It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 61: The sixth world (10)


After reacting for almost half a minute, Sui Yuan really wanted to kneel down to Sen Nuo's extraordinary imagination! Seeing Leonard's weird expression about whether to smile or not, Sui Yuan could only try his best to explain: "Brother, what are you talking about! It's not my... and Leonard's child!"

"No?" Senuo frowned, a little hesitant, and a little disbelieving, "If he wasn't, why did he look exactly like you when you were a child? Besides, he still has Leonard's aura on him..." After a pause, Senuo sharpened His eyes shot at Leonard, and he reprimanded, "Or, is this the child you had with another sub-beast?!"

Leonard: "..."

At this time, the glass beast in Sui Yuan's arms finally reacted, and immediately screamed angrily. Although it didn't understand how this happened, it couldn't accept such a result at all. Obviously it is the master's spiritual pet, but the nightmare beast is not compatible with Sui Yuan, if it is a child, then it should be it!

The existential noise of the glass beast finally attracted Sen Nuo's attention. Soon, he also noticed the Sui Yuan aura on the glass beast as expected, and couldn't help frowning even deeper: "This Who is your son again?!"

Sui Yuan: "..."

The glass beast that had finally been named showed off its big fluffy tail and shook it happily.

Sen Nuo looked it up and down, and looked away with some distaste: "The shape of this beast is really strange, has it been cross-bred?"

Glass Beast: "... QAQ"

Apparently, Sennola's level of hatred is pretty good, and within a few words, the two spiritual pets regarded him as an enemy in life, and even the always docile glass beast bared its teeth at him, looking desperate posture.

Sui Yuan quickly hugged the glass beast back into his arms, stroked its fur to comfort it, and repeated emphatically, dumbfounded: "They're really not orc cubs, they're just... rather strange beasts."

"You think I can't even tell the difference between an orc's cub and a strange beast?" Sen Nuo was unmoved.

"They are not the children of Eli and I, and have no blood relationship with either of us. I swear to the beast god." Although I don't mind being given an illegitimate child for no reason, and truly binding Sui Yuan, but seeing things are going more and more With complicated developments, Leonard, who had been on the sidelines, finally coughed lightly and spoke slowly. His voice was steady, with a charm that made people want to believe involuntarily, "Maybe it's a new type of alien beast? They were discovered by Eli and I in the jungle, and then they kept chasing after us. We can’t get rid of them, and we are also a little troubled.”

After a pause, Leonard looked helplessly at the skeptical Noah: "It's not something that can be completed in a day or two, a week or two, or even a month or two. If Eli is pregnant , it’s impossible for the school not to know, and it’s impossible for you not to know, isn’t it?”

Following Leonard's words, Sen Nuo's mind, which had been stunned by anger and helplessness, finally gradually sobered up. Indeed, Eli has been active in the school and has not been closed for a long time, so when she was pregnant, she said It is simply impossible. It's just that Sen Nuoben became suspicious because of his behavior of not returning all night, and seeing the very conspicuous hickey on Sui Yuan's neck, he subconsciously came to a conclusion, and when he calmed down and thought about it carefully, he would I know how unreliable such a conclusion is.

Sen Nuo's expression softened a little, but his attitude towards Leonard was still extremely bad. No real beast would want to see the sub-beast brother he had always loved being treated lightly by other real beasts, let alone this The word-of-mouth of the real beast is not good, and it is difficult to see through the thoughts.

"Even if I believe that they are not your cubs, the other orcs may not believe it." Taking a deep breath, Sennuo warned solemnly, "I don't care what you do, but they must not appear among the other orcs. In front of me, my brother's reputation cannot be ruined like this, understand!"

Naturally, Sui Yuan and Leonard couldn't refute Sen Nuo's request. Leonard took a chance, ignored the protests and struggles of the Glass Beast and Nightmare Beast, and secretly stuffed them back into the pet space. Next, There is a problem with the distribution and disposal of Pyrothorn corpses.

Because the Pyracantha was captured by Sennuo and Leonard together, but Leonard—and the black cat suspected to be his son had more credit, so according to the unwritten rules among orcs, this Pyracantha The beast should be divided into two halves, one half for a man.

However, Sennuo and Alan are not real couples after all, and they don't intend to compete for the title of best couple. Sennuo is a younger brother, and Alan doesn't care about these things. To ease the relationship, Leonard himself is not an old-fashioned and stubborn person, so the three of them discussed it, and immediately agreed unanimously to attribute the firethorn beast to Sui Yuan and Leonard's name.

As for Sui Yuan... No one seems to think of asking his opinion...

