It Must Be the Way I Broke the Void Is Wrong

Chapter 82: [Future abo] brilliant (13)


This night, Gu Bai was turned over and over again by Qi Guanrui, perhaps in order to enjoy the better results in the future, Qi Guanrui actually exerted his self-control that he was proud of, gnawed all over from the beginning to the end, but never proceeded. to the last step.

Gu Bai: Nima, why don't you go to the last step and let labor and management die early and be born sooner

Qi Guan Rui smiled softly, and continued to cultivate (not).

After the two of them had a wild night, about what should happen that night, Liu Rufeng accidentally saw the protagonist who was still training mecha hard after the competition, and lamented that he studied hard and gave him advice, and when the two got close Afterwards, she keenly discovered something was wrong with Liang Xiao and had a subtle suspicion... Who remembers this plot? At least Gu Bai has long since forgotten about it!

But Qi Guan Rui, after Gu Bai's shell was tossed until he fell asleep, he stroked Gu Bai's waist with one hand, and smiled quietly.

"What is the plot? Brother, how can you focus on other people... Even if they are all so-called omega."

"The speculation of those people in the original book is really annoying."

"Brother, he... obviously belongs to me alone."

So, once the pervert made a move, he knew there was something wrong, and since he was kidnapped to bed, then don't even think about meeting him again by chance.

It wasn't until Gu Bai woke up the next morning that he felt back pain and leg cramps that he slowly reacted.

In an instant, there was a strange flash in his eyes:

How many years have they been in love, why does that pervert still engage in these roundabout methods? It's labor and capital that suffers, okay? Do you dare to tell the labor and management directly that you don't want the labor and management to go! Negotiating labor and capital well is also very face-saving!

In Gu Bai's heart, a small flame suddenly ignited.

Isn't it time to establish family law or something...

At this time, Qi Guan Rui came over, and gently began to change his clothes, while changing, he said softly: "Brother, don't be angry, I just... can't help it."

Gu Bai has no expression on his face: ... I believe you are a big-headed ghost.

But being waited on and served like this, the little flame went out again with a "poof".

#The idiot in love is so easy to be coaxed#

It's just that what Gu Bai doesn't understand is, how many years has it been, labor and capital... Is Zhen Nima still in love

O sinful love!

But the subject is still a pervert...


On the second day of the Mecha Contest, everyone no longer played one-on-one, everyone played N... No, everyone played team combat, where a group of people fought against a group of people, and everyone cooperated with each other.

But whether you can win or not, the key depends on the commander.

And in this level, the referee's seat and some VIP seats were also much more lively.

The reason is simple. A strong individual combat capability does not mean a strong coordination. If the coordination is not strong, no matter how strong an individual soldier is, he is still a lonely individual. Strong personal strength can be used as a benchmark to encourage younger generations, but what is the benefit to the federal military? If it is very effective, it is basically impossible unless the personal strength is against the sky.

A soldier who doesn't cooperate is not a good soldier!

What's more, in team combat, besides testing cooperation, the most important thing is to observe the characters who are suitable to lead the army. The so-called thousand soldiers are easy to get, but a general is hard to find, that's the truth.

For example, Liu Rufeng, the original owner of Gu Bai's shell, back then, his personal strength as a beta was not as popular as the current protagonist Shou Liangxiao, but who made his commanding ability powerful

At the beginning, Liu Rufeng killed seven or eight other teams in the melee with one team, and led his team to almost overthrow the entire arena with his own command ability. That's the real thing.

Closer to home, everyone just wants to take a look now, what kind of abilities does this person who submitted an application to play the second round of the command battle mecha competition here have.

And the most special thing is that in this round, everyone is no longer divided into different grades. As long as you get a team of eight members, you can officially participate. Before the end of the game, no one will know what grade you are in, and even the mechas you use will be covered with a layer of ordinary shells in the virtual network... until the melee is over, your identity will not be announced .

Yes, it was a melee.

What kind of melee

Twelve random teams will enter each game and receive a random territory, and each territory has a general flag.

Each team earns points by snatching the flags of other teams, and also earns points by killing the number of enemies. The more enemies killed, the more points you get.

In the end, three teams will be selected from the twelve teams to get the final reward.

So, this is to let everyone actively fight in groups and fight! Killing one counts as one! It's not too much to kill a group of people! No matter what method, conspiracy or trick, in short, it is to win!

Then the most important question is only one:

——Then, how do you pick and choose to kill these eleven squads when there are still eleven squads that may be staring at you

It's a little embarrassing to think about it.

