It Is Said That I Attacked the Great Demon King

Chapter 57


Xiao Zhi lay beside Frost, and followed Eugene's guidance to let go of his thoughts. At first, he couldn't adapt, but as time passed, he began to feel his consciousness gradually drifting away. Although he could still think, he and It's as if the bond between the worlds doesn't exist anymore.

Seeing this, Eugene immediately moved, he quickly changed the structure of the white magic circle, controlled the flow of energy, and connected the power within it to Xiao Zhi.

Following his movements, Xiao Zhi felt that his eyes gradually turned into darkness, but there was an invisible force pulling him and pulling him down. Xiao Zhi did not resist, and fell into the sky following the guidance of the force. into the boundless darkness.

When he opened his eyes again, Xiao Zhi found himself in mid-air, and slowly falling down.

He looked at his hands, tried to make a fireball, and found that it was indeed not working, not only the skills, but also the contents of the backpack, and the address book could not be opened. The effect of the undead soul crystal is still there, but he has lost the speed of the undead. Now he is like the most ordinary human being on the mainland.

Xiao Zhi looked at his body that could no longer float up: "This is a bit troublesome..."

He turned his head and looked around. This was a weird world, with all kinds of debris all over the air, from the position above his head to his feet, and even extending further.

Another picture flashed in each fragment, but the contents of the fragments were all fragmented, and the time, space, and events were all incoherent, as if they were randomly cut out fragments.

In this broken world, there are gray paths intertwined, exuding gray energy, like a spider web, covering the fragments, Xiao Zhi felt the power of the magic circle from it, presumably this is what Eugene said , can give him the energy to guide.

"There are so many..." Xiao Zhi felt a little tricky. Among these thousands of fragments, where is the person he is looking for

After a while, Xiao Zhi finally landed on the gray path.

The road under his feet looked like blue smoke, translucent, and the shape was not stable, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind. But Xiao Zhi took two steps on it. Although the ground under his feet fluctuated, it was still quite stable, and he probably wouldn't be thrown halfway.

Unable to see Frost, Xiao Zhi could only walk forward, hoping to discover something earlier.

Along the way, Xiao Zhi saw some pictures on the fragments of memories around him.

In many scenes, Frost is sitting alone in the Hall of Bones, as if standing still.

There are also some scenes of fighting, some with humans, orcs, and wood elves, and some with blurred faces, it is impossible to tell who they are. There are also many scenes of defeating Hessian knight commanders, Xiao Zhi saw the familiar Dean, several other knight commanders, and even Alifa.

Every scene was filled with smoke and dust. The way Lord Hesse subdued his subordinates was so simple and brutal.

Suddenly, in the gap between the fragments, a streak of silver streaked across.

The silver looks soft and elegant, with a satin-like luster, and it looks like it has been blessed by God, as if the person who owns it will never be troubled by baldness.

Xiao Zhi recognized that it was Frost's silver hair.

He hurried forward a few steps and found the location where the flashing figure was.

"Lord!" Xiao Zhi shouted at Frost.

But Frost in front of him has already stepped into the memory fragments in front of him, and he didn't hear his call, and kept moving forward in the memory, and his figure was getting farther and farther away from Xiao Zhi.

Seeing that Frost's figure was about to disappear from the screen, Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and walked in.


After entering the memory fragments, the screen in front of him switched instantly, changing back to the Hessen that Xiao Zhi was familiar with.

But this is not an area he is familiar with, and it is surrounded by dark trees. It is not clear where it is in Hesse. At this time, Xiao Zhi could no longer see Frost's figure, he could only follow the direction Frost was heading in his memory and quickly chased forward.

There was a fierce fight ahead.

Xiao Zhi hurried towards the direction of the sound. In the forest, a tall figure dressed in armor and full of blood was fighting Frost, holding a broad sword in his hand.

Xiao Zhi is very familiar with this sword, it is Lance's sword.

In this memory fragment, it should be the memory of Frost defeating Lance, but at this time Lance seemed to be full of fierce and violent aura, and the one Xiao Zhi was familiar with was a little simple and honest, and he liked to secretly play with Alifa toys The Rance is very different.

The offensives from both sides were very fierce, Xiao Zhi, who was just an ordinary person now, did not dare to rush in, he stopped and waited for the end of the battle from afar.

After a while.

