It Is Said That I Attacked the Great Demon King

Chapter 82


As Dorres Zhuang's voice fell, everyone couldn't help but look in the direction where the light hit before.

Among a group of armored paladins was a cannon made of white and gold metal. The cannon is very large, much longer than the height of an adult man, and it was placed on a special desert vehicle, supposedly to maintain the mobility of the cannon.

At this moment, the muzzle of the black hole is facing Tuta Qiang and Dorre Zhuang in front.

The previous blow had already exhausted the Ish mine inside, and now two well-trained soldiers are skillfully filling it with new ore.

Tutaqiang stared sharply at the sudden appearance of the cannon.

Unlike the common heavy artillery weapons on the mainland, this cannon does not require special ammunition, and its power is much greater than ordinary cannons. If the one who attacked them was a heavy artillery division, according to the physical strength of Drestram, he would never have received such damage in one blow.

Although it can be seen that the cannon consumes a lot of Yixi mines, and it needs a lot of replenishment for just one shot, and it is not easy to move, but this kind of power, no matter what kind of shortcomings it has, will not affect its effect on the battlefield .

At this moment, there was movement again from the surroundings. The paladin team that had been tightly surrounding the two separated several times. Cannons passed through the crowd and appeared in front of everyone.

There are nine doors in total.

Each cannon is aimed directly at the two men in the middle.

The leading army commander then said slowly: "I don't know, is the Nine Gates God Punisher enough? Great Swordsman."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and countless pairs of eyes fell on Tuta Qiang and Dores Zhuang.

"How does this work? Look at the power of this cannon, if it keeps blasting..."

"I'll go to nine, and it can also replenish energy. It's clear that it will consume people to death!"

"What exactly does Blaise want to do? Do you want to sweep the Changyue Desert? Or unify the entire continent?"

"Ask for an analysis from a big boss."



"I guess... they may be conducting some kind of experiment to test the power of this new weapon called God's Punisher."

Xiao Zhi looked at the ID of the last speaker, and found that he was still an acquaintance, with the word "Ruo Ye" shining brightly. It seems that senior Bai Yan is also paying attention to this live broadcast. After privately learning about Bai Yan's character of loving gossip, Xiao Zhi is not surprised that he appears in any gossip venue.

Bai Yan continued: "In the current mainland, there are quite a few top experts, but most of them have their own forces and rarely have the chance to be alone. Those who like to travel alone are almost always erratic, and it is difficult to be defeated by the army." blocked."

"Only Tuta is different. Although the Wild Lion tribe is already very powerful in the Changyue Desert, it has not yet unified all the tribes. It is still much weaker than other unified countries. And many people know , Tutaqiang and Dores Zhuang often come to the desert to compete, and there are only a few places they frequent, as long as you send someone to watch, it is easy to find the traces of the two, and it is easy to set up an ambush."

"Brace may want to test whether God's Punisher can kill the top powerhouse, and if so, how many rounds will it take to succeed?"

"I guess neither Tutaqiang nor Dorrezhuang is their ultimate goal."

"The one from Hesse is."

After reading Luo Ye's analysis, the players all felt that it was right.

Xiao Zhi also frowned, his thoughts were similar to Bai Yan's. The Wild Lion Tribe is famous for being brave and good at fighting, but the territory they occupy is not rich. There are neither minerals that can be exported, nor any valuable materials. They are not even rich in water resources, and it is difficult to develop agriculture.

Such a wild lion tribe is not as enticing as the iguana tribe's territory and the Grand Duchy of Dilling because of the Yixi Mine. It makes no sense for Blaise to travel long distances to ambush their patriarch.

Plus the cannon that appeared for the first time - God's Punisher.

If there is no player's live broadcast, I'm afraid this is really a secret weapon experiment. In order to test what kind of damage is needed to kill the top powerhouse in the mainland, such as Frost.

Xiao Zhi raised his head from the address book, and said to Alifa: "Alifa, let's go to Changyue Desert, fly higher, be careful not to be spotted."

"Gu~" Although Alifa didn't understand why he went to the Changyue Desert, he was still very happy to be able to play outside with Xiao Zhi for a while.

Xiao Zhi looked at the various analyzes in the live broadcast room, and found the location of the attack from the comments, the southeastern part of the Changyue Desert - Sunset Valley.

While advancing, Xiao Zhi continued to pay attention to the development in the live broadcast room.

At this time, the Nine Gates God's Punisher had all prepared, and following the command of the army commander, they launched attacks on Tu Taqiang and Dole Zhuang one after another.

A few glaring golden lights rushed towards the two of them mercilessly, almost blocking most of their evasion directions.

Although Tutaqiang and Dores Zhuang both have rich combat experience, they are located on a flat sandy land, and there are no obstacles to cover them at all. They can only dodge or resist with their own reactions. .

The nine rays of light were not fired together, but after the two dodged the first round of attacks, they immediately took over the next round, and precisely aimed at the direction they dodged.

A beam of light surged towards Tuta Qiang's back, but was barely blocked by Duo Leizhuang with his big sword.

Another ray of light struck Dorres Zhuang, but was also stopped by Tu Taqiang with a giant axe.

