It Must Be the Way I Broke the Void Is Wrong

Chapter 107: King of Showbiz (12)



Sailor Moon: Damn, he's so handsome!

Binglan Guoguo: Nima, who is this? Pure P!

No. 1 in the world: This dude is so tall, if the master has such a face, the girls will get started one by one!

The beautiful mother: If LS has such a face, I would also like to commit myself to my mother!

Little soldier girl 22: Am I the only one who still remembers what the blogger said? Whose man is this! Impossible to know, right? The blogger means that we all know each other, so it must be someone everyone is familiar with, who is Ma Dan! Such stunning beauty, if real Niu Niu could not have discovered it before!

Passerby A: So handsome!

Passerby B: Shuai Shuai Shuai Shuai! No matter who he is, he is handsome anyway!

Passerby Ding: Ma Ma asked me to kneel and watch the computer for God's sake!

Passer-by Mu Youbing: Based on my professional analysis, this is a high-definition screenshot with almost no traces of PS, which shows that the handsome guy in it is a real handsome guy. Although he couldn't guess who he was now, no one had noticed that beside the handsome guy, should there be someone else? right! The old lady said that there is basically no PS, because there is someone next to the handsome guy who was dropped by P! So the question is, who was dropped by P? If you find that person, will you be able to know the identity of the handsome guy! Love it! I want to know who the handsome guy is! Blogger, if you want to whet your appetite, believe it or not, I will send you blades!


Weibo went crazy, this is simply "a bloody case caused by a handsome guy", everyone is guessing who this handsome Weibo guy is, since it was posted by the crew, it should be from the entertainment industry, right? Is it a newly discovered actor? Who the fuck is so lucky! But it’s not right if it’s a new discovery. If it’s a new discovery, this tone won’t be used on Weibo!

Gradually, more and more people came to watch, and more and more retweets were made, and the topic was swiped wave after wave. The two and three headlines on Weibo that day were all wow!

All in all, everyone said:

Whoever that handsome guy is! Just let me go!

Handsome guys belong to everyone! No one wants to monopolize it!

What is the identity of the handsome guy? People really want to know!

Fuck me, isn't this to promote some drama? Whether it is or not! Brother Anli ate it!

Of course, there are also some voices who are entangled in who is the person who was dropped by P, because that person is either a public figure or has a special status, but after knowing it, will the handsome guy stay far away

In fact, it is just that some people feel that they defile the beauty.

Even if you know his identity, you may not be able to know the identity of the handsome guy...

— This is the result of the relationship not being widely advertised ╮(╯▽╰)╭ At the same time, many actors, directors and entertainment circles who watched this incident also exploded. Of course, the actors are more envious and jealous, and there are also those who lick the screen and ask for cooperation with more generous personalities, while the directors mostly want to ask for roles, and other unidentified people in the entertainment industry... This question is a bit complicated, so here it is pure Did not describe in detail.

Day after day passed, and the identity of the peerless handsome boy still hadn't been found out, as if he appeared out of thin air, and he couldn't be found at all!

And those who met Gu Bai were forced to keep their mouths shut due to various reasons, scratching their lungs and scratching their hearts itching, wishing they could slip their hands a hundred times a day! I still didn't dare to really announce it by hand... This kind of aggrieved feeling of knowing the exclusive news but not being able to show it off! Who can understand!

Can't wait to quit my job and spread the word!

The more people become more active in the future, the main reason is that the world of face control is really not an ordinary world, because of the face, it is simply a few days of brushing tomorrow, brushing tomorrow, brushing the day after tomorrow, brushing, brushing, brushing! Various brushes!

The photos were overwhelming, and everyone started begging for more.

Then the blogger is also quite awesome, with a big pen... oh no, with a flick of his fingers, he immediately cut out several pictures, and swiped them from all angles for the public to see.

Moreover, this time the posture has also changed! It was standing before! Is there any reason to sit now! Sitting is also hot and handsome!


Suddenly, someone raised a question: "Look, the handsome sitting there something wrong?"

The words of the horse eggs stirred up thousands of waves!

So many textual research emperors began to play "find faults".

Emperor A: "With my professional eyes, I can see that this is a film crew, Shuai Da is watching people filming."

Emperor B: "From my professional perspective... have you noticed, the angle of the legs, the angle of the waist, the angle of the feet of the handsome guy..."

Emperor C: "Craft peat! Professional peat! Does this still use textual research! There is still a big distance between Shuai Da and the chair! If he is not doing acrobatics and sitting in the air, there must be something in the middle ah!"

Emperor D (with a deep face): "Then the question is, what is the thing between Shuai Da and the chair...?"

Crowd ABCDEFG: "...I'll fuck it up!!!"

There is a person in the middle!

