It Is Said That I Attacked the Great Demon King

Chapter 76


After making up his mind, Xiao Zhi handed the teleportation stones depicting the magic circle to Greata and Frost respectively.

This was created by Xiao Zhi after he frequently traveled back and forth to Hesse some time ago, and it was specially set up to lead to the new small teleportation array in the Hall of Bones. Occasionally, when he and Frost needed to do some sneaky things, he and Frost would use this teleportation array.

After all, there are more and more people paying attention to the regent now, and every time he goes to the trade zone, he can get the attention of everyone, which is not convenient at all.

Frost instantly understood what Xiao Zhi meant.

Greata was holding the teleportation stone and playing with it, looking very interested.

"Get ready, I will send it immediately when the meeting is not going well." After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhi took a step forward to the quiet Book of Dream Makers, and stretched his hand above the Book of Dream Makers.

In the next moment, the Book of the Dreamer had already entered his backpack, without any demons.

The backpack is one of the few golden fingers that the player has on the mainland. It can not only stop the passage of time, but also seal up dangerous items. As long as they are not taken out, these things will not change in the backpack.

It is just used to store the book of the dream maker whose activation method is unknown.

Greata's eyes widened: "Athanasi?"

There is a subtle difference between Athanasi people and people who use ordinary storage rings when storing things. They don't need to really touch the items, as long as they get close to a range. Other races on the mainland need to personally touch the things that need to be stored before they can be put into the storage ring.

He didn't expect that the regent of Hesse was actually an Athanasi.

This is not at all in line with the consensus of the countries on the mainland. No matter which country or race it is, they basically don't want Athanasis whose behavior is uncontrollable or even disappears suddenly to become their own high-level.

He turned his head and glanced at Frost. The lord had a calm expression on his face, as if he was used to this, and he obviously knew it a long time ago.

Is this the style of macho

Hesse is such a magical place...


Greyata was feeling emotional, and suddenly saw that after the Book of the Dreamer disappeared, a dazzling light suddenly lit up on the altar, and the light continued to expand, and it was vaguely visible what pattern was formed by the complicated lines.

Greata recognized this thing at a glance: "It's the formation of Myrida! This is the formation used by Blaise to warn, and it also has the function of teleportation."

Xiao Zhi also heard a faint voice coming from the formation: "There are 13 seals... quickly report to..."

The voice was fuzzy and he couldn't hear it very clearly, but it didn't affect his understanding that Blaise had noticed that the Book of Dreamers had been taken away.

Xiao Zhi made a decisive decision: "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, the three of them instantly activated the teleportation stone and disappeared in place.

After a while, the paladins wearing advanced armor stepped out of the teleportation array, but what appeared in front of them was only an empty altar, and the Dreamer's Book disappeared.


Holland, the capital of the Blaise Empire, is the Holy Glory Cathedral.

In a luxuriously furnished room.

The man in the uniform of the archbishop was sitting at the table. He should be almost forty years old, but he looked much younger than his actual age. He was only about thirty years old, with gorgeous long red hair, and his facial features looked Delicate and soft, but very serious, he looks like the most traditional guardian.

This is Archbishop Sonny, who usually stays at the Holy Glory Cathedral most of the time, and at this moment he is looking at the secret report in his hand.

Sonny frowned: "Number 13... over there is the Book of Dreamers."

The Book of Dreamers is a somewhat dangerous thing. It will pull people close to it into the book and fabricate all kinds of bizarre worlds for them. The criteria for selecting objects are unknown, some people will be absorbed as soon as they get close, and some people will not be affected even if they come into direct contact. The former Bryce executives have done many experiments, but they still can't grasp the rules of selecting people for the Book of Dreamers.

Everyone thought that the Book of Dreamers had been abandoned, but Sonny knew that it was actually acquired by Pope Andrew.

And... there is also an exclusive function, which has been sealed underground for hundreds of years.

