It Is Said That I Attacked the Great Demon King

Chapter 75


The three continued to search for a way to leave the Dreamer's Book.

On the way, Greata laughed for some unknown reason from time to time, and Xiao Zhi and Frost were puzzled at first, but after listening more times, Xiao Zhi and Frost calmed down.

Isn't it just a little crazy? It's fine.

If this state is maintained, the archbishop must be able to quickly integrate into the undead after he arrives in Hessen, and there is no need for an adaptation period.

This world is really big, filled with a lot of absurd scenes and potential crises, as well as all kinds of hidden strange monsters, just like an endless nightmare.

In the process of advancing, the three of them constantly dealt with various emergencies, and even developed a little tacit understanding in the continuous battles.

Walked for a while.

The three of them came to a wasteland. In this area, the ground under their feet was dark gray, and the sky was a slightly lighter gray. There were almost no trees in sight, only scattered gravel and crawling on the ground The grass looks very empty.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhi's footsteps stopped.

His thoughtful eyes turned to a certain direction.

Frost, who had been paying attention to him, also stopped: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Zhi pointed over there: "The cloud over there is reversed."

The other two looked in the direction he was pointing after hearing the words, and Greata directly turned her body upside down in the air with the help of Wraith's light body, and began to observe.

Xiao Zhi continued: "When we walked along the road, all the clouds were exactly the same, but that one was reversed."

Xiao Zhi turned to Greata: "Have you been here before?"

Greata thought for a while, then shook her head: "I don't remember, the terrain here changes frequently, even if I have been here, I may not be able to recognize it, and I haven't left that ship for many years."

Frost said, "Want to go and have a look?"

Xiao Zhi nodded: "Let's go, maybe it's an opportunity."

The three of them then walked towards the strange cloud.

As they walked, they realized something was wrong almost at the same time—why did they seem to be spinning in circles? They have passed this section of the road several times, and the surrounding stones are all repeated, and the appearance of each stone is almost familiar.

Greyata laughed: "Hahahaha... Interesting..."

Xiao Zhi looked at the cloud that was still not approaching at all: "Let's try another direction."

After finishing speaking, the three of them walked in another direction. This time, everything around them did not repeat themselves. They tried a few more directions, and they all went forward smoothly, but that one didn't work.

The three returned to their previous positions.

Xiao Zhi: "Only in this direction."

Greata: "That means there is a problem here."

The three walked again, but this time they still returned to the original point.

Xiao Zhi was about to say something, but he felt a slight movement from his feet, at first it was just a little tremor, then it became bigger and more obvious.


With this sound, countless cracks appeared in the originally solid ground in an instant, and the cracks expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was bottomless darkness between the cracks. The crack rushed towards the three of them quickly, as if it wanted to swallow them all.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the three of them immediately turned around and ran towards a seemingly safe location.

But Earth Crack seemed to have spotted them. No matter where the three of them ran, they followed closely behind, like ferocious beasts with mind.

The three had to speed up again to avoid falling into the crack.

Xiao Zhi and Frost ran on the ground, and Greata floated in the air with the light body of Wraith Soul. Wraith Soul was already light, so the speed of floating was naturally very fast.

He looked very leisurely, and even had time to look back at Xiao Zhi: "Mr. Regent, come on, the crack behind you is getting closer and closer to you."

Xiao Zhi looked disgusted: "Bishop, you are so annoying..."

Greyata was obviously disgusted, but she looked very happy, flying around in the air while floating: "Hahahahahahaha..."

The undead soul crystal is still in Xiao Zhi's package, if he is forced to act urgently, he can also act as if he died in a second.


Xiao Zhi couldn't help but glanced at Frost, he could turn into an undead to escape, but Frost couldn't, he wasn't a soul body, if he was swallowed by a crack...

Xiao Zhi turned his head to look at the chasing chasing chasing crack, and suddenly felt a little strange.

These cracks seem to be in the...

His movements couldn't help but slow down.

Seeing this, Greata was puzzled: "Hey, Mr. Regent, are you preparing to sacrifice yourself?"

Xiao Zhi didn't answer, but just stared at the crack chasing towards him, ready to verify his thoughts. He was still a little nervous in his heart, and was secretly prepared to use the flame phantom, but he still focused on observing every movement in the crack.

After a while.

The corner of Xiao Zhi's mouth suddenly rose, and he pointed to the bottomless darkness below the crack: "Shall we go down and have a look?"

Greyata has messy long hair and question marks all over her head: "Going...down?"

Out of his understanding and trust in Xiao Zhi, Frost looked at him and said, "What did you find?"

Xiao Zhi simply stopped in his tracks, allowing the cracks to spread around him.

The other two were surprised at first, but then they realized something was wrong.

The crack seemed to rush towards Xiao Zhi fiercely, but subtly bypassed an area under his feet. Although the surrounding ground kept falling, the ground under Xiao Zhi's feet was already full of cracks, but it was always intact. The more the crack spread, the more obvious it looked, as if he was standing on an isolated island in the ocean.

Cracks, do not want to swallow them.

The seemingly menacing chase is more appropriate to say that it is driving rather than attacking.

Frost's movements also stopped, almost the same as Xiao Zhi's, and the ground under his feet did not shatter.

Xiao Zhi pointed to the pitch-black space below and said: "We have traveled to many places, but we have not considered these black areas underground, right? According to normal logic, this kind of pitch-black place symbolizes death and the end , but here is the Book of Dreamers that does not operate according to normal rules."

Greata played with her hair and glanced at the gap: "It makes sense, but it really looks like it will die."

