It Is Said That I Attacked the Great Demon King

Chapter 54


Seeing the clerk's reaction, Duke Sharona and Duke Fusier quickly exchanged glances, and after confirming the information they wanted in each other's eyes, their eyes immediately staggered.

Duke Sharona still had a decent smile on her pale face. She was about to speak, but her words were suddenly interrupted by a cough. The severe cough made her body shake continuously, and pulled the wound on her chest. Duke Sharina frowned, as if enduring the pain.

Coughing made the Duke of Sharina's pale face show a little blood, like the afterglow of the setting sun on the white rose that is about to wither, with a decadent and regretful beauty.

Sartre, who was standing quietly by the side, reacted very quickly, and came to Duke Sharina's side almost the moment she frowned.

Waiting for the cough to pass, Sartre gently wiped the cold sweat off Duke Sharona's forehead with a white silk handkerchief, then checked her physical condition, and skillfully took out a bottle of medicine from the medicine cabinet and gave it to Sharon Duke Na took it.

Xiao Zhi observed Sartre's actions, he seemed to be very good at healing, and he was very familiar with Sharona's current state, Sharrena and Fusier also maintained complete trust in his healing level.


Perhaps, even the white magic circle was written by Sartre.

According to the observation during this period, the energy of this magic circle is mild, and the fluctuation of energy is also very small. This kind of magic circle can minimize the pain of the wounded during treatment, and the level is quite good. Between brothers.

A powerful white mage who is good at medical skills, and maybe also has combat skills, such an identity is enough to receive courtesy no matter which country on the mainland, just like before Eugene's accident, he can be as arrogant as he wants.

But Sartre was willing to stay with the Duke of Sharona as a chief housekeeper, and he also hid his ability well. Neither Teague nor the rest of the Dolly Alliance knew that he had this ability.

It seems that Sartre's loyalty to the Duke of Sharina far exceeds the estimation of outsiders.

After Sartre's treatment, Duke Sharona's condition recovered a bit, she raised her hand to signal Sartre to back off, and then continued to engage in negotiations with Xiao Zhi. Her eyes were clear, and her thoughts were not disturbed by the pain at all.

Duke Sharona nodded slightly to Xiao Zhi: "I'm sorry, I was rude. Let's talk about cooperation next, Mr. Clerk, the Barry's Requiem Stone you want is indeed with me."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhi understood that the main event was coming. He looked at Duke Sharina and said, "I want to hear about your conditions."

Duke Sharona had an incomprehensible smile on his face: "I also want to see Hessen's sincerity. If we reach a long-term cooperation, it is not a bad idea to use the Barry Requiem Stone as a gift for our collaborators."

There was a smile in Xiao Zhi's tone, and he said without hesitation: "Hesse is currently in the period of development and construction, and needs a lot of materials. I think the Dolly Alliance should be able to provide us with sufficient supplies. In addition, trade The district has just opened the first phase, and in the follow-up planning, I plan to arrange an exclusive area for the Dolly Alliance, and perhaps some tax reduction policies can be implemented in it.”

This is not only a price for Barry's Requiem Stone, but also paves the way for future cooperation. The cooperation with the Dolly Alliance is also of great benefit to Hesse. It is not easy to find such an opportunity.

Duke Sharina thought for a while: "Such benefits are enough to make many vacillating guys decide on their positions."

In the parliament of the Dolly Alliance, there are many cunning centrists. They have never clearly stated their positions, and most of them choose to protect themselves when the power of the big bosses conflicts. Only when one side gives enough benefits, they will gather towards the side that is beneficial to them like sea beasts that smell blood.

In this conflict, the Duke of Sharona’s faction proposed joint development and construction with the Yuan family. Not to mention that it would take a long time and require a lot of initial investment. The results will not be reaped in a short time, and they have to face the challenges of the market. Shocks and various unexpected situations.

The benefits given by the faction of Grand Duke Warren are quite direct. War, plunder, and conquest are all considerable benefits, and they can be harvested in a short period of time.

This kind of temptation has attracted many people to stand on the side of Grand Duke Warren.

Many of them are from the Xiyue Clan. Even the Xiyue Clan has experienced the pain of being treated as commodities, but these people don't mind treating the Yuan Clan in the same way.

In the face of interests, some people can forget about camaraderie and homeland sentiments.

It is not an easy task to prevent a war caused by greed.

But if the trade channel with Hesse can be opened, it will be another astonishing benefit, which is no less than the Xiyue tribe in the past opened up a new business route. With the growth of the Dolly Alliance, there are more and more trade routes. It has been many years since no one has been able to open a new trade channel.

Even, Hesse doesn't even need to pay the cost of the war, they can directly gain benefits through trade.

