It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 198: The eighteenth world (2)


In the dead of night, Sui Yuan lit Ning Shen incense, took an invisibility amulet on himself, and tiptoed out of the room.

According to 0007's news, Zhao Xihe was in the study at this time, and he drew a map of the mansion for him with extra consideration, and even marked the patrol routes of the soldiers.

Sui Yuan turned his head and took a look at 5237, feeling more and more...other people's brains are good, but 5237, who doesn't even know that he is being disliked, is happily looking for directions and helping his master find the way.

After evading the patrol of the guards again, Sui Yuan finally came to the brightly lit study room. He hesitated for a moment, then reached out and poked on the paper window, peeking at the situation inside the study room—this is Sui Yuan. It was the first time he did such a "sneaky" thing, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, not to mention that the person in the study was not the Zhao Xihe he was familiar with, if he was caught, it would be really hard to say what would happen.

Just when Sui Yuan moved his eyes to the hole in the window paper nervously, before he could clearly see the scene inside, the window in front of him was suddenly opened. Sui Yuan almost exclaimed, but luckily he still remembered the invisibility talisman on his body, so he just held his breath and didn't dare to move.

Zhao Xihe's status in this world can be regarded as a jade-faced general, so he naturally looks good. However, his handsome and fair appearance couldn't hide the evil spirit around him at all. Those long and narrow phoenix eyes were particularly sharp, and he slowly scanned the night scene outside the window. He didn't know if he noticed something was wrong, or he just opened the window to let in some air.

Sui Yuan prayed that it was the latter, but unfortunately, even if he lost part of his memory, Zhao Xihe would definitely not be stupid. After noticing anything unusual, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "I know someone is there, are you planning to come out by yourself, or do you want to wait until the time limit for the props on you runs out, and then I will catch you out?"

Sui Yuan: "... ... ... ..."

—Even though 0007 can't be seen at all, at this moment, Sui Yuan can't wait to spray him in the face. What a good partner! Is it really okay to sell teammates so eagerly? ! I'm not ready yet!

Sui Yuan silently took back his previous praise for 0007. Compared with the scheming 0007, the stupid and cute 5237 was more in tune with him. Sui Yuan stroked his forehead helplessly, raised his hand and tore off the invisibility talisman on his body, stood up calmly and looked at Zhao Xihe.

The moment he saw Sui Yuan, Zhao Xihe frowned involuntarily, and blurted out dissatisfied words: "Why are you so thin?"

As soon as the words fell, both Sui Yuan and Zhao Xihe couldn't help being stunned for a moment. The former was puzzled by the familiarity of the other party's tone—what about the sealed memory? —and the latter, too, wondered at his unbrained words.

After a pause, Zhao Xihe took the lead to get out of the window and signaled Sui Yuan to come in. Sui Yuan also turned into the study through the window like a stream of good will, and looked at Zhao Xihe with some doubts: "Do you still remember me?"

"Should I remember you?" Zhao Xihe replied casually, closing the open window, and then glanced at the hole in the window with some distaste, "I really wonder if you are the one who was summoned to help me , to use such a... not high-grade method to peep."

Sui Yuan: "... ... ... ..."

—Did Zhao Xihe in the past have such a poisonous tongue! Help, I can't remember! qaq

"My points... Cough, not many." Sui Yuan, who had been hit by Zhao Xihe knowingly, rubbed his nose resentfully.

"Yes, I can tell, so I used the cheapest one-hour invisibility talisman." Zhao Xihe smiled mockingly, and raised his chin toward the chair, "Sit."

Sui Yuan: "... ... ... ..."

— It is impossible to be happy friends together! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Just when Sui Yuan was slandering his lover for turning his face and denying him, a stack of translucent cloaks appeared in front of him. Sui Yuan accepted it in surprise, looked up at Zhao Xihe, and was sprayed impatiently by the other party: "Don't put on such a stupid look, I'm just worried that your one-hour invisibility talisman will hinder me, Temporarily give you an invisibility cloak."

Sui Yuan was silent for a while, thanked in a low voice, moved and heartbroken, stuffed the invisibility cloak into the space of 5237.

Seeing that Sui Yuan obediently accepted his gift, Zhao Xihe's expression became obviously much happier, and even he himself felt a little baffled. Shaking off the strange feeling in his heart, Zhao Xihe sat down opposite Sui Yuan, and endured a little awkwardness and knocked on the table: "So, how do you plan to help me this time?"

Although he asked the question like this, Zhao Xihe was a little absent-minded. He always felt that the current position and angle of view were a bit wrong - he should sit next to the young man in front of him, or even... a little closer...

"How to help..." Sui Yuan was a little confused, he didn't know how to express it more appropriately, so he could only tell the truth, "Stay by your side?"

