It Is Said That I Attacked the Great Demon King

Chapter 71


The ungrateful little fireball left its master like this, and quickly fled the scene with two thin legs, leaving only Xiao Zhi alone to face the strange spider web that struck.

There was no other way, Xiao Zhi could only continue running.

On the way, he also tried to use other skills to attack. The ending of the water spells was similar to that of the fire spells, they all became entities, and the wind spells could not be used at all. Moreover, both the fireball and the burst fireball have all become entities, and they are heavy when they are thrown out. It is not like magic at all, but closer to a physical attack.

And, without exception, these fireballs turned into living creatures after landing, and left without looking back.

Xiao Zhi: "..."

What kind of world is this

Is he so disrespectful of his own skills? In other words, this might be a pretty good situation, at least these fireballs with legs didn't join Spider Silk's side to attack him.

Under such a weird situation, Xiao Zhi didn't dare to use the flame illusion to escape. If someone exactly like himself came out, it would be troublesome. Just thinking about it would make his scalp tingle.

Xiao Zhi ran a long way again, the spider thread he was chasing had probably reached its limit, and the forward speed was getting slower and slower.

Xiao Zhi was overjoyed, and just when he thought he could get away, there was a bigger movement behind the spider's silk. It seemed that something huge was running behind and approaching quickly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Zhi accelerated again and ran forward.

Not long after, when Xiao Zhi looked back next time, a huge monster appeared in his sight.

It's hard to tell what this thing is, it has slender and sharp legs like a spider, but its body is not like a spider, but a sphere made entirely of spider silk. The spider thread that was originally chasing Xiao Zhi also gradually retracted, and got entangled on this ball of spider thread.

Its body also has some limbs similar to human beings. The limbs are wrapped in spider silk. At most, it is a face. There are people of all ages and appearances, and then there are human-like arms and legs. Can't help but get goosebumps.

As the "spider" moved forward, large swaths of shadows were cast, making the already dim world even darker.

Those human-looking arms and legs on it kept waving towards Xiao Zhi, the frequency was slow but very uniform, as if calling him to come quickly, come and join them.

"Hee hee hee... hee hee..." The faces on "Spider" let out strange laughs, and everyone's eyes turned to Xiao Zhi, and they put on exaggerated smiles at the same time.

Xiao Zhi didn't want to play happily with them at all.

The movement of his feet became faster, and the fireball in his hand didn't stop, attacking things behind him one after another.

The pale fireballs formed a line in the air, and they looked like afterimages under high-speed movement, like bullets pouring out of a machine gun.

The hard fireballs kept hitting the "spider", making a dull sound of "dong dong dong". Even if the effect of magic is lost, the physical attack power is still good.

After landing, the fireballs turned into small fireballs with legs all over the ground. After seeing the fierce battle, they all ran away in a panic.

The "spider" was obviously in pain from being smashed, and all the faces opened their mouths wide at the same time and let out sharp angry hisses. Its forward movement suddenly accelerated, and its sharp spider legs stepped on the ground in a scalp-numbing rhythm, all it wanted to do was to get rid of this annoying prey.

The spider silk also appeared again, constantly launching a new round of attacks towards Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi was startled, and hurriedly shuttled among the bushes, trying to create a little obstacle for this weird thing.

But the spider was still getting closer and closer, even if it broke the trees on the way, it didn't hesitate at all, several times the howling wind directly brushed against Xiao Zhi's back or side, almost catching him.

After bypassing the obstructive trees, a cliff suddenly appeared in front of him.

Under the cliff, there was endless darkness, which seemed ominous.

No one knows what will happen after falling into it.

"Oops..." Xiao Zhi had to stop. He turned his head and tried to find a new way out, but saw a huge spider leg approaching him, which almost occupied his entire line of sight. The laughter of the faces on it.

how come

It came too fast! !

Xiao Zhi could already feel the howling wind blowing towards him, and the gate of the Athanasi Realm seemed to be opening happily.

At this moment, a sharp whistling came from above, overwhelming the sound of the wind when the "spider" attacked.

Then, the spider legs that had been attacking violently at Xiao Zhi stopped. Xiao Zhi looked up and found a huge spike that came from nowhere piercing the "spider" body and stabbed it to death. nailed to the ground.

"Spider" seemed to be dead, all the faces on his body closed their eyes, and the waving arms also stopped.

After a while, Xiao Zhi also received a lot of experience contributed by the "spider", it seems that this thing is really dead.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. Although the spike came from nowhere, it came at the right time. In this weird world, normal logic doesn't seem to apply anymore, and a sudden accident may happen at any time. misfortune.

Just thinking of this, the sharp whistling sound appeared again.

Xiao Zhi looked up, only to find that more spikes appeared in the sky, and this time the target seemed to be—him.

The spikes fell towards Xiao Zhi's direction quickly.

"Damn it!" Xiao Zhi hurriedly bypassed the big spider corpse that was in the way and ran away.