The battle had come to an end. Frost knocked Lance's great sword away with one blow, kicked Lance to the ground, and successfully put the blade on Lance's neck.

"You lost." Frost's tone was flat.

There was blood in Lance's eyes, and his voice was hoarse: "Then... crush my soul..."

"No." Frost rejected this seemingly unusual proposal in Hesse at the time, he looked at Lance, "I want to unify Hesse as a lord, you are very strong, how about being my knight commander ?”

There was a mocking smile on Lance's ferocious face: "Just... by you?"

Frost nodded: "Yes, it's up to me."

Lance let out a sneer: "How many subordinates do you have now?"

"You're the first," said Frost.

"Hahahahahahahahaha..." Lance, who was full of blood, seemed to have heard the funniest joke, "Interesting... hahaha... you are really interesting..."

Frost didn't say a word, nor was he angry, just quietly waiting for his answer.

After a while, Lance finally had enough of laughing, and he opened his mouth: "Okay, my lord, from now on, you will get my allegiance."

From that day on, Hesse officially had a person who aimed at the lord, and he would sweep Hesse in the years to come, miraculously unifying this nightmare place.

Frost put away his sword, turned and left, Lance also propped up his body, picked up the fallen sword and followed behind him.

Xiao Zhi was about to go up to call Frost, but saw a sudden change in Lance behind him.

Lance's already fierce face suddenly distorted. His face was like plasticine being pulled by someone, changing its shape indiscriminately. His tightly closed mouth suddenly split to both sides, revealing his white teeth. , pulled out a malicious smile.

Something is wrong, this guy is not Lance!

Perhaps some strange memories overlapped, swapping other opponents in Frost's memory with Lance at this moment, and the originally peaceful scene instantly became dangerous.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Zhi tried his best to run forward, and shouted: "Danger—"

This time, Frost heard the voice.

He was about to turn back, but the gaping mouth of "Lance" behind him opened again, and a sharp knife with a cold light suddenly pierced out of his mouth, piercing Frost's back at once.

Deep, protruding from the chest.

Crimson blood spattered from the wound.

Frost in the dream suddenly stopped moving, not only him, but the whole world seemed to have been pressed the pause button, the wind stopped, the rubbing of the leaves stopped, and the swaying of the grass blades stopped.

Xiao Zhi also found that he could no longer move an inch.

Then, the static world suddenly shattered.

Xiao Zhi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, followed by the familiar feeling of falling.

He fell out of this world, and Frost in sight also fell down, but there was a long distance between the two, Xiao Zhi tried to reach out to him, but he couldn't grab the other's body .

The fall just kept going.

When Xiao Zhi finally felt that he was stepping on the ground again, Frost's figure had disappeared from his sight.

The surrounding environment is different from last time. Obviously, he doesn't know where he fell. The only thing that can be used as a guide is the gray road under his feet. No wonder Eugene said that he must never leave the guidance of the energy of the magic circle. In such an environment, Without guidance, getting lost is simply doomed.

Sighing, Xiao Zhi continued to move forward, looking for Frost like a needle in a haystack.


On the way, Xiao Zhi passed through a lot of memory fragments, and almost got a general idea of Frost's experience in Hesse.

But he didn't see anything related to himself in it, and he didn't know if it was his bad luck that he didn't encounter it, or Frost had forgotten these memories.

Or, these memories were sealed.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel a little tight in his chest. He didn't know the reason why Asen wanted him, but he didn't know why, compared to being wanted, it seemed that being forgotten made him feel more uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a fragment of memory next to Xiao Zhi exploded and split into many small fragments, one of which was very close to Xiao Zhi, and swallowed him whole without being caught off guard.

Xiao Zhi subconsciously wanted to activate the flame phantom to escape, but it was only when he was surrounded by debris that he realized that this was Frost's memory world, and he couldn't use any skills.

Surprised, Xiao Zhi was drawn into a memory.

The picture that appeared in front of me was quite familiar, it was the Hall of Bones.

At this time, the Hall of Bones looked quite new, the furnishings inside were less than what Xiao Zhi had seen before, it was almost empty like a rough house. Presumably, the Muscle Palace is not much better at this time. It is no wonder that the strong females in the dead clan do not want to come to work. This environment is too challenging.

Xiao Zhi walked forward in the empty bone hall.

