It Must Be the Way I Broke the Void Is Wrong

Chapter 116: Overlord Immortal King (6)


—Let's zoom back to the present.

Gu Bai sat down expressionlessly, and was put on the shoulders by Qi Guanrui with an expressionless expression, and looked at the pair of young boys and girls below with an expressionless expression... He didn't speak.

It was the jade girl—no, the heroine Lengshuang spoke.

Yes, she is as cold as ice as the heroine! The name is Cold Cream! In the first million words, there were about three chapters, which made the hero secretly admire him, but he was killed at the first million words, and the next three million words have been cherished by the hero all the time!

Okay, let's bring the topic back.

Lengshuang Tongzi spoke: "The disciple is ordered by the master to come to ask for a sword talisman and go down the mountain to experience it."

very good! Although the heroine's words are concise, she is still very polite to the elders.

Gu Bai recalled it.

It seems that there is indeed such a plot in the original book, and this is almost the first time that the male protagonist goes down the mountain with his fellow disciples to gain a sense of presence in front of the female protagonist and live and die together

In the end, because of the hero's halo effect, the hero offended a powerful enemy and the heroine died—

very good.

Gu Bai's expression was cold, and he spread his palms.

Soon, the sword energy surged in his palm, forming two sword talismans, and then he snapped his fingers, and these two sword talismans fell into the hands of the hero and the heroine respectively.

Gu Bai said: "Ling Feng will go together."

Ling Feng was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed, and immediately begged and threatened: "The disciple takes orders!"

Leng Shuang glanced at Ling Feng and nodded: "The disciple should take care of the younger brother."

—So, the heroine is actually a little person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Gu Bai praised the heroine in his heart.

Then he waved his sleeves and let them leave the hall.

Then, Qi Guan Rui rubbed his head against Gu Bai's shoulder, and his tone was a little unhappy: "Brother, are you going to save that kid this time..."

Gu Bai nodded with a paralyzed face: "The plot."

Qi Guan Rui said in dismay, "We never cared about the plot before..."

Gu Bai: "I wrote it."

Qi Guan Rui was stupefied, he was so wronged and wronged: "But when my brother met me at first, he didn't care about the plot, why should he care about this kid?"

Gu Bai: "..."

Qi Guan Rui was originally jealous, but later he found out that Gu Bai hadn't responded, so he turned around and looked at it.

When he looked at it, he saw a stern and handsome face that was almost black.

Qi Guan Rui was stunned.

Gu Bai: "Three thousand harem, you are fine."

After finishing speaking, he flicked his sleeves and threw Qi Guan Rui out.

Qi Guan Rui suddenly remembered.

The original book he was in! He has many, many women....

Not this time.

I was so jealous... I drowned myself in it, but what should I do

Now he can't think of any jealousy, and the most important thing is to go back and coax his brother!

As for that kid, let him be proud first...

And what about Gu Bai

Gu Bai is actually not angry at all.

Of course he knew that the pervert was here to play tricks on him, and the original intention was just to act like a baby. But if he continues to act like a spoiled child, it is obvious that he will have to cede the land and pay compensation. For his own...ahem...thinking, he must quickly pick himself out!

Gu Bai silently looked at the sky.

He is really a good father (author). After meeting the book he wrote, of course he didn't want to change the plot casually. When he changed it for the first time, it was all because the pervert was too perverted! If you don't change the plot, you have to hang up yourself, that's not good if you don't change it!

But it’s different now. Now that the plot is about to collapse or not, it’s all up to him. Xiao’er’s smashing is already very miserable, and if he makes the plot collapse, can Xiao’er’s smashing be the same as in the original book? Immortal world is rampant, isn't it that I cheated the child

Therefore, if the plot is magical, it still needs to be maintained.

Ah ha ha…

Gu Bai felt that this was a kind father's heart, but if he said so, it would only make the pervert see Xiaoer Zai even more unhappy, and make Xiao Er Zai more miserable.

Expand the jealousy in my heart to 100%, the effect will definitely be better, hahahahaha!

Gu Bai went back to the room with such caution in mind.

However, before he could sit down, his whole body was wrapped in a python! Entangled!

The next moment, Snake Xinzi snorted and touched his face, and the man with one head left said, "Brother, don't be angry, okay..."

Gu Bai: "..."

Horse eggs! Be careful with a P! He just forgot! Nima is the best at this perverted way of coaxing people! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻ Just like that, three days and three nights passed.

Gu Bai's face was covered with blood, and his whole body was haggard.

He's crazy... always... don't understand...


Ling Feng followed the beautiful girl in white clothes who was as cold as ice and her face was as cold as ice and snow. He seemed to see the little dragon girl, don't be too beautiful! I'm still a little excited!

He has been tortured on the top of the snow cave for three years! Three years! Don't look at him as if he is respected by other disciples, he cultivates very hard, progresses quickly and has outstanding strength, but he is suffering in his heart!