Sonny's slender fingertips tapped on the table, continuing the secret report: "The villagers said that there have been adventurers in the vicinity during this time... No conversation, the purpose is unknown."

"Adventurers... can break the seal of the Dreamer's Book so easily? It's... personally set up..."

"Are they unaffected by the Dreamer's Book, or have they successfully escaped from it? What have they discovered..."

Thinking about it, Sonny frowned more and more, and finally couldn't help ringing the summons bell on the desktop.

"Your Excellency the Archbishop." A young man wearing a deacon uniform walked into the room and saluted Sonny respectfully.

Sonny handed over the secret report: "Quickly, give this document to that adult."

"Yes." The visitor took it respectfully.

Just as he turned to leave, Sonny suddenly stopped him: "Wait!"

"What orders do you have, Your Excellency?" The visitor remained respectful.

Sonny stood up, carefully arranged his hair and the complicated uniform of the archbishop on his body, and after making sure that he was dressed properly, he took back the secret message from the deacon and walked towards the door: "Forget it, I'll go there myself Bar."

After all, it's going to be...

Meet the grown-up...


Teleportation feels the past.

The scene of the Hall of Bones appeared in front of the three of them.

Asking Frost to go back first, Xiao Zhi, facing Frost's serious gaze, changed into a political officer's attire, and took Greata to the trade zone first.

No way, the Lord of Hesse must not be taken to the trade zone!

He didn't want to see the picture of all the members of the trade zone being suspended again!

Xiao Zhi is going to hand over Greata to Milton, a model worker. Milton is now the leader of the government officials. He is very reliable and patient. He is really the best candidate to take care of the newcomers.

Knocked on Milton's office, and it was Teague who opened the door.

Teague officially changed into Hessen's black uniform. Compared with the previous soft and gorgeous Xiyue costumes, it is a little less eye-catching and gorgeous, and more firm and confident.

Seeing that it was Xiao Zhi, Teague couldn't help but smile: "Mr. Seventeen!"

For Teague, Xiao Zhi is the person who changed his life and destiny.

If it wasn't for Xiao Zhi, he would have been completely dead in the previous attack on the Duke of Sharina. Even without that assassination, he might just be a liar for the rest of his life, and then spend money to squeeze into the political arena of the Dolly Alliance. Be a marginal figure all your life.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhi taught him the method of transforming into an undead race, and brought him to Hesse to learn from Mr. Milton, and step by step realized Teague's dream that he never dared to dream of before—becoming an immortal. a real official.

Xiao Zhi nodded to him: "Tig, how are you doing recently?"

"Very well, it feels smoother when dealing with various affairs recently. You are here to see Mr. Milton, he is meeting with several political officials, do you need to inform Mr. Milton of your arrival now?" Teague ushered him into the room.

Xiao Zhi walked in: "No need, let Milton handle his affairs first."

At this time, Teague noticed Greyata who was following behind Xiao Zhi, covered in blood and lifeless. As an experienced liar who has seen various big scenes, the smile on Teague's face has not changed at all: "This is..."

Xiao Zhi said: "He is the purpose of my visit this time. This is Greyata, the archbishop who once belonged to Blaise."

Hearing this, Teague couldn't hide his surprised expression: "Archbishop Greata?! Is he one of the three archbishops during Pope Ernitiel's time?"

Greyata raised her eyebrows, and there was a little interest in her eyes: "I didn't expect anyone to remember me now."

Teague said: "I recently studied the history of various countries under the guidance of Mr. Milton, including a lot of unofficial records, and some family history materials, especially related to Brace. Some of the content related to you, you were once Known as the future of Brace, the one who will lead Brace to the light."

"Hahahahahaha ..." Greya laughed, "Lead Bresz to light ... me? Hahahahahahahaha ..."

Rao is Teague who is well-informed, so he is still a little confused by this reaction. Why does this Mr. Archbishop seem to be different from the one in the history books.

