It Must Be the Way I Broke the Void Is Wrong

Chapter 75: [Future abo] brilliant (6)


Of course, such rumors and guesses can only be circulated in private, and no one will take the initiative to show off in front of the general, otherwise, wouldn't it be a scam? Admiral is scary, okay

However, no matter how much his subordinates try to hide it, and no matter how much Gu Bai himself is not interested in it, he still can't stand the fact that there is a pervert in his family...

Every day, every day, whenever there is new news, the perverts will share it with their dear ones, what a mess!

Gu Bai felt a little anxious in his heart, but when he thought that in the last world, he was so tossing and perverted to act for him... he had no choice but to let go of the urgency.

What's more, even if the pervert doesn't take the initiative to share it with him, with Gu Bai's keen six senses, he can still see the onlookers that he and the pervert pass by every time they pass through a certain place. Look, that is called a heat! hot! roll! hot!

There is absolutely no way not to pay attention to whether there is wood or not.

Gu Bai could only silently light a [candle] for himself...

Forget it, anyway, he has encountered such things of being loved.

At least no one has amnesia this time, they are really in love... well.


Because of Qi Guan Rui's little thoughts, Gu Bai had to stay in this world for a long time. But this time he is not interested in the plot. The main reason is that although he is a hidden omega, he still has little interest in saving the world's omega.

What he wants to save most now is himself, okay

An accidental estrus suddenly broke out, and what awaits him is another reshaping of his worldview, okay? When the pervert is by his side, he can still think about it!

However, even if Gu Bai doesn't get in touch with the plot and its characters, the plot is still developing in an orderly manner.

It's like, on a certain day, the principal of the original owner's former alma mater, which is the First Federal Military Academy, where the plot happened frequently, sent him an invitation letter.

What does this invitation letter mean

It's the academy's annual mech competition, let Gu Bai be the referee!

Gu Bai was a little tangled in his heart.

Is this going... or not

He recalled the plot.

In the spicy plot, the original owner, Liu Rufeng, seemed to be in contact with the protagonist for the first time because of this incident? Later, he was admired for the protagonist, and later, he was attacked as a crush on the protagonist...

If he doesn't go, it seems that some plots cannot be triggered

After thinking about it, there was really nothing to do recently, so Gu Bai decided to agree.

Find something to do and avoid that perverted [beep—] who stares at labor and management all day long!

That kind of mouth-watering sample paper is so ridiculous, isn't it!

Then, Gu Bai summoned the adjutant and asked him to give Comrade Principal an affirmative answer.

So happy to decide.

After this matter was settled, Gu Bai continued to mutter at home.

There was no war on the front line, and his vacation as an admiral was logically extended.

It's just a little depressing that that pervert was called home by his shell-like relatives? Why didn't he remember that the pervert was so obedient!

After sighing, Gu Bai felt that he might not be used to it.

This is probably also a kind of "doing".

When I saw it, I thought I was really annoying to death, but when I didn't see it, I thought why Mao didn't come to bother Laozi? If this is the rhythm of love, it's really Nima's embarrassment and spirit.

Naturally, if it was just like this, Gu Bai would just spend half a day at home and feel melancholy, but he didn't expect that he would encounter something that he never thought of!

Someone posted a post!

Sent an invite!

What is that invitation

Mrs. Fang expressed that she wanted to meet him!

Gu Bai: "..."

Speaking of which, isn't the so-called Mrs. Fang the perverted stepmother

A glamorous woman who can be upgraded from a beta mistress to a stepmother, the fighting three in the mistress who is loved and full of ambition and can give birth to an alpha.

Such a person, come to make trouble with him

For some reason, at this moment, Gu Bai felt a sense of ominousness in his heart.

I always feel that something bad is about to happen...



relatively hidden.

It's usually a great place for a date, but it's also a great place to go if you want to talk about something intimate.

But at this moment, on both sides of a secret coffee table, a man and a woman are sitting opposite each other.

The woman's eyes were slightly red, and she was weeping silently.

"Admiral, you probably don't know how hard that child, A Yuan, has had..."

"Since he was a child, he was ridiculed and isolated because of his status..."

"When he grows up, the child may be too sad, and his character is a bit cowardly..."

"It's a pity that a male beta is almost infertile, otherwise, he wouldn't..."

"He used to admire the admiral the most, but it's a pity that he had done a test, and many things..."

"Now that Ah Yuan is able to follow the general, maybe he is a little weaker and timid..."

"But I also hope that the admiral will not dislike you..."

Every sentence is particularly euphemistic.

But both inside and outside the words are saying that "Fang Yuan" he just worships the general, his cowardice, cowardice and character flaws are useless and so on and so on.

