It Is Said That I Attacked the Great Demon King

Chapter 45


Xiao Zhi released his last skill and finally smashed the stone statue in front of him.

At this time, many broken stone statues fell on the surrounding altars, and the stone statues on the walls that looked like decorations were all gone now.

Xiao Zhi put away his staff, and lay directly in the water like a floating corpse, not wanting to move a single finger.

tired! Really too tired!

Just after Xiao Zhi touched the statue of Goddess Shifa on the table, the stone statues came down from the wall one after another and engaged in a brutal wheel battle against Xiao Zhi.

After the fight, Xiao Zhi was even more certain that each of these stone statues was a reproduction of a very powerful Yuan clan warrior from back then. Each of them has a lot of combat experience, and their attacking methods and habits are also different, which makes it very difficult for him to deal with it. They all have a lot of wounds on their bodies, and even a few of them almost gave him a heartbreak.

The wheel battle lasted for several hours, and it was almost exhausted. Perhaps Xiao Zhi should be thankful that they didn't rush forward, otherwise he would most likely be in a worse situation than now, and he might even die directly.

No wonder the formation on the door is only for warning and defense, the guards inside are really strong.

The Soul Fire Lamp had already fallen to the ground, and the dark green light reflected his motionless translucent body, which looked very scary.

After a while, Xiao Zhi felt that he had finally regained some strength. He took out a bottle of red medicine from his backpack and poured it down, waiting for the wound on his body to heal.

At this moment, the statue of the Goddess, who was sitting quietly on the table and only emitting a little white light, suddenly lit up. The pure and flawless white light suppressed the dark green of the soul lamp, and dispelled the ghostly aura on the entire altar. The picture even looked a bit holy and warm.

Xiao Zhi also received a system prompt almost at the same time:

"You have passed the test of the Goddess Shifa and obtained the qualification to be close to the icon"

Xiao Zhi thought, what test? Could it be that he had defeated a wall of stone statues

If the qualifications to contact Goddess Shifa are so hard-core, then it is understandable that the Yuan clan did not take away their guardian icon during the catastrophe. The whole city is about to disappear. Whoever has so much time to fight with wheels must have to escape first. Anyway, the protection of the holy statue is also very comprehensive, and it has not been damaged in the past for so many years.

Perhaps the Yuan Clan at that time thought that with their combat power, they would be able to find the city of Kernas on the bottom of the sea soon, and it would not be too late to take away the icon. Who knew that a thousand years had passed since the search.

Xiao Zhi became more and more sure that the change of Yuan Clan was related to the loss of this goddess statue.

At the same time, I couldn't help thinking, didn't the Yuanzu even prepare an emergency plan for themselves

Xiao Zhi approached the glowing statue of Goddess Shifa, and reached out to touch it again.

This time there was no unexpected attack, and the statue was safely held in his hands. The touch of the god statue is warm and moist, as delicate as jade, and even has a little temperature. It may not be obvious on land, but it is very obvious on the cold seabed.

Xiao Zhi looked at the goddess statue, and felt that his heart became peaceful, and emotions such as anxiety, fear, and uneasiness were expelled from the bottom of his heart, which seemed to be the special effect of the god statue.

Then Xiao Zhi received a system prompt:

"Would you like to accept the exploration mission 'Return the Icon of the Yuan Clan'?"

"Reminder: This task is a key task for area exploration, and you will not be able to receive it again after giving up"

Xiao Zhi: "Send it back? Is it going to be sent to the territory of the Yuan Clan?"

He thought about chasing him before, just like the Yuan Clan who had the same deep hatred as him, if he entered their lair, he wouldn't be stabbed to death by the trident...

He may not be able to find the residence of the Yuan Clan.

accept? Still not answering

Xiao Zhi thought about it, and finally decided to accept it. Since it is a key task, it may be related to whether the map can be opened. If you refuse, you may never have another chance.

And if he has the statue of Shifa in his hand, maybe the treatment will be different. For this point, you can refer to the abyss Unodi who saw the pink doll. I hope the Yuan clan can be so understanding...