Xiao Zhi said in a low voice: "The characteristics of resentful souls."

Teague understood in seconds. It turned out to be a racial talent. It seems that he still knows too little about the undead, so he needs to work harder. In the future, when studying history, I will also add a note. The personalities of historical figures may be very different from those after death, and empiricism cannot be used.

At this time, Milton also came out of the reception room and saluted Xiao Zhi: "Mr. Regent."

He looked at Greata again: "I'm sorry to hear a little bit of your conversation, Mr. Greata, I have heard of you for a long time."

Greata still smiled: "Hahaha... me? What other name do I have?"

Milton's tone was calm. Having seen more crazy undead, he was not surprised by Greata's reaction: "I have read your work—"To the Moonlight", this is a beautiful collection of poems, but it is a pity that It has already been banned by Brace, and I feel sorry for mainland residents who missed this book."

Greata's laughter stopped: ""To the Moonlight" has been a long memory... After so many years, there are still people who remember..."

He has long been forgotten by the world in Bresseism, which has been cultivated for many years. However, some people in Hesse, who visited Hesse for the first time, remembered him. Not only could they tell about his obliterated reputation, but some people had read his collection of poems that had long been drowned by the dust of history. .

The encounters in life are really amazing and unbelievable...

Perhaps, coming to Hessen was the most correct decision in his life.


Greata and Milton had a great time, and Teague was delighted to have another profound teacher.

After making arrangements for Greyata, Xiao Zhi returned to the government affairs center.

Xiao Zhi first sent a message to Senior Brother Bai Yan, saying that there was a little movement on his side, telling them to be more cautious when they went to the copy of Xisa Church recently, and told them his guess about the copy of customs clearance.

In the following time, Xiao Zhi fell into planning for Hessen's future.

Now Blaise has mastered the weapon powered by Greek mines and can mass-produce it. Although he doesn't know exactly where he has reached, even if Hesse wants to catch up from now on, it may be too late.

In addition, the current pope of Blaise is about to die, and Sanick, who belongs to the main combat faction in the future, will be in charge, and the situation facing Hessen may not be optimistic.

How to quickly strengthen the power of Hesse

For Hessen, it is very difficult to increase his strength by expanding the number of people. After all, the undead are transformed from living people. If the people on the mainland do not die in large numbers, the number of Hesse will not increase rapidly. It is impossible to start a war to expand the number of undead, right

In this way, they may have been beaten up by the continental countries before Blaise took action against Hesse.

At present, the most practical way is to update the equipment for the undead.

After Milton's investigation during this period, it was discovered that many undead in Hesse were still using the equipment they had in their lifetime. Some armors have been buried underground for hundreds of years, and their defensive power is almost negligible, and can only be described as crisp. Some weapons have long been rusted, and the germs carried on them are probably more lethal than the weapons themselves.

It just so happened that the trade zone was opened, and with the cooperation with the Dolly Alliance, there was no shortage of materials and craftsmen.

Xiao Zhi still arranged a plan to study the Yixi Mine, and considered that it might be possible to introduce players' power, but this is a long-term plan, and it won't be used in a short time, but it always needs to be started first.

After that, it is about the cultivation of tactics and combat skills.

These were handed over to the knight commanders who were usually obsessed with fishing, and some reclusive undead powerhouse Xiao Zhi also asked Frost to issue a call-up order for them to come out for activities.

The undead were very happy about this, and the days when they could fight and kill every day were really too happy for them.

One day, when Xiao Zhi was inspecting the training area, he heard a conversation between two undead people.

"The recent days are really interesting, I feel that I have regained the blood of being alive!"

"Yeah, the feeling of fighting is awesome, I feel like I'm stronger again!"

"Actually, I was pretty lazy when I was alive. I just lie in bed and watch and gossip all day long."

"Hahaha, me too, I eat all day long and get fatter."

"It's better to die!"

