It Must Be the Way I Broke the Void Is Wrong

Chapter 71: [Future abo] brilliant (2)


As a promising beta general, after Gu Bai walked out, a bunch of betas followed behind him. The reason is very simple. After all, there are still relatively few alphas and omegas in this world, and even if some alphas have lower force values than betas, the machismo/feminism hidden deep in their bones makes them unwilling to submit to betas. Even if he admires the original owner after joining the army, the first choice is another alpha general, not the original owner.

But beta is different!

The original owner is simply the pride of beta! Most of the betas really want to join the original owner's hands after joining the army. The original owner carefully selected a lot of personal guards, all belong to beta! There is a sense of security when everyone is mixed together!

In addition, the original owner has to consider the fact that alpha is a bodyguard, and he might accidentally discover his omega identity at some point, so when he chooses a bodyguard, he also tends to beta, which eventually leads to the fact that all bodyguards are This fact is for beta.

Gu Bai looked at the star eyes of many beta guards in front of him, and was silent for three seconds.

In fact, these are all betas of betas, many levels are not below ordinary alphas... what the hell is going on with the flashes in the eyes!

Then Gu Bai turned around: "Go to the academy."

Beta's personal guards raised their voices in unison: "Yes! Admiral!"


The First Federal Military Academy is a high-tech super academy with a large area and strong teaching staff. Alpha and beta students occupy the mainstream here, and there are very few omega with less pure blood. Under the escort of the White Tower, they can Here is a short, closed study. As for what to study? Not at all. This is a carrot, hanging in front of many omegas who have a strong curiosity about the outside world, let them work hard for this opportunity to show off, and even more so to show the power of alpha in front of them, so that they are not so sure about their future destiny resist.

To put it bluntly, it's just for brainwashing...

But these have nothing to do with Gu Bai.

Because he discovered that in this era of mechas, not only did he learn how to operate the mechas based on the memory of the original owner, but he can also practice exercises by himself!

Even if it's an omega! He is also an omega who knows martial arts! In the future, the cliff will become an awesome super omega! Whoever dares to be careless, he can (four beeps) kill him!

Immediately refreshed and satisfied, there is wood.

Don't worry about the estrus period at all!

Whoever dares to pounce on him when he is in estrus, he can also neng (four beeps) to death!

Well, these can not be discussed for the time being.

Now the point is, he still has to give a speech...

Should it be said that fortunately the original owner has already thought about what to say--

Get on the shuttle bus and run all the way.

The First Federal Military Academy has arrived!

As an admiral, he certainly didn't have to be crowded like other students. Instead, someone had already come to greet him and arrange him properly.

Then, it was time to wait for the opening ceremony to begin—that is, when he gave a speech.

time flies.

When someone came to invite him, Gu Bai exuded a chill that could not be ignored, and his boots made a crisp sound, step by step, he walked up to the podium.

Then he took a deep breath...

"¥#@¥#&... %¥&%#&!"

Hey, you ask why it is garbled

Because Gu Bai has no brains at all!

he thinks! Shame! There is wood!

I really don't want to know what I said...

Empty his mind and leave the speech to his instincts, Gu Bai finished his speech trembling in his heart, and was satisfied to see the passionate expressions of the military students below, their eyes full of stars...

So it doesn't matter to him whether the code is garbled or not, as long as he can fix the students.

After finishing speaking, Gu Bai solemnly gave a military salute, turned around and walked off the podium solemnly, and replaced the freshman speech leader to give a speech or something.

When he walked to the back, he swept his eyes away, and his eyes fell on someone in the crowd.

In an instant, a song played back in my mind:

[Just because I took one more look at you in the crowd, from now on...]

I wipe.

This song is wrong! Hey!

Gu Bai turned his face silently.

The guy he saw with an upright temperament, sunny innocence and perseverance, he is the protagonist and not a pervert, what kind of lyric is he playing here!

Seriously though.

He has also seen quite a few protagonists suffer, and probably the most common thing they have in common is—

Will shine... bar.

In short, no matter how many people are around, he is the first one to see!

So, this is also the protagonist's halo

Gu Bai pondered for a minute with dead fish eyes.

He remembered the scene where he met the pervert in the first world.

...Nimma, he absolutely refused to admit that he was stupefied because the pervert was so handsome, and it was also because of the aura of the protagonist!

Gu Bai gave himself a thumbs up:

The precipice of labor and capital was deceived by the protagonist's halo!

Who can resist the aura of the world converging on the same person

Neither can labor and capital! Hahahaha!

Then again...

Where is the pervert now

Identity is Mao again

Gu Bai was slightly entangled, and also developed a kind of bad taste.