After accepting the task, the white light on the statue of Goddess Shifa returned to the weak state before, but a small white light ball appeared in front of Xiao Zhi, and the light ball was floating in the water, always facing a certain direction , seems to be leading him.

It also comes with a guide, and the goddess Shifa is very considerate.


Xiao Zhi followed the guidance of the ball of light and left from Kernas City.

After leaving the protection of the city, there were more sea beasts outside, and many attacked him.

But Xiao Zhi found that as long as it looked like an octopus, no matter if it was a squid or a squid, they would not attack him, and some would even follow him for a while out of curiosity and then leave. Probably these are the subordinates of Abyss Unodi, with the order of the boss, naturally they will not do anything to Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi suddenly felt that they were all cute.

The sphere of light guided Xiao Zhi to the seamount he had passed through before. It seemed that the settlement of the Yuan clan was still on the other side. He had no choice but to go through the gap in the mountain again.

After coming out of the seamount, he walked forward for a while, and the surrounding environment gradually changed.

The seaweed on the ground seems to have been roughly cut off, and it looks bare. There are also various sea animal skeletons and bodies that are not completely decomposed, but not even a fish can be seen. There are also many battle marks on the rocks. These marks are scratches with sharp weapons, obviously not from the handwriting of sea beasts.

Xiao Zhi had an idea in his mind, knowing that he might have entered the activity area of the Yuan Clan, he couldn't help raising his vigilance, holding his magic staff in his hand, ready for a big scuffle at any time.

The ball of light has been guiding him forward.

There are already traces of buildings in front of them. These buildings are all made of stone, but they are different from the elegant but exquisite stone buildings in Kernas City. These look very casual. Even a few big stones are piled up, and the fist-sized gaps between the stones don't know how to block them. The whole building is still crooked, making people suspect that it may fall apart if pushed hard.

Some don't even have doors, revealing a poor and rough atmosphere.

Probably this is where the Yuan clan lived.

Xiao Zhi looked at these buildings carefully, and found that these houses were all empty, even the furniture that should have been there could not be seen, and there was no trace of habitation.

Xiao Zhi glanced at the guidance of the light ball, he did not deviate from the direction.

But what about people

Walking forward for a while, there are many buildings on both sides, all of the same style, but there are still no traces of people, but some deep scratches have been left on the stones of some houses. It looks like someone once fought here Same thing.

Finally, several figures with black fishtails and tridents appeared in front of them.

Xiao Zhi immediately became vigilant, and his eyes fixed on the Yuan Clan who were approaching him.

The eyes of these Yuan people seemed to be some hungry beasts, fierce, cold, with the desire to devour and bite, their faces were also full of ferocious burn marks, and their sharp white teeth still looked like that. appalling.

But when they approached Xiao Zhi, they didn't attack directly like the Yuan Clan they had seen before.

They just stared at Xiao Zhi with piercing eyes, holding the trident tightly in their hands, and Xiao Zhi could clearly see the bulging muscles and bulging veins on their arms, as if they were about to lift them in the next second. Like a weapon stabbing.

The Yuan Clan kept looking at Xiao Zhi strangely, but they didn't see any next move.

Xiao Zhi felt a little strange, and he was not in a hurry to act. The two sides fell into a silent confrontation for a while.

At this moment, another Yuan Clan figure appeared in front of him.

Xiao Zhi looked over there vigilantly, there were a lot of people who came this time, and they were all from the Yuan clan.

But these Yuanzu are even more different, they are too normal.

Although it was still a mermaid tail, there were no hideous burn marks on the face, and the eyes were quite clear. Xiao Zhi saw curiosity, vigilance, and doubts in their eyes, but he didn't see any feeling of madness.

There is also a difference from the ones I have seen before. Judging from the body shape, this should be a group of teenagers, and even half of them are children.

The leader was a handsome boy with short black hair. He seemed to be the oldest boy in the group, and he was also the closest to the size of an adult.

What did the young man say to the Yuan Clan before him, Xiao Zhi could not understand the language he used, but those Yuan Clan who had been staring at Xiao Zhi with terrifying eyes backed away after hearing it, although they still stared fiercely at him. Looking at him, the hand holding the trident relaxed a lot.

