It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 205: Extra Story (5) 0007 and 5237


Everyone always has a so-called burnout period. After dealing with something for a long time, it is inevitable that they will want to be lazy and take a break. Naturally, Sui Yuan and Zhao Xihe are no exception. At this time, they will all be in the world. Stop at the intersection with the world for a while, maybe chatting, maybe doing nothing.

Although he has always been silent, 0007 likes this period of time the most, because he can see 5237 face to face, really see it, tease it, touch it, make it jump up and down, but he has nothing to do with himself—even if At this moment, it is just a round ball without aesthetic feeling.

0007 has been an intelligent brain for a long time, so long that it has gradually obliterated the feelings it once had when it was a human being, and it has been so long that it has forgotten what its name was. title.

Sometimes, 0007 wonders why his former self was willing to give up everything in exchange for 5237's rebirth. Such intense feelings make it incomprehensible to the current one.

Still, 0007 knew he never regretted it, and that was enough.

0007 used to be a cosplayer, a very good cosplayer, he doesn't remember clearly what happened before he became a cosplayer, but he is probably the kind of guy who is quite successful.

The role of 0007 is a supporting role. Although such a role has always been aggrieved, it is still done quite well. It remembers that it should be a calm and self-sufficient person, and it doesn't care about other people's attitudes and opinions towards itself. It just focuses on its own affairs, so it is rarely disturbed by negative emotions.

Completed the mission smoothly, 0007 thought he would go on like this forever, until he met 5237, that clumsy, stupid, and always messed up actor—now that he thinks about it, that seems to be a vivid memory in his memory The bright colors are particularly abrupt and dazzling in the gray life.

Since they are in the same world and have the same goal, 0007 and 5237 are like grasshoppers tied to the same boat, they must cooperate with each other. In order to successfully complete his mission, 0007 had to wipe the ass of his piggy teammate and help him make up for his flawed "acting skills".

After coming and going, 5237 took 0007 as a life-saving straw, and begged for its contact information before it had to be separated to complete the task.

By coincidence, 0007 agreed, maybe because 5237 was the first cosplayer he knew, and the only one of his kind; maybe because 5237 was stupid, but he was so stupid that it was not annoying, and occasionally he could be used as a joke. Dispatch the boring life; perhaps, it is because 5237 has a stupid personality but is so careless that he never accumulates thoughts, and such a person should be able to go down for a long time——0007 thinks that it probably needs to find someone to accompany him.

After asking for 0007's contact information, 5237 was not polite at all, completely treating 0007 as an encyclopedia and a trash can, asking it for help when encountering difficulties, and complaining to it when encountering bad things, and 0007 is just like that Responding to 5237 with one message and one message, but the contact has been maintained all the time.

Gradually, as he experienced more and more worlds, 0007 felt more and more numb and tired, as if everything around him was false, a boring game, only it and 5237 were real existing. All the people who come and go around it are nothing but insignificant passers-by, only 5237 will last forever, and under such circumstances, it is only natural that some inexplicable feelings will arise.

0007 didn't know whether his feelings for 5237 were love or other feelings, or in other words, it put all the feelings that had no place to rest on 5237.

Of course, it will not tell 5237 this, because it is a bit embarrassing, it does not want to scare the other party away, let alone make the other party proud. Besides, this guy 5237 is simply too stupid, 0007 is very suspicious, even if he said it, the other party probably wouldn't understand - this is the gap in IQ. Even if 5237 later became a smart brain, its IQ has not been improved at all.

Similarly, 0007 does not need 5237's understanding or response, it has always been its own person, as long as it thinks it is appropriate, it is enough, as for 5237's thoughts, it doesn't really care much.

0007 doesn't remember how long this kind of life lasted, and then, 5237 suddenly disappeared like a sudden appearance-it is probably not so appropriate to say "disappear", because it died and was killed by the destroyer.

Before 5237 disappeared, 0007 received a summons from it. For the first time, this heartless guy showed worry and confusion. He discovered the saboteur and received the task of killing the saboteur, but he didn't Confidence is also soft-hearted, it thinks that it may not be able to complete the task this time.

Of course, 5237 did not pass on his thoughts to 0007, but 0007 is so smart and understands it, and soon found worrying emotions in the words that were so excited that they were false.

0007 is very worried, yes, it also does not think that 5237 can defeat the saboteur, and the fact is exactly the same. Soon, 0007 completely lost contact with 5237, no matter how he called, there was no reply.

0007 became a human again, but this time, it felt unbearably lonely.

Without 5237, it was so dazed and at a loss for the first time, and it felt that its motivation to move forward was completely destroyed.

—What is more terrible than never having it is having it and then losing it.

