It Must Be the Way I Broke the Void Is Wrong

Chapter 73: [Future abo] brilliant (4)


After getting along with many worlds for thousands of years, although Gu Bai has no expression on his face, Qi Guan Rui can still accurately capture his mental fluctuations.

Just like now, Qi Guanrui quickly discovered Gu Bai's hidden emotions that had escaped a catastrophe and had a hint of ridicule, and he felt a strange tenderness in his heart.

Qi Guan Rui's smile deepened.

Brother's thoughts are always so cute.

I really want to see soon, brother's expression when he finds out the truth...

He was so looking forward to it.

Let's talk about the adjutant, after he brings people, of course he can't let these people just stand like this, the most important thing is to let them introduce themselves and get acquainted in front of the general, isn't it

Therefore, after the adjutant gave a signal, the betas couldn't wait, and stepped forward one by one.

Everyone wants to be the first! I want to say a flower! They all want to impress the admiral, is there anything!

Only Qi Guan Rui was there.

He took a step back quietly, and did not fight for it, but put himself at the end.

Because he had already seen that his brother hadn't lost his memory this time, the eyes that made his heart move, the gesture that made him feel so affectionate, he really... couldn't wait.

And these people in front of me are all "light bulbs" as my brother once said.

If he was still in his world, he would definitely crush these light bulbs so that they would never shine again. In this world, before he knew what his brother's plan was, he could only endure it for the time being.

…and save the good for last.

Gu Bai's thoughts were not on those betas who introduced themselves one by one, he was thinking, how will he communicate with the perverts later

The pervert now looks... as perverted as ever, obviously there is nothing wrong with his brain, and such a situation where both sides have no problems has never happened in several worlds.

Now that I think about it, it's still a bit small... Cough.

Gu Bai silently covered his face in his heart.

Stop it, stop it.

He never thought of anything!

Finally, they expressed their admiration one by one... oh no, it was the beta who admired who finished speaking, and finally it was the last one's turn.

Qi Guan Rui took a step forward, and gave Gu Bai a solemn courtesy according to the most elegant way in his memory of the shell that he seized, and then he shot it with very enthusiastic eyes: "The eldest son of the Duke of Fang, Fang Yuan sees you!" Live as an admiral. I hope to follow the admiral for life and serve the admiral with my life!"

Gu Bai: Do you want to make it so real... But at least I know the identity of this pervert, it turns out that his name is Fang Yuan, the first son of the Duke of Fang, this identity is very good... Wait!

Duke Fang's! Beta eldest son!

Why does Mao sound so familiar!

This is another drama character!

It seems to be one of the protagonist's suitors... what

After thinking silently for three seconds.

Gu Bai(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

The hidden alpha of the horse egg is also alpha!

It's really an alpha! Labor and management are really happy too early!

If I had known that the dead pervert was an alpha, labor and management would not have thought of any small farewell...

After thinking about how to achieve the sex scene between an alpha and an omega in this world, Gu Bai's face instantly turned ashen.

What kind of pheromone is like taking [beep—] medicine as soon as it comes out...

What gland is bitten just like when you have sex...

What's inside when you're having sex...

What is hidden and what is opened...

what... end...

The most frightening thing is, if something really happens, is she still going to have a baby!

Give birth to his sister's child!

— No, no, no, labor and management think too much.

Gu Bai took a deep breath.

With that perverted urination, it is impossible to have a baby... But the omega's physiology can't be controlled, so in order not to give birth, the only way is not to have sex.

Yes, no sex.

Gu Bai silently gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

He was so prescient!

That's the way to go!

Anyway, the pervert has endured for several worlds, so it doesn't matter if you bear it any longer... Everyone is an old man, so there is no need to take this kind of thing too seriously, right

Self-cultivation is also good, right

a ha ha ha…


Gu Bai thought of many things in an instant, but when he wanted to think about it, the time was only in an instant.

He quickly realized that now is not the time to be in a daze, at least this pervert is swearing allegiance to him, he can't pretend he didn't see it, can he

So, have to answer.

Gu Bai remained expressionless: "You stay here for now."

other people:"!!!!!!!!!!"

I heard that this guy is very cowardly, General!

Believe me, I am stronger than him, General!

I also want to serve you, General!

If I had known that as long as I expressed my determination with enthusiasm like this, I would be looked at differently, I would definitely not be as conservative as before, admiral!

Please give me another chance, General!

I also want to be alone with the general... [Erkang's hands

Qi Guan Rui showed an ecstatic expression at the right time, the eagerness in his eyes was almost overflowing: "Thank you, Admiral..." His tongue moved slightly, and he actually made an unstoppable lingering sound, ""

The other betas, including the loyal lieutenant, immediately felt very upset, right

This is! where! come! Two idiots!

