It Must Be the Way I Broke the Void Is Wrong

Chapter 95: Rogue Grand Juggernaut (10)


The elves haven't been this lively for a long time.

Because here, the crying of babies finally sounded—hey, didn’t you say that there were many elf cubs in the past, so there was no crying

That played because!

Indeed, there was no cry! The children's paper drilled from the fruit that fell from the elf mother tree are all little angels! People don't cry, don't cry!

And this crying...

He is a half-elf boy.

Born by elves, human children.

In a tree house close to the ground, a beautiful elf girl was sitting on the head of the bed. The handsome swordsman in front of her was walking around with a baby in her arms like all the silly dads in the world. Walking around with a bright smirk all over his face.

"Lennie, thank you for your hard work! You gave me a wonderful baby!"

The elf girl's face was pale, and her smile was so shallow that it was almost transparent, but she still said softly: "I am also very happy... Arthur, that is our child."

And when the great swordsman turned his head and went out to show off with the baby in his arms, her face turned livid in an instant.

At this time, a beautiful elf prince with long hair reaching his ankles walked in with a fresh forest wind. He looked at the beautiful elf girl on the bed, and showed a gentle smile: "Elf mother who gave birth to a new life, you seem to be living happily now?"

The elf girl looked a bit ugly: "This is all thanks to you, my respected prince."

Qi Guan Rui sighed in surprise: "Hey, don't you live happily?"

The elf girl gritted her teeth: "Of course! Of course! I am very happy..."


What she was thinking was to overwhelm Arthur instead of being overwhelmed by Arthur, okay? After being overwhelmed, she would give birth to him, and she would give birth to him, but Nima was too painful during the birth process!

Originally, she was really grateful to the elf prince, because even if she became another gender, even if she was suppressed, as long as she could be with Arthur, she would be willing.

But! How could she think of it! Having a baby is such a traumatic process!

So much so that she felt that she was tricked by this damned elf prince!

Moreover, because it is a female body, she may have children in the future...

Thinking about it, I feel dark in front of my eyes.

Qi Guan Rui's gaze dimmed slightly: "So, you want to return to your original appearance?" He pretended to ponder, "It's not impossible... It's just that Arthur may fall in love with other women in the future, and at the same time That woman gets married, has a newborn child... oh yes!" He suddenly laughed, "I have heard a saying in human beings that if you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather, and the stepmother will control the stepfather and occupy your man , and then destroying your children... This seems to make sense."

Outside, Gu Bai had just walked to the door, and when he heard this sentence, he couldn't help but pause.

The perverted mandan is instilling in people the idea that "if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather" Hey, this is to be Mao...

The elf girl—it should be said that the female body Lanier's face was ashen.

She also thinks it makes sense, swollen!

Then, Lanier finally said with difficulty: "... No need, I'll continue to be a female elf."

The original wish was shattered.

Yes, she originally thought that after the child was born, she would simply turn back into a man and let Arthur know her good intentions. Maybe she would accept the fact that she was a man? They used to have a brotherhood foundation. But now she suddenly felt that she couldn't afford to gamble, what if Arthur not only didn't feel moved but even couldn't accept it, what should I do!

Lanier could only take a deep breath and accept the fact.

Qi Guan Rui's smile deepened, and he opened his mouth to continue provoking her... At this moment, he suddenly sensed something, and suddenly turned his head: "Brother—Your Majesty!"

Gu Bai: "Let's go."

Stop irritating people here! What if it becomes a pervert too! Don't you know that it's hard for men to wear women? It could be blackened in minutes!

Qi Guan Rui happily walked over, put his arms around Gu Bai's neck, and kissed him affectionately: "Okay..."

Then, they were ready to go.

However, Lanier stopped Gu Bai from behind: "Your Majesty, how did you overcome this psychological barrier? As a woman, you were transformed into a man..."

Gu Bai froze.

He said one word expressionlessly: "Forbearance."

Nima's female-to-male transformation! Labor capital is a man! pure! real man!

Do you think everyone has children like you

What a dead pervert did it right!

Go and have a dozen children for Arthur! love to go!

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻


Arthur is a happy man, with good qualifications and good luck. Although he is an orphan from a village, he can learn excellent swordsmanship along the way, be friends with elves and people from many ethnic groups, be able to take risks, travel, and become a big man. sword master. Later, he was even more fortunate to be a guest in the forest of elves, and even married a beauty who was comparable to a goddess in the elves as his wife, gave birth to an excellent child, and later won the title of empire.

He has been so happy all his life.

If I have any regrets...

