It Is Said That I Attacked the Great Demon King

Chapter 10


After taking care of his sons, King Qianye invited Xiao Zhi to a royal banquet to express his gratitude.

The banquet hall was held in a gorgeous hall on the top of the king tree. It is made of various plants intertwined. You can smell the subtle fragrance of flowers when you get close. It is not strong, but the fragrance is just right, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Sitting at the top were King Qianye, Xiao Zhi as distinguished guests, and Crown Prince Qianye Wu.

Below is the crooked melon split date... oh no, it's the other princes.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi finally understood the long-standing doubts of the players. This group of princes looked like everything, but few of them looked like humans. A small green vegetable like Qianyewu already looks pretty against the backdrop of the princes.

Such a picture really makes people can't help but want to ask "why".

Knowing nothing about Xiao Zhi's brain activities, King Qianye said to him: "I've heard about Xiao Wu's experience before, thanks to your generosity, otherwise Qianye Kingdom will suffer heavy losses. "

Xiao Zhi quickly said that he didn't dare to do it.

He has no modesty at all, at the beginning it was just to do the hidden mission, although there was a little urge to take risks for Qianyewu later, but it was not a great feeling.

King Qianye: "Qianye Lan has been imprisoned in the Valley of the Sinners. There is no sunlight and the water source is poor. It is very uncomfortable for the Wood Spirits. It is just for him to reflect. As for how long... it depends on when he will lose his mind. able to wake up."

This is the posture of shutting him down without introspection. It seems that King Chiba is a very strict father, and he didn't soften his hands just because his son made the mistake.

Qianyewu came over with her bald forehead: "Seventh brother, from today on you are my thick and long good brother!",

Xiao Zhi: "..."

Your thick and long good brother doesn't seem to be doing well, this is just one of them.

A rare gentle smile appeared on King Qianye's face, and he raised his glass to Xiao Zhi: "Thank you for your help."

Xiao Zhi also picked up the wine glass. At this time, he noticed that the wine in the glass seemed unusual. The color was as clear as emerald green. After checking the attributes, he found that the description was "the secret wine of the Qianye Royal Family, which contains the desirable strength".

It seems to be a good thing! Xiao Zhi took the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.



The taste of this wine is bitter, spicy and sour, and the mouthfeel is still sticky. It feels like the gate of hell has opened a crack for you when you drink it.

Xiao Zhi became stiff all of a sudden, he felt that swallowing was neither vomiting nor vomiting, but now that King Qianye was looking at him, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and drink it. And keep smiling.

The indescribable liquor flowed down his throat, and in the next moment, a surge of experience rushed towards Xiao Zhi like no money, pushing his level to 140. It seems that the description of the item is not deceiving, and the power of desire is well-deserved.

Under the nourishment of experience, Xiao Zhi felt that the wine became more delicious.

After a glass of wine, the banquet officially began.

Wood spirits love cooking and food and wine, but due to the characteristics of plants, the food here is as famous as dark cuisine. After all, for plants, as long as they are living things, there are not many that they cannot eat.

Xiao Zhi looked at the freshly cut bamboo worms, stewed mantis, seven-flower chrysalis soup in front of him... comforting himself while feeling his scalp tingling, it's all right, they are all delicious in terms of taste, you can't be too superficial.

King Qianye chatted with Xiao Zhi, and inadvertently asked about his future plans: "I heard that Athanasi people always like to take risks, I wonder where Mister Qi will go in the future?"

Xiao Zhi thought for a while: "I will probably go to Dolly Union and Changyue Desert to see."

These two places, one is a commercial country famous for trade, and the other is an adventure resort famous for dungeons and exploration. They can make money and gain experience at the same time. Both are good choices.

Qianyewu said excitedly: "Brother Seven, when you go to the Dolly League, bring me some of those brochures, hehehehe..."

Judging by the smile on his face, it is self-evident what "that kind of booklet" refers to.

Xiao Zhi: "..."

The Dolly Alliance is the base camp of the Xiyue Clan. Apart from being well-known all over the continent as profiteers, they also have another characteristic—they are rich in beauties.

Whether you are a profiteer or a liar, it is always more convenient to look good.

Except for the Xiyue clan, the Dolly Alliance accommodates almost all races in the entire continent, where various cultures blend and collide, and the style of the booklet is naturally the most abundant in the entire continent.

Before Xiao Zhi could answer, King Qianye's slap full of paternal love was already smacked, and he pressed his own bear child on the table and couldn't get up.

King Qianye nodded to Xiao Zhi reservedly: "There is no queen in Qianye Kingdom, and the children are all grown from my seeds. I have been troubled by their education over the years. If possible, Mr. Seven, please come by the way." Bring him some textbooks, it is said that the exams of the Xiyue Clan are quite unique."