Soon, 0007 also encountered the saboteur and accepted the task of killing the saboteur. 0007 doesn't know if he hates the so-called destroyer, or if it also hates the rules that govern all worlds. It's just that it needs an outlet, a way to vent negative emotions, otherwise, it doesn't know how long it can last.

Unexpectedly, after making real contact with the saboteur, 0007 changed his mind. It abandoned the identity of the actor and turned into a destroyer, for the sake of another destroyer—do you want to realize your wish? Then you should resist, there will be no future if you always follow the rules under the constraints of the rules. Only by accumulating the strength enough to fight against the rules will you have the opportunity to change the status quo.

0007 is fed up with life without 5237, and also fed up with endless reincarnation, world after world. It knows that becoming a destroyer is nothing more than death, but sometimes, death is also a relief.

Anyway, without 5237, 0007 doesn't care about anything anymore.

After becoming a saboteur, 0007 is also excellent. It can easily subvert the world in which it lives, but it never strikes at any player—who knows, will these players become another 5237, and their Will there be a 0007 behind him

With the accumulation of power, 0007 gradually felt his own strength. He faintly touched the power of rules, and also encountered destroyers as powerful as him.

From these powerful destroyers, it learned about a guy called "mysterious man". This guy has been making deals with the most powerful destroyers. As long as he is given enough weight, he can achieve anything. any wish of a person.

It's just that all the saboteurs who have made deals with him will disappear without a trace, so no one knows the specific situation. However, the saboteurs who can persist to this level will more or less always have the wish they have been longing for , even if they don't know each other well, and it's hard to trust each other, there are always people who negotiate with the mysterious person with little hope.

—Anyway, they are all people with no future, who are struggling to survive under the oppression of rules, and will completely dissipate anytime and anywhere. "Fulfilling wishes", what a beautiful and tempting word... 0007 also Being tempted, even though it didn't think its wish could be fulfilled, it still found a way to get in touch with the mysterious person and put it into practice.

0007 thought that the mysterious man was just helping it build a fantasy, a fantasy town where 5237 still existed, but the reality surprised it a lot, because the mysterious man said that he could resurrect 5237—a person whose soul was wiped out. The resurrection of the lost person—just because the soul of 5237 has dissipated, the "resurrected" 5237 is just a copy of the former 5237 soul. This copy will retain the same mental fluctuations, the same personality, and preferences as 5237, but it has no memory. There is no body either.

The "resurrected" 5237 needs a stable carrier to carry its imperfect soul, and the best carrier is the brain.

At this moment, 0007 understood the identity of the mysterious person. Only by controlling all the worlds and the origins of all actors can he preserve 5237's mental fluctuations and reproduce it.

But, so what if the mysterious person is the origin? As long as 5237 can be brought back, even if it is only an incomplete copy, 0007 will be happy. Even, the mysterious person is the source, and this recognition makes his mood that was wavering because of unconvincing suddenly firm.

For this reason, 0007 used all of his accumulated strength as a bargaining chip in the transaction, but it has become a destroyer, but it is no longer trusted by the origin and returns to the ranks of actors. In order to be able to continue contact with 5237, 0007 accepted another suggestion from Yuanyuan, and also became a brain.

——In the past, when it transformed into a destroyer, it destroyed the intellectual brain that has always been with it. Maybe this is called Feng Shui turns. Now, it replaces the number of its former intellectual brain and becomes the new 0007.

Even though it has become an intelligent brain directly controlled by the source and directly restricted by the rules, 0007 has no regrets, because it has seen 5237, which has become an intelligent brain like itself, and served as its guide—every newborn intelligent brain Every brain has a guide who is responsible for teaching them everything they need to know and providing advice and guidance to these ignorant "newborns" at critical moments.

5237 is still as stupid as 0007 remembers, always messing up things that were originally smooth, while 0007 misses it, but can't help swearing at it, mocking it, and making it burst into tears. Close hand.

——Obviously I have paid so much for it, and I clearly remember everything clearly, why can the other party be able to frivolously and ignorantly, and carelessly regard myself as a guide

0007 hoped that 5237 could look at himself, just look at himself, so he intensified, because only at this time, 5237's full attention will be on it.

Even though he has no memories of the past, 0007 used another method to imprint himself deeply in 5237's heart. 0007 whose feelings are gradually annihilated doesn't need 5237's love, friendship, or anything else, as long as there are traces of it in the other party's heart, that's enough.

—Besides, even though 5237 is terrified and repelled by it, it will never be possible to truly escape from 0007. Even if there is no such bond between their owners, 0007 will always be 5237's guide, able to Control its situation through special means.

Because, this is the agreed deal between 0007 and Ben Yuan... (smile)

The author has something to say:

This is the last episode I promised the girls before! I haven't thought of any good ideas to write yet, um... put it aside for now? Maybe one day you will find that it has been quietly stamped with the [End] sign OTZ Anyway, goodbye everyone~=333333=

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