The two cooperated tacitly and supported each other skillfully. No matter who they are, they will admire their posture in battle. This requires complete trust in each other to achieve this level, and needs to be strong enough to bear the absolute trust of the other party.

They didn't make a single stupid mistake in the fight, but both were wounded more and more.

Because manpower is always limited, God's Punisher is just a cold weapon, as long as there are enough Yixi ore, it can run forever.

More and more wounds appeared on the two tall figures. The continuous high-intensity fighting made them exhausted, and the speed of wielding weapons became slower and slower.


Blood began to spill on the ground, dipping into the yellow sand, dyeing the originally golden gravel a blood red.

"Damn... I don't want to watch..."

"It's so miserable, why treat them like this."

"I declare that from today onwards, I will hate Blaise forever!! Although I usually hate them too!!!"


The two figures in the encirclement were already covered in blood, and their figures were precarious, as if they would fall down in the next moment. But they still fought bloody side by side, tightly holding the weapons in their hands, surrounded by a cloud of flying dust.


There was a final loud bang, followed by silence.

After the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, the originally flat sandy land was bombarded with a huge pothole. The inside was blood red, full of spattered blood and minced meat.

In the very center there are two almost indistinguishable humanoid bodies.

One of them showed a posture of leaning on a sword with both hands and kneeling on one knee, but his head had been shattered. It was Dores Zhuang, who maintained a guarding posture until the end of his life, using his own flesh and blood to build the final barrier for his patriarch.

The other, still standing with a huge ax in hand, was missing an arm and had a huge hollow in his chest, but his mutilated body still stubbornly refused to fall.

Persevere, the last pride of being a conqueror.

In the silence, the leading army commander suddenly said: "As expected of the conqueror and the great swordsman, it took 300 attacks to calm you down."

The corpses of Tutaqiang and Dores Zhuang were silent, unable to respond to his provocation any longer.

After speaking, he clapped his hands and called his adjutant.

"Lord Fenris." The adjutant saluted respectfully.

Fenris asked without looking back, "How much is there left in the Yixi Mine?"

The adjutant flipped through the records: "It's almost exhausted, the remaining is only enough for three attacks."

Fenris smiled: "It's good luck, it seems that God is really watching us, thank God for His blessing."

He stared at the corpse in front of him and told his adjutant: "Let Bishop Areda come over and prepare for the purification ceremony."

The corpses of unbelievers are very dangerous things, and they must be disposed of as soon as possible.

Even with Alifa's fast speed, the battle was over by the time Xiao Zhi arrived at Sunset Valley.

At the moment he and Alifa are hovering high in the sky.

They fly so high that at first glance they are as inconspicuous as the shadows of birds.

Xiao Zhi naturally saw the whole process of the death of Tu Taqiang and Duo Leizhuang through the live broadcast, felt sad and angry for such a scene, and regretted the fall of the two strong men.

Unlike the players who could only release their anger by scolding Blaise, he couldn't help thinking when he looked at the two corpses in the picture.

Although I didn't make it in time to save people, and I might not be able to save them if I did, but it seems that it is still possible to snatch the corpse

He didn't just want to punch Blaise in the face.

As the most famous patriarch of the Changyue Desert, Tu Taqiang was respected by many people, not just the Wild Lion Clan. Recapturing his body from Blaise and returning it to the Wild Lion Tribe would unleash Hesse's goodwill to the tribes. In the face of the next mainland situation, it may become the basis for cooperation.

In addition, according to Xiao Zhi's understanding of the undead during this period of time, the probability of this kind of person who died in a strong unwillingness and fighting spirit to transform into an undead is very high.

And just now he heard clearly that Bryce's Yixi mine is almost used up now, and the new supply has not been seen yet, which is a very good opportunity.


Slapping Blaise's face in public is really cool, just thinking about it makes people feel very excited.

Xiao Zhi saw from the live broadcast that a person in the bishop's uniform was leading several priests towards the corpses of Tutaqiang and Doreszhuang. If they were enveloped by their purification ceremony, they would be It was too late.

Time was not to be wasted, Xiao Zhi immediately changed into the regent's attire, and skillfully covered his head with white gauze.

Then he said to Alifa: "Go down! Find a chance to snatch the corpse!"

"Gu—" Alifa flapped his wings quickly, and shot straight down like a sharp arrow.

Bishop Areda, who was preparing for the purification ceremony, suddenly felt his eyes darken. He looked around suspiciously, but saw that the surroundings were still bright.

He raised his head hesitantly, but saw a scene that broke his liver and gallbladder.

A huge bone dragon was rushing towards him at an unbelievable speed. Standing at his angle, he could clearly see the sharp teeth in that big mouth. There was no doubt that these teeth could easily chopped up his body.

"Bone Dragon!!!"

A priest around him shouted in panic and took the lead to run out. Under his leadership, other priests also panicked and fled one after another.

Everyone knows that the bone dragon is the mount of the Lord of Hesse.

Could it be that the black figure above... Could it be the Lord of Hesse! !

"The Lord of Hesse is here!!" The priests fled even faster.

