It Is Said That I Attacked the Great Demon King

Chapter 100


"Survivors found here!"

"Medical staff are in place!"

"Survivor conscious..."

The ruins above their heads were lifted by the mechanical arm, and the rescuers rushed to rescue the trapped Xiao Zhi and Frost. After the examination, it was found that one of them looked bloody, but his injury was much lighter than it looked. After emergency treatment in the medical cabin, he was able to move freely soon.

The other's injury was milder and required little treatment, which was a miracle.

In the corner, after observing that there was no one around, Xiao Zhi asked Frost in a low voice, "How did you pass the inspection?"

It stands to reason that although Frost's body is quite simulated, it is not a human body after all. After scanning with medical equipment in the interstellar era, it should be obvious that it is not a human being.

Frost gently brushed Xiao Zhi's slightly disheveled temple hair: "It's just a little tampering with the medical equipment. I don't need to make myself look like a human being, I just need to let the test result show that I am a human being."

Xiao Zhi understood in seconds, this is hacking the device, I hope the device is fine.

As if understanding what he meant, Frost's eyes were gentle: "It's not broken."

Xiao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

It's nice to not have to worry about losing money.

Hongnake is a ferocious group of star thieves. Naturally, what they are dealing with this time is not ordinary star police, but a military warship with powerful firepower. They were all ready to fight to the death with Hongnak, but they didn't expect to see a sea of fire at Hongnak's base when they came here, and finally they only needed to do a little fire fighting.

The explosion affected a wide area in Hongnake's base, probably on purpose by Pei Qing, the more the core area was blown up, the more thoroughly it was blown up, not only Hongnak's high and middle-level cadres, but everything was blown to ashes I can't even get any remaining information out.

The direction of the dungeon was the least affected, and the building itself was strong enough. The passenger ship passengers who were taken away by Hongnake before and some people who were imprisoned but not sold were still there, and some people were injured in the explosion. , but no casualties.

a12 touched his arm, which had no scars after treatment, with a look of disbelief: "Is this the medical cabin? It's amazing, I thought I was going to die..."

a11 said inscrutably, "Have you noticed that every time we see Big Brother, something good happens."

a12 thought for a while: "It seems so. When we first met Big Brother, he helped us defeat Didru and gave us a gun, so we don't have to worry about being robbed in the future."

a11: "This time, we would have been gutted and sold. As soon as the elder brother came, the base was gone immediately. I think the elder brother must have done something."

a12 said: "I also think that big brother is really amazing."

a11: "Just now people from the military told me that they can register for us!"

a12 scratched his head: "Aren't we black households?"

a11 said: "They said that the artificial breeding program is illegal, and we are victims. After the identity verification, we can officially become federal residents."

a12 jumped up: "It's not like you can go wherever you want! You can take any spaceship you want! You don't need to work illegally or take black ships anymore!"

a11 ruthlessly pierced his fantasy: "First of all, we must have money, otherwise we can only go homeless."

a12's enthusiasm remained undiminished, and he ran around in circles: "It's okay to sleep on the street as a wanderer, I'm a member of the Federation hahahaha!!!"

a11 reminded: "By the way, remember, we must not tell about the eldest brother. An interstellar wanderer like him will definitely be targeted by the military. We must not reveal his identity."

a12 nodded solemnly: "Well, I want to keep a secret for my brother!"

Because the incident happened within the scope of the Milky Way, all the survivors were brought together to Indis, the capital of the Milky Way.

When getting off the spaceship, Xiao Zhi saw a familiar person, this was the young man among his three neighbors who had dinner all day - an outsider.

The outsider's real name is Ericson, and he is the youngest major general of the Star Federation.

I didn't expect that an outsider who eats and drinks all day long in the Buddhist family and acts as a peacemaker between two irritable old men is actually such a powerful character in reality. Probably people really come to the game to relax and enjoy life.

Eriksson looked at Xiao Zhi's back and always felt a little familiar, but he didn't know such two people after searching through the relationships around him, so he looked away and asked his subordinates: "The identity of the informant?" Have you checked it out?"

The subordinate said: "No, the source of the news is very secret, and all traces have been cleaned up."

Eriksson chuckled: "You are a master, have you found the key members of Hongnake?"

Subordinate: "Not yet. The explosion happened very suddenly. Judging from the traces, no one had time to hide in the bunker. Some lower-level members survived, but no one was found above. "

Eriksson flipped through the sudden information in the terminal: "These are enough. This time is a good opportunity to clean up those greedy guys. The colonial era ended long ago on Earth, and they are still thinking Breeding slaves?"