Qianye Wu panicked, and her short limbs struggled helplessly on the spot, like a bastard whose shell was held down: "Dad, I don't want it!! The exams for those profiteers are so difficult!!"

Facing the eyes of King Qianye, at this moment, Xiao Zhi resonated with this old father who has been single and brought up 700 bad children for 600 years.

He nodded solemnly, buy! Buy more! It is best to let all these bear children enter the ocean of knowledge.

King Qianye still didn't relax his hand, and he said in an apologetic tone: "Xiaowu is still young, he is only a child over six hundred years old, this journey must have caused you a lot of trouble, I am really sorry .”

Xiao Zhi was a little confused: "A child over six hundred years old?"

King Qianye nodded: "The wood spirit clan grows slowly, especially the royal clan. Generally speaking, they are considered adults at 1,200 years old, and their appearance will change a little at that time."

Xiao Zhi looked at Qianye Wu, it turned out that this guy is really a child.

King Qianye suddenly lowered his voice and approached Xiao Zhi: "Although I think Xiao Wu is a good child, according to the tradition of the Qianye royal family, I can't give him too much protection. After all, only the surviving seedlings are eligible. grow up."

Xiao Zhi looked into his green eyes and understood the meaning behind his words.

This is a hint that if Qianye Wu is in danger in the future, I hope Xiao Zhi can help him again.

Whether it is wood spirits or plants, they all pay attention to survival of the fittest. Plants seem gentle, but they have cruel survival rules.

The hundreds of brothers present are actually Qianyewu's competitors. Only by winning and surviving in the constant competition can he grow into a qualified king.

Qianyewu looks so unreliable, but it has survived this kind of competition for six hundred years, which is also a kind of skill.

Xiao Zhi nodded slightly to King Qianye, which is equivalent to having the priority to accept the hidden mission, and it is also a kind of preferential treatment in disguise for him.

However, he still has to seize the time to upgrade. In case the next Prince Qianye rebelled, if King Qianye did not return at such an appropriate time, both he and Qianyewu might have died.


After the banquet, King Qianye sent someone to deliver a simple golden bell to Xiao Zhi.

The attendant saluted Xiao Zhi: "This is the wooden bell to enter the land of wood spirits. The king has arranged a permanent residence for you there. As long as you ring the bell, you can summon the entrance of the land of wood spirits anytime and anywhere." , when you leave, you only need to ring the bell, and you will appear where you left before."

This was really a surprise, originally Xiao Zhi was satisfied with gaining a lot of experience, but he never expected that King Qianye would give him a flat directly. This time, Xiao Zhi didn't have to worry about resting in the future.

According to what he saw on the forum before, the Land of Wood Spirits is one of the most difficult areas to obtain residence qualifications. It is also known as the Peak of Glory in the Changyue Desert, the Sunset Bay in the Dolly Alliance, and the God's Terrace in Brace. Four VIP living areas, as for Hesse and Borderlands, sorry, no player can live in it alive so far.

After expressing his gratitude, Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand to take Mu Yinling.

He found a place and shook the bell gently. The sound of the wooden bell was not as crisp as ordinary bells, but like the rustling of leaves. Accompanied by a gust of grassy breeze, a wooden door decorated with vines appeared in front of Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand to open the door, and in front of him was a valley full of white flowers, and even the wind carried a faint and elegant fragrance. At this time, the sky was already dark, and fireflies could be seen flying from time to time in the lush mountains and forests, which looked like a scene of a paradise.

An exquisite wooden house stood quietly in front of Xiao Zhi, with warm yellow lights on.

There is also a letter with his game ID in the mailbox in front of the door. Xiao Zhi opened it and saw that the letter was written by King Qianye, and inside it were some wishes for him to live happily here.

It seemed that this was his own house.

Xiao Zhi entered the yard with some excitement. The style of this wooden house is very consistent with that of Wood Spirit Village, both are decorated with vines and flowers, and there is a beautiful garden in the yard. There are three floors in the room, complete furniture, and a special storage warehouse, which is enough for Xiao Zhi's daily use.

Facing this cozy and elegant hut, Xiao Zhi's nerves that had been tense since waking up from the game suddenly relaxed. This made him feel tired, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but walked to the bedroom, took a hot bath and lay down comfortably on the bed.

The bed was very soft, but the touch was different from the one he was used to sleeping on at home, looking at the wooden ceiling, Xiao Zhi felt a little dazed.

He appeared so suddenly in this familiar yet strange world.