Behind him, huge spikes kept falling down, each of which pierced deeply into the ground, and he also knew what effect it would have if it were pierced on a person's body.

Before he ran far, Xiao Zhi found that the ground under his feet was cracked.

Not a small piece, but the entire ground as far as he could see was torn apart in the same world and scattered into large and small fragments. From the gaps between the fragments, Xiao Zhi could clearly see the endless darkness below. .

With a "click", the piece of ground under Xiao Zhi's feet made a sound that it was about to crack.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly jumped up, and jumped towards another piece that looked intact.

But it won't be long before the pieces he landed on will crack again, Xiao Zhi can only keep jumping between the various pieces, and dodge the spikes falling from the sky, completely confused about where is the safe place .

Xiao Zhi felt cold sweat on his head: "Is there any logic in this world!!!"

The chaos continued to intensify.

Xiao Zhi heard a huge "buzzing" sound coming from a distance, just like the sound of insects flapping their wings, but it was amplified countless times. To make matters worse, the voice sounded louder and louder, apparently the source of the voice was getting closer and closer to him.

Soon, a huge fly appeared in front of Xiao Zhi.

From its gray compound eyes, Xiao Zhi saw countless figures of himself, as well as the surrounding chaotic scenes.

The big fly just stared at Xiao Zhi jumping continuously on the broken ground, maintaining a motionless posture. There was no expression on the fly's face, and it was difficult to judge what it was trying to do.

While keeping an eye out for the big flies, Xiao Zhi struggled forward among the broken pieces.

Finally, a complete cliff appeared in front of him, and Xiao Zhi only needed to jump over a few pieces before he could step on solid land.

But at this time the big fly also moved, its mouthparts slightly raised, and pointed towards Xiao Zhi's direction, and then a violent gust of wind blew out from inside.

"!" Xiao Zhi was shocked, he never expected that the big fly was not a physical attack player.

It is not logical at all that a fly can blow the wind!

The strong wind caused the surrounding debris to recede continuously, and also pushed Xiao Zhi's position backwards. Xiao Zhi had to lie on the ground, and struggled to grab the bumps on the ground with his hands, so as not to be blown down by the strong wind.

But he still feels that his position is constantly going backwards, and he doesn't know where he will go.

The gust of wind blown by the big fly became more and more violent, not only blowing away the debris on the ground, but also blowing away the sharp thorns that fell from the sky. The spikes that could have killed the "spider" with one blow seemed to have no resistance in such a strong wind.

Xiao Zhi felt that his whole body was about to be blown away, and he couldn't do anything except insist on not letting go.

Suddenly, the fragment where Xiao Zhi was located was completely overturned, and together with other fragments, was swept into a gust of wind.

Xiao Zhi only felt that the world was spinning before his eyes, and the black and white images were all mixed together, making it difficult to tell what was passing through his sight.

To make matters worse, a strong sense of dizziness hit, Xiao Zhi yelled in his heart that it was not good, and desperately tried to wake himself up, but he still felt his consciousness drifting away a little bit, and finally returned to nothingness .

The strength in my hand could not help but slowly loosen...

The strong wind carried the broken ground and blew it all the way into the distance.



When Xiao Zhi regained his consciousness, the first thing he heard was the sound of water droplets.

A thought flashed through his still-awake mind—"Is the Athanasi Realm leaking?"

But isn't there no water in the realm of Athanasia

He opened his eyelids vigorously, but the picture that appeared in front of him was not the realm of Athanasius, but a black and gray area. It took several seconds for Xiao Zhi to slowly recognize that it was a stone wall, but it turned into black and gray, like a picture in a black and white movie.

His thoughts became clear little by little, and Xiao Zhi finally remembered that he was in the book of the dream maker at the moment, and was blown away by a big gnawing fly.

No, so he didn't die

Do I have the aura of the protagonist? Xiao Zhi couldn't help thinking.

"Xiaoqi." A familiar voice came.

Xiao Zhi shifted his gaze towards the place where the sound came from, and as expected, he saw Frost's familiar face, which was the same black and white picture as in the world of the Book of Dreamers.

But the angle seems a bit weird...

Looking around again, Xiao Zhi realized that he was lying down, lying on... Frost's lap. It means that there are hard stone walls all around, so why doesn't he feel the meat, it turns out that there is a meat pad underneath.

Frost gently stroked Xiao Zhi's hair, and said softly, "How do you feel?"

The black and white world made the blood on his face added by Xiao Zhi disappear, and he became paler than before, but it was as attractive as a classic movie screen in the first half of the 20th century.

Feeling the slightly itchy touch from the scalp, Xiao Zhi inexplicably felt his heart beat so fast, and it took a few seconds before he remembered to answer: "It's still... okay..."

The corners of Frost's mouth curled up slightly: "Let's take a rest."

As he said that, he lightly touched Xiao Zhi's cheek with his other hand, the cold hand brought a little numbness and seemed to be slightly painful.