This point is far more attractive than Grand Duke Warren's claim. After all, the Xiyue Clan knows that the Yuan Clan is good at fighting, and they are going to fight in the unknown deep sea. The cost of this war will definitely be much higher than the war on land.

Duke Sharona couldn't help but quietly heaved a sigh of relief. Now, she should be able to win the support of more than half of the parliament.

Xiao Zhi carefully considered the expressions of the two dukes, Sharona and Fusier, and added another weight at the right time: "In addition, Hesse can also send undead to protect the safety of the two, after all, in such an important period, I don't want any surprises for my collaborators."

The undead are the best at concealment among the undead, and some undead can even completely hide their dead energy, otherwise Xiao Zhi and Milton would not have dared to plan to secretly observe those dignitaries of other countries. It's a pity that the Duke of Sharona's status is too high, every move has a lot of people's attention, even if she dies, it will be difficult to bring her back to Hesse, otherwise Xiao Zhi's watch list will definitely have her name added.

At present, it seems that the Duke of Sharina is alive, and the benefits of being a collaborator are even greater.

This proposal brightened the eyes of the two dukes. The undead could hide in various unexpected places, adding another layer of protection to their safety. Although out of prudent considerations, they will not hand over the most intimate places to guard by people other than their confidantes, but there are still many important positions, and it will be safer if undead are used to guard them.

Afterwards, the three discussed some details of the cooperation, and basically reached a consensus.

After recovering from her injury, the Duke of Sharrena will contact the members of parliament he likes in private. After the negotiation is basically concluded, the two dukes will go to the High Council of the Dolly Alliance to put forward their own proposals.

This time, they will definitely win.

The atmosphere became more and more harmonious, and there was a bit of sincerity in the polite smiles on the faces of the three of them.

At this time, Duke Sharona suddenly made a proposal: "Mr. Clerk, I wonder if you would like to add a little more leverage?"

Xiao Zhi asked: "What do you mean?"

Duke Sharona: "Why don't we get rid of Warren?"

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly under the white gauze, could it be that he wanted him to assassinate Grand Duke Warren? For a frail clerk, such an operation is too difficult.

Duke Sharona smiled: "Of course, I wouldn't choose to assassinate as rudely as him. After all...if I fail, I will have to bear the anger of the other party's narrow escape."

Although he was smiling and his tone was very gentle, Xiao Zhi had tasted a strong murderous aura from these words. I'm afraid that Duke Sharona didn't want Grand Duke Warren's life to be much better than a sudden death. You must know that she really almost died, and even now she is still lingering in serious injuries.

Hearing the meaning of her words, Xiao Zhi asked: "What do you want me to do?"

The Duke of Sharrena said: "I have a lot of information about Warren in my hands, including evidence of his private dealings with the black market, but this is not enough, not enough to make him suffer enough blows."

There was a sharp light in her beautiful eyes: "I know that he has done many dirty things such as assassination, smuggling, and human trafficking, including deliberately cultivating the mixed blood of the Xiyue tribe as slaves to raise and sell, and his forces are behind it. This is a serious crime that will never be forgiven in the Xiyue Clan, and it is enough to make him die without a whole body."

When the Duke of Sharrena was speaking, Sartre on the side kept looking at her intently. It was not until he heard about Warren that there were waves in his eyes, but he kept silent, his eyes full of disapproval. The trust and respect of the Duke of Sharrena.

Duke Sharona said in a solemn tone: "So, I want you to use the undead under him to obtain evidence of his crime, and we can handle everything after that. Of course, I will give you what I know about Warren stronghold of power."

Xiao Zhi thought for a moment and asked, "What about the time limit?"

"The sooner the better..." Duke Sharona looked at the wound on his chest. "It is best to finish it within three days. If it is delayed, Warren may have passed the parliamentary vote and sent troops to attack the First Sea."

Xiao Zhi nodded: "Okay."

Whether it is the current cooperation or the future cooperation between Hesse and Dolly Alliance, Grand Duke Warren is an uncertain factor. It would be better if he can be completely defeated.

After Duke Sharona finished talking about the stronghold under Duke Warren, they ended their conversation. Xiao Zhi exchanged contact cards with Duke Sharona, and then, accompanied by Duke Fusier, he and Teague left the secret room under the sea.

After the three left, Sartre whispered to Duke Sharina, "The clerk's voice sounds familiar to me."

Duke Sharona: "Who is it?"

Sartre thought for a while, but still shook his head: "I don't know, maybe he was a guest who visited you before he was alive."

Duke Sharona: "I have so many guests that I can't even remember."

Sutter bowed to her: "Sorry, it was my negligence."

Duke Sharona smiled: "It's not your fault."


After leaving the mansion of Duke Fushir. Xiao Zhi and Teague returned to his residence, released the courier who was still in a coma, and returned it to Duke Fushir's subordinates.