Although he is an orphan and has few friends, he has no attachment to the original world, but after all, he is far away from everything he is familiar with, and embarked on the journey in a hurry before he could adapt.

Now I can finally have a good rest.

Xiao Zhi thought, maybe this is just a bizarre dream. After waking up, he will find himself lying on the original bed, and the ZERO equipment is quietly placed in the study next door. As soon as he is online, he will see Asen waiting for him, and say "good morning" to him.


Unfortunately, everything is not a dream.

Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was still the wooden ceiling he saw before falling asleep last night.

He seemed to have slept for a long time. At this time, the sky was bright, and the bright sunlight penetrated into the room through the gauze curtain on the window, illuminating the whole bedroom warmly and brightly.

Along with the wind with the fragrance of flowers, there is another smell - the smell of barbecue.

The person who grilled the meat seemed to have excellent craftsmanship. The aroma of the meat was well blended with the spices, and after being cooked with flames and high temperature, the aroma was rich and attractive.

Xiao Zhi suddenly felt hungry.

After taking care of himself, Xiao Zhi opened the door and went out. The land of wood spirits in the daytime looks different from that at night. It is full of vitality everywhere. Occasionally, there are a few crisp birdsong, but it is more peaceful and serene. .

The scent came from another hut not far from him.

Xiao Zhi saw three figures in the yard over there, they were sitting around the fire, a beautiful woman with long hair was having a barbecue, and a young man and an old man were sitting beside them.

Alarmed by the sound of Xiao Zhi opening the door, the three of them looked at him. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar face, the beautiful woman who was barbecuing the meat waved at him without hesitation: "You are the new one here, do you want to have lunch together?"

The other two also waved to him friendly, and the old man among them shook the jar in his hand: "This is the wine I brewed myself, how about having a taste together?"

Since the other party was so enthusiastic, and Xiao Zhi was really hungry, he walked over and greeted the neighbors.

After introducing themselves to each other, Xiao Zhi knew that the woman who grilled meat was called Tiramisu, the young man was called Outsider, and the old man who brewed wine was called Freedom Sword. The three of them are all residents of Wood Spirit Village, and they have known each other for a long time.

Liberty Sword brought Xiao Zhi a jar of wine, and quietly gossiped about him: "Don't look at the tiramisu that looks young, but it's actually old enough to be your great-grandmother. This guy just loves to be pretty."

Although tiramisu is not young, his hearing is still keen. She raised her hand, and a sharp barbecue skewer flew towards the sword of freedom.

"Old man Jian, you will die if you don't talk cheap!"

It was obviously an ordinary iron stick, but it felt like a hidden weapon was used by her, so fast that it could hardly catch any traces. Xiao Zhi's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, and he couldn't help wondering how confident he was in avoiding such an attack.

Although Liberty Sword is quite old, his movements are still very flexible. He leaned back suddenly, narrowly avoiding the attack of Tiramisu. The iron stick flew straight back, and finally plunged deeply into an innocent big tree, and was never seen again.

It seems that my neighbors are not ordinary people, Xiao Zhi thought.

Freedom Sword looked at Tiramisu: "Old lady Su, you are still as fierce as ever!"

Tiramisu has picked up the fiery red barbecue tongs, and looked dangerously at the sword of freedom: "Okay, you couldn't beat me before, now you want to recall your youth, right?"

Freedom Sword was sweating on his forehead, and couldn't help but want to stand up and run away. He really couldn't beat this irascible old hag!

At a critical juncture, the young man who had been keeping quiet all this time spoke up. His voice was so gentle that one couldn't help but feel calm: "Grandma Su, our guest is still waiting, and he should be looking forward to your craftsmanship." yes."

The tiramisu on the verge of eruption calmed down slightly after hearing the words, and the tongs stopped in the air.

The outsider continued his efforts: "Besides, there is no rush to clean up Grandpa Jian in the past few minutes. Anyway, he has never escaped from your hands."

Liberty Sword whispered: "I don't want to lose face..."

The outsider also lowered his voice: "Anyway, I can't save my face, so why don't you live on first? If you continue to fight, you will lose your face."

Freedom Sword: "…"

Only then did the tiramisu stop and continue the great business of barbecue in her hands. Her movements are skillful, and she should have good skills in reality.

Xiao Zhi understood that outsiders are the key to maintaining the friendship between the three of them. It seems that this person is not an easy character to be able to play well between two violent bosses.

After a while, the barbecue was completely finished, and several people shared it together.

Tiramisu looked at Xiao Zhi, and asked casually: "Look at the equipment, Xiaoqi, your level is not high, right? You can actually get the residence qualification of the Wood Spirit Village, tsk tsk, it's not easy."