Xiao Zhi: "Are you afraid?"

Greata laughed: "Hahaha, the only living person here is not afraid, why should I be afraid?"

Xiao Zhi looked at Frost, Frost didn't speak, but nodded slightly at him.

As if they had discovered the intentions of the three of them, the fissures that had spread wildly around them suddenly shrunk, and the black gullies all over the ground were tightening rapidly, judging by the posture, it would probably disappear completely in a few seconds.

"Go!" Xiao Zhi shouted.

The three figures jumped into the unknown darkness almost simultaneously.

In the next moment, all the cracks closed, and the ground returned to its original appearance.


Xiao Zhi felt as if he was soaked in black liquid.

There is darkness in front of my eyes, I can't feel light, I can't hear any sound, and I don't even have any feeling of weightlessness. The whole world seems to have become nothingness.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the picture appeared in front of my eyes again, still in black, white and gray tones, without any color.

Surrounded by piles of debris, plants, furniture, carriages, broken buildings...all piled up high, rather unscientifically insisting on not falling down. Because there are too many things, tall debris piles are everywhere, making this place look like a large garbage dump.

Frost and Greata also appear nearby.

Greata floated up and floated around the high pile of debris, and couldn't help saying: "There is really a new space."

Xiao Zhi looked around: "Let's go, take a look here."

Frost's voice came: "I think, just look this way."

Xiao Zhi turned his head and saw Frost standing under a tall debris pile, pointing in a direction. The pile of debris blocked Xiao Zhi's sight, making him unable to see clearly what Frost was referring to.

Xiao Zhi simply walked over.

After seeing it, Xiao Zhi smiled: "Sure enough, just go this way."

What appeared in front of my eyes was a gray sky. At first glance, it was the same as the one above, but at the direction Frost pointed, a colored gap appeared in the sky. There were blurred colors in the gap, and the Constantly changing, it is the only color they have seen in this world.

The three of them walked towards the direction where the color appeared.

But at this moment, there was a rumbling sound not far away.

When Xiao Zhi looked back, he saw that the tall debris piles behind him suddenly began to collapse in a large area, as if some invisible giant was coming towards this side. He couldn't see the outside of the thing, but the debris on the ground and the smoke in the air could help him get an idea of how big it was.


Xiao Zhi and Frost looked at each other, almost at the same time they thought of the transparent monster they met in the water before.

I didn't expect this thing to have a land version!

Having seen how difficult this thing is, the three of them quickly accelerated towards the location where the color appeared.

The invisible monster behind him chased him with all his strength, almost destroying everything along the way.

The maze-like pile of debris created a little obstacle for Xiao Zhi and the others, and sometimes they had to use force to clear the way. Although it took some time, the three of them arrived in front of the colorful sky before the monster behind them chased them over.

This place seems to be the end of the world, the road under the feet is gone, but an invisible barrier appears in the air, one side is the black and white book world, and the other side is the world with color.

Accompanied by a piercing scream, a wave of air suddenly hit them, blowing up Frost's silver hair, making the fluttering noise of his robes, and almost blowing Greyata away. He reacted very quickly and grabbed the pile of debris around him, barely able to stabilize his body.

"What should I do?" Greata asked against the strong wind.

"Go!" Xiao Zhi said.

After speaking, he glanced at the big thing that was about to catch up, turned around and rushed towards the colorful gap.

Frost followed Xiao Zhi in without hesitation.

"Is this...reliable?" Greata, who was left behind, whispered to herself.

But when he saw the smoke and dust approaching in front of him, and thought of his five hundred years of struggle in the Dreamer's Book, he always felt... There could be no worse place than here.

In the next second, Greata also quickly entered the colored crack.

Only the unknown monster that had lost its prey was left in place. It roared angrily, but it could only vent its anger by constantly destroying the surrounding environment.


After passing through the colored gaps, the three of Xiao Zhi entered a long passageway. There were various mottled pictures in the passageway, and incomprehensible calls came from it from time to time.

The three of them ignored the voice and walked forward.

Finally, when they were almost numb to the surrounding environment, they finally left the passage, and what appeared in front of them was the previous underground cave.

The Dream Maker's Book in front of him was opened, but the picture on it disappeared and turned into a blank. It seems that images are only produced on the pages when there are people inside.

Greata stared at the Dreamer's Book: "Is this the thing that kept me locked up for so many years?"

Xiao Zhi nodded: "Yes."

The expression on Greata's face was complicated: "It turns's just a book..."

He suddenly felt a little absurd. From the high-spirited archbishop to being suddenly betrayed by his subordinates, and then to wandering alone for hundreds of years, this experience is so short, but more than five hundred years have passed. The black and white world is so big, but it is just a book.

Greyata lowered her head, but her body began to tremble slightly: "Ha...haha...hahahahahahaha..."

He fell into a nervous laugh.

Not to bother Greyata, Xiao Zhi turned his head and looked at the book of dreammakers, and began to think about how to deal with this thing.

Of course it would be the easiest to just leave, but if this kind of thing that can trap the archbishop is left to Blaise, it will be too unfriendly to Hessen.

What if Blaise takes a certain knight commander in directly

If he wanted to take it away, it might alarm Blaise, and he didn't know how to use the Dreamer's Book, and it was just an accident to go in before.

Forget it, let's go along first, even if you can't find out how to use it, you can use it to fill Asen's small warehouse, and treat it as a souvenir from this trip.

This cannot be called stealing.

Lu Xun said it well, how can the affairs of scholars be considered stealing