slightly.

Li Shu and Huang Yun were shocked to find that little Li Xuan, who was sleeping soundly, slowly opened her eyes, stretched her calves, and said:



Huang Yun's delicate body trembled, and then she looked at her little daughter with joy on her face. The corners of her mouth suddenly couldn't stop rising, and a sense of satisfaction and happiness spread out.



(Complete book)

(The new book "I Opened a Plantation in the Wasteland" has been released. It tells the story of Li Shu's cousin Yuan Feng. I hope everyone will support it! Click to favorite it. Thank you to the author!)

The big round head of the big orange cat arched the calves of all the book friends, tilted its head with its little paws, and cried out sweetly: "Meow, meow, meow?"

Do you have tickets? Do you have tickets? Can you give me some tickets? I beg you~

(End of chapter)

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