At this moment, Gu Bai caught up with his "Gu Bai"'s "white", which can also be interpreted as the "war idiot"'s "white"... The original owner's sense of war is awesome!

Let's get back to business again, and the war simulation has begun.

Yes, the name of this second round is war simulation. All the contestants enter the same room with their own team members and connect their mech brains with optical brains, and all the consciousnesses of people and mechas enter the virtual world. in the net.

As for this person, there is a virtual humanoid, and the mecha intelligence brain also directly goes in, transforming into a mecha with a cover-up shell but with its own functions.

One person, one machine is quite harmonious.

Together with everyone else, Gu Bai stared at the big screen in front of him.

The screen is divided into twelve small grids and a huge grid in the center. The images recorded in the small grids are the garrisons of the twelve teams—that is, the ones randomly assigned, and the large grid is the battlefield.

Basically, the station represented by the small grid is also in the big grid, but because of the problem of proportion, all you can see now is only a spot of light.

Honestly, it's pretty advanced.

Gu Bai stared two points on the battlefield.

He remembered very clearly that the one on the northwest corner was received by the protagonist! And the one in the southeast corner belongs to the real attack! The residences of the two of them are on different diagonals from the north to the south!

So, of course it wasn't right from the beginning...

So why does the author want to arrange it this way

Of course it was because, from now on, it was necessary to brush up the tacit understanding between Gong and Shou!

Immediately afterwards, the onlookers discovered—

Hey, those two corner people on the field are playing similar tactics? Planning, allocation, deployment, and general direction are all the same! In terms of details, one is more rough and violent, and the other is relatively meticulous and tough, but the difference in details cannot conceal the similarity of their brain circuits at all!

If we say that these two people have become... generals who cooperate with each other in a battle on the battlefield...

At least there will be no disputes between the coaches!

Love it! Hurry up and find out the names of the cadet commanders of these two teams!

Gu Bai knew about such a scene a long time ago, and sighed silently in his heart.

This is the sense of loss of knowing the spoiler in advance before the plot collapses... Unlike the previous worlds, either the world is very novel, or the species is very strange, or he has amnesia and is very curious, this time he is because of this physical reason Lack of interest, and if it is spoiled like this, it really doesn't swell. Hey Sen.

... He still really wanted to leave Swollen as soon as possible.

As a high-mountain flower that can blow up ten mechas with one punch in a state of complete victory, she is not interested in mechas at all, okay? Why! Can't go!

It's no use haggling and rushing... It's so sad.

Gu Bai finally sighed in frustration again.

This kind of opportunity to impress... from the inside out, he knows that the pervert will never give up...Only this kind of thing, that guy never compromises (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻Here Although Gu Bai was distracted, his powerful mental power still faithfully told him about the current performance... Ah no, it was the result of the competition.

The main character Shou and Zheng Gong Gong started the war from their respective corners, picking out their opponents one by one. What's more surprising is that they chose the same direction, and because they are facing each other, the route is exactly the opposite.

So the onlookers saw an extremely surprising situation. The display was on the huge battlefield screen. The two lines moved towards the center at almost the same frequency. !

This tacit a bit scary.

Later, after each side picked out five garrisons, they met in the middle of the battlefield.

The two teams stood facing each other.

At this time, there were still four of the eight people in the receiving team, but there were still six in the attacking team.

It looks like he is going to lose by the team

In the original book, such a radiant shou! How could the author let him lose easily!

Of course, you can't win either...

Gu Bai's face was paralyzed: The author of the original book is a bit logical, but there is not much logic in it.

After the fierce fight between the attacking team and the receiving team, the receiving team killed almost all members of the attacking team by sacrificing all members of the attacking team. In the end, only the strongest true card Gong was left and survived alone!

Therefore, the attacking team still won, but winning was not honorable at all... and the receiving team did lose, but it was an honorable loss.

Especially when everyone's identities were revealed, the applause was loud.

Because the members of the winning team are all above the fourth grade, and the members of the receiving team are only sophomores at most!

For this reason, Liang Xiao, the commander of the shou team, became the star of all eyes, and piles and piles of people wanted to win him over!

At the same time, that alpha's real attack, and his appreciation for Liang Xiao, became more intense...

With a perverted Gu Bai hanging on his body, he decided to get rid of the plot again, and Gong Shou and the others went back to their respective homes, each found their own mother, did not interfere with each other, and slipped away after they were in heat.

But I never expected that on the way back to the dormitory after the banquet, I could still see the protagonist Shou who was training!

Gu Bai: Didn't Nima labor and capital change their way? fall!