Zhao Xihe was taken aback for a moment, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop turning up. He was in such a happy mood that even he himself felt extremely weird. In order to resist this feeling, he frowned on purpose: "Stay by my side? What are you doing? Acting as a mascot?!"

Sui Yuan: "... ... ... ..."

—Sorry, it seems that he came here this time to act as a "mascot"...

After silently reading "They are not lovers now" three times, Sui Yuan asked for advice: "Then, what should I do?"

"Our task is to hunt down the saboteurs. The current saboteurs are..." After a pause, Zhao Xihe didn't continue to speak, but just raised his eyes to stare at Sui Yuan, making him feel hairy all over.

After a while, Zhao Xihe, who was defeated by the psychological struggle, waved his hands in a broken way: "Forget it, you better not go, with your stupid appearance, being discovered by that guy, you can only give away your head."

Sui Yuan: "... ... ... ..."

— No, there is really no way to continue this conversation... No matter what you say, you will be ridiculed, it is unbearable!

Sui Yuan was entangled here, but Zhao Xihe was even more entangled there than him. Since the appearance of this sallow and emaciated cosplayer, something is wrong with him! Zhao Xihe has always felt that he is normal—even after experiencing so many worlds, he still has a correct three views (?) and mentality, and has never developed any weird hobbies, but this belief has completely disappeared tonight. was subverted.

He didn't want to see the actor's sallow, emaciated, and frail appearance, and wanted to raise him to be white, fat, fresh and tender—because it looked easier to talk about; he didn't want the other party to do anything, just wanted to He is placed in front of his eyes, and he can stare at it all the time, never leaving.

— This is simply perverted!

Zhao Xihe sighed for a long time, pressed his temples to try to calm himself down: "So, what is your job in the mansion now?"

"Big kitchen." Sui Yuan blinked.

Zhao Xihe reflexively calculated the distance between the big kitchen and his courtyard, and then frowned dissatisfiedly: "From tomorrow onwards, you will be my personal servant."

Sui Yuan: "...What excuse do you use?"

"What's an 'excuse'?" Zhao Xihe raised his eyebrows, his tone leaking domineering, "In the mansion, or even in this country, my words are the rules, and there is no need for any excuses!"

Sui Yuan: "... I understand, then tomorrow I will come to your place to be on duty."

Seeing the actor in front of him stand up speechless, Zhao Xihe subconsciously wanted to punch himself - he really didn't really want to say such speechless words! But for some reason, in front of this actor, he always wants to show off and express himself, just like a male peacock courting a mate, shaking his gorgeous feathers uncontrollably, completely forgetting that he is exposed outside The ugly ass.

Zhao Xihe's hand on the table could not help but clenched into a fist, so he could not hold onto the opponent's arm, and forced him to stay. Zhao Xihe felt that he had to calm down—to calm down alone, in order to get rid of this situation where his emotions were completely out of control.

When he woke up the next day, Sui Yuan hadn't had time to go to the big kitchen to be on duty, so he was called to the chief manager. Facing Sui Yuan's surprised gaze, the Chief Manager looked thoughtful: "My lord said, I want you to go to his side and serve him personally."

Although he knew the news a long time ago, Sui Yuan still showed a surprised expression.

"Did you meet the Lord yesterday?" Even though the initial liking for Sui Yuan was good because of the halo, at this moment, the chief executive is still vigilant and scrutinizing Sui Yuan, even if his tone is mild.

Sui Yuan hesitated for a moment, then shrank and lowered his head: "Small... I don't know who is the master, so... I don't know..."

The chief manager's eyes finally softened a little, and he nodded clearly: "Anyway, going to be an errand next to the lord in the future is no different than in other places. You must be careful, do your duty, and don't make any mistakes. Otherwise, watch out for your life!"

Sui Yuan was so frightened that his eye sockets turned red, with tears in his eye sockets, wanting to fall but not falling, the chief executive's heart ached for a while. It's just that there must be absolutely no less of what should be instructed, otherwise it will only harm the other party. The head manager hardened his heart and threatened and threatened, and finally led Sui Yuan, who cried hard and seemed to say goodbye to this world the next day, to the main courtyard where Zhao Xihe was.

Originally, it was enough for the chief manager to hand over Sui Yuan to the steward of the main courtyard, but that steward smiled and led them directly to Zhao Xihe.

Seeing the young man's eyes flushed with tears, which were even more radiant and moist under the baptism of tears, Zhao Xihe's expression suddenly darkened: "Why are you crying? Who is so bold!"

The chief executive who lay innocently lying on the gun: "..."

Although I don't know what I did wrong, but since the master is unhappy, it must be the fault of these servants. Although the chief executive was old, he still had quick legs and feet. He immediately lifted his robe and knelt down on the ground, pleading guilty.

This Great Elder has been with Zhao Xihe for a long time, and he has made great contributions. Now that he is old and no longer suitable for the battlefield, he is arranged to take the position of Chief Supervisor to provide for the elderly.

