It Is Said That I Attacked the Great Demon King

Chapter 52


Under Xiao Zhi's gaze, Teague's azure eyes lost their spirit bit by bit, his pupils gradually dilated, and then those eyes that were once full of cunning slowly closed, and even the faint heaving of his chest stopped.

Xiao Zhi drove the boat to a secluded and deserted place by the sea, and then wiped Teague's tears, blood-stained hair and cheeks, and then quietly waited by his side to observe what happened next.

It is not an easy task for a living person to transform into an undead. The right time, place and people are indispensable.

The time of day refers to the time of death. If it is in broad daylight, the yin energy will be dispelled by the warm sun, and the probability of successful transformation will be reduced.

Geographical advantage refers to the place of death. The dark and desolate Hesse and the land of no man are good places. It is easy to gather dead and yin energy. If you die in a place like Blaise, where even the floor tiles are pickled by light energy , then most likely they will not be able to become undead.

As for human harmony, this is probably the most important part of the entire transformation process. Whether there are strong obsessions and resentments before death, whether there are things that are unwilling to give up even after death, these will affect whether the deceased can become undead in the end.

Even if these conditions are met, it still requires a little luck.

Whether to become an awakened corpse or a living corpse without much thinking ability, or truly become an undead with independent thinking ability, there are some very subtle factors in it, even the undead are difficult to describe by themselves.

Xiao Zhi had talked with Lance and Dean, and they didn't understand the process very well.

To be honest, Xiao Zhi was not sure about whether Teague could turn into an undead. He can only wait and see whether he ends up losing a friend who counts as a friend, or gaining a boost that can help build Hesse.

Time passed little by little, Teague's corpse was quiet, except for the normal changes after death, there was no trace of transformation into an undead.

As time passed, the surrounding night gradually changed. After the deepest night, the sky began to gradually turn white.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning, if it was bright and Tigger hadn't woken up as an undead, would he bury people in the bottom of the sea according to the tradition of the Xiyue clan, or find a dark place to put Tigger in and wait?

Suddenly, Teague's corpse opened its eyes.

The blue eyes lost their vitality and seemed a little stiff. After a while, his eyes began to move slowly, as if adapting to the current body.

After a while, Teague's fingers began to bend, and his movements were very slow, somewhat like the zombies Xiao Zhi had seen in movies.

Xiao Zhi felt a little nervous, it must not be that he was not obsessed enough and eventually turned into a walking dead, right? In this case, he can only make up for Teague and send him back to true peace.

In this uneasy atmosphere, Teague's movements finally gradually became smoother.

He tried to support his body, then turned his head slightly. Xiao Zhi heard the crisp clicking sound from the bones on Teague, as if the old parts were put into use again.

Teague turned his head to look at Xiao Zhi, and showed a smile: "It seems... I succeeded... Seven... Mister..."

Since he hadn't adapted to his already stiff muscles, this smile was a bit of a smirk, coupled with his pale face and lifeless eyes, it looked ghostly.

In addition, he has not yet proficiently used the pronunciation of his current voice, and the words he speaks are also intermittent, and his voice is still hoarse and erratic, and the combination is strange.

Even if Xiao Zhi hangs around with the undead all day long, seeing Teague like this suddenly makes his heart skip a beat.

Xiao Zhi suddenly understood why the living people on the mainland were afraid of the undead. If anyone saw someone he knew become like this with his own eyes, most of them would feel terrified. The more familiar the person, the stronger this fear will be.

However, I didn't expect Teague's obsession with politics to be so deep, deep enough to support him to become an undead in a short time.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Xiao Zhi took out a spare black cloak from his backpack and put it on Teague, and before the first rays of sunlight appeared, he left the beach with Teague, who was still inflexible.

Newborn undead are very fragile, and Teague is a war scum, Xiao Zhi thinks it's better for him not to be exposed to the sun.