Afterwards, Xiao Zhi brought Teague to the streets of Hilaris.

At this time, the night was already very dark, but Hilaris was still lively and bustling.

Teague squatted on the corner of the street wrapped in a black cloak, watching the people coming and going, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

It was the first time that he felt so uneasy on the street. In the past, these people were all fat sheep in his eyes, but now they have all become two words—"living people", and they will look at him sharply at any time. The kind of living person who screamed and rushed to purify him as an undead...

Tigra flicked his cloak, and after confirming that he was covered tightly, he couldn't help but want to sigh. He probably won't be able to lie to people on the street in the future.

But after thinking about it, he can go to Hessen to become an official immediately, and he doesn't need to save money to please the ladies in the future, so it is meaningless to continue cheating money.

When he realized that he would no longer have to worry about money in his future life, Teague felt better in an instant.

However, he has no "human" life...

Xiao Zhi was wrapped in a cloak, and he was also huddled in the corner of the street. Unlike Teague, he was holding the address book in his hand, and was concentrating on looking up something. Teague glanced at it, but he couldn't see the contents of the player's exclusive address book at all, so he could only continue to stare at the crowd in a daze.

Since Duke Sharona said that the sooner the better, Xiao Zhi had a plan different from what she mentioned.

If you rely on the undead, it is indeed easier to sneak into the stronghold address given by Duke Sharina.

But the undead can't know where the evidence is hidden, and there may not be anyone in the stronghold who is discussing things, and it may even appear to be an ordinary shop. In this case, it depends on luck to find enough weighty evidence within three days. If the people under Archduke Warren didn't come these days, wouldn't it be a waste of time.

So, he was thinking of a slightly rougher method.

Let the players do it and evacuate the stronghold directly.

It just so happens that he has the identity of Hessian clerk, can issue missions, and also has the identity of a player, who can guide the behavior of players at any time. The number of players far exceeds that of the undead. .

how should I do it

Xiao Zhi unconsciously thought of the first time he met Qianyewu, hiding the mission seemed to be a good choice.

Countless players on the Midnight Water Forum suddenly saw this post: [Subject: I received a hidden mission in Hilaris! !]

Although I wonder how there are hidden missions in a place like Hilaris where people come and go, and almost every inch of the ground has been turned upside down? But out of the desire for hidden tasks, the players still couldn't control their eager hands, and couldn't help but click in one by one, and said in their hearts, if the host's title party, I will scold him to death.

As a result, this poster really doesn’t look like a headline party. Although the poster is anonymous, the content looks very reliable:

I had nothing to do today, and I wandered around Hilaris to watch the excitement, but I found a strange guy in a black cloak in a corner. I didn't intend to pay attention to it at first, but this person is very strange, speaking some very weird things in his mouth, it is a language that he can't understand at all.

After eating melons for many years, I suddenly regained my energy. I had never heard of such a person in Hilaris before. It must be tricky to appear suddenly!

I tried to go up to talk to him, but this person ignored me at first, until I mentioned "It's very dark now", he finally responded! He asked me: "The long night is coming to an end, will you accept the guidance of the stars?"

I said yes, and then! I received a hidden mission! ! ! ! !

But this task requires a lot of people to complete it, at least 300 people can open it, there is a time limit, you can only receive it before three o'clock in the morning today, and there is a confidentiality requirement, you can't tell other npcs. Anyone who hasn't slept yet, come to Hilaris quickly! ! ! The address is here [picture]! !

Save the children, let the African Chiefs experience the joy of hidden missions! !

After Xiao Zhi finished writing the content of the post, he read it again himself. This is the content he summed up by summarizing Li Daye's classic speeches, and added the player's favorite hidden missions and time-limited elements. It seems that the mystery seems to be very high-level, but it didn't reveal any exact content, and it can be explained in any way at that time.

But... why does it feel a little secondary and exaggerated

Forget it, the second grade is the second grade, wouldn't the Athanasi who like to die like this

Xiao Zhi sat on a deserted and secluded street in Hilaris, changed into a spare face that he had never seen before, drank a bottle of potion to change his voice, and then began to sit on the sidelines, waiting for players to come to him.

As for Teague, he arranged to be next to him as a mascot.

After all, two men in black robes, one chattering and the other silent, always look more imposing than a black robe acting in a one-man show, and Teague, as an experienced and experienced scammer, is fundamental to acting. Can't beat him.

Xiao Zhi told him, no matter who talks to you, you just keep your head down. Keeping secret is our code of conduct.

Teague nodded in understanding.


There are quite a lot of players who don't sleep late at night, and there are quite a few who click in, and there is a reply immediately.

1L. Melon Field Yiba:

I didn't expect to see this kind of melon if I didn't sleep late at night. Who would take a look

5L. My wallet is empty Reply 1L:

Why don't you go by yourself

6L. Guadatian Yiba replied to 5L:

I'm in another hidden mission and can't get out.

