It Is Said That I Attacked the Great Demon King

Chapter 85


Because of the previous live broadcast started by the player, the news that Tutaqiang and Dores Zhuang were attacked by Blaise spread quickly. At the same time, through the description of the Athanasi, the two fought bloody to the last The tragic ending is also well known.

Hearing such news, the whole continent was shocked. Part of it was shocked by Blaise's strength, and the other part was angry that two top powerhouses in the mainland died in such a way.

Among them, the Wild Lion tribe is the most.

The Wild Lion tribe was originally a bloody nation, but now the most outstanding patriarch in their history was killed in this way. This is simply a humiliation to the entire Wild Lion tribe, which makes them very angry.

Under the trend of anger, the warriors of the Wild Lion tribe rushed directly to Blaise's army stationed in the Changyue Desert, and fought several battles with Blaise, each of which was extremely tragic, and the blood of countless soldiers stained the yellow sand. .

Unfortunately, in the face of Blaise's ruthless guns, the Wild Lion fighters failed to win any victory.

In the end, with the support of the Yanlang tribe, the remaining Wild Lion tribe evacuated from the original area, retreated to the depths of the desert and temporarily hibernated. But there is a big fire called anger and unwillingness burning in the heart of every Wild Lion clansman, looking forward to an opportunity to make this fire spread like a prairie fire.


In the depths of the vast black forest, under the cover of layers of trees, there is a lake that condenses dead air. The lake water is a strange black-green color. Originally, there is no ripple on the water surface, and the air is filled with thick The fog is almost suffocating.

If a living person sees this kind of environment, they will definitely feel that the danger of death is everywhere, and they can't help but want to escape.

But for the undead, this place is too good to be true. The quality of the dead energy is very good, and it is very suitable as the first stop to enter the world of death.

At this moment, the water waves are churning violently, and strong resentment is coming out from the bottom of the water. Accompanied by the lion's roar that resounded through Hessen, there are signs of getting stronger and stronger.

After a while, two figures rushed out of the lake.

They are two undead. The biggest difference between an undead and a resentful soul is whether they have more obsession or more resentment before death. The former are more likely to turn into undead, and they usually look calmer; the latter are more likely to turn into resentful spirits, who are often crazy or have extreme behaviors and extreme ideas.

Both figures were tall and strong, with knotted muscles all over their bodies, full of strength.

The one in front has a lion's head, and has countless wounds, large and small. The armor and weapons are full of battle scars. The most frightening thing is that there is a huge penetrating wound on his chest, which can be seen through this huge wound. Hollow to see the woods behind.

It was Tuta Qiang, the fallen conqueror who finally returned to the world tenaciously under the guidance of the god of death.

The other figure was scarred to the same extent as Tu Taqiang, except that his head was gone, and there was only an empty nothingness above his neck.

This is Dores Zhuang. The great swordsman moved his neck, as if he felt a little uncomfortable with the headless situation.

This is also normal. After all, in a person's life, how many times can he experience the feeling of being headless

After Tutaqiang roared to his heart's content, he looked at his partner who had fought side by side with him for many years. It seemed that they were transformed into undead. He didn't know what happened after his death, but it was obvious that this place should be Hesse, and the current state must be that someone secretly helped them.

However, seeing Duo Leizhuang's current appearance, Tuta Qiang couldn't help feeling a trace of regret in his heart.

Even if we are lucky enough to meet again after death, the wounds we have received will not disappear. The head of the great swordsman had already been blasted into pieces by God's Punisher before he was alive, and he probably couldn't come back. In the days to come, he could only keep it like this.

As if sensing Tutaqiang's state of mind, a voice came from Duo Leizhuang's side: "Patriarch."

Tutaqiang looked at Doleszhuang in surprise.

This... the mouth is gone, can you still talk

There was a little novelty in Dorres Zhuang's tone, and he raised his hand and shook it "in front of my eyes": "Although my head is gone, I can still see everything around me, and even hear voices and words, probably for the undead. In other words, the integrity of the body is not that important."

Tutaqiang couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and thumped Dorres' strong shoulder: "Hahahaha, it seems that our life has reopened in another way!!!"

Dorrezhuang also laughed loudly, and also punched Tuta Qiang's shoulder with a fist, celebrating the first meeting after the death of each other.

The hearty laughter of the two filled the forest, so what if they died? They can fight all the way from nothing to almost dominate the Changyue Desert. Now that they can return to the human world again, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Suddenly, small footsteps came from the forest, and a graceful figure came out from the forest.

At the same time, there was a gentle voice: "Ah Qiang, Zhuang Zhuang."