The little star dolphin pulling the boat sees its guests leave, its ignorant little brain doesn't know what happened, but the guests left = the work is done = you can go back for another meal!

Simple-minded, courageous, food-loving and home-loving, that's why star dolphins were domesticated to pull boats.

The star dolphin flicked its tail happily, and slowly swam towards its master.


According to Teague's instructions, Xiao Zhi took him to a nearby dwelling.

This is not the same place as the one Xiao Zhi knew, but they are all the same hidden and inconspicuous, and I don't know how many real estates like this Tigger has. Could this be called "Three Caves of the Rabbit"

Once inside, Xiao Zhi tightly closed the curtains to block out the light before he had time to communicate with Teague.

Tigger was sitting on the sofa, moving his incoherent fingers, and asked Xiao Zhi: "Mr. Seven... what am I...?"

Xiao Zhi took a look: "It's probably a zombie."

Teague: "I heard... Zombies are... long buried... corpses... in the ground..."

In this regard, Xiao Zhi knows a little better: "Buried in the ground for a long time, accumulating Yin Qi and resentment is one of the ways to transform into a zombie."

"In fact, as long as any one of Yin Qi, resentment, and obsession is sufficient, it is possible to transform. However, the zombies transformed in this way are not as strong as the ones transformed over the years, but the advantage is that consciousness will be stronger than the accumulation of Yin Qi and resentment. The zombies that come out are much more sober."

"Oh..." Teague seemed a little disappointed, he didn't expect to become an undead and he was still a war scum.

Xiao Zhi said: "As time goes by, you slowly absorb death energy, yin energy, and resentment energy, and if you accumulate strength, you will also become stronger."

"Really? How long will it take?" Teague looked at Xiao Zhi in surprise.

Xiao Zhi nodded, and evaluated it in his heart: "In about a hundred years, you will be able to see the initial effect."

Teague: "..."

Why is this world always so realistic and cruel

Teague pointed to the big hole in his chest and asked, "At that time... my injury...will it heal..."

As a beauty-loving Xiyue clan, he couldn't accept such a big hole in his perfect body. This hole is too lacking in beauty.

Xiao Zhi thought about all the strange people in Hesse, and said regretfully: "Probably not, but you can change a piece of clothing to cover it up, as long as you don't lose an arm, a leg, or a head, it's not a big problem. .”

Teague: "..."

Is this the Hessian style? So rough and casual...

After a while, Teague was finally able to smooth his tongue. He asked Xiao Zhi: "Mr. Qi, I heard that the clerk of Hesse is an undead? And it is rumored that he is also a Xiyue clan."

Xiao Zhi took out the undead soul crystal, showed him the one-click death, and then replied calmly with Teague's horrified eyes: "Of course such things as rumors are unbelievable."

Teague: "..."

Such a powerful Mr. Seven, not only deceived the entire continent, but also let the Xiyue clan take the blame for him.

Xiao Zhi said: "The reason for this is a long story, and it is not convenient for me to explain it for the time being, but I hope you can help me keep it a secret."

Teague nodded: "Okay."

His dream of becoming an official is still pinned on Mr. Qi, and Teague doesn't want to go against Xiao Zhi at all. He felt that as long as he dared to do this, he would definitely not be able to get in in the end.

It's too miserable to wander the mainland as an undead, let alone an undead who fights the five scum.

Xiao Zhi asked Teague about the change in the Dolly Alliance.

Teague said: "The recent reappearance of Kerners City has aroused great concern from the top leaders of the Dolly Alliance. But they also have differences because of this. The faction represented by Duke Sharina believes that they should actively contact the Yuan Clan and Help them fix Kernas, and then reach a win-win situation.”

"But the faction of Grand Duke Warren doesn't think so. They think that the current Xiyue clan is no longer what it used to be. After going to the mainland, the combat power and influence of the Xiyue clan have increased a lot. Treat the Yuan Clan so kindly. They advocate sending troops to invade the First Sea, conquer the Yuan Clan, and become a vassal of the Xiyue Clan."