Someone is holding a handsome guy!

Which pig is it! Shout out to Shuai Da!

The most terrible thing is! Everyone knows it at a glance! It's impossible to be a sister if you are so handsome! Otherwise, he is handsome and hugs a beauty (?)!

#This is really a sad story#

At this moment, all the onlookers knew that a part of the main P was lost for Bo Mao.


The picture of that handsome guy being arched by a pig is too frustrating and unbearable!

Now that the world already has Shuai Da Da! For God's sake, there must be a handsome pig!

We don't believe it!

Don't believe it don't believe it don't believe it! ! !

... The great pain caused by the fact that Shuai Dada was raped has completely surpassed the harsh fact that Shuai Dada is a gay.

So what is the handsome main body, Gu Bai, doing

He was leaning on the sofa... with a script in his perverted arms.

That's right, it's the script.

This script was given to him by Qi Guan Rui, and Qi Guan Rui got it from the manager who was lurking beside the stallion man.

The title of the play is: The Prodigal Son

The investor of the script is: Leyang Entertainment Company

The boss behind the script is said to be an official... daughter, a well-behaved Bai Fumei who is obsessed with crime-solving dramas.

Just seeing this, everyone should have understood that after a period of silence, the stallion man finally started to make trouble again.

And Yao Mozi this time is different from every time before.

There are two reasons:

First, although it is still plagiarism, it is in the form of a script instead of a novel; second, although it is still plagiarism, the changes in it are really not small.

Gu Bai flipped through the script casually, and he could tell that this is clearly the script version of the TV drama "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" by Gu Dada. The general plot of each unit in it is almost exactly the same, the difference is that it must be changed from a novel to a script It is necessary to change some details and make reasonable adaptations, and the names of the main characters and some of the main supporting characters have been changed.

For example, the protagonist's name is Lu Xiaofeng, so it was directly changed to Li Xiaoji here. The supporting roles Huamanlou and Ye Gucheng sound both matching and poetic, right? They changed to Huayingwu and Ye Dujian. Let's talk about the other supporting role, Ximen Chuuxue, who is blowing blood, isn't it snow... This really can't be changed, the plot needs it, and that's it. Finally, there is Sikong Zhaixing, who simply omitted the name, and directly gave him the nickname "Miaoshoukongkong", is Zhaixing a magic horse? What can I eat

Not to mention Jin Jiuling, who is called Jin Taisui; Ye Guhong, who is called Ye Dusha; Ouyang Qing, who has become Murong Qingqing; It's all changed!

In addition, some place names, some classic scenes, and some specific things have been replaced in a large number. It has been changed, even if the original work is taken out, it can be said to be "referenced"! Or simply say that there is a tacit understanding and everyone wants to go together.

It's hard to judge this thing, even if you pick out all of them, with a backer, you won't necessarily lose in a lawsuit! Especially not worth it!

Gu Bai supported his forehead.

That kind of horse man, a little bit of cleverness is all used for this...

This time there is no way to make the original work out to slap the face. First, it has been done once before, and it is called discrimination against the IQ of the masses if it is always done like this. Full of anger.

Besides, they always only like to make a final decision with a hammer! Don't like to quarrel with people, okay

So, there's really no way around this.

Especially that kind of horse is so shameless, he actually used "Gu Long" as his pseudonym!

Go to question it, that guy will definitely say that he has told the truth, it’s not plagiarism at all, he just liked it too much and moved over Gu Da’s article, if you don’t question it, if the script is sold, he will definitely make a lot of money in the future Pen... This set of books was so popular back then, and there were countless TV drama adaptations. Even if it was made into a nondescript copycat version, as long as the core remains the same, the protagonists and supporting actors who are forced to change their names have a lot of personality charm, okay

There are woods that are particularly powder-absorbing.

Gu Bai was slightly upset.

Qi Guan Rui leaned over gently: "Brother, don't be unhappy, that guy must be very worried now... Let's leave this matter to Xiao Shan."

Gu Bai nodded expressionlessly.

Of course he believes in the ability of dead perverts!

The male protagonist of the little strong stallion who can't be beaten! Can also be knocked down again and again!

After that, the stallion man's home.

Li Renwang, the agent who manages everything for the stallion, suddenly ran out with a notebook in his arms, and unfolded the opened page towards the stallion.

"Yaowei, look quickly!"

"A stranger sent you a weird email!"

"This... how do you think we should deal with it?"

Yang Yaowei looked at the mail with a stiff face.

It read on it—

[Dear Mr. Yang, if you want this TV series to be filmed smoothly, please donate the profits to charity, otherwise...

Believe me, this TV will be mired in lawsuits and delays in filming. Can your money afford it?]

Qi Guan Rui: If you are rich, you will be so self-willed.