It Must Be the Way I Broke the Void Is Wrong

Chapter 101: The King of Showbiz (6)



The reason why the protagonist is the protagonist, even if he is a stallion protagonist, the biggest characteristic he has is that he can be like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, no matter how difficult he encounters, he will try his best to survive.

as now.

This kind of plagiarism lawsuit is not easy to fight, especially when the other party is anonymous, which gives the stallion man room to maneuver. Of course, the stallion man refused to admit it, and the crew did not nail the stallion man to the pillar of shame so quickly.

After all, it's just plagiarism now, but the person who is said to be publishing all of Mr. Jin's novels hasn't actually published it yet, has he

So, everything is still inconclusive.

The stallion man was exhausted arguing with the crew, and exhaustedly trying to find the address of the person behind the IP in various ways, hoping to find a chance to kill that person, and then to clear his name.

His manager is very skillful. Although the stud man is full of troubles now, he seems to be blinded by shit, trying to solve the problem for the stud man—he can only be confused, Because he also signed a contract with the stallion man.

And under such circumstances, Qi Guan Rui made another move.

With the speed of his and Gu Bai's hands, they have already finished typing more than a dozen other novels in just one day, and Star King Entertainment Group, as a large group, already has a publishing house under it, and the boss Qi Guanrui With one order, the entire publishing association was in operation, and in the shortest time, these novels were printed, published and distributed!

The publicity was overwhelming, and everyone on the street knew about the plagiarism incident, and there was a lot of discussion and severe condemnation of the stallion man who copied the old man's life's brainchild.

How much Stallion's fans liked him before, now they are suspicious and disgusted. Countless readers have turned fans to passers-by and even fans to black fans. Of course, there are also some readers of Stallion Man's previous online articles, who are still clamoring frantically to tell Stallion Man not to talk about it, and continue to update Yunyun, plagiarism is considered a bird. There are also some "Notre Dame Party" who feel that their eldest brother is still a child, and it is because outsiders are too tight, asking him to prove that he also has achievements in non-network methods, so that Da Da took the risk to plagiarize, Da Da just didn't want to Be careful if you make a mistake, just correct it, why do you want to persecute you like this? Could it be that they are happy when they are forced to close their pens? Those who made trouble must have pink eyes! Of course plagiarism is still wrong, but the disciples of Mr. Jin are not necessarily good people, heh heh heh...

But also because of this kind of "propaganda", many people bought the complete works of Jin Yong that were published - although under normal circumstances it is not good for the author to publish so many books at one time, but people are no longer in this world, so don't care too much. And this time the "propaganda" was strong, which aroused everyone's interest, and those books were actually very popular, especially bestsellers.

Those readers who read these books day and night, the neutral parties who had doubts on both sides, also leaned towards Mr. Jin. Because these books really have obvious signs of growth, and the ideological changes in them are also obvious. On the contrary, it is the "brilliant life", and it is illogical to directly intercept one part from the middle...

And when the publishing house posted the proof of donation to the charity foundation, the amount, the details of the income and expenditure, and other evidence, everyone believed in the disciple of Jin Lao even more!

Domineering (perverted) president, that's how powerful he is.

At the same time, the production crew immediately went to court! The subpoena was immediately in the hands of the stallion man! Star King Entertainment Group is such a big group, and they are trying their best to tear up [beep—] with a "great writer" who only has a certain reputation on the Internet.

This battle is especially... eye-catching.

On the Internet, three-dimensional, everything is buzzing!

Of course, someone soon discovered that the publishing house that published the plagiarized book was also a subsidiary of the Star King Entertainment Group, and many reporters flocked to cover the latest news, such as the ones they were most concerned about—Jin Lao’s disciples, Who is it

The public relations team of Star King Entertainment Group is very powerful. They immediately came out to make a statement, held a press conference, and told them that the group didn't know the other party's identity, that the other party was hiding it very closely, etc., and that they also wanted to know the other party's identity. If anyone can find each other, they are equally looking forward to…

So-and-such and so-and-so, Star King Entertainment Group was slick, and Stallion Boy's gang was defeated like a mountain.

No matter how crazy his fans on the Internet supported him, he still defeated the three-dimensional lawsuit, because he had absolutely no evidence to prove that those martial arts novels were really written by himself.

In the end, the Stallion Man had to compensate the crew for all the money he had earned before. At the same time, the actor in the crew who was recommended by the Stallion Man and also belonged to the Stallion Boy Gang was also masturbated because of his relationship with the Stallion Man. After that, the role of Guo Jing was replaced by another very suitable person—hey, why isn’t that person Gu Bai

Of course it is because!