"What are you panicking about! That man is wearing a robe, not the Lord of Hessian!!" Fenris scolded angrily, and immediately ordered the paladins to prepare for battle, and ordered: "Prepare God's Punisher!"

Although I don't know what these two are here for, but if the undead dare to come to die, they have no reason to let them go.

Stay here with the Conqueror, unknowing undead!

When Xiao Zhi and Alifa rushed to the ground, they happened to meet the menacing paladins.

At this time, Alifa's fierce appearance was revealed, completely different from the usual coquettish and cute toys. It fiercely threw itself onto the sandy ground, and with a fierce sweep of its tail, which was thicker than a tree trunk, all the paladins who dared to get close to it were swept away and smashed into a ball.

In an instant, a large vacuum area appeared around it.

Fenris frowned, feeling the difficulty of the bone dragon, and he shouted: "Where is the God's Punisher?!"

The adjutant replied cautiously: "Still loading."

"Damn it!" Fenris uttered a swear word that didn't match his identity, and commanded the team on the other side: "Spearman!"

Following his order, a completely inconspicuous team appeared in the previous battle to besiege the two of Tutaqiang. It is a more suitable attack method for them.

The gunmen listened to the order, and pointed their black muzzles at Alifa, who had a huge target.

At this time, they saw that the person sitting on the bone dragon raised his hand towards them. His hand was not the long sword they thought before, but a crystal clear staff.

The spearmen quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and it really wasn't the Lord of Hesse.

Um? Staff? Mage? That is... remotely

Then... Isn't their location within the opponent's attack range? ! ! ! !

Just thinking of this, the spearmen felt a strange movement above their heads. look up. A gap suddenly appeared in the midair, and countless meteorites were falling rapidly from it, each meteorite was covered with ghostly green lights, and ghost cries mixed with it could be clearly heard.

The scorching desert seemed to have cooled down in an instant, accompanied by a deadly chill that permeated wantonly, with an ominous atmosphere.

Scourge of the undead.

Xiao Zhi's previous silence was preparing for this spell that required a lengthy prelude. What could be more suitable for clearing the field than natural disasters? Not only is it powerful, but it also takes into account gorgeous special effects, and can get full marks in terms of style and practicality.

The falling meteorite slammed down on the Bryce soldiers below with a howling wind, as if the world was ending. The original attack against the two collapsed under such an offensive, and it was difficult to pose a threat.

"It's now." Xiao Zhi shouted.

Alifa immediately opened his mouth wide, smothered the bodies of Tutaqiang and the other two on the sand, then flapped his wings without hesitation, and jumped into the sky at a very high speed.

At this time, the God of Punisher was finally loaded, and all the muzzles were aimed at Alifa in the air.

"Attack!" Fenris ordered.



With two sounds in succession, two bright beams of light rushed towards Alifa fiercely, as if they wanted to shoot him down completely.

Alifa turned his head to look, suddenly flicked his tail, quickly changed direction in mid-air, drew a round arc in the air, and dodged two attacks.

At this moment, the third attack had arrived, and it happened to land on the position where Alifa dodged.

Accurate prediction!


This beam of light also fell through the gap between Alifa's empty skeletons, feeling lonely.

Alifa, it leaks light.

"Gu~" Alifa made a happy voice.

Everyone: "..."

Can it still be like this...

A faint voice came from the air, the voice was full of provocative smiles: "Luck is really good, thank you for the blessing of your god for me~"

Hearing this, Fenris threw off his helmet angrily: "Ah—"

This undead is definitely mocking him with words similar to his! Not only did this guy take away the corpses of Tutaqiang and Dores Zhuang, but he even dared to blaspheme the gods. He is really a sinful undead!

At this time, the players watching the live broadcast were already confused by the sudden change.

How come it was just "the fierce lion and the strong man broke the valley of the setting sun" just now, but in a few seconds it turned into "the Hessian boss descended from the sky and seized the corpse"

"Huh? What happened just now? Why did Lord Hesse's mount suddenly appear here?"

"I don't really understand, but the one who shot just now seems to be the clerk, ah no, now it's the regent..."

"Probably to disgust Blaise?"

"No, no, think about it, it's a corpse! A corpse! What are the necessary conditions to join Hesse?"


"Damn it!"


"Does the regent want to..."

"It must be, otherwise why did he have to rush before the purification ceremony! The purpose is very clear!"

"In this way, wouldn't Blaise give Hesse more and more people?"

"I'm happy!"

"Have you seen it!!! The Regent's hand! The Heart of Divelis!!! [Picture]"

"Damn it! Really, I even gave away the heart of Diveris! It turns out that everything written in the book is true!"

Amidst the cheers of "the cp I knocked on became real", someone noticed something different.

"That... have you noticed? Is the regent so capable of fighting??? It's just a natural disaster of the undead..."

"Yes, yes..."

"What about the domineering lord and the weak civil servants that were agreed upon? The human design has collapsed!"

"I also wrote a little Huangwen about him and the lord... Will he be embarrassed by the natural disaster of the undead?"

"Wait, the sister above? Brother? Oh, whatever... leave a contact information?"