It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 197: Seventeenth World (Eleven) & Eighteenth World (One)


Sui Yuan originally didn't intend to let himself "encounter misfortune" when he went out hunting for the first time. After all, even Hui Hui, who was blind in one eye in the original plot, persisted for a period of time before the situation occurred. The original Ash was much better, and it was too deliberate to be injured so quickly.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven, and when Sui Yuan was thinking about when it would be more appropriate to be "injured" and chasing a small animal similar to a hare, 5237 suddenly yelled: "No! Our creator Let you quickly go to Zhao Xihe's world to help him!"

Sui Yuan was taken aback, his heart thumped, his feet slipped suddenly, he lost his balance, and fell abruptly into the ice cave on one side.

—he already knew! He shouldn't have been thinking wildly before, and then set so many flags!

Even though he tried his best to reverse his posture in the air and found a safer way to land, Sui Yuan still severely injured his front leg on the ice surface at the bottom of the cave.

There was a crisp sound from the leg bone, as if it was broken, and he couldn't use his strength at all, but Sui Yuan ignored the excruciating pain and hurriedly looked at 5237, asking repeatedly: "What's going on? There's something wrong with Zhao Xihe ?!"

"Well, yes." 5237 hesitated for a moment, "I don't know what's going on, anyway, according to the news from Ben Yuan and 0007, something happened to Zhao Xihe and Mo Ziyou. There is a part of the fusion of spiritual power."

"Fusion?" Sui Yuan frowned fiercely, "Spiritual power fusion...does it mean that their consciousness is shared, and they become one person?"

"No, it's not that bad, it's just a small part." 5237 actually didn't know very well, and just inferred based on the existing information, "They are still different existences in essence, and only a small part of crossover occurred. But even though there is only a small part of it, it is quite dangerous if it is not cut off in time - this is similar to the method of dying together. I really don't know what Mo Ziyou wants to do. Obviously the situation has not yet reached such a state of endless death, so ruthless Self-destruct..." 5237 was a little speechless, "Zhao Xihe obviously didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless—he was even more ruthless to himself, so he didn't investigate for a while."

Although he also didn't know what Mo Ziyou was thinking, even Su Yuan only had a half-knowledge about the so-called fusion of spiritual power. But now is not the time to dwell on the details, he quickly asked: "So what am I going to do?"

"The spiritual power of fusion can only be released by oneself, but the necessary external stimulation is also indispensable, such as the assistance of the most important person to the fusion." 5237 followed the script, "You are undoubtedly the person Zhao Xihe cares about the most. Presence helps him stay true to himself, strong-willed, free from fusion."

"...Although I still don't understand it very well, but I probably understand it, as long as I can be with Zhao Xihe?" Sui Yuan nodded, and then looked down at himself, "Then, what should this character do now? Die like this?"

"You have two choices now. The first is to die immediately and completely end the mission of this world. Although it is a bit abrupt, you can't take care of that much at this time." 5237 looked at Sui Yuan's expression, and quickly continued He said, "The second is to disappear. I can hide your body and wait for you to finish Zhao Xihe's affairs before continuing the mission here."

Sui Yuan hesitated for a moment: "Let's neutralize it. You hide my body, but leave bloodstains that are fatal. If the matter is resolved quickly, then I will come back. If it takes too long, then it will be considered death Bar."

"That's fine." 5237 shook his body, agreed with Sui Yuan's idea, and quickly put it into practice.

Before leaving this world, Sui Yuan could only silently say sorry when he heard the anxious and sad calls from his herd of animals looking for him.

—Although it's a pity to leave like this, but Zhao Xihe is more important to Sui Yuan, he can't have any delay.

Probably because of an emergency, Sui Yuan's place of possession this time is not on An An An's bed.

After the dizziness of crossing the barrier between worlds, Sui Yuan found himself standing on the street with people coming and going, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. However, the person next to him didn't give him a chance to observe his surroundings, so he stretched out his hand and pushed him staggeringly: "Why are you in a daze! Go away!"

The man's tone was terrible, and his expression was even more ferocious and impatient. Sui Yuan didn't have time to think about it, and quickly followed the other boys and girls around him, imitating their blank expressions and walked forward with his head bowed.