It's impossible for Qi Guan Rui to let his true love just play a rough guy like this... Moreover, with Gu Baina's acting skills as 0, it's okay to act in his true colors, but playing Guo Jing, wouldn't that be a waste of time

If the original actor Meng Chuan was still there, he might be able to take on this role with his superb acting skills and make-up.

Otherwise, just rely on this face! It is also absolutely impossible.

Closer to home.

The stallion man has a bad reputation now, and many women around him have left him.

In the end, the agent who was tied to him because of the contract came up with an idea for him.

This idea is really, really bad.

After being drunk for three days, the stallion man finally swallowed his anger, took his last savings, and got on the plane to South Korea...

Yes! Everyone should have guessed what he was going to do!

he wants! go!

Plastic surgery.

The stallion man showed a ferocious smile: I will be back!

The manager also let out a long sigh, and prepared to reshape his appearance, making careful preparations for the comeback of the stud man... He still believed that the stud man was talented.

a month later.

The incident of plagiarism has gradually become less lively, but Jin Lao's set of novels has attracted countless attention and made countless people love it.

Star King Entertainment Group bought all the copyrights, and the income from buying the copyrights was also invested in the charity foundation, and specially hired someone to supervise it, so that the donations must not be used in other places.

Next, netizens and book fans began to have deep expectations for the martial arts drama that will be filmed in a set.

And all of this has nothing to do with the stallion man.

Without the stud man, who was an eyesore, Gu Bai began to happily enjoy modern life together with Qi Guan Rui. Of course, in order for the two of them to live more comfortably, Qi Guanrui gave full play to his ability as a domineering president. He not only took back all the equity of Star King Entertainment Group by means of thunder, but also turned the entire group into his monopoly, and also continued to develop other businesses. , Build an entertainment kingdom! Even in other aspects, such as the ground and the underground, the officialdom and the military, all of them were nailed by him.

That is to say, in such a short period of time, Qi Guan Rui's position is almost unshakable!

Gu Bai has no interest in this.

He always felt that he had undergone an irreversible mutation when he was shaping the character, which caused this insecure pervert to constantly gain power at any time, and he never tired of it. However, Gu Bai also knew that if he hadn't been a pervert doing this, he probably wouldn't be living so comfortably... Thinking about it, he did a better job at the beginning, anyway, this is also the "Er Zai" written by him!

Now that I think about it, my father is a fact, it's quite touching!

However, such a happy life, Gu Bai did not last long.

It's only been a few months, and the online music platform under the name of Qi Guanrui actually discovered a new song that quickly became popular all over the country!

This song, it has never been seen before, a classical style song!

—It is said to be classical style, but it is actually Chinese style, which contains national culture and a very ancient temperament. It was once popular all over the country and was especially loved by people.

But this Chinese-style song, Nima is called "Blue and White Porcelain"!

Blue and white porcelain!

There is no Jay Chou in this world, okay

If Gu Bai didn't have a sullen face and always pay attention to maintaining his [beep-] style, he might have spit out a mouthful of tea.

Damn it, isn't this the stallion man with thick lines again? Hey!

Do you want to be so unwilling? Hey!

Don't you all know that there is still a time traveler in this world? How dare you plagiarize

In fact, Gu Bai didn't understand either. Firstly, that kind of horse man felt that he was the darling of the heavens. Apart from his golden fingers, which almost pretended to be a world of entertainment, other people should not be as awesome as him. Secondly, because of that sensational letter. , thinking that he had met Mr. Jin's diehard fan, and that's why he was so upset with him—to put it bluntly, he just didn't believe that someone would give up such an easy-to-get benefit!


This is not a question of whether he believes it or not at all, but a question that Gu Bai feels that he is very upset that that damned stallion man got into a fight with him!

Yes, because of his self-esteem as a writer, Gu Bai was only dissatisfied with plagiarism in writing, but the stallion man repeatedly copied and copied, thinking that he could copy other things without copying books, which also made him dissatisfied .

And when Gu Bai was dissatisfied, Qi Guan Rui was dissatisfied.

From the domineering Wu Zun to the domineering president, in short, he is all domineering!

Very quickly afterwards, Gu Bai saw the current profile of the stallion man.

That guy, plastic surgery turned into... a little boy.

That's right, even with plastic surgery, he is still handsome!

A trace of coldness flashed in Gu Bai's eyes.

Qi Guan Rui rubbed Gu Bai's side face affectionately, and said softly, "Brother, don't be angry..."

Immediately afterwards, the record company under the Star King Entertainment Group released an album.

It contains more than a dozen Chinese style songs.

For example, the east wind is broken, the fireworks are easy to be cold, the chrysanthemum terrace, drunk next door, etc...

In short, all the most famous, popular and most beautiful ones are in it!