If it is said to be a pervert, this time, it will also be dressed as... Hehehe.

How nice that everyone is an omega~

How can you fall in love with different genders? right


Qi Guan Rui sat in a dark room, his brows and eyes were soft, and there was a weird smile on his lips.

this world…

very funny.

There was nothing around, it was clearly a punishment room.

The identity of the person he possessed is really interesting.

In the gap in the void behind Qi Guan Rui, a huge black boa constrictor entangled like a mountain, fell into a deep sleep, and the consciousness body involved with this giant python was hidden in this body.

In other words, it was Qi Guan Rui who carried the python shell with him, but his own soul took away from others.

The guy Qi Guan Rui possessed was a hidden alpha.

Why is it hidden

Because people outside thought he was a beta.

So why does everyone think he is a beta

It seems that the problem seems to be going around, right? But in fact, it is really a smooth relationship.

Simply put, the bitter consequences of the conspiracy.

Then let's draw our attention to the previous generation-trace back to the source!

First of all, I have to talk about the origin of Qi Guan Rui's shell.

Kezi's name is Fang Yuan, and his identity is the eldest son of the Duke's family... Hey, why are you a Duke again? In this kind of world that wants to break xx, the guy who can stir up the plot line, how can he be swollen if his status is not high! And for the sake of high status, how can there be no noble settings! With the aristocratic setting, as a foreigner, if you don't want to be the highest-ranking duke, how dare you say that you have status!

So, the son of the duke... is a must.

As for the title of "eldest son" and not "only son" or "first in line heir" must be added in front of it, that's because the eldest son is also quite miserable.

It is also the source of the tragedy we are going to trace... the source!

Okay, let's bring the topic back.

The original owner, Fang Yuan, is the eldest son of the Duke of Fang, and also the child of the Duke's original wife. His hot wife, Zuo, is an omega with a very pure bloodline.

It stands to reason that such an omega is very likely to give birth to a pure-blooded alpha, otherwise the Duke wouldn't have abandoned his first love for the sake of his family - a particularly beautiful female beta and married that female omega, wouldn't he

—Everyone knows that in order to consolidate their position in the family, inherit the Duke position and give birth to satisfactory alpha offspring, it is necessary to marry an omega.

It's a pity that the Duke doesn't really like the weak character omega raised in the White Tower that much, and how could such an omega beat the Duke's lover, the beautiful female beta, in the house fight

So, after this omega got married, even though the Duke treated her pretty well at first, because she was weak in temperament and too delicate in mind, she was actually not very happy. In addition, she accidentally found out that the Duke had a beta lover during her pregnancy. While thinking that this should not be a big deal, she was inevitably sad, which affected the mood of the child in her womb.

Of course, alpha's survivability is very strong, the original Fang Yuan couldn't have slipped because of such a trivial matter, but beta's lover is a very ambitious woman, she wants to enter the Duke's house, since being the first marriage is not enough , if you can do a second marriage, it is always possible, right

Especially, when she found out that the child she was conceived was judged to be very likely to be an alpha, such ambitions climbed to the extreme.

It's not that a beta cannot give birth to an alpha, but the probability of this is very low, and the bloodline of the alpha born must not be that pure, far inferior to the alpha born after combining with an omega.

So the beta lover was ambitious, so he tried every means to get some weird medicines, and made her drink it for a long time when Mistress Omega was not paying attention.

The aftermath was obvious.

Mistress Omega died of dystocia when giving birth;

Fang Yuan, who was originally a pure-blooded alpha, had a weak pheromone response after birth due to strange drugs, making people think he was a stronger beta—yes, an omega may also give birth to a beta; that one was re-accepted because of pregnancy The beta lover who was raised outside gave birth to a fairly strong alpha.

Then, with the duke's acquiescence, he married his favorite beta lover as his second wife. Fang Yuan, the child of his first wife, and Fang Can, the child of his second wife, were raised by him as equals.

But how could that beta wife allow Fang Yuan to continuously strengthen herself and threaten her child's status? So in the process of Fang Yuan's growth, the beta stepmother secretly did a lot of behaviors, making Fang Yuan's character weak and not so good in all aspects. On the contrary, the alpha son Fang Can, under the strict requirements of the beta mother, is not much worse than those ordinary pure-blood alphas.

Naturally, in the eyes of the duke, the status of the two sons has been tilted or even changed as they grow older.

Until, the current Qi Guan Rui seized Fang Yuan.

Qi Guan Rui sat lazily in the confinement room, and did not make any violent actions.

This was already the last day, and even if he couldn't use certain methods, the so-called Duke's family was still nothing to him.

He should think about how to contact his brother...