The laughter of Tuta Qiang and Duo Leizhuang stopped suddenly.

This is their nickname when they were young. It has been many years since they heard it. The only way to call them this is...

The two looked in the direction of the sound in surprise, and the surprise in their eyes was even stronger than realizing that they were reborn as undead.

The person who came was a female of the Wild Lion tribe, wearing a low-key and gorgeous black gauze dress with a bit of the Changyue desert characteristics.

Although it is a lion head, she has long brown curly hair and a pair of big sparkling eyes, in which stars and moons seem to be flickering, with slender and thick eyelashes and a small face, even with a human aesthetic It's also very pretty by standards.

If Xiao Zhi were to describe it, he would say that this is a Disney-style lion.

"... mother, mother!!!"

"Lituya Anichin!!!"

Anichin is a respectful title for female elders in the orc clan. Li Tuya is the wife of the former Wild Lion patriarch and the mother of Tuta Qiang. At the same time, she is the one who picked up and adopted the abandoned Dores Zhuang in the desert.

And... Lituya should have died many years ago.

At that time, both of them were still young children. The former patriarch, Da En, died suddenly and strangely. Immediately afterwards, his younger brother Da Mo came to power and began to purge Da En's cronies, expelling them from the center of power with various reasons.

But for his brother's wife and children, Dahmer obviously couldn't do this, as it would damage his reputation.

But leaving them behind is an eyesore.

So, on a rare night of heavy rain in the desert, Lituya accidentally "disappeared". It is said that she encountered a wandering herd during a night hunt and was taken away by some of them during the battle.

Everyone knew that this was just an excuse from Dahmer, Lituya must have been killed.

The still young Tuta Qiang and Dores Zhuang also thought so. Regardless of the well-intentioned obstruction of other tribesmen, they stubbornly went out to find Lituya's body, but they ran all over the nearby desert and even dug a lot of big pits, but they found nothing.

Many days passed, and the two children, weakened, realized that they would never see Letuya again.

Since then, the last person who will protect them in this world is gone.

They knelt in the desert and cried the most painful and last time in their lives, and vowed to become stronger, kill Dahmer, and take back the Wild Lion tribe.

"We must become the strongest members of the Wild Lion Tribe!!" Dorres Zhuang shouted with glowing red eyes.

"No, we want to become the strongest people in the Changyue Desert!!!" Tutaqiang said with his crying snot bubbles.

From that day on, no matter how much trouble they received from Damo's cronies, the two children have been gritting their teeth and persevering, constantly training themselves to make themselves stronger, and at the same time secretly conquering more subordinates.

They have become each other's most trusted brothers, partners and comrades-in-arms.

Later, Tu Taqiang recaptured the Wild Lion Tribe, and then the two led the Wild Lion Tribe to gradually become stronger. Not only did they have the famous titles of "Conqueror" and "Great Sword Master", but they also became the leaders of the Changyue Desert. legend.

Later, the legend fell and everything came to an end.

But after they died, in Hessen, far away from their homeland, they saw Lituya again who they thought they would never see again.

The encounters in life are truly miraculous.

Lituya looked at the two people in front of her, and said with a smile, "You have all grown up."

In her memory, they are still two young children dragging their noses and rolling in the sand, but now they are so tall that they even look older than her. Looking at the scars on their bodies, they must have experienced all these years Too much hardship and pain.

Tuta Qiang looked at her, surprised like a child: "It's really you! Didn't you die—"

His words suddenly stopped, this is Hessen, the Hessen exclusive to the undead. There is no difference between the mother in front of me and the one in memory. The Wild Lion Clan does not have a long life like the Wood Spirit Clan. Lituya is not aging, which means—

She died a long time ago.

Lituya caressed the silk scarf around her neck. This silk scarf was very beautiful and was handcrafted by the Xiyue Clan, but the reason she wore the silk scarf was to cover the wound on her neck—the one whose throat was cut off by a knife. Wound.

She spoke softly about her experience after saying goodbye to her children for the last time.

On the last icy rainy night in my memory, the night hunting team went a long way. Just when she was suspicious of the increasingly remote location, the new patriarch suddenly attacked her, and even threw her dying into the underground river, and sealed the exit, so that no one could find her again. arrive.

Later, she died in pain and despair, and because of her own obsession and the cold underground environment, she gradually turned into a zombie more than ten years later.

But as an undead, she can no longer stay in the Changyue Desert. After inquiring that her children had become very powerful and even regained the position of patriarch, she left the desert and began to live a reclusive life in Hesse.

Without the turmoil of power and status, life in Hesse is peaceful.

Only occasionally, she would miss the dry sand and scorching air of the Changyue Desert.