The First Sea is the name given to the new map "11111" by someone on the mainland after a period of war between heaven and man. Once launched, it was widely accepted and disseminated by everyone, and gradually became a default title. Probably this is their last stubbornness as cultural people.

Xiao Zhi said that it doesn't matter, it's just a name anyway, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

Hearing Teague's words, Xiao Zhi's impression of the Grand Duke of Warren was slightly worse.

He was the one who vented his anger on Eugene and tried to kill him because his son was killed by a political opponent. Now he wants to attack the Yuan Clan and trample the former protector under his feet. This person is really cruel and aggressive.

While moving his body, Teague continued: "During this period of time, the Duke of Sharina and the Duke of Warren have had many conflicts on various occasions. Recently, the Duke of Sharina and the Duke of Fushier are preparing to jointly Rejecting the proposal of the Duke of Warren on the agenda angered the tough Duke of Warren and planned the attack on the Duke of Sharina at the banquet."

Xiao Zhi asked: "How is Duke Sharonna doing now?"

Teague thought for a while: "I don't know, I saw the Duke of Sharina was stabbed in the chest by an assassin at the banquet, but she reacted quickly at that time and avoided the fatal point sideways. Afterwards, the hidden killer at the banquet attacked the scene again. The guests attacked and all I saw was her chief butler, Sartre, leading her through the window, and then I ran for my life."

Xiao Zhi: "Is this Sartre reliable?"

Teague nodded: "He is a slave rescued by the Duke of Sharina from the black market, and he was given the opportunity to execute his enemy himself. For the next ten years, Sartre has been loyal to the Duke of Sharina and treated her as a slave. more important than your own life.”

Xiao Zhi heaved a sigh of relief, the Duke of Sharona was still alive, and there was still hope for the Bari Requiem Stone he was looking for. If the Duke of Sharina died, the whereabouts of Barry's Requiem Stone would be difficult to say.

Xiao Zhi asked: "Do you know the whereabouts of Duke Sharina?"

Teague was keenly aware: "You... are you looking for Duke Sharina?"

Xiao Zhi didn't hide it either: "Yes, something I want is in her hands."

Teague showed a self-deprecating smile: "I'm just a guy who is only eligible to enter the Duke of Sharina's banquet with a lady. I'm not even an official guest. How could I know her whereabouts."

"However..." Teague thought for a while, "I guess Duke Fusier should know that the two of them had a good personal relationship, and this time they are joining forces to fight against Grand Duke Warren, so it is very likely that Duke Fusier knew about it. "

Teague said this, with a trace of worry on his face: "But I am worried, whether she will really try her best to protect Duke Sharina."

Xiao Zhi: "How to say?"

Teague: "The position of politicians is the easiest to swing. The alliance between the Duke of Fushir and the Duke of Sharrena basically collapsed when the Duke of Sharrena was assassinated. It is difficult for the seriously injured Duke of Sharrena to continue to fight against the Duke of Warren. .”

"In this way, Duke Fushir will face a situation of supporting himself alone, and her power is the weakest among the three, so it is very difficult to have a chance of winning. Then, she may choose to hand over Duke Sharina's Fall, and then completely fall to the side of Grand Duke Warren, or seek outside support."

"The Chiba Kingdom has always pursued a non-alignment policy, and most of them would not consider cooperating with Duke Fushir, and Hesse would not even pay attention to anyone. I think the most likely partner she will choose to cooperate with is Bryce. This is for you It’s probably not good news.”

Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning, the situation seemed to be worse than he expected.

If the Duke of Sharona loses its value, it is hard to say whether her life can be saved. Correspondingly, the whereabouts of Barry's requiem stone is even more difficult to say.

He checked the address book by the way while waiting for Teague. There was very little news about Barry's Requiem Stone. The piece in Duke Sharona's hand was already the clearest clue. No matter what, he had to see Sharon. Duke Na will do.