"Yeah, I'm dead, and all the problems of living have been cured!"

"Let's go, let's go fight, I will screw your head off today!"

"I'm afraid of you, I cut you in half yesterday!!"


Speaking of which, the two undead walked away shoulder to shoulder, their gestures were very friendly, but they were greeting each other about today's death, as if there was some deep hatred.

Xiao Zhi: "..."

Well, it's very Hessian, look how happy they are smiling.


In this way, while building Hessen, Xiao Zhi absorbed the regent's exclusive experience gift package. It seems that he has been dealing with major issues recently, and the experience has been given slowly, all the way to 240.

Xiao Zhi was satisfied with seeing his own level, it felt really good to be cheating.

Probably among all zero players, he is the only one who can upgrade so easily.

Xiao Zhi put down the paperwork in his hand, the recent busyness has temporarily come to an end, and the arrangements for various affairs are gradually on the right track, so he can take a breather.

"It's a pity that A Sen is not here..." Xiao Zhi looked at the dark forest outside the window and said to himself.

Frost was not in Hesse these days, and he didn't know where he went. Even Alifa was not there, and Frost was still mysterious, not telling him what he was doing.

After knowing each other for such a long time, Frost seems to have never played this kind of trick, which makes Xiao Zhi feel a little curious, and can't help but look forward to it a little bit as time goes by.

Just having some free time, Xiao Zhi suddenly wanted to go back to the big white tree they met for the first time and take a look.

It seems that I haven't been there for a long time.

The location where the big tree is located is quite remote, and the traffic network does not cover it, it took a while for Xiao Zhi to stand under the tree.

Compared with when I first saw it, this tree is much taller, with many more branches on it, each branch is covered with lush white leaves, and the crown of the tree has become wider and bigger as a whole, and some of them seem to be standing on the ground. Clouds in the forest.

Recalling the little things that happened under the tree, the corners of Xiao Zhi's mouth could not help but slightly curved.

He canceled the effect of the undead soul crystal, stepped forward, and sat under the tree where he often sat. While thinking about the past, he subconsciously pulled a black blade of grass and played with it in his hand.

The grass blades here have just the right flexibility and are very suitable for weaving. As long as he sits here, Xiao Zhi can't help but harm them. If these grasses had thoughts, they probably wouldn't miss this weed-plucking maniac at all.

The breeze blew over the big tree, and slightly brushed over Xiao Zhi's hair and clothes. The white leaves fell one after another with the wind, like an exclusive falling snow, gently landed on his shoulders, and then slowly slid down to the ground, turning the original The deep land is stained with snow white.

Before he knew it, a delicate and vivid little snake gradually appeared beside Xiao Zhi, and then the second and third...

Until the seventh little snake was firmly entrenched on the grass.

"Xiaoqi." A familiar voice suddenly came from not far away.

Xiao Zhi looked up and saw Frost standing in front of him. He was wearing a black light armor, and the more light and close-fitting light armor outlined Frost's slender legs. His silver hair was loose and fluttering slightly in the breeze, accompanied by the leaves falling from time to time in front of him. The scene almost made Xiao Zhi think that It is the memory that I have beautified in my mind.

Xiao Zhi smiled at Frost: "A Sen, are you back?"

Frost nodded, walked towards Xiao Zhi slowly, and then sat down beside Xiao Zhi familiarly, just like many times before.

After sitting down, Frost took out a palm-sized crystal. There was a touch of purple flame sealed in the crystal. The flame was crystal clear, like a handicraft made of colored glass.

"For you." Frost handed the crystal to Xiao Zhi.

His tone was calm, the same as every time before.

Xiao Zhi identified the flame inside: "This is... the fire of Inahiri that Da Zhuangzhuang said?"

Xiao Zhi's gaze moved from the crystal to Frost's eyes, which were as gentle as before, as if he was still that ignorant young man who gave Xiao Zhi a stone as a gift.