Finally, in a certain room, he found the person he wanted to see.

The door was open, and Frost sat alone in the empty room, holding a piece of paper in his hand and studying it carefully.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand and knocked on the door: "Lord."

But Frost still kept his gaze, as if he didn't hear any sound, nor did he see a big undead standing in front of his eyes.

Xiao Zhi was about to speak, but he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

He turned his head and saw that Dean was coming. Dean's gaze clearly swept over Xiao Zhi, but he went straight through it as if he didn't see anything, and fell on Frost who was the innermost one.

"Lord." Dean walked past Xiao Zhi without looking sideways, and saluted Frost respectfully.

Xiao Zhi realized that the two of them seemed to be unable to see him. Unlike the previous Frost body, both Frost and Dean here are just memories, they will only show the scene at that time, and they can't do anything redundant.

There is no way, Xiao Zhi can only watch this memory as a bystander.

Frost glanced at Dean, and he passed the paper in his hand to Dean: "Issuing a warrant for this person."

Dean took the paper, just in time for Xiao Zhi to see the content of the paper. The portrait on it was very familiar to Xiao Zhi. This was his face, and the one he saw for the first time in a small town on the edge of Hesse. That one is exactly the same.

Xiao Zhi raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that this was the process when he liked to raise the arrest warrant.

Dean took a look and asked, "Isn't there a name on the arrest warrant?"

Frost paused for a moment, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't explain: "That's it."

Knowing his lord, Dean knew that this attitude was almost a deal, so he saluted Frost again and left the room.

Xiao Zhi didn't expect that even after witnessing the whole process, he was still at a loss.

With one person missing, the room returned to its previous dead silence.

Xiao Zhi watched Frost stand up without saying a word, and walked to another room. Xiao Zhi had seen this room before, but every time he passed by the door was closed, he never knew what priceless treasure was hidden inside.

Frost reached out and drew a magic circle on the door, and then the door flashed, and slowly opened a crack.

The long-standing curiosity is about to be satisfied, Xiao Zhi can't help but feel a little bit of anticipation.

He followed Frost into the room.

Then, I was stunned.

The room can be said to be empty, except for a chair, there is only a shining magic circle. This magic circle is well-known on the mainland, called the shadow of time, and it has only one purpose—to slow down the passage of time for the items in it. Ordinary people simply cannot support the consumption of the Shadow of Time, so it is also called the Shadow of the Local Tyrant.

As the lord of Hesse, it is not uncommon for Frost to afford this kind of magic circle, or in other words, only a boss of this level can afford the Shadow of Time.

But the things that appeared in the magic circle were all too familiar to Xiao Zhi——

The little snakes he wove.

The magic circle is full of these little broken snakes that no one will pick up if they are thrown on the street.

Xiao Zhi didn't need to count to know that the number of these little snakes must be five hundred and ninety-nine, because that's what Asen told him.

The little snakes looked miserable, with many traces of time, all withered and faded, and some even with traces of decay, making people feel that they would shatter if touched, and piled up together looked more like tatters.

But at this moment, they are well preserved. With the protection of the Shadow of Time, they will not decay any longer.

Xiao Zhi could still tell that some of it was woven when he just started playing games and was not yet proficient in using sensors. Some were on the spur of the moment, and he added a flower to the snake's head, and some he couldn't remember when he wove it, and under what circumstances he gave it to Asen.

Frost quietly walked to the chair and sat down, then stared at the little snake in front of him, and said softly in a low voice: "They said you were dead, and after a hundred years, the Athanasi people would not be able to live at all. so long… "

"They're lying to me, aren't they? How can an Athanasi die, you just hide and don't want to see me anymore..."

"I'm busy, so I won't go to you, just let them go..."

That tone seemed to be whispering, telling, and comforting for himself.

It seems that as long as he doesn't admit the fact that the person he wants to find is already dead, this truth will never be revealed.

Looking at Frost's eyes that were illuminated by the light of the magic circle like jewels, Xiao Zhi didn't know what expression to use to face him for a moment.

It turned out that this was the reason for the wanted warrant.

Just a self-deceiving dream.

He sighed: "...are you a fool?"

Frost in front of him turned a deaf ear to this, he was just a memory, naturally he would not react to Xiao Zhi's words, and he did not know that the person he was thinking of was actually standing in front of him.