Subordinate: "You mean ai"

Eriksson nodded: "The Federation has set up many obstacles to the development of AI over the years, and even some clauses are almost the same as slavery. AI is not completely mechanical, they have their own thoughts and feelings, blindly suppressing it will sooner or later appear The problem is, once it starts to rebound, I am afraid that the whole society will be greatly impacted by then."

The subordinate said: "What do you mean?"

Eriksson: "Everything must be kept in moderation. Excessive suppression is not good, and excessive indulgence is not good. Let the people in the parliament worry about the specifics. We only need to deal with those who use illegal means to interfere in the process of history. good."

The news that Hongnak was completely confiscated made the news, and heated discussions continued for a while, but the murderous star thief was too far away from ordinary people's lives after all, and it didn't take long for it to be squeezed out by new social hotspots.

The CEO of Zero has quietly changed. The Ark Company, which was lying to make money, had no sense of existence among the players, and it is the same now. Everyone's impression basically stays at the CEO called Pei

After the identity verification, both Xiao Zhi and Frost obtained new personal terminals, and they could finally continue their trip to the earth full of twists and turns.

After spending a day from Indis, Xiao Zhi finally set foot on the earth again.

In his memory, the last time he saw the earth was only about a year ago, but in fact it has been six hundred years. Looking at everything in front of him, a feeling of familiarity and strangeness hits his heart.

The buildings are different from those in Xiao Zhi's memory, full of futuristic feeling, only occasionally seeing some familiar well-known buildings, such as the Empire State Building or Burj Khalifa.

The blue sky and white clouds are more transparent than I remember. I used to want to see such a scene either through refined pictures on the Internet, or when the time and place are right and people are ready to go to a tourist attraction. But now he can see it when he looks up, the too beautiful picture makes Xiao Zhi, an ancient earthling, feel a little uncomfortable.

In the end, the two came to Tonghua City, the city where Xiao Zhi used to live.

This city used to be one of the top big cities in the country. Every day, people come and go in a hurry. The roads are full of continuous traffic, which seems to never stop.

Now, the crowded traffic is gone, the whole city is quiet, and the air is filled with a fresh smell that can only be smelled in the forest. Without the human overloading it, Tonghua City seems to finally be able to breathe freely.

Xiao Zhi took Frost for a casual walk on the street: "There used to be a lot of snack bars on this street, and it's full of people during the holidays. It's not easy to walk from here to the end of the street."

"There used to be a lot of old men and women who liked to dance over there, and the music was played very loudly, which was quite noisy."

"There was a building here at the time, and I ate the worst mush in the world in a shop downstairs."

"This lake used to be a popular Internet celebrity spot. Internet celebrity refers to the kind where many people like to take photos and post them on the Internet for others to like. There are people almost all the time. This is the first time I have seen it so refreshing. "

Xiao Zhi chatted with Frost casually when he saw something, and Frost listened quietly all the time, just like a long time ago, under Xiao Zhi's guidance, he knew everything on the Dazemenya continent from books .

A building with a large area suddenly appeared in front of it, which Xiao Zhi was not familiar with. It was called Tonghua City Memorial Hall. Many cities on the earth will build a memorial hall like this, which will store some things related to the city's outstanding talents, so that later visitors can have an intuitive experience of the city's human history.

Seeing Xiao Zhi looking over there, Frost asked, "Would you like to take a look?"

Xiao Zhi nodded: "Let's have a look."

He is also curious, what kind of people can be remembered by this city

There are a lot of people in the memorial hall. Although it is not as crowded as in the Earth era, it is still very lively in this interstellar era.

Xiao Zhi and Frost moved forward together at will. There are various talents collected here, including politicians, military strategists, celebrities, writers, traditional craftsmen, sports players, e-sports players... even the famous Internet celebrities are all have.

The two listened to the audio guide and watched slowly.

Suddenly, a little girl's voice came from not far away: "Mom and Dad, this long-haired brother looks like the statue we just saw."

Dad corrected her: "That's a doll, not a statue."

This sound also made the eyes of the people around him focus on Frost. In the interstellar age, human hair colors are inherently diverse. In addition to the booming hairdressing industry, as long as you think about it, there is no color that cannot be dyed. Silver hair is not unpopular either.