Frost: "Here, there is a hole."

Xiao Zhi followed his movements and touched his face, and sure enough, he touched a wound, which was probably scratched by the gravel that came from nowhere when he was swept away by the strong wind.

To be honest, Xiao Zhi felt that after such a big scene, he was very lucky that his head was still there, and his limbs were healthy and only a gash was left, which was like winning a lottery.

Thinking of the violent wind before, Xiao Zhi asked, "What happened when you met me?"

Frost recalled: "I was near here before, and suddenly I heard a loud noise, and then I rushed over and saw many stones and mud falling from the sky. When I found you, you were floating on the lake... There was no call reaction."

What he didn't say was that at the moment when Xiao Zhi couldn't be woken up no matter what, a feeling of panic surged in his heart. Frost didn't want to admit that he was afraid that this time it would be another hundred years, or... forever.

So after taking Xiao Zhi away, he stared at it almost without blinking, afraid of missing any details of Xiao Zhi's waking up.

Fortunately, it didn't take long this time, and his Xiao Qi woke up.

"Lake?" Xiao Zhi turned his head and looked outside the cave.

Sure enough, there was another big gray lake not far away, with a huge black dead tree lying down on it. There were no waves on the lake, like a pool of stagnant water. As for the stones and soil mentioned by Frost, Xiao Zhi didn't see them, probably they were all swallowed by the lake water and sank below.

Xiao Zhi turned his gaze back to Frost and asked, "Have you checked it out?"

Frost shook his head: "No, I have been here since I brought you out, but when I touched it before, I felt that the texture of the lake water was very strange. It was different from ordinary water. It was thick and a little sticky."

Xiao Zhi reached out and wrapped a strand of Frost's silver hair around his fingertips, thinking: "Maybe this is the reason why I can float on it..."

It's the same principle as the Dead Sea in the Earth era. As long as the density of water is high enough, the buoyancy will increase, making it impossible for people to sink. Although the reason for the change in the texture of the lake may be different from that of the Dead Sea, after all, this is an unscientific and logical world.

Seeing Xiao Zhi playing with his hair, Frost had a little smile in his eyes, conniving at his behavior.

This feeling is so familiar, maybe a long time ago, they also got along like this.

Frost also quietly stroked Xiao Zhi's hair again, the texture from his hands was soft, carrying the body temperature that belonged to Xiao Zhi, and the fine strands of hair wrapped his icy fingertips, gradually caught the same temperature.

Xiao Zhi, who was immersed in thinking, didn't notice this, or in other words, subconsciously, he didn't feel any repulsion towards Frost's approach, and naturally he wouldn't be alert.

Discovering this, the smile in Frost's eyes deepened.

"Boss!! I smell a very good smell!! This is the smell of Shelia's dream!!" A voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the warm atmosphere at the moment.

Xiao Zhi looked in the direction where the voice came from: "Da Zhuang Zhuang?"

Da Zhuangzhuang looked excited: "Boss! Xilia's dream! Xilia's dream! Xilia's dream!!"

Xiao Zhi was a little confused: "So?"

Da Zhuang Zhuang flew in a circle in the air: "This is one of the dream materials that Master Baluqiang gave to the soul hunter's final upgrade plan! And it is the best option! As long as the fire of Inahiri is added, the soul chaser The final upgrade will be completed!!!”

"Really?!" Xiao Zhi couldn't bear the joy in his heart.

After all, the Soul Chaser is the last work of Master Baru Qiang, and it was originally qualified to be the top weapon in the mainland. It was only because of the accidental death of Master Baruch that it could only be used as a semi-finished product and circulated among previous owners. And because of Xiao Zhi's accidental access to the weapon of Ba Luqiang's teacher before his death, and the help of the hammer soul Da Zhuang inside, he was able to upgrade the soul chaser.

Now, it is one step closer to the final upgrade of the Soul Chaser.

"Yes! Yes!!" Da Zhuangzhuang flicked his tail happily, and pointed in the direction of the great lake, "That's where the smell of Xilia's dream comes from."

Suddenly, Da Zhuang Zhuang, who was immersed in joy, felt a little cold, as if he was being targeted by a predator.

It turned its head cautiously, and met a pair of emotionless platinum eyes. Although the owner of the eyes was expressionless and did not draw out his weapon, Da Zhuangzhuang read the word "obstructing" from it out of some subtle sixth sense, as well as a trace of murderous intent.

The murderous aura wasn't too strong, but it was enough to beat a certain hammer soul to death eight hundred times.

Feeling that the situation was not good, the big, strong and furry little head turned rapidly.

It looked at Frost with big round eyes, from his figure to appearance to temperament, to the intimate movements of this man and his boss at the moment, and finally slapped his head and came to a conclusion: "Could it be... are you the boss's wife?! "

In order to survive, Da Zhuang Zhuang bowed to Frost upright, and greeted Frost loudly: "Hello boss!"

Xiao Zhi: "..."

Frost: "..."