Simply put, it's eye drops.

Gu Bai's face was tense.

What a peat!

Labor and management actually had a day when they were asked to talk privately by their lover, mother, and mother!

What kind of trouble is this by beating around the bush!

Is this fucking a house fight

Never imagined!

Labor and capital also have the qualifications to play house fighting!

Isn't this a terrible style of painting

Gu Bai was very tangled in his heart.

He thought about it, if it wasn't for his high status and perverted stepmother, she probably wanted to take out a check to slap him in the face? This kind of immediate sense of sending away girlfriends for bad boys...

Although, the purpose of this stepmother is definitely different from that of her biological mother. To put it bluntly, she is worried that the pervert with the support of General "Liu Rufeng" will go back to inherit the title as a beta, and instead take away her biological papers. But he really can't bear this kind of trickery!

Gu Bai took a deep breath.

Slightly drunk.

Mrs. Beta Fang thought that Gu Bai had already listened to it, so she simply started to give full play to the strengths of a woman, and made a series of BLA meticulously and gently, she believed it! This general must know how unreliable and unworthy of training that Fang Yuan is, and he will definitely give up on him!

Gu Bai felt that his gentlemanly demeanor had been challenged.

Really naughty...

And this female paper is really a bit unreliable, so she knows nothing about perverts!

Perverts are scary, aren't they

It's like committing suicide.

— If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have come out.

If it wasn't for the adjutant and several personal guards who happened to be nearby when this person delivered the post.

#One misstep becomes eternal hate#

So here comes the question, when should he find a good time to interrupt, or should he just listen to the nagging

He only has a little sympathy left, maybe it should be used on this girl

Combat 3 is actually not easy.

The general work ethic is relatively strong... if it wasn't for her unlucky encounter with a pervert.

Thinking of this, Gu Bai felt a little bit of sympathy for the Mrs. Zhan Sanfang, who was still thinking she was doing her own thing.

So, he raised his hand.

Mrs. Fang: "..."

Suddenly feel the pressure!

Subconsciously shut up!

Sure enough, it is the general.

But what will the admiral say

bad feeling...

Gu Bai was expressionless: "Fang Yuan is very good."

After finishing speaking, he stood up, nodded slightly to Mrs. Zhan Sanfang, turned his head and walked outside.

Only a tall and aloof figure was left behind.

Madam Fang's nails were almost digging into the flesh.

She endured and endured, so she didn't make any gaffes.

But in her heart, she was very flustered.

what happened…

Could it be that the rumor is true

Mrs. Fang bit her cherry lips with her white teeth, and her beautiful face actually showed a bit of tenderness.

Does this Admiral Liu Rufeng really have a crush on that bastard? Or, did that bitch really fall in love with Liu Rufeng? If so, what about her children? Are all the years of painstaking efforts in vain

No, she will never allow it!

The title can only belong to her son! He can't get his hands on that little bastard!

Mrs. Fang, who was infested by the black air, went back arrogantly.

She decided to do something, to increase her son's bargaining chips, even if Fang Yuan fell in love with Liu Rufeng, but Liu Rufeng is just a beta, isn't he

As long as her son can marry an omega with a powerful family, then everything can be redeemed. Her son will definitely be able to fight against that little bastard!

Besides, doesn't this Liu Rufeng have a crush on that bitch? Wait until she finds a way to make the bitch's body dirty and let Liu Rufeng find out for himself... Let's see if he still has a little affection for the little bitch!

A scum is a scum, since she was able to suppress him before, she will definitely be able to keep him from turning over in the future!

Mrs. Fang, whose fighting consciousness soared, went back to the Duke's mansion.

In the depths of her heart, that invisible haze has been deeply buried...

She would not know what kind of terrifying person she was planning to plot now.

— By the way, everyone is not at the same level or even a species, so why bother

As the saying goes, no zuo no die, the method of house fighting is not applicable to every background-oh yes, even if we can use the background, we still have to choose the corresponding characters carefully.

Otherwise, there will only be a cupboard full of cups!

Gu Bai also went back, and he didn't do anything after he went back.

He just sent a message to Qi Guan Rui.

The content is as follows:

[come back earlier.]

How succinct!

And what about Qi Guan Rui who was imprisoned again

He looked at the prompt sound displayed on the watch in the dark environment, and showed a gentle smile.

Brother misses me...

I knew that my brother couldn't do without me.

Qi Guan Rui stood up slowly, while greedily looking at the only four characters on the watch, he walked slowly to the locked door of the small black room.


I just missed my brother too.

Then he stretched out a hand and pushed forward.


The alloy gate collapsed suddenly, and the piercing alarm sounded throughout the mansion.