It Must Be the Way I Broke the Void Is Wrong

Chapter 88: Rogue Great Juggernaut (3)


The captives were quickly escorted to a place.

This is a sparkling lake, surrounded by green trees, many vines hanging down, intertwined into a beautiful scene that looks like emerald jade.

And in this forest, there are many green branches intertwined, forming a throne like a rattan chair in midair. On this throne, there is a slender young man clasping his hands and resting on his chin.

He looked so elegant.

The boy's appearance is very delicate, with emerald green lines between his brows, his skin is so fair that it is almost transparent, and his hair is black, like a creation of a god, with indescribable beauty.

At this time, he was looking down at everyone from a high position, his golden eyes were filled with an almost inorganic indifference, but his smile was so gentle, it made people feel like a spring breeze was blowing on his face.

On the surrounding giant trees, there is a graceful elf standing on every branch. There are men and women, adults and minors, but there is no doubt that each of them looks like a gift from heaven. Under the projection of the sun, it looks dazzling.

At this moment, some of them were holding bows and arrows, some were wearing light armor, and they were all clustered together, blocking the way out in all directions around them, protecting the people among them.

The captives stared blankly.

What the hell! Could this be the prince mentioned by the elves just now

It is simply unprecedented beauty!

Even surrounded by hundreds of elves, he is still the most dazzling pearl!

Then, that dazzling pearl spoke, and the voice was so clear: "My lovely clansmen, is this the captive that was captured this time?"

The prisoners trembled in unison.

It is obviously such a pleasant voice, why do they feel chills in their hearts...

Next, there is a series of crisp sounds:

"Yes, Your Royal Highness! They are the captured captives!"

"Do you think they are strong enough?"

"I think it's good to use it for mining. Can I not ask for a ransom this time?"

"No, Lina! If we have enough ransom, we can buy many good things back!"

"Human stuff... huh."

"Hey, humans are useful sometimes..."

"That's right, how about replacing them with some humans who can make dim sum as cooks, okay?"

"Oh, it's a pity we can't go outside and arrest people..."

"Yes, human slaves are very useful..."

Captives=mouth=! ! ! ! !

Are elves so scary!

Is it so scary!



In fact, it's so scary right now tat

Baby Tooth thought, when all the captives felt a bow and arrow pointed at their foreheads and could shoot through them at any moment.

It's so scary...

The one at the top is naturally Qi Guan Rui.

He gently raised his hand at this time, and the elves stopped making noise all of a sudden, and quieted down very obediently.

Next, he asked softly: "I have received everyone's suggestions, so now everyone can show their captives, torture them to find out their origin and value, and then I will make unified arrangements."

The elves were even happier, their laughter was like the sound of a flute, like a silver bell, floating in the huge forest of elves.


"His Royal Highness is the most powerful!"

"Let's all listen to His Royal Highness!"

What happened next... was the nightmare of the captives.

All the captives were bound by their necks like cattle and tied to the surrounding trees, and more elves jumped to the distance quickly. When they returned, they would bring many captives who suffered the same suffering and were also tied together. , is equally miserable and pitiful.

Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, whether it is beautiful or ugly, all are treated equally.

They feel as if they have become slaves sold in the slave market, and all they receive are obedient and obedient requirements, and if they are disobedient or obedient, they will be whipped on themselves immediately.

What's even more frightening is that those elves who whipped them still had innocent smiles, as if they thought it was normal and didn't have any emotions they shouldn't have—for example, ordinary slave owners would have guilt or cruelty, pity or enjoyment.

In their consciousness, this is what happens naturally.

But it was also the elves who made the captives feel palpitations.

This must be something wrong...

What makes them feel even more strange is that they are obviously not in the same group, and they have all had a lot of "experience", but at this moment, they all have similar thoughts, and at the same time as the thoughts arise, they can't help Look at that...well, the evil, charming and crazy young elf prince.

Yeah they finally know how to describe that one.

Nima, this is evil charm and madness!

There is nothing wrong with laughing, no matter how you look at it, you feel a sense of disobedience, do you have the feeling of a big villain!

Gradually more and more captives were captured, roughly counting them, there must be forty or fifty in total.

Some of them seem to be in good spirits, while the other part is extremely haggard, as if they have been starved for many days, and they are very sluggish.

The new captives couldn't help but have a guess: Could it be that these were captured before

—Yes, someone immediately confirmed their conjecture.