However, this silver hair, coupled with the tall figure and that unique temperament, is indeed somewhat similar to the doll just now.

Xiao Zhi seemed to understand something, he followed the little girl's fingers and saw something familiar behind a row of glass display cases, which was his previous work.

Audio guide: "Ahead is the work of the famous puppeteer 'hduigdiu' six hundred years ago. It is famous for its gorgeous, delicate and full of personal style..."

Everyone who heard it couldn't help but think, Master, your name is casual enough.

Xiao Zhi: "..."

If he had known that his name would go down in history, he should have chosen a more meaningful name.

How about 22222

He moved forward step by step, and saw the Hell Vision series that once made him famous, the highly sought-after Dream series, and some occasional dolls that inspired him.

At the very end of the showcase, there is the last work.

On the skeleton of an unknown creature, a naked person lay curled up on his side. The man's limbs were relaxed, as if he was in deep sleep, his muscles had just the right lines, not too much and not too little, and the loose silver hair covered his face, making people unable to see the sleeping person's appearance clearly, but it aroused people's daydreams.

"Mr. Hduigdiu suddenly disappeared in six hundred years, which became an unsolved unsolved case. When the police checked his residence, they found this last work. The face of the doll was blank. It should have not been completed. The puppet remained in this posture when it was opened, and it has not been altered for hundreds of years... ”

Xiao Zhi and Frost looked at each other and smiled.

This is their first meeting.

The world of zero is as lively as ever.

Blaise's emperor, Ulivia, launched a coup, which was equivalent to directly giving Blaise, who still had the power to fight back, a backstab.

After officially taking back the ruling power of the country, Ulivia changed Blaise's name to Hollanders, symbolizing a new beginning.

After negotiating with the countries participating in the war, she handed over the production method of the Yixi weapon. On the one hand, it was used as war compensation, and on the other hand, it also made Hollanders, who had just been reborn and was still fragile, no longer feared by the countries.

This has brought the balance of power among the continental countries into balance again.

Under the mediation of Duke Sharona of the Dolly Alliance, Hollanders' land remained intact, but correspondingly, Hollanders also had to do its best to assist countries in clearing up the remnants of the Brace Cult. This request is beneficial to all parties, and Ulivia readily agreed.

For a moment, the Brace Sect, who was originally all-powerful, became an existence like a rat crossing the street.

Dolly Union.

A grand funeral is being held by the sea. Those who died in the battle with Blaise will be buried in the sea according to the tradition of the sea tribe.

Muranfasa led the Yuan clan to sing soul-requiem songs for the dead.

After thousands of years, the singing of the Yuan Clan officially spread to the ears of the Xiyue Clan once again. The warm and serene singing soothed the pain of the living, and also sent the most solemn farewell to the former comrades-in-arms.

Countless people gathered by the sea, listening silently, and the singing seemed to flow into their hearts.

After this day, the singing of the Yuan Clan will become the most desirable sound of nature on the continent.

Edge of Hesse.

The army of smoke wolf, wild lion, breath snake and other small tribes are saying goodbye to the undead.

About 20% of the orcs killed or injured in the battle were transformed into undead, which is already a high probability under the blessing of the Hesse environment and the two major causes of death in battle. As for those who died completely, the orc patriarchs planned to bring them back to the tribe for burial according to the traditional customs of each tribe after discussion.

Ni Teqiang, the patriarch of Yanlang, said goodbye to Tutaqiang solemnly: "From now on, the undead of Yanlang will be entrusted to you."

Behind Tutaqiang stood many blood-stained smoke wolf warriors. They set off and fought together with their patriarch, but unfortunately fell down in the battle and could not return to their homeland together.

There are many more like the smoke wolf warriors. These orcs who became undead after death also came to see them off, because they were all killed in battle, and most of them looked hideous and terrifying, but this time, in the hearts of the living orcs. There is no longer any fear and barrier to the undead.

These are their comrades-in-arms, they just exist in another way, even compared to those comrades-in-arms who can no longer wake up, it can be regarded as a kind of comfort.

The new patriarch of the wild lion is a young female wild lion named Dora. Unlike her name, Dora is not as beautiful as Lituya, but tall and strong, not to lose to Tutaqiang. After the baptism of this battle, she can officially become the new patriarch from the acting patriarch.

Dora forced the highest courtesy to Tuta: "Master Conqueror, I swear that I will lead the Wild Lion Clan forward with all my enthusiasm and sense of responsibility."

