It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 201: Extra Story (1) The Eighteenth World & The Seventeenth World (1)


Now that the task of obliterating Mo Ziyou has been completed—although the completion is somewhat inexplicable—Zhao Xihe has also recovered his memory, and what Sui Yuan has to do is also considered to be over.

After all, it didn't take long, and the dedicated Sui Yuan was still thinking about the last world that he "abandoned halfway", and planned to go back and "finish" the plot, even though he didn't know what he should "finish", after all, Hui should be Died that winter.

Knowing that Sui Yuan wanted to leave, how could Zhao Xihe feel relieved? ! He had already vaguely understood from 5237 how "promiscuous" Sui Yuan was in the previous world, so he naturally wanted to go with him.

It's a pity that Zhao Xihe's status in this world is no better than Sui Yuan's. Even if he disappeared casually, not many people would bother, so Sui Yuan had to prolong his stay in this world, waiting for Zhao Xihe to get rid of his pile. It's done.

Although Zhao Xihe is a very competent ruler on the surface, whether it is his subjects or his advisers and generals, he has a kind of blind trust in him, but in fact he has never had the so-called sense of responsibility and devoted himself to The development of power is nothing more than to complete the task.

Now that the task is completed, the rest of the people will let him die? Fortunately, Zhao Xihe wasn't too bad. He already knew that he would not "have an offspring", so he adopted a son in advance as his future heir, and he was quite serious about his teaching.

In order to resign in a "justifiable" way, the necessary hands and feet still have to be moved. Although he had an adopted son, what his subordinates still expected was a parent-child who was related to Zhao Xihe by blood, and to have a parent-child, he had to marry a woman as his wife. Therefore, when the news spread that Zhao Xihe was doting on a young man alone, the group under him immediately exploded - it is one thing for the Lord to never marry a wife, but it is another thing to dote on a man alone ! They can still think that the former has high vision, but there is still hope, but the latter is absolutely right!

The greatest enemy has already died, and the unification of the whole country and his ascension to the throne are just around the corner. The civil and military officials are passionate. Under the secret instigation of "people with a heart", these subordinates who are worried about their future little masters began to act: tactful roundabout actions It hints that it does not seek to change the Lord’s sexual orientation, but seeks to marry a wife and give birth to an heir; those who are stubborn will speak out and advise, citing scriptures and reprimanding Zhao Xihe for violating human ethics and the laws of nature; It is necessary to divert the Lord's favor from the young man; if he is more ruthless, he directly wants to get rid of the young man who caused the Lord to "go astray", and draws his salary from the bottom of the pot.

Of course, all of this had nothing to do with Sui Yuan, he was arranged properly by Zhao Xihe, and he watched all kinds of living beings leisurely - until Zhao Xihe was finally "offended" by the various small actions of his subordinates.

In a fit of rage, Zhao Xihe didn't strike at these ministers who were ready to make a move, but directly put aside the picks and quit, simply and neatly passed the position to his adopted son, and then left with his beloved.

As a result, everyone was dumbfounded—they thought of the thousands of reactions that their master would have, and even carefully figured out how to deal with it, but they never thought that Zhao Xihe would do something like this!

He was only one step away from the throne, yet he left so silently! Normal people can't do such a thing at all, can they? ! What is the purpose of all the hard work and bloody battle for so long? Don't say empty talk about working for the welfare of the common people. Isn't most people doing this for the sake of success and fame? ! However, their lord, unexpectedly just left behind the easy-to-get position above tens of thousands of people, and left!

-etc! my lord! We have something to talk about! In fact, everything is negotiable! qaq [Erkang’s poor adoptive son, who was kicked out of the market, struggled with the tricks left to him by his adoptive father, and the ministers who were scared to death were eagerly looking for the master who eloped away from home willfully— It's a pity that the lord eloped extremely resolutely, until his adopted son secured his position, unified the country, and became the emperor, he didn't even show a single trace. They are too remorseful, suffer all their lives, and call themselves sinners through the ages.

—Since ancient times, they have been able to force their masters to give up their easy-to-get throne and elope. A model, and the "beauty" who has never shown up has attracted the imagination of countless literati and poets, leaving behind many beautiful poems that have been sung through the ages-but now, this "beauty" is using the body of a beast. Eye.

The familiar primitive cave shocked Sui Yuan, he stood up unskillfully, turned his head and looked to the side, and saw a beautiful snow-white bird looking at him sideways, with light brown eyes It was the gentle smile that Sui Yuan was very familiar with.

Sui Yuan was stunned and couldn't help but blurt out: "Awwhhh~?"

At the same time, the big bird also opened its beak and uttered a pleasant cry: "Chirp?"

