It Must Be the Way I Broke the Void Is Wrong

Chapter 87: Rogue Great Juggernaut (2)


In the Fountain of Spirits, the little man stretched out his slender and tender arms, as if he had punched him, and stretched his waist in such a charming way. His white face was bulging, and his red mouth was very cute. And the eyes that couldn't be opened for a while, all poke the cuteness of the elves...

But in Gu Bai's heart, there is only one feeling:

five! thunder! boom! top!

The string of descriptions above Nima is simply thunderous, okay

No, no, it should be that the dog's eyes have been blinded by lightning...

Gu Bai felt that he had goose bumps all over his body.

It's so fucking crunchy.

After a while, Gu Bai came back to his senses amidst the astonished cheers of the elves around him. He managed to calm down for a while, shielded himself from the colorful halo surrounding the "little man" and looked over, and was even more surprised to find that , There is also a green line between the brows of that guy, which shows that he belongs to the elf royal family bred by the elf mother tree and protected by the elf mother tree...

By the way, is it a princess or a prince

It’s true that there is an elf prince in the original book, but Gu Bai’s own shell can change from a woman to a man, and it’s not impossible to create an elf princess to mix with the main character of the stallion.

So, now he should go and pull away the "little man" lotus joint (hiss) calf to see if he has a penis... Meh.

Gu Bai blushed expressionlessly, and his eyes were slightly subtle.

This kind of chasing feet who are about to play hooligans on young children... Love! child! addiction! These three big characters seemed to be poked on his forehead, making people sweat profusely and drenched his lapel with sweat.

—However, when you think about the toddler's body is actually that dead pervert, why does it feel a little bit hot all of a sudden

Because of the secret [beep—] thought in his heart (not), Gu Bai firmly walked over, and firmly took out the "little man" in the fountain of life, and then firmly pushed it away. dial his...

Then, he felt a pair of small arms around his neck, and a voice full of ambiguity came from his ears: "Brother can't wait? Why don't I let my brother see enough after returning to the room, how about it? "

It's just that the voice is too tender, and it turns the ambiguity into a funny one in an instant.

Gu Bai paused, then he said expressionlessly, "Ha, ha, ha."

"Little man":

Gu Bai's dead fish eyes: "Look at your immature color and cute beep beep."

"Little Man": ...

The episode passed by in a flash, and the onlookers, apart from admiring and sighing, just watched Gu Bai take away the newborn elven prince, and then sighed from the bottom of their hearts that they are indeed the elves closest to the elf mother tree The royal family really has a deep love between mother and child, Yunyun.

As for Gu Bai, he held his family's newborn pervert, and his mood was indescribably complicated.

Just now he searched the elf queen's remaining memory and found a very serious matter.

It turns out that there is no prince in the current elves.

But just now, the elf mother tree gave birth to a...

So, is this pervert the elf prince in the original novel? Hey!

Isn't it slightly more difficult for a pervert to play the role of a pure elf

Although he really believes that the perverted acting skills are correct, but the elf prince should appear eight hundred years later. If you want to live in the forest of elves, then in these eight hundred years, will the elves of this forest... Nima be a pure and kind elf in the end

He really couldn't believe the pervert's integrity.

Queen of the elves, it's really hard to be [manual goodbye


Gu Bai brought the perverted family to enter the temple, and began the tragic life of raising a child (Lao Gong).

If there is only one thing to be thankful for, it is probably that the pervert doesn't wet the bed~

This is also very good.

However, Gu Bai still has to face various problems in taking care of the baby.

The first one is the question of opening the eyes.

Since it takes five hundred years for elf cubs to mature, ordinary human babies may open their eyes in a few days, but elf cubs are counted in "years".

So on the first day, Qi Guan Rui closed his eyes tightly...

On the second day, Qi Guan Rui still closed his eyes tightly...

On the third day, the organ diagram still closed his eyes tightly...

day four...

Gu Bai grabbed the fat and tender short hand that was still pinching his face to pretend he couldn't see anything, and he couldn't hold back, he flexed his fingers and talked on the elf cub's forehead.

"I know." His tone was particularly cold.

The delicate and lovely elf cub smiled slightly: "What does brother know?"

Gu Bai: "You are very talented."

Elf Cub: "..."

Three seconds later, Gu Bai lifted the elf cub's eyelids.

In an instant, golden eyes appeared in front of him.

Actually... pretty good-looking too

Qi Guan Rui looked at the unusually beautiful face in front of him, and sighed: "I thought I could enjoy it for a while... Brother knows me too well, and that's not good."