But Xiao Zhi knew that the fire of Inahiri, which is the final promotion material of the soul chaser, was so easy to obtain. Xiao Zhi took the time to search the information of the whole continent before, and the exact relevant records were already 300 years ago. .

Probably, Frost has been busy with this matter for the past few days when he disappeared with Alifa. I don't know how much thought was spent and how difficult it was.

Although Xiao Zhi didn't see any scars on his body, out of his understanding of him, Xiao Zhi was sure that even if Frost was injured, he would wait until the wounds were completely invisible before appearing in front of Xiao Zhi.

Frost didn't mention the hardships of the process at all, and he didn't mean to add value to this gift with his own efforts.

"Thank you." Xiao Zhi accepted it with a smile, without saying anything superfluous, because there was no need for such politeness between them.

After accepting the Inahiri fire, Xiao Zhi turned around and handed a small snake to Frost, with a sly smile on his face: "My return."

It sounds like it's taking advantage, but both know it's just a joke.

Watching Frost take over the little snake, Xiao Zhi said, "It's been a long time since I made it up, I feel a bit unfamiliar."

Frost had a smile on the corner of his mouth: "No, it's still pretty."

His gaze swept across inadvertently, and then he found more small snakes on the ground. Frost signaled with his eyes: "It's all mine."

Xiao Zhi picked up the little snakes on the ground with both hands, and handed them all to Frost: "Okay, it's all yours."

Frost took the little snakes and inspected them carefully one by one, with a serious and focused expression, as if he was studying some kind of jewelry.

Suddenly, Frost said: "Xiaoqi, I want to see you."

Xiao Zhi was a little puzzled: "See me?"

Isn't he just sitting here

Frost turned his face away, reached out and tapped his cheek lightly.

Xiao Zhi instantly understood that he was still using the face he usually used in the game. When he was in action in Hessen, those who knew his appearance basically remembered this face, so he didn't change it on purpose.

Under Frost's gaze, Xiao Zhi returned to his own face.

Frost looked at the person in front of him. For a moment, the time seemed to go back to a long, long time ago. In a remote Hesse, there was an unknown corner. There was a strange white tree growing in the corner. Under the tree, there were two Someone who always sits together.

As if nothing has changed...

Xiao Zhi saw Frost staring at him fixedly, as if he was looking at him, and seemed to see many memories through him.

Xiao Zhi was about to say something, but seeing Frost's brows suddenly wrinkled, Xiao Zhi couldn't help becoming nervous: "A Sen? What's wrong?"

The next moment, Frost bent down and leaned his head directly on Xiao Zhi's shoulder. Accompanied by the cool and woody fragrance that belonged to him, a deep voice rang in Xiao Zhi's ear: "Headache..."

Xiao Zhi quickly reached out his hand and supported him: "Is it serious?"

Frost didn't speak, but stretched out his arms and hugged Xiao Zhi, wrapping him in his arms, as if he didn't want to let go, just leaning on Xiao Zhi's body openly.

Feeling the warm body in his arms, with the temperature that belonged to Xiao Qi, Frost couldn't help curling his lips, and suddenly felt that the headaches that always interfered with him were not difficult at all.

He increased his strength a little, and with this posture, Xiao Zhi fell onto the grass full of fallen leaves.

Xiao Zhi felt a little uncomfortable with this position, and felt that the bases of his ears were starting to turn red. He subconsciously wanted to move, but he heard Frost's voice ringing in his ears, revealing a weakness that would never be revealed at ordinary times, and a slight Undetectable coquettish meaning: "Don't move, I have a headache..."

Xiao Zhi stopped his movements immediately: "..."

There's really nothing you can do with this guy.

Is it a real headache or a fake headache...

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

In the current posture, he gently reached out and stroked Frost's back, with a soft comforting meaning.

The breeze continued, and the white leaves were still falling slowly, but this time, the figures under the tree merged together.