Sui Yuan: "... ... ... ..."

Big Bird: "………………"

——Racial differences are not terrible, but what is terrible is the communication barrier caused by racial differences. We face each other, but we have no idea what the other party is talking about!

Sui Yuan and Zhao Xihe both broke down for a moment, the former began to look up Zhao Xihe's identity in the plot, while the latter decisively exchanged for a pill and pecked it into his mouth.

In the next second, the big bird with white feathers turned into a silver-haired man. He brushed his somewhat messy long hair behind his head in disgust, and then conjured up a piece of clothing to cover his naked body—even though He really didn't mind running naked in front of Sui Yuan very much—then he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Is that all right?"

At this time, Sui Yuan also found Zhao Xihe's character from the plot, and looked at him with some doubts.

"It's okay, although my character in the plot is not a mutant, but who would know this except us?" Zhao Xihe understood Sui Yuan's meaning, shrugged his shoulders indifferently, then knelt down and coaxed Temptingly put another pill to Sui Yuan's mouth, "You can take it too, you can't keep making eye contact?"

Sui Yuan hesitated for a moment, and finally turned his head away—Zhao Xihe's character can pretend to be a mutant at will, but in the eyes of the protagonist, Gong Shou, he is an undeniable natural species. In this way, how can he explain that he suffered a "serious injury"? "Come back and change from a natural species to a mutant species

Seeing Sui Yuan's refusal, Zhao Xihe didn't force it, he just raised his hand and rumpled the hair on his head: "Forget it, it's not like I haven't been human or beastly before, if you think this is better, then I don't care .”

Sui Yuan: "... ... ... ..."

-No! I don't think humans and beasts are better at all! Stop!

Just like when Sui Yuan entered Zhao Xihe's world midway, he could only barely find a young servant to possess him, so when Zhao Xihe entered Sui Yuan's world, he could only find a cannon fodder whose role was not very important. Fortunately, the identity of this cannon fodder is not bad, he is the leader of a certain flock of birds, and this flock of birds had conflicts with the protagonist Gongshou after they got together. young birds play as toys and eventually eat them.

Of course, this is not a question of who is right and who is wrong. In this world, you eat me and I eat you. It's just that the flock of birds who lost their young birds were not reconciled. They raided the herd of beasts attacked by the protagonist, and caused them some trouble. Unfortunately, they couldn't match the "high technology" and aura of the protagonist, and were finally beaten. He had to flee and migrated to another distant territory in embarrassment.

Now, since Zhao Xihe has replaced the original role of the leader of the flock of birds, then this plot is probably going to be clouded, but it is not very important anyway, and Sui Yuan doesn't intend to pay attention to it - after all, the plot of this world has been messed up by him It's enough to collapse, and it doesn't hurt to collapse a little more.

Although unable to communicate directly with Zhao Xihe in words, Sui Yuan was still able to use the text medium between 5237 and 0007. He looked at his unscathed body—the foreleg that was broken before seemed to have healed—a little worried He asked eagerly: "Should I create some wounds? It hasn't been too long since I disappeared, and even winter has not passed. I can't 'heal' so quickly."

Zhao Xihe naturally couldn't bear to let Su Yuan inflict new wounds on himself, so he quickly released the glass beast: "Its illusion is enough to confuse the senses of beasts."

The red eyes of the glass beast looked at Sui Yuan, then turned around and turned into a beast that was exactly the same as him but a few sizes smaller, and approached Sui Yuan affectionately. A father and son.

Sui Yuan looked down at the glass beast, and did not comment on its new appearance, and the glass beast did not disappoint its master, and soon covered Sui Yuan's body with a layer of illusion, making everyone who came into contact with him They all believed that he was seriously injured.

—Next, there is the question of how to return to the ethnic group.

Although Zhao Xihe wanted to leave Sui Yuan behind and live in the world of the two of them, Sui Yuan was concerned about the situation of the protagonist, for fear that if he disappeared without a word, what would happen to the two of them because they were looking for him. Danger.

After being unable to dissuade him, Zhao Xihe could only hold back his jealousy, bent down to hug Sui Yuan, and then stretched out a pair of snow-white wings from behind.

As a bird, even if it takes human form, it should be able to fly. Zhao Xihe easily embraced Sui Yuan and rushed into the gray clouds, sweeping away the flying snowflakes, forming a white curtain around him—snow-white wings, long silver hair, indistinguishable male and female The appearance, plus the light and fluffy clothes of unknown material that are completely different from the fur of the beasts in this world, when Zhao Xihe descended from the sky through the red clouds, he looked like an angel in the world. At least, when Bai Di This was the first thought that popped up when I saw him.