The snake patriarch Kasa said a few words, and saluted Tuta forcefully.

Lagugu translates: "Sigh... snake... the... big... family... also... please... please... you..."

The other patriarchs also solemnly handed over the dead clansmen to Tu Taqiang.

Tu Taqiang led the orcs who were transformed into undead and bowed deeply to the people who were about to leave: "I will not disappoint everyone's entrustment. Goodbye, our relatives."

This is a farewell between life and death, which is sad, but fortunately it is not a farewell.

the other side.

Qianyewu led the Red Kite team to prepare to return, because it was a long-distance battle, and Alifa stood in front of them. Although some fighters of the Wood Spirit Clan were seriously injured or even nearly died, no one died in the end, and the atmosphere was the most relaxed.

The alliance is about to leave, and out of courtesy, Teague came to see him off on behalf of Hessen.

Qianyewu had a satisfied smile on his face, and his storage ring was full of various limited edition treasures, which made him feel as happy as a dragon guarding a pile of jewels at this moment.

Qianyewu sighed from the bottom of his heart: "Tig, you are such a good person."

During this period of time, his address to Teague has changed from Mr. Diplomat to Mr. Teague, and recently to Teague, which shows the rapid development of his favorability.

Teague said to Qianyewu with a gentle and gentle smile: "Thank you for your compliment. I have also contacted many friends in my life. I met them when I was taking part-time photo shoots. If your highness is interested, I can help you. Recommend them."

"Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Qianyewu's eyes burst out with a light that was even more dazzling than the punishment of the gods.

After this period of social beatings, Yi Na suddenly felt that something was wrong, and quickly inserted between the two of them as if guarding against a scourge, and said at the fastest speed: "Your Highness! Hongyuan is not good at night walking. I won’t be able to go back to Wang Shu tonight!!!”

"Ah, that's it..." Qianye Wu showed a regretful expression.

He nodded to Teague and said goodbye: "Sorry, I can only see you next time when we are destined."

"It's their honor that you don't have to apologize," Teague said with a smile.

His smile was gentle and sweet, but Yi Na saw a contented fox flicking its tail.

Yi Na stared at Teague with the same eyes as if she was guarding against a thief, until the Red Kite team flew out of Hesse's airspace, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

That zombie diplomat is so powerful, one routine after another, it is almost impossible to guard against, but he is not annoying at all, if he stays for a few more days, the private treasury of His Highness the Crown Prince will be wiped out. Pants will soon be lost.

Teague vividly explained what is called the Xiyue Clan's version of unchanging, not only not changing, but even becoming stronger.

After bidding farewell to the wood spirit tribe, Teague received a message from Milton: "New documents have been sent."

Teague stopped smiling and started walking back: "Well, it's time to continue working."

After the war Hesse developed again.

A new building, called Valhalla, was erected, which was actually the cemetery. This is established for those undead who can no longer wake up. They have spent a life longer and full of twists and turns than ordinary people, and finally reached the end of the common life with the living.

The various tribes who died in the war and converted to the undead supplemented the number of Hessian losses, and even more than before, becoming the new Hessian force.

The knight commanders continued to go back to fish, and the bosses who showed up because of the lord's call-up order returned again to start their own mushroom growing business.

Alifa was the happiest. Those broken Yixi weapons, including the God's Punisher barrel whose launch device was removed after research, all became its toys.

With the addition of these weapons, Alifa's toy mountain has expanded again, and it can now really lie on the toy mountain and roll around.

Alifa happily sang a song: "咕咕~~咕~咕咕咕咕咕~~"

Xiao Zhi is finally online.

Others are still on the earth, and Frost somehow got a mountain villa with a pretty good environment, surrounded by greenery, and the air is fresh and pleasant.

Today, Frost stubbornly asked him to go online to have a look. Xiao Zhi didn't understand what he wanted to do, but he hadn't been online for several days, and he missed Zero, so he logged into the game cabin. After Xiao Zhi logged in, Frost returned to the game directly through the data connection.

After going online, Xiao Zhi followed Frost's statement and came under the big white tree where they used to meet often.

Frost was already waiting there. He didn't wear the usual armor or light armor today, but a black dress. The crisp fabric outlines his waist, and the decent tailoring makes his long legs more attractive. The exquisite decoration on the dress embellishes the seductiveness of this usually cold-looking person.

From the quality of this dress, Xiao Zhi realized that today's meeting was unusual.

The heartbeat speeded up a little quietly.