Gu Bai stretched out his hand and pinched his face.

Qi Guan Rui: "..."

A smile flashed across Gu Bai's eyes: "Very, lovely, lovely."

Qi Guan Rui froze for a moment.

Then he threw off the burden of pervert very simply, blinked really cutely, put his short arms around Gu Bai and rubbed affectionately: "My brother likes me, I'm so happy~~~mua!"

Gu Bai wiped the saliva off his face expressionlessly.

He thinks that he is really stupid for competing with perverts!


The elf prince was able to open his eyes only five days after he was born. This was incomparably great news, and it immediately spread throughout the elves.

Countless elves wanted to come and watch their prince's heroic appearance. They all deeply felt that the prince would have powerful magic power and become the strongest warrior of the elves!

——If there is no elf princess born in the future, when the queen returns to the embrace of the mother tree, the prince will become the elf king, in fact, there is nothing wrong with it!

For a moment, Qi Guan Rui's popularity among the elves exploded.

Although until the end Gu Bai didn't let those elves really come to watch him every day...

Of course, Gu Bai didn't think it was troublesome or anything, it's just that the situation of turning into a cub can be called Qi Guan Rui's black history. , let the elves exterminate the clan" but what should we do

It's not like this guy hasn't done something like this before...

Therefore, even though the Three Views no longer exist, Gu Bai still has a little bit of conscience, and feels that as an elf queen (like swallowing the third word), he should think about it for the elves.

Qi Guan Rui understood his family's beloved Gu Bai's imagination very well, and at this moment, he was also happy to be with Gu Bai in the temple, spending their long... two-person world.

If the only thing that makes him dissatisfied, it is probably because the will of this world is stronger than the previous three worlds, almost comparable to the world of comprehension. As a result, he is now stuffed into the body of this elf cub. Son, he still can't release his own body—unless he is willing to pay a huge price.

Therefore, Qi Guan Rui could only use this small body to continue messing around.

It's a pity that I can't just spend these days with papa papa...

Therefore, in the next many years, Gu Bai felt that the pervert used the cub's body to take advantage of him every day and all kinds of stickiness and intimacy, it was Jiongjiu Youshen.

If you don't fall in love at all, it's as good as an adult with a child!

The most frightening thing is, who can understand the bitter feeling of being molested by a child despite being taken advantage of by a child! I feel like I'm committing a crime every day!

In such a state, Gu Bai is so embarrassing and energetic, and has been embarrassing all the time.

In a blink of an eye, it has been five hundred years.


On a sunny morning, after the first ray of light shines, the entire forest is quickly covered with a layer of beautiful gold. Almost in an instant, the forest seems to change from gray and dark to dazzling. Ming, transformed into an unparalleled brilliance.

There are many elves in vine clothes grabbing the vines and coming and going lightly on many thin branches.

The elves are the darlings of the forest. They have unparalleled beauty, insurmountable magical talent, and a face that will never fade.

Their voices are like the most beautiful birdsong, mellow and melodious—

"How many adventurers have you caught today?"

"There are only three... His Royal Highness will be disappointed, what should we do?"

"Okay, don't be sad, I caught five, and I'll give you one, okay?"

"It's a pity that I'm too poor, and I can't find a few crystal coins... I wonder if there are any rich relatives who will come to redeem them? If not, I have to fill them in the mine."

"Fortunately, it's strong enough~ If you die, you'll be in trouble!"

"His Royal Highness is the most powerful! His Royal Highness is right. Instead of letting them go and bringing in a lot of bad guys, it is better to let them... Well, reform through labor! This is what our pure elves should do best!"

"The queen will be satisfied too! The mother tree will be satisfied too!"

In such a clear voice, it was accompanied by strong men and women who were bound tightly by vines and stumbled forward on the ground.

Some of them are adventurers, some are mercenaries, some are lost people, they are all dirty, and they are all very embarrassed.

At the same time, the expressions on these people's faces were extremely shocked.


Are these really elves

The darling elf of the forest should be the purest and kindest creature in the world!

It's no wonder they were surprised.

Because most of the people who came to the Forest of Elves, except for those who sinned so badly and wanted to capture the elves as slaves to the elves, most of them came here just for the precious plants in the forest of elves.

Although the elves do not allow it, every time you can go, if you are discovered by the elves, you will only be expelled by them with bows and arrows, and nothing terrible will happen.

But this time...

Not long after they came to the forest of elves, they were discovered by an elf, then surrounded by a group of elves, and finally became captives.

Really, really never expected!

Could it be that elves with noble personalities are also defiled by evil