Only then did the boy turn his gaze back to Xiao Zhi, and he spoke in fluent common language: "Sorry, Blantu and the others just offended you."

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised, because of this young man's rationality and gentle attitude, didn't the Yuan clan have become lunatics after wandering on the bottom of the sea for thousands of years

Out of politeness, he didn't ask such impolite questions directly, but just said: "It's okay, there was no fight anyway."

Hearing his answer, the boy smiled: "My name is Yulis, and I am the current acting patriarch. May I ask what should I call you?"

Xiao Zhi thought about it, whether it is better to say Seventeen or 7654321, in order to avoid the danger of losing the horse, he finally said: "Seventeen."

Ulis said: "Mr. Seventeen, may I ask why you came to visit Yuan Clan?"

Although Xiao Zhi thought it was strange that the acting patriarch was a young man, compared to the seemingly unable to communicate adult Yuan Clan, this young man who could speak common language and was sober was more reliable.

Xiao Zhi didn't tell the whole story at the beginning, he said: "I heard that the Yuan family has been staying at the bottom of the sea, are they looking for something very important?"

Hearing this, the young man frowned, and a look of vigilance flashed in his eyes: "How did Mr. Seventeen know?"

Xiao Zhi said: "I have obtained some information, which may be helpful to you, but it will probably take a long time to explain."

Julis glanced at Xiao Zhi who was calm, thought for a moment and said to him: "Please come with me, I hope you don't dislike our poor hospitality."

After speaking, he led Xiao Zhi to the depths of the Yuan clan's settlement, with several adult Yuan clan still following behind them.

The Yuan Clan teenagers around kept casting curious glances at Xiao Zhi, and some younger children couldn't help asking: "Mr. Seventeen, are you from outside?"

Xiao Zhi looked at him and replied: "Yes, I'm from Hesse in the Dazemen sub-continent."

The children exclaimed:

"Wow… "


"It's so far away..."

Xiao Zhi said, "Yes, can I ask how you all learned the common language?"

"The patriarch taught it!"

"Read a book!"

"There's an exam!"

The children chattered, but their words did not answer Xiao Zhi's doubts.

On the contrary, Julis turned his head and said to Xiao Zhi: "Our knowledge about the common language is basically obtained from sunken merchant ships or adventurers. Sometimes we will go to search for sunken ships to obtain some knowledge that has not been corroded by sea water. books or maps, sometimes…”

Yulis was a little embarrassed as he said that, he grinned, revealing the characteristic white fangs of the Abyss Race: "We will rob adventurers and get them from them."

Xiao Zhi: "..."

It is a method of obtaining information with Yuanzu's characteristics.

Yulis said: "The patriarch always said that the Yuan clan must keep learning so as not to be abandoned by the times. Although information is not always available, there is always something to be gained every once in a while, so we still have a general understanding The current situation on the mainland."

Xiao Zhi felt that this patriarch must be a very far-sighted person.

At this time, he noticed that after hearing the word "patriarch", regret and sadness appeared on the faces of the excited teenagers. Could it be that something happened to the patriarch

But as a sudden visitor, Xiao Zhi was inconvenient to ask rashly like this, so he could only suppress his curiosity temporarily.

Yulis led Xiao Zhi to the most gorgeous looking house.

It is said to be the most gorgeous, but in fact, the stones are piled up a little higher, and the gaps between the stones are filled, so that the whole house will not be like a sieve.

Xiao Zhi noticed that there were two stone pillars in front of this house. Although they were simply polished and the workmanship was rough, they were consistent with the architectural style of Kernas City.

Everyone entered the house, the house was very simple, just a stone table, a few stones that looked like seats.

Yulis greeted the boys and served Xiao Zhi some snacks. Dim sum is actually a kind of thick seaweed slices. The young man in charge of cutting them is not very good with a knife.

The whole picture reveals a breath of poverty.

Julis felt a little ashamed. He had read books from the outside world, so he naturally knew how people on the mainland treated guests. In comparison, the slums on his side were really shabby. Maybe the slums on the mainland were even worse than theirs. What comes out is better.

But even if it was such a shabby piece of seaweed, the teenagers at the door couldn't help showing longing eyes. They stared at the seaweed on the table brightly, as if they had seen something extremely delicious.