Coming under the tree, Xiao Zhi looked at Frost's familiar face and asked, "Well... what do you want from me?"

Frost looked at him, his platinum eyes seemed to contain a little bit of starlight: "Xiao Qi..."

Xiao Zhi listened intently and couldn't help holding his breath quietly.

"What do you think is the best date for the wedding?"

Xiao Zhi: "!"

What is the turning point

Is there a step missing between them, like...a marriage proposal

Perhaps it was because his stiffness was too obvious, Frost frowned slightly, and looked into Xiao Zhi's eyes seriously: "Didn't you propose to me before? And I also agreed."

Xiao Zhi was at a loss, wondering if he had traveled to a parallel dimension: "When?"

Frost: "I know that in human culture, giving a ring means a marriage proposal. You gave me a total of 712 rings, which means you have proposed 712 times."

He pointed to a place under the tree: "After the memory recovered, I remembered where I hid them all before."

Xiao Zhi: "..."

A large number of pictures suddenly popped up from the corners of his memory. For a while, he was very interested in jewelry making. When he was free, he made a few rings to practice his hands, because the rings needed less materials, which was very suitable for poor novices at that time. player.

It's a pity that he embarked on the road of chopping cubs and became a player addicted to fighting. His journey as a jewelry making master came to an end.

What happened to those practice rings


He gave them all to Asen as toys!

At that time, Asen seemed a little hesitant to accept the gift. He originally thought that Asen didn't like it very much and was too embarrassed to refuse it. Was he considering whether to accept his marriage proposal? ?

Still more than seven hundred times! ! !

He can be sure that he has never taught Asen this cold knowledge of human beings. Could it be that Noah Pei taught it? !

"!!!" Xiao Zhi's eyes widened, if he told the truth, would Asen turn his face on the spot...

Frost pressed Xiao Zhi's shoulder, and said in a serious and cautious tone, "Do you want to go back on your word?"

Xiao Zhi met those translucent platinum-gold eyes, and couldn't explain what he was saying. Although he felt it was sudden, thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to have the intention to refuse.

It seemed like this, and it was pretty good, if he wasn't with this person, he couldn't imagine who else he could walk with in his future life.

The corners of Xiao Zhi's mouth curled up.

"What day do you like?"


"Today seems to be a public holiday, marriage registration is not accepted, right?"

"I can hack the marriage registration system and add us."

"Can you obey the law!"

Before Xiao Zhi knew it, he had been dominating the forum hot posts and world topics for several days.

Players made a lot of money in the war between Hesse and Blaise, and their overall level has risen a bit. Those with the highest prestige even got their dream big moves, which is very enviable.

Of course, the most enviable thing is the regent + black robe boss. One-on-one with the Pope, but, there are also internal reports that he solved the crisis that no one can understand, and he can be called the highest combat power in the world.

Therefore, the players are gearing up and waiting for the opportunity to hug their thighs. Unfortunately, according to those lucky players who have friends with the big boss, the big boss went offline the day after the big fight, and he didn't go online for a few days after that.

Today, the wolves and tigers finally found their chance.

"The black-robed boss is online!!!!"

The world channel suddenly exploded.

"Boss, are you there? Is Hessen still recruiting people? I work hard and love to die, so I want to learn from natural disasters!!!"

"Is the boss accepting apprentices? My interstellar rich list ranks in the top 50!"

"Top 50! Roll! Boss, look at me, my house is ranked in the top ten, and I will receive a set of capital star houses as apprentices!!"

"Big brother, look at me. Although I have no money, I can be cute and warm the bed. I can do anything the Lord of Hesse can do!!! Any position is fine!! Come on, ravage me!!! You're welcome!! !"

"Fuck! He's a ruthless person!"

"Why did you take my lines away!"

"Shameless! Delete this post and let me post it!!"

"Grandson, your grandma saw what you said just now, she is coming to you with a knife, you should find a place to hide, don't go offline to face a real PK!!"

"Grandma, I was wrong!!!"

"Old man, you dare to tip off the news!!!"

"My wife, I was wrong!!!!"

Today's Athanasis are still passionate.

The author has something to say: This is really over! Thank you to everyone who has been chasing here and endured my writing, I love you =3=

At the end of the month, there will be a lucky draw for all readers

Afterwards, it’s extra time. Let me see if you have any extras you want to watch. For a while, I thought of a "Little Purple Hat Walking Alone on a Small Road in the Suburbs"

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