It Must Be the Way I Broke the Void Is Wrong

Chapter 61: Anti-rebirth lovers in the last days (16)


In order to please his lover who has lost his memory, Qi Guan Rui walked in front of Gu Bai for the first time, staring at the group of millions of zombies.

In his eyes, this kind of formation is called a flick of a finger, but since it is in public, and in order to give Gu Bai enough face, when he does things, he has to play nicely.

Qi Guan Rui thought for a while, then slowly pushed his two palms flat, pretending.

And he just pushed it out, and within the palm of his hand, there was a thick black mist gushing out crazily, almost turning into two water jets, rushing out, and bursting in an instant!

At this moment, the black mist covered the sky and covered the sky, forming billowing black clouds, which descended heavily!

That huge and terrifying form actually directly covered one-third of the zombie group. Under this black cloud, no matter what level those zombie groups were, no matter how strange changes they had, they all melted instantly. The juice rolled down, and it was completely corroded and disappeared immediately!

In other words, in such a short period of less than a minute, a large area was vacated by the group of zombies.

Disappeared very abruptly.


Zombies: Whoops!

Qi Guan Rui's move was really terrible, this time the zombie that sent the zombie army over was furious. It was originally intended to play with its prestige and enjoy the thrill of soldiers approaching the city (corpse on corpse) that is impossible in a lifetime when it is alive. For this reason, it is also planning to send different types of zombies in turn to cause a senseless feeling to the people in the base. Incomparable terror came.


Damn, who knows how long it hasn't been pretending? The army of zombies has died piece by piece!

Nima, who knows that it is not the terror it causes to people, but others cause terror to it!

True cups zombie king.

Yep, it's not Huang yet.

But leading such an army out and suffering heavy losses, how will it explain to the emperor when it goes back

It's very difficult to get this task!

It's hard to be a zombie.

It's harder to be an intelligent zombie.

It is even more difficult to be a failed zombie king who takes the lead and wants to make meritorious service and cause bad results.


The miserable zombie king has not realized that the current result is not the worst zombie, but it has realized that the current situation is very unfavorable to it.

Since it is unfavorable, why keep it? Although those supernatural beings may have exhausted their stocks after using their big moves, they can no longer continue, but this is unstoppable, and there may be a just in case? If people still have spare energy, wouldn't it be the end of it! So we must go!


Level 6 Zombie King: "Aww! Aww!"

Zombies: "Aw!"

Note: Gu Baiyou’s friendly translation is as follows.

kids! love to go!


The army of zombies suddenly seemed like a tide, and they were going to retreat like crazy.

Go back.

Back... I can't go back.

Because in the next instant, Qi Guan Rui spewed out two streams of black mist that almost formed a substance, which also exploded on the group of zombies, and also turned into billowing black clouds that shrouded it, and also in the blink of an eye. Just kill one-third of the zombies!

Well, only the last third is left.

The sixth-level zombie king saw that something was wrong, so he hurriedly shouted and asked the army to run faster.

Therefore, the survivors in the city wall discovered that the ruthless army of zombies that seemed to break through the city gate and turn all the people inside into companions and ate them mercilessly was not a zombie army but a desperate dog like a stray dog. Ran away

Fuck, this is too unscientific!

What was even more frightening was that another black cloud appeared behind, Nima chased after it!

Chase very fast!

Like meteors and lightning, hey!

The last third of the zombie group, together with the sixth-level zombie king who wanted to resist, were all shrouded in black clouds, and all of them were ground into black water by the black clouds.

Makes me want to sing a poem.

Sing praises to the majestic...well, sight.

But who the hell can recite this kind of poem!

Just looking at it scares the pee, okay

The survivors who watched all this, no matter what their status and strength were, were dumbfounded at this moment.

I fuck...

What words should I use to describe this scene!

Is it true that one person kills an army of millions of zombies

It's like a dream that hasn't woken up yet...

The zombies were all dead, and there was silence in front of them.

When everyone finally came to their senses, they still didn't know what to say.

Of course, being able to be the leader of the base and the general who leads the supernatural beings and soldiers is still very good. You can't offend and you have to hook up well.

So they quickly discussed briefly and prepared to visit.

As for the reason... Well, can I thank you for saving my life

If you can't do it, you have to do it!

Hong Wei over there seemed to have seen a ghost. He never expected a supernatural power user to be able to do this. Originally, he thought that the explosive attack power of his fire supernatural power was already strong enough. He was not completely convinced, but he still... didn't have this kind of pattern of one person destroying millions of troops.