How dare you talk to the general like that!

seems to have chopped him up...

However, Gu Bai didn't say anything, and the others didn't dare to do anything.

Qi Guan Rui was extremely poised against the murderous gazes and envious gazes of the crowd.

He enjoys it.

I really enjoy the jealousy and even hatred that other people have towards him whenever my brother treats him differently.

Because all of this means that his brother is his.

It's his alone.

No matter how much other people want to get close to brother, it is impossible...

They could only hide in a dark corner forever, watching their elder brother being held in his arms and becoming his unique and private treasure.

— those stupid people.

Don't even think about competing with him for the gods that belong to him!

After that, Gu Bai waved his hand and asked the adjutant to take away all the betas except Qi Guan Rui.

The adjutant was very depressed, but he had no choice but to leave with those betas who were equally unwilling as him.

Then, there were only two people left in the room.

Qi Guan Rui smiled softly, swayed his body for some reason, and walked to Gu Bai's side.

His tone was soft: "brother, it's great that you didn't lose your memory this time."

Gu Bai's gaze softened almost invisibly.

Speaking of which, he is still quite sorry for the pervert.

The two of them said they were going on their honeymoon. Except for the first world where the pervert had forgotten him, in the latter two worlds he had forgotten the pervert. Speaking of which, he owed the pervert once.

When Qi Guan Rui saw that there was something going on, his smile was very different.

His eyes were full of affection, and his voice also became affectionate. He leaned closer to Gu Bai and said in a low voice: "Brother, it's rare for us to reunite without incident, why don't we celebrate... how about it?"

In Gu Bai's heart, alarm bells rang out: "How to celebrate?"

Qi Guan Rui licked his upper lip with the tip of his tongue, and his smile became full of meaning: "Brother, it's rare that the bodies we changed this time have such a wonderful connection. We were originally on our honeymoon, isn't this just the right taste? Brother, isn't it? Don’t want to try it, use another body, a new face, but a familiar soul to explore the mystery? That must be a different but full of pleasure enjoyment... What do you think, brother?”

Gu Bai: Buttercup! Dare to pick up the integrity!

Of course it is, no!

Gu Bai, who had already made up his mind not to have a baby, although he was interested in that... um, he was also a little bit interested. The main reason is that he is very curious about the bodies of these six genders and has a slight desire to explore, but compared with having a baby, he would rather not have such interest.

It’s a big deal, the strength will go further in the future, just pinch this kind of inflatable [beep—] to feel it, it’s better to avoid such a dangerous situation now.

Therefore, Gu Bai made a decisive decision immediately.

Suddenly he reached out—

Pressed on Qi Guan Rui's approaching face.

It stuck him in place.

Qi Guan Rui couldn't help laughing out loud: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Gu Bai: "No."

Yes, labor and management are so decisive! If you don't do it, don't do it!

Qi Guan Rui sighed faintly.

Gu Bai: "The river crab is astringent."

The expression on Qi Guan Rui's face was also somewhat resentful.

Gu Bai was a little embarrassed.

To be honest, the two have been married for many years. The old man’s refusal comes and goes. If it weren’t for this accident, he would actually push it halfway, haha... But the (not) will of the big universe stopped him ! He had to endure the pain - well, it wasn't very painful - to refuse!

He was actually a little distressed and perverted.

Gu Bai paused for a moment, and explained one more sentence: "Other people's worlds, other people's bodies, you want a river crab."


However, if he can be persuaded so easily, the pervert is not a pervert, but Miyoshi Sao Nian.

Qi Guan Rui wrapped his arms around Gu Bai's neck, and whispered in his ear softly and ambiguously: "Brother, have you forgotten..."

Gu Bai's ears turned red.

Qi Guan Rui stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked it: "Brother, did you forget that actually a meat stalk?"

Gu Bai held his breath.

Fuck, labor and management really forgot that this thing is a meat stalk!

Besides, even if labor and capital have not forgotten, they must say they have forgotten!

Otherwise, why don't you take the initiative to send it to your door and let you, a pervert, make an excuse!

Qi Guan Rui's voice was very helpless: "It's obviously a world of flesh and blood, why does brother want to use the big universe..." At this point, he chuckled lightly for this excuse, "...does the will be so pure? Actually, brother is simply Misunderstood the will of the big universe."

Gu Bai's face tightened.

The tip of Qi Guan Rui's tongue slowly slid down from Gu Bai's earlobe, brushed against his side face, and the water trail meanders all the way, sinking into his neck.

In the end, the scarlet snake letter licked Gu Bai's Adam's Apple (this damn omega body)... Qi Guan Rui suddenly tightened his grip on Gu Bai's body, and bit it!

Like a hunting beast, biting the most vulnerable part of its prey.

Gu Bai: "..."