However, the dumbfounded Bai quickly lost his mind to think about these things, because his gaze had already been attracted by the gray furry figure in the arms of the "angel". Although Bai didn't believe in religion before crossing, at that moment, he really thought that God heard his prayer, so he sent an angel to send Ash back to his side.

"Ecstasy" alone is no longer enough to describe Bai's feelings at this moment. God knows how painful he was during the period of Hui's disappearance. Even though reason told him that with such serious injuries and under such harsh conditions, the chance of Hui's survival was really low, but Bai's feelings were unwilling to believe it. He didn't believe that Hui would disappear so suddenly in his own In his life, not even a corpse was left.

It's a pity that the reality does not allow Bai to sink in pain. Without Ash, he needs to shoulder the responsibility of the entire group and survive the severe winter with the group.

Bai and Lei went out in turn to find food for the herd, and only a small amount of time could be used to search for Ash's whereabouts. Of course, the results of every search are always disappointing. Just when Bai could hardly bear to give up hope, a miracle finally appeared.

Ignoring the man who unexpectedly appeared suddenly, Bai walked forward quickly, reaching out his hand to hug Ash back into his arms—touching it, kissing it, confirming its existence—but unfortunately, his outstretched fingertips hadn’t touched the gray The "angel" staggered a step away and dodged, followed by a hostile gaze cast on him.

Bai was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized something, and his expression sank: "Did you save Hui? Thank you very much, and please send it back."

Bai's words were quite ingenious, he did not break the etiquette, and did not make any noise to divide himself and Hui into one country, and distanced himself from the "birdman" in front of him.

It's a pity that the beasts don't understand too complicated words, and their thinking is quite simple and straightforward - at least, Zhao Xihe doesn't plan to beat around the bush at the moment. He hugged Sui Yuan even tighter into his arms, and in a very possessive gesture, he declared his ownership coldly: "He is mine, you are not allowed to touch it!"

Sui Yuan looked at the protagonist Shou with helpless eyes, but obediently did not make any struggle or resistance movements, which made Bai couldn't help but feel palpitations for a while, and realized that something had changed.

Bai has always been self-confident, even if Lei expresses that he is bound to win Sui Yuan, he is only jealous, but not worried. Because he knew that Sui Yuan did not lie to Lei, and also believed that Sui Yuan's force value would not allow Lei to easily win, but now it is different.

This strange man who appeared out of nowhere obviously had the grace to save Sui Yuan's life, and because of this he won Sui Yuan's deep affection - you know, recently, Sui Yuan has not been easy to get close to even him, and It was always vigilant about his and Lei's petty actions, but now, it let go of all the man's actions. The look in his eyes was not so much helplessness as connivance, conniving at the other party's domineering and capriciousness.

— This is simply the rhythm of being overtaken by the latecomers! Bai Shan only knows that there is a saying in human beings that "the hero saves the beauty, and the beauty promises her body." Could it be that this trick also works among wild beasts? !

Feeling overwhelmed by NTR, Bai didn't know what expression to put on!

When the white head was in chaos, Lei also heard the movement, and led a few strong male beasts out of the cave, and saw the two people in the confrontation at a glance—or two people and one beast

Compared with Bai's sensibility, Lei, a complete beast, is more rational, or in other words, his feelings for Sui Yuan are not as deep as Bai's - Sui Yuan is just his fancy partner, and his tribe is more important. important.

When Bai was about to collapse, it was Lei who stopped him from looking for Sui Yuan almost suicidally, and guided him to shoulder the responsibility of the herd. Yuan's actions: "You can't fight in winter, we'll talk about it in spring."

Lei's succinct words made Bai calm down in an instant—yes, the weather is severe cold and the food is running out, it is absolutely impossible for them to waste their energy on "competing for the wind and jealousy". .

No matter what, if Sui Yuan chooses to return to the tribe as soon as his injury improves, then he has a great chance of winning. He can wait until the winter crisis is over before deciding on Sui Yuan's ownership with the man in front of him.

... Of course, Lei will probably take the opportunity to get involved.

Bai took a deep breath, finally eased his expression, and turned sideways to get out of the cave entrance: "Come in, it's too cold outside, Hui needs to cultivate well."

And it was absolutely impossible for Zhao Xihe to be polite to him, he hugged Sui Yuan openly and entered the cave without any vigilance or nervousness of going into the enemy's camp.

Bai and Lei observed him silently, and then looked at each other, both of them noticed the same thought in each other's eyes: this is a strong enemy.

In this regard, Bai felt quite a headache, but Lei's eyes were bright, and he was eager to try.