That is probably the elf brother who left him for some reason and is said to have gone on an adventure in the Jedi alone.

Brother Elf left without saying goodbye, maybe because he was busy with a blind date and ignored him? He did not see his brother again for many years to come.

The lifespan of a human being is too short compared to that of an elf, and until he was very old, he never saw his brother again.

But he still remembered the elf brothers.

At the end of his life, Arthur discovered the biggest secret that he had never discovered in his life.

He obviously died in the arms of his beautiful wife, but at the last moment before his consciousness disappeared, his wife became a brother for Mao!

Something made him understand in seconds.

But until the last moment, he didn't know whether he understood it or not...

This feeling can probably be summed up in one sentence:

In the next life, let's not be a straight man!


After Gu Bai and Qi Guan Rui sent away Arthur's family, life returned to normal.

They lived a very peaceful life, at least to Gu Bai, it was very peaceful - even though there was a pervert who harassed him every day, but that pervert couldn't [beep—] after he became an adult, for him, It's like being licked by a puppy every day, it doesn't hurt his muscles, and he doesn't need to be exhausted by frequent patting.

It was a rare break.

In the blink of an eye, three hundred years have passed like this.

The pervert is stunted, but still can't have sex.

At this time, the plot officially began.

The protagonist's journey went smoothly. His talent and golden fingers made him the fastest master on the mainland. During this period, many beauties flocked to him, like moths flying to a flame, becoming a member of his harem.

For such a stallion man, Gu Bai, who used to be a stallion writer, has no interest - no matter what the stallion is, can there be Qi Guan Rui, the stallion he once wrote about three thousand stallions? cannot. At least this one can't.

And Qi Guan Rui is even less interested - he is majestic swallowing the mysterious python, how many stallions can the harem not breed? It's just that there is only one person in his mind and eyes.

As for the strength of the stallion man...

The pervert who ruled the world means numb.

Gu Bai, who has traveled through several time and space, also expressed numbness.

It's all numb, what else is there to see!

However, with the development of the plot, Gu Bai discovered something different from the original novel.

The difference is that there is a dungeon where the protagonist should fall into a big hole and enter the ghost world to see a very scary gray lich, but the lich has something very important to him that he wants He got it, and he really got it under the halo of the protagonist, but unfortunately, after he got it, he began to be chased and killed by this lich... until the end of the day , the protagonist was finally able to kill the Lich.

But this time

The protagonist still saw the Lich, and he still took a fancy to that thing.

And the Lich gave him that thing...

gave him...


Why would Mao give it to him? Hey!

The protagonist is also puzzled!

Then the lich told him:

Because you are my offspring...

my offspring...



Gu Bai: ...

I'm so crazy!

Nima, he finally matches the original work, hey!

The villain boss in the original book exists like that, Nima is the result of the failed courtship that made Arthur meet another elf girl and then get married and have children! Lanier, who was broken in love, directly degenerated into a dark elf, and for some reason transformed into a lich, without any dignity of an elf.

But this time, although he could be with Arthur as he wished, but after Arthur turned his back, he would have nothing to love, and ran to the ghost world by himself holding Arthur's body, intending to transform Arthur into a death knight or something, be with him forever and ever...

The plot is subtly pulled back.

Unfortunately, the difference is still too big.

The current protagonist is not the child of a rival in love...

And when Gu Bai met the protagonist in person, he immediately understood better.

The current protagonist has the same face as Arthur.


The child of the rival in love looks the same as the person I love deeply, and the descendants of whom I don't know how many generations of the person I love deeply have the same hair as the lover. Can this be the same? This is absolutely impossible!

The former is a thorn in the flesh in the heart of the perverted elf and lich. After seeing it, he stabs a knife in his heart, but the latter is the crystallization of love. The treatment must be different!

However, this lacks a boss...

The boss and the protagonist became a family, and even gave birth to a child for the protagonist's ancestor...

This time, even Gu Bai could feel the "click" sound from the will of the plot disordered world.

#WanWanWanWouldn’t Think This Could Collapse#

#I have special collapse plot skills#

Therefore, the protagonist lacks a lot of tempering but is vigorously cultivated by the Lich, but without the pursuit of the Lich, the protagonist has lost a lot of dangers and met many girls...

As a stallion essay, the lack of girls is an unbearable burden in life.

It is simply the biggest loophole in the plot!

Qi Guan Rui sensed the will of the world, he hugged Gu Bai into his arms, found an opening, took his huge boa constrictor body, and fled away freely through the void.

Gu Bai: The main character is Bai Bai, the queen is Bai Bai, labor and management are really a man!