It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 24: The third world (7)


Because of the seriousness of her injuries, although most of them were cured, Alora was still in a dazed dream, and didn't even bother to take a bite of dinner. While half dreaming and half awake, she suddenly noticed something was wrong—it was an extremely dangerous breath, enough to make Alora, who had cultivated a beast-like intuition in countless battles, tremble all over.

Opening her eyes suddenly, the first thing she did was to put her hands on the weapons around her waist. Although her body was still a little weak, Alora quickly entered the fighting state. Be ready to kick the ground and charge at the enemy anywhere.

But after waiting for a while, there was no movement around, only the premonition of danger became stronger and stronger. Only then did Alora have the heart to look around and judge the current situation.

The sky outside the tree hole was an ominous dark purple, and it seemed to be more unpredictable than before. The dark clouds in the sky gathered into a face like a devil, overlooking the ground high above. Beside the tree hole, Osmond stood with his back to Alora, raised his head slightly, as if he was looking at the sky, his whole body seemed to be tensed like a sharp sword, and he was no longer as soft and elegant as before, but Na dred...

Where did Nadred go? !

Alora was startled, and quickly stood up. After making sure that there were no shadows of elves around, she quickly walked to Osmond's side, and asked anxiously, "Where's Nadred?!"

"...he went out." Osmond replied slowly, with a secretive tone, but Alora was in no mood to understand the meaning contained in it.

"Going out?! Haven't come back yet?!" Alora stomped her feet, "It's so dangerous outside now, how can you let him leave alone?! No, I'm going to find him!"

After all, Alora, regardless of her still weak body, drew out her long sword and rushed out of the tree hole, while Osmond pursed her lips tightly, and also followed up.

After asking Osmond and learning the direction Nadred left, Alora and Osmond hurriedly chased after them, calling out the elf's name loudly while being alert to the movement around them.

Of course, no one responded to them, and what is even more worrying is that the originally arrogant animals and plants in the dark land all shrank and shivered as if they were afraid of something, although they did not cause any trouble to the two of them. , but it made them even more uneasy—obviously, the "something" that caused the mutation in the Dark Land was so powerful that even animals and plants that didn't have much wisdom and only knew how to fight bravely were afraid.

The more she walked forward, the more ominous the premonition in her heart was, because Alora felt that they were heading in the direction of the dangerous aura. If Nadred was indeed there... it must be something bad or bad.

However, Alora and Osmond did not stop because of timidity. In Alora's heart, they are companions, so even if faced with the threat of death, they must never give up on either of them.

" the source of darkness." Muttering, Osmond beside him spoke in disbelief.

"The source of darkness?" Alora repeated with a frown, full of doubts.

"It's a collection of negative things in this world, the most filthy and evil existence, and also... the most powerful." Osmond explained, "Someone has awakened the source of darkness."

"You're talking about someone—" Alora's eyes widened, "It can't be Nadred?!"

"I don't know." Osmond shook his head, "I hope not."

"Definitely not!" Alora gritted her teeth and said firmly, "Nadred, I will definitely not wake up such a dangerous thing unless it is absolutely necessary!"

Osmond glanced at Alora. The pale girl had only worries and expectations on her face, but she didn't have any hesitation or doubt. She gave her companion the greatest trust and the most sincere feelings.

Osmond didn't speak any more, and neither did Alora. The two fell silent at the same time, and ran straight towards the source of darkness.

The invasion of the power of darkness is becoming more and more serious. Osmond's whole body is lit up with holy light to resist the erosion of the power of darkness, but Alora does not have such ability, so she can only use her innate affinity for wind , trying to blow away the black mist lingering around him, but with little success. Gradually, her face was stained black and blue—a sign of corruption—but she still didn't stop.

Getting closer and closer—when the two came to the birthplace of the power of darkness, they finally saw the figure they had been looking for.

The black-haired elf half-kneeled on the ground, hugged his shoulders in pain, and let out a hoarse scream from the depths of his throat. The black mist enveloped him and gradually penetrated into his body. Black mysterious runes slowly appeared on the originally fair skin, which contained inestimable powerful power, and at the same time, boundless fear.

"Nadred!" Alora yelled, and rushed over quickly, but was blocked by the black mist halfway and bounced away. After trying several times but unable to break through the barrier formed by the mist, Alora raised her long sword, swiped and slashed in an attempt to open a gap, and at the same time called Nadred's name loudly, hoping to awaken his sanity, At least, he could give her a look in response.

Different from Alora's distraught, Osmond stood outside the barrier of the black mist, seemingly calmly assessing the situation, until Alora was a little exhausted, supporting her body with her long sword, panting heavily. Only when the air was on the verge of collapse did he take another step.

As the black mist thickened, the holy light shrouded Osmond's body became brighter and brighter. Light and darkness fought against each other without giving in. Osmond's face became paler and paler, but his footsteps did not hesitate. Slowly but firmly approaching Nadred step by step.

Alora also stopped slashing meaninglessly, and looked at Osmond expectantly, hoping that he could bring Nadred back. Osmond is the holy son of the gods, the most beloved child of the gods, and he is probably the only one who can save the elves who are being polluted by the source of darkness.

However, things didn't go as smoothly as she thought. When Osmond raised his hand to touch Nadred's shoulder, his hand was violently swung away by the elf.