Being a straight man!

It's okay to see the dog and the man show their affection every day!

Open your eyes and see all the fucking men!

There is no sister paper at all!

Even a pretty and chubby girl who isn't too hot doesn't exist!

Who can understand his sorrow!

Even if it's a donkey, there's still a carrot hanging in front of it when pulling the mill... There's no such thing as a horse in front of his head! I'm so tired that I can't even open my five fingers! There is no way to comfort myself if I want to! Time for puberty! Who the hell fell asleep!

Moreover, it's fine if you don't have a girl! It's okay to watch people show affection! The key is that not to mention being blinded every time I see it, the torment will be doubled! Can it be better

Do straight men have no human rights

Is it possible to give straight men a living space these days

The key is! Brother is straight! Don't even dare to look at the man again!

What a sad river to swim against.

Looking up at the starry sky at a forty-five-degree angle every day, tears flowed into my heart...

But even if he stands on his head, he will only choke in his throat and won't cry.

Ling Feng was a little confused.

So after he saw this Lengshuang girl! Only the milk teeth will be excited!


live girl!

A girl who is alive, temperamental and beautiful!

This is the gospel for straight men, the lighthouse that saves straight men from the suffering of homosexuality, and the ray of light that leads to life in the darkness where sexuality is fluctuating all the time.

What the hell makes straight men fly to the flames!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and decided that he must establish a good relationship with Sister Shuangshuang on the road, and he must increase his friendship with anger. After returning, he may have a place to visit!

It was such a happy and difficult(?) decision! make a fist!

—Seeing this, everyone should have understood one thing.

That is, in the original book, the real Tianxiao patriarch raised him to be a perfect male protagonist with a firm personality, a calm personality and a firm will, although he is not unsmiling, but he is already very calm inside and outside. Turned into someone who looks calm and firm on the outside, but turned into a Tucao emperor on the inside... a man who doesn't look like a man.

There is no way, as precepts and deeds, as long as there is a master, there will be such an apprentice. The male protagonist taught by Gu Bai and the pervert, if not twisted into a pervert, then the male protagonist's halo "歘歘歘" is already shining brightly, so in It is only natural that he was raised to look like Gu Bai invisibly.

Ling Feng: I vomit in my heart every day, life is beautiful and sunny~~~=v=! ! !

It's just so natural.

So let's bring back the topic that I don't know where it often gets involved, and talk about the first task that the hero encountered after he went down the mountain for the first time.

Although this task is said to be resolved by the heroine on her own initiative, it should actually be a task that every disciple of the Tianxuan Immortal Sect can receive, so the heroine will not mind taking the hero with her to form a mission team.

As for the target of the mission, those escaped bandits hidden in the outskirts of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

There are a lot of bandits. It is said that there used to be a big cottage with many devil cubs in it.

In fact, there are many large cottages like this in this world of cultivating immortals, so it is impossible to kill them all, but something that this big cottage did caught the attention of an experienced disciple, and found out that they were secretly The things done below are simply beyond the bottom line. If you find out, you can't bear it!

This experienced disciple is also a bachelor, relying on his own strength, and he is also a second-generation immortal, so he ran to the business store and bought a storage bag of "Hongtianleipilizi Xiuxian Edition", which he discovered by accident. The big cottage was smashed with a bang—

The next thing will be a matter of course.

As the male lead, the Dashanzhai Devil Bandit, which must be dungeons, should have been impossible to survive so many thunderstorms, but this Dashanzhai has a powerful treasure just obtained, which can withstand most of these damages, so the devil cubs inside can only Half of them died, but a lot of masters died, and the remaining masters were only two or three kittens, one of whom went to hunt down the second generation of immortals, and the other was in the cottage to rectify and deal with the follow-up.

But, the one who chased him down, because he didn't know the identity of the second generation of immortals, was also extremely vicious. This pursuit lasted for a month, and he made the second generation of immortals miserable enough. Later, the second generation of immortals ran out of cards , was beaten half-mutilated by the leader of the bandit, if someone hadn't come to save half-life, he would have died out of his wits! And even though they are not separated now, the second generation of immortals will have to lie in bed and be a vegetable for several years before they can be raised slowly. In the future, when they practice, it may be miserable!

Now, didn't you just poke a hornet's nest

That big cottage suddenly came into the sight of Xianzong where the second generation of Xianzong belonged, and immediately mobilized the masters of the sect to suppress the bandits. This bandit also has its own news channel, and many bandits have fled to the hundreds of thousands of mountains to hide! But the two masters at the top couldn't hold back, and were directly killed by the masters of Xianzong, and the remaining bandits, of course, became bandits.

As a result, the dungeon of Liu Bandits · Hundred Thousand Mountains became the mission dungeon released by Xianzong, which allows lower-level disciples to accept the experience without causing too much harm to themselves.

Waiting for the arrival of the hero.

By the way, add some tribulations to the hero...