This time, she did not expect to hear the news of the death of the two children by accident. After learning the location of the two dead bodies, Lituya hurried over and waited by the side to watch their rebirth.

Lituya said, "It's great to meet again."

She stepped forward and touched Tutaqiang's head on tiptoe. Tutaqiang was already much taller than her, and even had to squat down halfway for her mother to touch the top of her head.

Feeling the gentle touch from the top of his head, Tutaqiang couldn't help squinting his eyes. It's really... a long-lost feeling.

Lituya walked up to Dores Zhuang again, and stretched out her hand as a gesture.

Dores Zhuang bent down and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Lituya Anichin, I have... no head."

But Lituya smiled and patted him on the shoulder, just like she did every time she encouraged him when she was a child: "It's okay, it's cute without a head in Hesse, and my strong fur is the prettiest."

No matter how strong the two people in front of her are, and how famous they are on the mainland, in her eyes, they are still the two little girls with snotty noses, playing with yellow sand all over their bodies, and laughing foolishly. fart boy.

Looking at the picture in front of him, Tutaqiang seemed to be back in the past, he could act like a baby with his parents unscrupulously, and he knew that carefree childhood with his little follower Dores rolling around all day long .

Of course, the news Li Tuya received was released by Xiao Zhi.

Teague, a young gossip genius who was well-versed in Hesse, told him that Tutaqiang's dead mother had transformed into an undead decades ago, and had been living somewhere in Hesse with several female undead.

Xiao Zhi took advantage of the opportunity to let people "unintentionally" discuss the news about Tu Taqiang and Dolei Zhuang, and "accidentally" heard by her, which secretly contributed to this touching reunion.

By the way, I also played a dozen emotional cards to pave the way for future cooperation.

If you want to unite the tribes of the Changyue Desert against Blaise, the most advantageous person is Tutaqiang. He died at the peak of his reputation, and he was still known to the whole continent in such an unsatisfactory way. Even if he became an undead, it would be difficult to affect the prestige of him and Dores Zhuang.

Moreover, Hesse's purpose is to resist Bresse, and does not involve the annexation of other tribes, so that they will be less worried about being conquered.

Xiao Zhi also thought about uniting with the Chiba Kingdom, but since its establishment, the Chiba Kingdom has followed a non-alignment policy and has always maintained neutrality. It does not take the initiative to cause trouble or participate in disputes between countries. It will only launch a counterattack when it is violated by neighboring countries. Perhaps this is the secret of Qianye Kingdom's long-term survival. The tribes in the Changyue Desert who love to compete most are the ones with the most frequent regime changes.

Although after Xiao Zhi took off the regent's vest, there is a high probability that he will get the support of King Qianye for saving Qianye Wu, but his vest is still useful for the time being, so he seeks the support of Qianye Kingdom was classified as an alternative.

Footsteps sounded again in the forest, and the three people who were reminiscing about the past looked in the direction of the sound.

The visitor was dressed in a black robe, with a white veil covering his head, making it difficult to see his face clearly. But even if he is not a resident of Hesse, almost everyone on the continent can now recognize that this is the dress of the Regent of Hesse.

The three of them watched the regent float up to them, and bowed gracefully to them: "Sorry for disturbing the three of you."

Tutaqiang can be called a "conqueror", not a reckless man who only knows how to fight and kill. Seeing this, he also probably understood that it was most likely the work of the regent in front of him to snatch the bodies of himself and Dores Zhuang from Blaise's hands and bring them to Hesse for resettlement.

Otherwise, their corpses should have been purified by light energy long ago, and it would be impossible to transform them into undead.

Even the reunion with his mother may have been fueled by the other party, otherwise the mother would not have appeared so appropriate, but this is not important, he can feel that the purpose of the other party's actions is to release goodwill to him.

Tu Taqiang solemnly performed the highest courtesy of the Wild Lion clan to Xiao Zhi: "Thank you for your help, this is a great kindness to us."

Doles Zhuang also saluted Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi accepted their etiquette generously, and evaded politely. When interacting with the orcs, it is best to be straightforward. Roundabouts and tact are behaviors that are not liked by the orcs, and will be treated by them like the Xiyue clan. nasty.

After a salute, Tu Taqiang asked Xiao Zhi why he came: "I don't know what the Regent wants us to do?"

These words are quite direct, pointing directly to the core, eliminating all the meaningless question-and-answer processes.

Xiao Zhi was well adapted to this direct way of asking, and he also simply said: "Cooperate? Take revenge on Blaise."

Hearing this, a murderous smile appeared on Tu Taqiang's face: "Of course."