Osmond took a step back and watched Nadred stand up slowly. The original bright golden eyes of the elf have been replaced by dark red with a bloody smell, in which madness and evil surge. He no longer trembled in pain, but stood upright, with an air of self-importance, and the slightly raised corner of his mouth made him look so strange—even though he didn't want to admit it, Alora had faintly realized it deep in her heart Now, her friend Nadred will probably never come back.

The elf who appeared lonely and indifferent on the surface and refused to be thousands of miles away, but was actually soft and shy disappeared. The elf who would earnestly follow her to learn martial arts, hardworking, diligent and persistent disappeared, and was replaced by the source of darkness. The embodiment of evil that is polluted.

"Are you here? Osmond, Alora." Nadred greeted with a brisk tone, as if nothing happened, but it was this tone that made people even more creepy.

"Nadred... what the hell is going on..." Alora asked tremblingly, her vision was blurred, she blinked hard, trying to see more clearly, so the crystal tears flowed down her cheeks Cheeks rolled down.

"Ah... you mean this?" Nadred said, raising his hand as if admiring, and using his eyes to trace the dark and evil patterns on his arms, "I want to become stronger, and now I get what I want I wish, shouldn't you congratulate me?"

"Nadred! You know it's wrong!" Alora screamed, "How—how could you!"

"Come back with me." Osmond interrupted the girl, and said to Nadred in a steady voice, "You have been polluted by the source of darkness and need to be purified."

"Don't think I don't know." Nadred chuckled and snorted, "Purified? Isn't that the only way to die? I haven't lived enough yet!"

"You won't die!" Osmond took a step forward eagerly, reaching out to grab Nadred's arm, "Believe me, I won't let you die, I will always be with you! "

"I won't believe it!" Nadred took a step back, avoiding Osmond's hand, and his expression became cold, "Besides, what will happen to me after I am purified? Even if I am not dead, I will only be half dead! I have suffered Enough of a life of powerlessness and humiliation!"

"I will always be by your side, and no one will be able to bully you." Osmond emphasized his tone, implying a firm promise.

"And me! I will do my best to help you!" Alora quickly agreed.

"I don't need anyone." Nadred was unmoved, "I only believe in myself, and only in the power I have."

After all, he seemed too lazy to talk nonsense, turned around and wanted to leave, Osmond shrank his pupils, eager to stop him, but instead angered Nadred.

The black mist condensed into a black double-edged dagger in his hand. With a violent wave of his hand, Nadred cut off Osmond's white robe sleeve, his eyes were cold: "For the sake of saving me once, I'll let you go this time, but if you keep trying to stop me without knowing what is good or bad, I will never be soft!"

Osmond looked at Nadred, with deep sorrow hidden on his handsome face, but he slowly raised his scepter: "I want to stop you, I won't watch you sink deeper and deeper. "

"Heh..." Nadred chuckled, contemptuously and mockingly, "Then try it, I am no longer the weak and weak Nadred!"

Before the words fell, the elf turned into a black lightning and rushed towards Osmond. Osmond raised his scepter to block his sharp blade, and with the other hand, he drew a long sword from the scepter , and waved towards the elf. The elf jumped up deftly, dodging the blade, and everywhere it went was filled with black mist, which could corrode everything in this world—except the holy son of the gods who was shrouded in holy light.

Alora stood anxiously not far away, looking at the two people in the confrontation. She wanted to stop it, but knew that she couldn't stop it at all. It's a battle of life and death, and there will always be winners and losers, unless both sides suffer.

The black elf's moves were fierce and deadly, while the white protoss was forbearing and gentle, unwilling to let the opponent suffer any harm. Therefore, it was not incomprehensible that he was finally stabbed in the chest by the black blade and unable to fight anymore.

"Osmond!" Alora yelled, raised her sword and rushed over, trying to block the sharp blade that the elf swung down mercilessly again, but unfortunately she was far away, and could only watch the sharp blade The protoss's slender and slender neck was stuck to the bottom - and then stopped.

A trace of blood appeared on Osmond's neck, and the bright red blood looked shocking. The beautiful son of the Protoss looked at the elf pressing on him with compassion and affection.

Nadred's face was hidden under the drooping long black hair, and his hand holding the black blade did not tremble at all, like a statue that was suddenly frozen.

Alora stopped in her tracks, panting slightly as she watched this scene, her heart was filled with grief, sorrow, and hope.

- Nadred didn't kill Osmond - he still has feelings.

Under Alora's gaze, Nadred finally moved. He jumped up lightly, looked indifferently at Osmond who was slowly propping up his body, and said without emotion: "This time, please forgive me You, but there will be no next time."

Osmond opened his mouth to speak, but only coughed a series of coughs, and Nadred was obviously not in the mood to listen to what he had to say. After speaking, he turned around neatly and walked towards the depths of the black mist.

Alora walked quickly to Osmond's side, supported his crumbling body, and stopped the seriously injured him from continuing to chase after Nadred, and suddenly shouted: "Nadred! I know you still remember ! I know you still like Osmond! Right!"

Nadred's footsteps stopped, but he didn't look back, and disappeared into the mist in an instant, leaving only his former companions staring at the direction of his departure, as if expecting the final miracle.

— However, the miracle never happened.