Although Zhao Xihe usually treats this old man with great respect, but at this moment, he really has no intention of respecting the old man. When he saw Sui Yuan who was full of panic, he also knelt down and stepped to his side , grabbed his arm and lifted him up.

Sui Yuan: "..."

-brother! Acting and playing a full set, what are you doing? !

Zhao Xihe: "..."

—I also really want to know what I'm going to do!

After a moment of eye contact, Zhao Xihe coughed lightly, reluctantly let go of Sui Yuan's arm, and looked at the chief manager: "Mr. Zhang, get up, I slept a little late yesterday, and my mind is a little confused , don't be offended."

With Zhao Xihe's support, the Chief Manager got up silently: "..."

— "Sleep" is just a child! Don't let it take the blame for everything! Just let it go!

Seeing that the matter subsided, the steward of the main courtyard took the opportunity to come over with a smile: "Since it's all right, why don't I take this child down to change clothes and tidy up the room?"

Zhao Xihe frowned, he didn't want the person he just saw to leave so soon, so he waved his hand impatiently: "It's just a servant, there are so many rules, just wait by my side! As for the luggage What the hell... You just find someone to help him clean up."

—Obviously, although I tossed and turned for almost a whole night of self-struggle and psychological construction last night, these were undoubtedly all paper tigers in front of Sui Yuan, and I didn’t even need to poke them, they were completely broken, and they were broken very quickly , no pressure.

Seeing Zhao Xihe greet Shang Suiyuan and then walk towards the study, the steward of the main courtyard and the chief executive looked at each other, feeling a little unbelievable.

"I seem to finally understand why the lord is in his thirties, not only is there no mistress in the house, even the concubines are gone..." The steward of the main courtyard was slightly stunned, with a bit of sudden realization, "It doesn't matter No matter how beautiful, gentle, and versatile those young ladies from aristocratic families are, the lord will never take a second look at them, and they will turn their faces mercilessly if they get entangled a little bit, so it turns out..."

Chief Manager: “………………”

"It's just, I can't see how beautiful and lovely that young man is just now? He looks very ordinary, and his personality is too timid to make it to the big stage. My lord, what the hell is it..." He put back the rebellious words that doubted his master's aesthetics.

"...Be careful." The chief manager stroked his beard, and then slowly warned, "The one you mentioned just now is very likely to become the second young master of the house."

The steward of the main courtyard choked for a moment, with a look of apprehension and disbelief: "No, can't you? How can the Lord be so ridiculous..."

"I have been with the lord for so many years, and I know him better than you!" The chief executive sighed and shook his head, "The lord is not absurd, but stubborn, and he will not give up until he achieves his goal. One of the generals under his seat had no money, no food, no soldiers, and no reputation, but he was dissatisfied with Xia Gong's actions and led the crowd to leave. At that time, who didn't say that he was absurd, stupid, and hopeless? But now? Xia Gong Long gone, but the Lord sits on several counties and three parts of the world!" After a pause, the chief executive looked up to the sky and sighed, "The general situation of the world is still like this, let alone such a small boy! You have to be careful, don't let him go!" Offended someone who shouldn't be offended!"

The steward of the main courtyard was told that his face was pale and his back was wet with sweat. He bowed his hands again and again to thank the head steward for reminding him, and couldn't help sighing: "I really can't see that that young man is so lucky to be favored by the lord..."

"Isn't it? I didn't think of it at the time. I just stayed with him for a while because I saw how pitiful he was." The head manager nodded, not knowing whether he was grateful or regretful, "However, that child is indeed quite touching. I can't help but want to take more care... "

——As for Sui Yuan, who was lamented by the chief executive and the steward of the main courtyard as a great fortune, he was standing in front of Zhao Xihe's desk at this moment, rolling up his sleeves and rubbing ink for him. However, Zhao Xihe, who was going to deal with official business, was a little out of control and distracted because of Sui Yuan's presence. With a tick of the ink pen, several young masters appeared vividly on the paper.

Looking at the young man who was as gentle as jade, gorgeous and passionate, or as cold as ice on the paper, Zhao Xihe was a little dumbfounded, and subconsciously looked at Sui Yuan, fearing that the other party would show displeasure.

Sui Yuan glanced at it casually, showing surprise, and called 5237 repeatedly: "These... are me? Didn't you say that he has no memory?"

"Well, it should be that your stimulation has worked. He is slowly recovering. When he fully remembers, it's time to get rid of the fusion." 5237 replied with relief.

"Uh... I don't know why I drew these people... I don't know them at all!" Zhao Xihe met Su Yuan's gaze, and argued nervously and awkwardly.

Sui Yuan nodded, and gave him a look of approval: "Yes, the painting is not bad!"

Zhao Xihe: "………………"

— For some reason, do you suddenly feel a little stuffy