Xiao Zhi felt that this scene was a bit like a little pet watching its owner eat.

A sense of guilt suddenly came to mind, Xiao Zhi took out some fruits bought by Chiba Kingdom from his backpack, and said to the boys, "Would you like to eat together?"

The eyes of the teenagers were bright, but no one acted rashly. They all looked at Julius expectantly.

Julis looked at the fruit in Xiao Zhi's hand: "Is this red heart fruit made in Chiba?"

Xiao Zhi nodded. This young man knows a lot. Red heart fruit is a well-known fruit in Chiba country. It tastes crisp and sweet, with a bit of milky aroma. It is a good choice to eat it directly or make it into a snack.

Yulis was a little embarrassed: "You are a guest, how can we eat something so precious from you?"

Xiao Zhi suddenly felt more sympathetic. According to the market price, the red heart fruit is only 100 gold shells each, and they are sold all over the street. How poor is the Yuan Clan...

Xiao Zhi resisted the urge to sigh, and directly put the fruit on the table: "Let's eat together, let's chat while eating."

After speaking, he took the lead and gnawed on one, and by the way indicated that the fruit was not poisonous.

A little bit of sweet smell drifted away with the water flow, the teenagers' eyes widened, and they couldn't help swallowing, more like greedy little animals.

Julis didn't refuse anymore when he saw this, he waved to the teenagers: "Come on, remember to thank Mr. Seventeen."

"Thank you Mr. Seventeen!"

"Mr. Seventeen is so kind!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many times..."

After sharing the food in a friendly manner, Xiao Zhi chatted with the teenagers for a while, which made the relationship between the two sides a lot closer, and the atmosphere immediately relaxed.

Xiao Zhi also had some understanding of this group of teenagers. They are headed by Yulis. Yulis is the younger brother of the patriarch. He has been the deputy of the patriarch for a year. He is a smart and gentle boy, but due to his environment and age, he has no plans.

During the chat, Xiao Zhi revealed to them how he knew about the Yuan Clan, and also said that the purpose of coming this time was the statue of Goddess Shifa.

As soon as these words came out, the teenagers who were addicted to eating fruit were stunned.


"Goddess Shifa..."

"Find, found..."

It was also difficult for Julis to keep calm: "Mr. Seventeen, you mean you found the city of Kernas, and... now the statue of Shifa is in your hands?!"

Xiao Zhi nodded, took out the goddess statue from his backpack, and put it on the table.

The whole body is shiny, and the statue of the goddess exuding a faint white light forms a sharp contrast with the simple tabletop, but such an environment makes her even more holy.

At this time, Xiao Zhi also received a reminder of the completion of the task and a lot of experience, he quietly checked his level, it has reached 210, and exploring the new map is really rewarding.

Feeling that there might be a follow-up to the mission, Xiao Zhi is not in a hurry and waits for the development of the situation.

The teenagers around seemed to be intimidated, and they all looked at the goddess quietly, even Julius, who was like an adult, was no exception. At this moment, Xiao Zhi saw on their faces that he had never seen it before. Lived in peace and tranquility.

After quite a while, Julis was the first to come back to his senses. He turned to Xiao Zhi, and his tone couldn't hide his excitement: "Thank you so much! I don't even know how to express my current mood!"

Xiao Zhi just asked his doubts: "Can you tell me why the statue of Shifa is so important to you? If it's not convenient for you, you don't need to tell me."

Julis said, "It's your words, so there's no problem in telling you."

He thought about the wording: "The Yuan Clan has always had a secret, and even the other Sea Clans don't know about this secret. When the Yuan Clan reaches adulthood, they will go through a transformation period. During this transformation period, the Yuan Clan's body The energy and bloodline strength of our body are very unstable, and once we riot, it is easy to destroy our sanity and appearance."

"Thousands of years ago, every once in a while, the teenagers who were about to grow up would be brought to the altar, and the patriarch would perform a blessing ceremony with the help of the icon. After the ceremony, the energy in our body will become milder, and it will be easier to go through the transformation period .”

Xiao Zhi thought of those crazy Yuan Clan: "Then isn't the current Yuan Clan...?"