The condition of this body does not look very good, with ragged clothes, yellow and thin face, and scars from being beaten with sticks on the arms. 5237 leaned over in embarrassment: "Well... After all, the plot has been unfolding for a long time, and it is difficult to choose the possessed character, so I had to use such a small character to replace it. I have wronged you..."

Sui Yuan just nodded calmly, without any dissatisfaction: "Then what about Zhao Xihe? What is his role in this world? How can I find him?"

"I've already contacted 0007 just now, and now your identity is the orphan who was sent to Zhao Xihe's mansion by human traffickers. If you can be kept, then the chance of meeting him will be much higher..." 5237 was a little confused "However, now that part of Zhao Xihe's consciousness has been fused, Mo Ziyou seems to have found something in his consciousness that worries Yuanyuan, so in order to prevent the situation from worsening, he simply blocked part of his memory."

"That is to say..." Sui Yuan frowned slightly.

"That is to say, the current Zhao Xihe is not the person you remember who has been with you for a long time. He should be at the stage of just getting to know you or not yet." 5237 concluded, "Of course, even if you don't have the memory , you are also very important to him! There is no doubt about it!"

Sui Yuan: "... ... ..."

—Although I was comforted, why do I still feel a little stuffed

However, even if he felt overwhelmed, Sui Yuan still had to find Zhao Xihe first.

In this world, the heroes are separated, wars are raging, wives and children are scattered, and people are dying. However, with the efforts of Zhao Xihe for a period of time, the small princes have almost been annexed, and the rest is the tripartite confrontation of the three big forces.

Of course, this is not important to Sui Yuan, now he is just a small person in troubled times, what needs to be done is to successfully sell himself as a slave...

Zhao Xihe's mansion is quite huge. Although he didn't spend much time to build any exquisite pavilions, there is a kind of fierce and rough domineering everywhere, which makes this group of timid and unsophisticated boys and girls unable to bear it. The house was a little trembling and crumbling.

From time to time in the mansion, soldiers holding weapons and wearing armor walked by in groups. Their bodies were full of blood and evil spirits. Obviously, they were not ordinary guards, but elites who had really fought on the battlefield. The entire mansion was heavily guarded, which really gave Sui Yuan a headache - how would he meet Zhao Xihe

Under the scrutiny of the soldiers, Sui Yuan and the others gathered tremblingly at the place where the servants lived, and the one who was in charge of selecting was an old man with white beard and hair but full of energy. The others called him "Big Steward" .

The head butler had sharp eyes, and seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts. He wandered among the boys and girls, his brows slightly furrowed, obviously not very satisfied with the appearance of these children.

The human traffickers also saw this, and rubbed their hands flatteringly with a flattering smile and said, "Boss, don't look at these children's appearance, it's just because the villains don't have much money for them to eat and drink, after all, half-sized children eat to death Lao Tzu! But they are actually quite exciting and capable! They are easier to feed! The way of origin is even cleaner, and it will definitely make people feel at ease when using them!"

Sui Yuan glanced at the nonsense traffickers without a trace, he really didn't know how "exciting" and "capable" this group of thin and numb children was, but he couldn't give up this opportunity, and timidly raised his head to look at everyone. The butler, his eyes showed longing and prayer.

—He had never expected the halo on his body to work so much!

The vigilant butler naturally turned his head to look at Sui Yuan when he cast his gaze on him, and instantly met a pair of misty black eyes that were as bright as stars. The butler was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but carefully looked at the young man who made his heart as hard as iron tremble for a moment, and there was a bit of impatience in his eyes.

Sui Yuan's appearance is not beautiful, to be precise, with a sallow and thin face, no one can be beautiful. But even though his appearance is not up to the mark, he has a particularly pitiful temperament who has been blessed by the halo, which immediately makes the butler a little soft-hearted.

"These children are all on the right track?" The butler turned his gaze away to the trafficker, and his tone was a little gentler.

The trafficker was flattered and nodded repeatedly, his small eyes sparkled: "The origin is absolutely right! You don't know me yet! If the origin is not right, how dare the villain send it to you? Don't you want your head!"

The butler nodded, and raised his hand to point at a few children who looked more pleasing to the eye, including Sui Yuan, of course. Seeing the other unselected children being taken away by the traffickers, the remaining children couldn't help showing a kind of gladness for escaping from birth, and looked at the butler with gratitude and admiration.