Moreover, it would not be a good thing for Hesse if Blaise had one more collaborator. As Hessen's clerk, Xiao Zhi didn't want to face this situation at all. Hessen had only just been built, and Blaise shouldn't be a moth at this time.

You have to find Duke Fushir.

And as soon as possible, before she reaches a cooperation with Blaise, or before she surrenders to Grand Duke Warren.

Xiao Zhi asked: "Can you bring me to see Duke Fushir?"

Teague thought about it for a while: "I know the residence of Duke Fushir, but I'm not close to her qualifications."

Xiao Zhi said: "Lead the way, as for how to get close to her, we can figure out a way at that time."

Teague looked at Xiao Zhi curiously: "How will you convince her then?"

Xiao Zhi smiled: "I think, under the current situation, she might consider cooperating with Hessen."

Normally, Fusir would probably reject Hesse out of fear of the undead. But at this critical juncture, facing the pressing Duke Warren at every step, between the surrender and Blaise, who didn't know if he could reach a cooperation, and Hesse, who offered to cooperate, Duke Fusier should be very good. Weigh it up.

After all, Blaise is almost a religious country, does not respect business at all, and has always shown little interest in the Dolly Alliance, which is well-developed in trade.

As long as she starts to think about it, it will be Xiao Zhi's chance.


Following Teague's instructions, Xiao Zhi arrived near the residence of Duke Fushir.

As a powerful figure in the Dolly Alliance, Duke Fushir naturally also lives in the sea.

Unlike Duke Sharina's residence, which is full of pearl shell decorations, looks high-profile and luxurious, like a treasure, Duke Fusier's residence is much more elegant, using a lot of light blue veils as decorations.

Perhaps such a difference in style also represents the difference in personality between the two.

There were many guards patrolling the sea, presumably because of the assassination of Duke Sharina, which made Duke Fusier feel a sense of crisis and strengthened the security around his residence.

But this also made it difficult for Xiao Zhi and Teague to get close.

Xiao Zhi could only dive into the water with Teague, watching from a distance while waiting for an opportunity.

Xiao Zhi activated the Undead Soul Crystal to facilitate underwater activities.

Although Tigger has converted into an undead tribe, the talent in water from the Xiyue tribe still exists. His speed in the sea is still very fast, even more flexible than on the shore, and he can lead Xiao Zhi forward quickly.

Both of them wrapped themselves tightly in cloaks, which looked like two black unidentified objects.

The two lurk in the water, waiting quietly.

Waited until it was completely dark.

Xiao Zhi, who felt that he was about to lose his temper, finally saw suspicious movements. A figure in a cloak quietly left from an inconspicuous small door in Duke Fusier's mansion, and headed towards a certain direction all the way. go.

It looks sneaky and suspicious.

Xiao Zhi and Teague looked at each other, and they hurriedly followed, trying to find the man's purpose.

After a while, Teague said, "He seems to be going in the direction of Brace's D.C. in Dolly Union."

The SAR is an area established by the Dolly Alliance for every country that has diplomatic relations. As long as it does not violate the SAR laws of the Dolly Alliance, what happens in this area can be handled by the country itself, which is considered a special preferential treatment.

It seems that Duke Fushir chose to seek foreign aid in the end. This person should be a messenger, responsible for conveying her willingness to cooperate. This is the best situation for Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi and Teague said, "Catch up, we'll catch him."

Although Tigger is a scumbag in battle, his swimming speed is unambiguous at all, and his physique has been strengthened because he has become an undead, so it is not difficult to carry such a drag bottle like Xiao Zhi.

Soon, the two caught up with Duke Fusier's messenger.

"Who?!" The messenger suddenly noticed a movement behind him, and immediately turned his head to take a closer look.

Being able to be selected as a messenger, his reaction was very sharp, Teague and Xiao Zhi were already spotted some distance away from him.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi teleported a flame phantom behind the messenger.