Sword of Freedom: "You don't know that, I heard that this rebellion was put down by Xiao Qi, alone."

Tiramisu looked at Xiao Zhi with some amusement in his eyes: "This is amazing, can you tell me what your tuba is called, I promise not to say it."

Xiao Zhi: "... I really don't have a big size."

Tiramisu winked at him: "Well, no, I'm not a bad neighbor who likes to dig people's privacy, come to eat meat."

Her expression is obviously saying, I know you have a secret, but I won't ask.

Xiao Zhi ate the roast meat that was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, looked at the other two, and read the same content in their eyes.

Xiao Zhi: "..."

He doesn't know anything, he's just a weak and helpless little mage.

Tiramisu seems to be a little nostalgic: "I came in after defeating the number one fighter of the Wood Spirit Tribe at that time, how about you?"

The Sword of Liberty took a bite of the roast meat, "Of course I defeated Team Snow Vulture—"

Tiramisu said ruthlessly, "Tell the truth."

Freedom Sword is a little weak: "The legs that have helped the Chiba royal family for more than a hundred years..."

The two looked at the outsider: "What about you in the small bureau?"

The outsider ate the barbecue slowly and seemed to enjoy it: "Me? I made a development plan for Chiba Kingdom for the next hundred years."

The two violent old men stood in awe: "Talent..."

Listening to the chatter of the neighbors, Xiao Zhi looked at the barbecue in his hand and couldn't help but think of A Sen.

That was after he just entered the game, he was not familiar with the system, he forgot the setting of physical strength, and he was so hungry that he couldn't get up in front of Asen, which shocked Asen, thinking that he was going to die.

Xiao Zhi was considering whether to eat grass to satisfy his hunger, but the grass in Hessen looked pitch black, and eating it would probably make him a day trip to the world of Athanasius.

At this moment, Asen grabbed a bone snake from the grass and handed it to him.

Xiao Zhi: "..."

Although this thing is also a snake, it has no meat at all...

It took a long time for Xiao Zhi to let Asen understand that he can't eat this kind of food. With doubts in his eyes, Asen got up and left.

Xiao Zhi lay on his stomach on the spot, dazed from hunger.

Not long after, Asen came back carrying a huge flaming wild boar. The wild boar was three or four as big as him. I don't know where Asen caught it.

A Sen turned the wild boar's unrepentant face to Xiao Zhi, and signaled him to serve dinner with a pure face.

Xiao Zhi: "..."

Although this thing has flesh, but his teeth are really not so strong...

Finally, after some difficult negotiations, Xiao Zhi finally taught Asen to barbecue, and also avoided the crisis of starving to death.

Dazedly taking a bite of Asen's fruits of labor, Xiao Zhi felt the texture of a door panel in his mouth, and made a suspicious "creaking" sound.

He barely opened his eyes and glanced at the item description:

"The dark thing is said to be barbecue, eat it at your own risk"

Xiao Zhi: "..."

Taking back his foreword, he may still be on the verge of starving to death, and this time the risk of being poisoned has also increased.

A Sen also tried a mouthful, and then decisively destroyed the black and unknown object that he stuffed into Xiao Zhi's hand.

I don't know how long it has passed, when Xiao Zhi felt that the gate of the Athanasi Realm had been opened for him, he finally tasted the taste of meat. There was no salt, nor any seasoning, but it was meat, cooked meat.

This time, Xiao Zhi was officially out of the crisis of starvation.

Later, Asen also cooked barbecue, and his barbecue skills got better and better. He also used unknown spices and mushrooms from the Hesse to season. Poor truffles.

Different from the delicious barbecue in hand, the barbecue made by Asen has a unique, Hessian taste.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi began to miss A Sen's craftsmanship again, wondering what A Sen was doing now

He is such a quiet person, maybe he is growing flowers or reading a book? It's meal time now, maybe he is chopping vegetables and cooking.

Thinking of Asen's way of chopping vegetables, the corners of Xiao Zhi's mouth could not help but curl up.



The sky here is always gloomy, and there is no green in sight, surrounded by swamps with dead trees and weeds, showing a gray lifelessness.

Frost swung his sword, splitting the swamp piranha hiding in the dark and attacking him in two. The piranha's huge head fell to the ground, but its mouth still maintained an attacking posture.

A lot of corpses fell around him. These are all monsters in the land of no man. They have no mind, only the instinct of attacking and devouring wildly, and they don't even know fear when facing the undead army.

Frost just stood there with his sword in his hand, full of ghostly aura. For a moment, people couldn't tell which one was more terrifying, he or the hideous corpse on the ground.

The author has something to say: Asen: Yes, I am chopping vegetables.

Xiao Zhi: ...