25L. My wallet is empty. Reply 6L:

Depend on! Die Ouhuang!

78L. Blazers:

Really? Don't be bluffing again, it's too much to expose yourself to hidden missions!

189L. Gale:

I happen to be in Hilaris, and I have nothing to do anyway, so it doesn't seem like a bad idea to go and have a look? If the landlord is lying, I will scold him to death.

233L. I really have no money:

I'll take a look too, I'll scold the landlord for cheating +1

283L. is so cute:

What if it is true

In this way, the players saw the post, some believed it, and some were a little skeptical.

But Hilaris is a big city, and there are many players who originally stayed here. Even players who don’t believe in it, it’s not a loss if they want to go and have a look. With this dubious mentality, many players who have read the forum quietly Went to the place indicated in the post.

After a while.

399L. Gale:

Fuck! Really no lie! ! !

423L. is just too cute:

I have also received a hidden mission, and the time limit for receiving it is before three o'clock, so hurry up!

In an instant, countless Athanasis quietly came to Hilaris.

If it was another race, it would probably be very eye-catching if they did such a thing, but who told them that they were all Athanasis? Residents in the mainland expressed that they were not surprised by the strange behavior of the Athanasis.

In the first few years, there may be mainland residents who would be wary of the collective mobilization of the Athanasis, but after more times, they found that the behavior of the Athanasiians was really illogical, and it seemed that everything was worth their collective mobilization .

The most common situation is about a fight, which is also the easiest to understand.

But some are very incomprehensible. Last time, it seemed that they wanted to snap up a newly opened dessert shop. Last time, they watched a couple quarrel. Last time, two groups fought over a pig, and the number of people increased. Hit more.

Some are even more incredible.

For example, a group of little girls rushed to a man who looked nothing special except good-looking, surrounded him, and screamed "Brother!!", "Son!!" 、“老公!!!”、“啊啊啊!!!本人果然是帅到不行啊!!”、“妈妈!!我没有粉错人!!!”之类的,甚至有人直接倒在了地上.

The mainland residents were confused by this move, unable to figure out what their relationship was, and could only sigh with emotion that they were really weird and crazy Athanasis.

After hundreds of years of experience, mainland residents have been able to turn a blind eye to the abnormal behavior of the Athanasi people.


"It's very dark now."

"It's very dark now!!!!"

"It's dark now—"

A large group of players kept repeating the same sentence around the cloaked man sitting on the ground. The scene was very strange, just like human beings finally discovered that their essence is a repeater.

Xiao Zhi's brain hurts a little from the noise, but in order to maintain the air of a mysterious NPC, he can't make such demeanor-damaging movements as covering his ears. He still kept his head down looking at the floor, as if he was not interested in anything in the world.

After a while, he said: "The long night is coming to an end, are you willing to accept the guidance of the stars?"


The players said in unison, as if they were being proposed by a scumbag.

Then, they all received a prompt:

"Whether to accept the hidden mission 'The End of the Night', reminder: This mission requires more than 300 people to start, the mission's opening time is '3:00' today, after accepting the mission, do not disclose relevant information to any npc, once the secret is leaked Considered a mission failure"

Players have chosen to accept.

The task requirements read: Please go to the designated place at 3:00 to find all suspicious evidence. There are no restrictions on how to obtain it, and place the evidence at No. 52 Nut Street.

There is only this sentence, and it doesn't explain what kind of evidence they are looking for, how to obtain it, let alone what the evidence refers to, and the positions assigned to each person are not the same.

There is no exact reward, but this is normal, ZERO's hidden missions never explain what the reward is.

Someone tried to ask Xiao Zhi for information, but when it came to the content related to the mission, he began to lower his head and mutter again, and what he said was still something that the players could not understand, with an extremely mysterious look.

Seeing this, the players couldn't help whispering, but also be careful not to be heard by others.

"What is evidence? Documents?"

"What might it be? But we have no way to investigate in such a short time?"

"Yeah, the mission requirements didn't say..."

"How about... let's try to empty out the whole house?"

"Is this... a bit too rough?"

"He didn't say he couldn't, and there must be evidence in it if they all move away. If you miss the reward, would you be willing?"

"It makes sense!"

"Move! Move them all!!"

"Beware of the dark room, don't let even a single brick go!!"


Inside a mansion on the Dolly Union Sea.

The lights here are bright, and the top materials are used for construction and decoration everywhere. Every decoration reveals majesty and complexity, showing the owner's heart full of control and extreme desire for power.

After solving the recent headaches of his political opponents, Duke Warren, who was taking a bath in his mansion while enjoying fine wine, suddenly felt a chill in his back.

Why is there a sense of foreboding that people are thinking about big underpants