Before the messenger could see who was following him, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head, then lost consciousness and sank down.

Tigger looked at the soul chaser in Xiao Zhi's hand in awe. Didn't he remember that it was a staff? Can the wand still be used like this

The physical attack of the soul chaser is good for those who have used it.

Although Xiao Zhi is just a sorcerer with very weak melee combat ability, who told this messenger to be a Xiyue clan with even worse melee combat ability? In this kind of battle where chickens are pecking at each other, Xiao Zhi, who has a soul chaser with high physical attack, naturally has the advantage.

Xiao Zhi didn't notice Teague's emotion, he skillfully took out the rope, tied up the messenger, and then, together with Teague, took him to another hiding place of Teague.

The location of this residence is even more remote, and it is relatively close to the residence of Duke Fushir.

After entering the room, they found a token on the messenger. According to Teague, this is exclusive to Duke Fusier's subordinates, and possessing it should allow him to enter Duke Fusier's residence.

They couldn't find a letter on the messenger, nor did they see anything like a storage ring. It seems that this person was just delivering a message, and Duke Fusier didn't want to leave behind any evidence.

Afterwards, Teague disguised himself as the messenger by relying on his years of successful escape experience after deception, and even his voice was very close.

They hid the unconscious messenger in the basement of the room. According to Teague, the basement is made of the highest level of sound insulation materials, and no one will notice even if the people inside are singing late at night.

After finishing all this, the two went to the residence of Duke Fushir again.

But this time, Xiao Zhi changed into the clerk's attire in his cloak.


Once again came to the mansion of Duke Fusier.

The guard in charge of patrolling frowned and looked at the people who had gone and returned: "Didn't you just leave? Why are you coming back again?"

With years of experience as a liar, Teague answered fluently: "Your Excellency the Duke, if there is a special situation, report to her immediately. Now it is a special situation. I must bring this gentleman to the Duke immediately."

The patrolling guards are only the outermost personnel, and they don't know anything about the internal secret orders, so they are a little hesitant when they see this.

Teague made a serious look again: "Or you can report the news to your superior first, but your actions will delay the Duke's important affairs, and I don't know if she will be angry because of it..."

The guard hesitated for a moment, checked the token again, and took a closer look at the messenger's appearance, which was the same as before. After confirming that there was no problem, he put the two inside.

Teague led Xiao Zhi all the way forward.

He often goes in and out of various noble residences, and he is very familiar with the structure of noble residences. In addition, he has also accompanied the ladies to the residence of Duke Furhill several times to participate in various parties. The layout is also basically figured out.

Now, as if he had lived here for many years, he was familiarly approaching the place where Duke Fushir should be. At such a critical moment, Duke Fushir mostly stayed in the study where he usually handled government affairs.

Facing the attendants and guards along the way, Teague also handled it freely, without showing any flaws, and it was almost impossible to tell that he was a fake.

He is a professional liar, even dead.

The two of them went all the way to the place near the study.

"Mulani, wait." A gentle female voice sounded, but the tone was somewhat unquestionable.

Teague recognized that it was the voice of Catherine, the female officer next to the Duke of Fushir, and at the same time, she was also an outstanding water mage.

Teague stopped in his tracks. Although he didn't know the name of the messenger, the current situation showed that the person Catherine called was him.

Catherine approached the two step by step, her voice was still gentle, but it made Teague feel a chill behind her back: "Tell me, why is there death in your body?"

The author has something to say: Xiao Zhi: Today we will tell the story of "Sleeping Beauty". A long time ago, there lived a princess in a dark forest. He had long silver hair, could beat a cow to death with one punch, and had many strong subordinates. One day, the evil memory slate made the princess fall into a deep sleep, and she could only wait for the prince to kidnap the mage, sneak into other countries, and overcome all difficulties to wake him up.

Arsen: ...