A female elf with a figure like a royal sister, especially sexy and charming but with a pure lolita face, jumped over and half-kneeled in front of the tall rattan chair: "Dear Prince, the captives caught in the past seven days have already All have been sent over, please look over at His Highness the Prince.”

Captives again=口=

Within seven days!

In other words, those guys were really starved to death! Hey!

Abusing captives? Is this...

It is very unscientific for elves to capture captives, but they still abuse captives!

#Refreshed world view again#

Next, the elf prince lightly opened his vermilion lips... Oh no, he opened his mouth in a very manly manner and said, "Search, those who have no money and no certificates will be sent directly to mining."

The elves said briskly, "Yes! Your Royal Highness!"

Captives: "..."

Nima, this is too simple and rude! There are so many foreshadowings in the front that are made of hair! Just to tie us together to experience the feeling of being trampled on self-esteem

However, except for the two young nobles who sneaked out from the academy to "adventure", the others are all poor adventurers and mercenaries. up.

So the two young nobles were forced to write letters with their magical aura, which were sent out by the well-disguised elves to blackmail... Oh no, to provide security information and charge a certain labor fee. As for the rest of them, the elf prince waved his hand and sent them directly to the mine.

That's right, near the forest of elves, in the mountains shrouded in mist, there are rich mines, if the ores inside are collected, it will bring a lot of wealth.

During these five hundred years, all these wealth were managed by the elf princes, who accumulated a huge amount of treasures for the elves.

general speaking…

The elves are so rich now!

Ma Ma will never think that the dragon is the richest person!

The status of Hao was taken away by the elves!

Although, for the time being, they are still very low-key.

After taking care of the new batch of captives, our elf prince left here briskly. The elves have long known the elf prince's attachment to the queen, and of course they will not stop it at this time.

They just looked at the prince's back and said quietly...

"Queen and Prince..."

"... Mother and child really love each other!"


The slender boy came to the entrance of the temple cheerfully. He greeted many elves along the way and listened to their respectful greetings. Like a lively little bird, he jumped in directly.

[Perverted light bird, you deserve it.]

After entering the temple, the slender boy turned into a three-headed elf cub in the blink of an eye, but he didn't stop walking, just like a small cannonball, he rushed directly into the arms of the extremely handsome young man in front of him.


Today's pervert, the tone is still so creepy!

Gu Bai caught it expressionlessly: "You look too stupid."

He really didn't want to say it so frankly, but this pervert is getting more and more perverted. What's the matter with that lively little bird? Damn, he's never seen him live so innocently, okay

The thunder points were all poked and exploded...

Qi Guan Rui wrapped his short hands around Gu Bai's neck again, and rubbed him affectionately: "Brother doesn't like Xiao Shan like this? But Xiao Shan likes brother, what should I do..."

Gu Bai flexed his fingers and tapped him on the head: "Speak human."

Qi Guan Rui pursed his mouth and was extremely cute: "This is human language."

Gu Bai shivered.

It's even more thunderous!

This really can't be blamed on Gu Bai's poor ability to accept. Think about it, after so many years of being so cruel and perverted, one day suddenly shrunk to three heads, and it's okay to shrink. After shrinking, Nima's whole painting style Not right. It’s fine with the kid’s paper every day, but when Gu Bai thinks that behind this kid’s paper is actually a pervert who has been dead for ten thousand years, he feels embarrassing, okay

But that pervert is still dangling in front of him every day, dangling... I'm really afraid that I won't be able to kill him.

For five hundred years, Gu Bai has been living in dire straits every day, not only being attacked by vicious little brats from morning to night, but also being shocked by his explosive acting skills from time to time. Then, for some reason, I can switch between juveniles and cubs, the older ones and the younger ones make people overwhelmed. I always feel that in such five hundred years, the dead pervert is even more perverted!

The metamorphosis evolved again, if it wasn't for Gu Bai's ability to vent his inner depression from time to time (silently complaining about squatting in the corner and drawing circles, etc.), I'm afraid even he wouldn't be able to take it anymore.

Gu Bai stared into Qi Guan Rui's eyes expressionlessly.

one second…

two seconds...

One minute…

five points...

It took a full five minutes before you, Qi Guan Rui, put away his creepy demeanor.

The next moment, Gu Bai's arms wrapped around his slender waist, his tentacles were soft and delicate, and someone bit his lips lightly.

Well, the beautiful elf has a rough year!

But this beautiful young man said softly: "Brother, I'm going to be an adult..."