Yulis smiled wryly: "Without the blessing of the icon, almost all the Yuan people were severely injured during the metamorphosis period. Some of them went crazy directly, and the rest will gradually go crazy in the next few years."

"For thousands of years, we have been wandering around the bottom of the sea all day long, but we have never been able to find the goddess. The situation worsens with each generation. Some of the serious cases don't even know to return here. They wander outside like sea beasts. I don’t remember who I am, and I don’t remember the purpose of going out, only the fighting instinct remains.”

Xiao Zhi: "No wonder you have to stay at the bottom of the sea forever."

This is an important treasure related to the survival of the entire Yuan Clan.

Xiao Zhi asked: "During the catastrophe, why didn't you take it with you?"

Yulis recalled: "According to what my brother told me, the icon can only be touched by the patriarch of each generation and those who have passed the test of the goddess. A few days before the catastrophe, the patriarch and the elite of the clan all went to fight against sea beasts. As a result, no one was qualified to touch the icon at that time."

Now that the topic has come to his elder brother who is the patriarch, Xiao Zhi asked by the way: "I haven't seen the patriarch, what's wrong with him?"

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy, and Julis said: "Brother, called Muran Fasa. He is the most talented member of the Yuan Clan in the past few hundred years, and even survived the transformation period with his own strength without being affected. , was originally considered to be the hope of the Yuan Clan, and he has been leading us to find the future."

"But his condition began to deteriorate a year ago, and he could only hand over the patriarch to me as an agent. Until three months ago, he was still crazy..."

The room fell into silence, the sadness on the faces of the teenagers present was not fake, they really liked the patriarch.

At this time, a little girl quietly tugged on Xiao Zhi's sleeve. Her common language was not standard, but she said every word seriously: "Mr. Seventeen, can Ni save Chiu... Brother Julis, he is far away from Ni There is a year of adulthood... Faina is afraid that he will also become... "

Julis quickly stopped her: "Fayina, you can't be so rude."

Xiao Zhi didn't mind, he stroked Faina's soft black hair, and asked Julius: "How can I help you?"

Julius looked in disbelief: "Are you willing to help us?"

Xiao Zhi nodded.

Yulis thought for a while: "Actually, I don't know either. I'm not the real patriarch. There are some things that only my brother knows..."

Suddenly he thought of something: "Mr. Seventeen, you have been approved by Goddess Shifa, maybe you can help him recover!!"

Xiao Zhi asked: "How?"

Julis wasn't very confident either: "First... bring the icon to my brother to have a look..."

After his words fell, Xiao Zhi immediately received the mission reminder:

"Accept the exploration mission 'Save Muranfasa'?"

"Reminder: This task is a key task for area exploration, and you will not be able to receive it again after giving up"

Xiao Zhi resolutely chose to accept,


On the way to meet the patriarch, Julis asked Xiao Zhi about the process of finding Kernas and obtaining the statue.

Yulis: "So it's that seamount?! About three hundred years ago, a patriarch tried to send people through there, but that piece belonged to an abyss monster. Whenever we approached, will be expelled from it.”

Xiao Zhi asked, "Is it a big pink octopus?"

Julius was surprised: "You know it too? Did it let you pass?"

Xiao Zhi briefly described to him how he gained the favor of the big octopus by gifting the doll.

"Pink...skirt...legs..." Julis fell into deep thought after hearing this. He couldn't help but look at his dark fishtail, and then at the fishtails and hair of the teenagers around him who were almost as black as himself. , Think again about the hideous appearance of the adult Yuan clan.

"Could it be... it despises us as ugly?" the witty boy Julius came to a conclusion.

In the eyes of the big octopus, Yuanzu is not only not pink, but also has a fish tail that is not unusual in the sea, and is even ugly.

Xiao Zhi: "..."

He wanted to comfort the other party, but he subtly felt that Ulis might have guessed the truth. If the Yuan people all have pink fish tails and hair, maybe the big octopus can accommodate them and let them pass by...

It's a pity that they perfectly avoided all the cuteness of the big octopus.

The author has something to say: Yuan Clan: From now on, we will make pink the exclusive color for macho men!