As for Yinjiu, he felt that this was more normal.

Although he didn't express anything in particular, he could actually feel the danger of that guy. He always felt that that guy was like a lurking poisonous snake. Except for his master Zhang Youqing who could tame him, he was indifferent to the life and death of other people. .

Looking at it now, it really is capable of biting... Don't bark.

Fortunately, it's true that Yinjiu is very jealous, but he doesn't have any conflicts with others. In fact, for him, as long as he can protect Meng Qiao and his brothers and live well in this last days, that's all.

As for who is stronger and more ferocious than him, he just continues to work hard and it's over, and he doesn't care about anything else.

In the end, it was Gu Bai.

Gu Bai's feeling is... no feeling.

Yes, he doesn't know why! I just don't think so!

Originally, he thought that he should also feel so surprised, so powerful, so scary, but he just felt that his face was very familiar!

right! Very familiar!

At first he was shocked, yes, but the more he looked back, the less shocked he was.

In other words, he is so confident in that guy's strength just by looking at it twice

Unbelievable. Unbelievable.

However, this is not the most important.

the most important is…

Gu Bai listened to the cheers from around the base with a paralyzed face, and Siyu saw a group of people who had already walked this way, and felt a sense of hurrying.

The horse eggs must be in trouble in the future! fall!


Facts have proved that Gu Bai really didn’t think wrong at all, those cheering survivors are okay to say, but the leaders, generals, upper-level bases and the like who came with them are really not something that can be dismissed casually.

No matter how upset Gu Bai was, he still had to make a deal with them.

After the leader greeted Gu Bai cordially, he came to express his thanks to Qi Guan Rui. It's bureaucratic, and it can't be too clichéd or empty, it must express his appreciation of him, his appreciation of him... and in order to avoid annoying people, it can't be too long!

In just a few words, the level of leadership is truly revealed.

Overall, that's...

"Thank you! Thank you for rescuing us! Thank you for rescuing everyone! You are the hero of the base! Everyone loves you. You made it? Hero, you must let us treat you with the best treatment! Hero, you must not refuse Oh, by the way, hero, are you interested in going to another place? You can choose the position in the entire base! You have a lot of power! Hero, don’t leave!”

Of course Qi Guan Rui understood.

He smiled softly: "I'm not going anywhere except by the captain's side." He looked at Gu Bai, the tenderness in his eyes flickered, but he quickly suppressed it, "The place where the captain is is my home."

lead:"… "

General: "..."

Upper base: "…"

Gu Bai: The nasty attack is coming again.

At this moment, the upper echelons of the base looked at Gu Bai in a slightly weird way.

Almost at the same moment, these few words were circling in their minds...


"Ice-type beauty~~~~Look here~~Look here~"

"Finally! There is a beauty! A beauty!"

It's a brainwashing cycle for me to go!

Wei Mao thinks it is especially suitable to be used as background sound in the current situation. Hey!

They couldn't help but think...

Could it be that Zhang Youqing, the head of the group, is the luck that God bestowed on their base? Because this... well, no matter how you look at it, it's really pretty face, not only won the favor of mutant beasts, but also won the favor of this powerful supernatural being who can kill millions of zombies by himself

It's incredible.

But, this is also the blessing of the base!

Because the end of the world is coming, in general there is less intrigue, but there are still a group of old foxes and upper-level politicians. People with supernatural powers must work hard on Gu Bai.

So what else is there to say? It must be to open the door of convenience for Gu Bai, so that he can feel the fiery sincerity of the base towards him!

Of course, they can continue to try to use other beauty tricks in private. After all, Gu Bai is not one of their subordinates who cannot be controlled by them. It would be even better if a beauty under their subordinates who is completely under control can completely hook up with this supernatural being!

Such thoughts abound.

Gu Bai had a thorn in his back.

I always feel that someone wants to poach his corner.

There are still people who are trying to make up his mind.


None of this is the point!

The point is, why do people like Mao look at him so much like...

Gu Bai had no face to say.

What kind of trouble is this kind of rush from a high-end force owner to a catastrophe that will ruin the country and the city!

Can it be better

The irritability in his heart cannot be described in words, Gu Bai waved his hand.

The ice dragon under its feet suddenly turned its head, and then slapped its tail on the ground—

"call out."

He was completely gone.

Look at the wool, look at the wool, look at the wool!

Labor and capital will not play with you!

As for the one still glued to the back...

If you can't get rid of it, just take it with you.

… for his name's sake.