The "experienced" chief steward had long been accustomed to this kind of gaze, but for some reason, he was looked at in a smug manner today, and even his usual stern lectures were a little gentler, with a hint of admonishment .

After a group of children memorized the rules of the mansion in silence, the next step was to assign duties. Even if the head steward has some preference for Sui Yuan, it is absolutely impossible for him to put children who have not received any training with the masters. Sui Yuan's group of candidates were chosen to be rough envoys, no matter how they were assigned, they couldn't escape this category.

The butler looked at Sui Yuan, pondered for a moment: "As for can go to the big kitchen!"

"Yes!" Sui Yuan showed a bit of just right confusion, but still obediently responded. The butler's eyes softened a little: "When you get to the big kitchen, work hard and listen to Mrs. Li!"

"Little man understands." Sui Yuan nodded, looking at the big butler with a particularly eager look, the big butler couldn't help showing a smile on his always serious face, and raised his hand at Sui Yuan without disgust Rubbing lightly on Xi's withered and yellow hair: "Go."

Sui Yuan was flattered and hurriedly saluted, then was taken down by the rest of the servants to take a shower, changed into clean clothes, and then was sent to the big kitchen.

The big kitchen is a place rich in oil and water, the work is not tiring, and there is also a small stove, which is especially suitable for children like Sui Yuan... who don't look healthy at first glance.

Of course, in the big kitchen, Sui Yuan's aura also gave a strong sense of presence. Compared with the big housekeeper who is good at restraint, Mrs. Li, the steward of the big kitchen, couldn't help the flood of maternal love when she saw Sui Yuan. Seeing his thin appearance, she couldn't bear to let him do heavy work such as chopping firewood and carrying water, so she just gave him An easy job of lighting a fire was arranged.

Although Sui Yuan had never learned how to make a fire with such an earthen stove before, he was very smart. After being taught by Mrs. Li once, he quickly got started. Aunt Li's favorite is to try to steal and play tricks.

Although Sui Yuan's good treatment made the "old people" in other big kitchens quite jealous, but the rules in the mansion have always been strict, and Sui Yuan's aura made it hard to really hate him, so for the time being, he maintained a certain calmness.

After the busy dinner time, Sui Yuan got a big bowl full of rice. Mrs. Li's cooking skills are very good, although she doesn't need to be particular about the appearance of the food for her servants, but the taste is not to be picky about. This body has been hungry for a long time, Sui Yuan naturally ate it unceremoniously after thanking him, but also because of being hungry for too long, his stomach shrank, and he really couldn't eat too much for a while.

"You have to eat if you can't eat it! Look at you with thin arms and legs! Even my daughter who likes to be pretty looks stronger than you!" Aunt Li was dissatisfied with picking another chopstick dish for Sui Yuan, raising her eyebrows. Sui Yuan couldn't resist, so he could only hold on and eat until the meal was over, he was paralyzed on the stool and didn't want to move at all.

Only then did Mrs. Li rub his head in satisfaction, and mercifully let him go back to the house to rest, and tidy up the room by the way. Anyway, the big kitchen will be very idle for the next period of time, and it doesn't matter if one less person works.

Even though Sui Yuan didn't want to be lazy, but at this moment he was really powerless, so he could only resign embarrassingly and return to the room he was assigned.

The servant's room is not a single family, but four people share a room. Although the servants almost sleep with their pillows on after a day's work, it is still a constraint for Sui Yuan.

There are countless jobs to do during the day, and you have to live with other people at night, plus those patrolling soldiers, even if there is 0007 who can report Zhao Xihe's location at any time, it is really difficult for Sui Yuan to find free time to sneak out A "coincidence".

—Looks like... you can only use props...

Sui Yuan scratched his hair in some annoyance, turned his head to look at 5237, and 5237 immediately opened his exchange page knowingly, to help his miser master who rarely planned to spend to choose suitable props.

Sui Yuan chose a Ningshen incense stick and an invisibility talisman, the former would allow his servants in the same room to sleep soundly, and would not wake up in the middle of the night to discover something that should not be discovered, while the latter would allow him to have a Shi Chen's stealth time effectively avoids patrolling soldiers.

All is ready except for the opportunity. Sui Yuan tidied up his own wooden bed and small cabinet, then greeted the other servants, then lay down on the bed under the pretext of lack of energy, quietly waiting for the night to come.

—Hope this operation goes well...