"Eli, didn't you always want to win the honor of the best couple with Leonard? This time you will definitely get what you want." Sen Nuo smiled and congratulated his younger brother, but only looked at his neck The hickey became more and more unsightly, so he tore off a piece of emerald green paper from the side, wove it into a neck ring, put it on Sui Yuan's neck, and blocked the hickey.

"The Beast God will bless you." Allen also nodded with a smile and agreed. Although he is an atheist and has reservations about the belief of orcs, it does not prevent him from showing his favor to Sui Yuan.

Sui Yuan tugged at the neck ring helplessly, but couldn't find an excuse or reason to lose his temper, so he turned his head and thanked reluctantly.

It was the first time that Sui Yuan treated him so kindly (?), Alan was overjoyed and smiled at Sen Nuo.

— Sui Yuan, who was watching from the sidelines, felt that this scene was simply blinding...

Leonard found tough vines, tied up the Pyracantha, and dragged it behind him. Because he and Sui Yuan had no choice but to stay in the jungle with such a big guy, they immediately returned to the campsite where the bonfire party was held. boiling.

As a well-known high-risk alien beast, the firethorn beast has always been the prey that can only be obtained in the large-scale joint hunting of the orcs. Leonard who captured it alone (?) has undoubtedly won the worship of all the orcs, and this The best couple for a Nata festival was also produced early.

As night fell, the orcs who had entered the jungle returned one after another. As the most eye-catching prey, the firethorn beast had already been cleaned up by the orcs. Its fur was stripped off and cleaned, and Leonard put it away as a medal of bravery. , while the meat was grilled on the bonfire, and bursts of aroma continued to come.

It has to be said that the Pyracanthus is one of the most delicious beasts, and its stature is also very large. Tonight's orcs can feast on their mouths.

Among the delicious and juicy meat, mellow wine, and cheerful music, the crackling orange halo of the bonfire reflected on the faces of the young orcs, unveiling the feast of the night exclusively for lovers.

The bonfire party is not only prepared for the orcs who entered the jungle together, it also gives the orcs who have not found a companion a chance to meet the opposite sex. The celibate real beasts went into the jungle to hunt alone, showing off their strength with the prey they captured, while the sub-beasts also tried their best to dress up and heal the injured real beasts with spells. Both sides will have a chance to choose freely on this night , maybe you will meet the most suitable one, so no matter who it is, you will treat it very seriously.

As celibate real beasts, Monroe and Moya naturally went into the jungle alone to hunt prey. Although their original intention was to compete with Leonard and prove their worth to Sui Yuan, the prey they caught were also It is very rare, but there is no room for loss in front of the firethorn beast.

Having won the title of Best Couple, Leonard was satisfied with the qualification to occupy Sui Yuan all night. No orc would ignorantly come to a third party to intervene in this situation, unless Leonard or Sui One of them was the first to abandon the other and left alone.

In order to reverse his bad image in the hearts of the orcs, Leonard can be called the most intimate lover tonight.

He grilled meat for Sui Yuan himself, and his excellent craftsmanship made the surrounding beastmen covet him; he didn't pay attention to any other sub-beast, his eyes kept circling Sui Yuan, his attitude could be called attentive, although His expression was still indifferent, but his soft-colored eyes only showed his concern for Sui Yuan when he focused on Sui Yuan.

Sen Nuo, who had been watching their direction, felt relieved and couldn't help being more confused. He naturally believed that his younger brother would not lie, and he must have had a conflict with Leonard when he went looking for him last time. But, looking at it on the other hand, Sui Yuan didn't really directly express that Leonard treated him badly, which made Sen Nuo wonder if he was just listening to hearsay and took everything too seriously, so he wronged the other party—after all, All this is just his own guesswork.

Maybe sometime, he should report to the family again, so that the family can soften their attitude towards Leonard

Domineeringly eating and drinking under Leonard's care, the sweet fruit wine made Sui Yuan's cheeks flush, and his cat-like eyes were also filled with drunkenness, sparkling. After observing the dancing postures of the singing and dancing orcs in the square, Sui Yuan felt that he had almost learned a lesson. Sui Yuan stood up, grabbed Leonard's arm, and asked arrogantly: "Get up, and dance with me!"

Although Sui Yuan has no interest in this, it is obviously impossible for the role of Eli to sit peacefully for such a night after winning the title of best couple with Leonard, so he must "enjoy" and "show off" it. Leonard stood up from his kindness, and was dragged by Sui Yuan to the square. Immediately, the surrounding orcs made an open space for them, looking at them with kind smiles.

Sui Yuan learned quickly, plus he is a feline (?), with soft waist and flexible movements, so he quickly blended into the dance of orcs. On the contrary, Leonard is more reserved, just looking at Sui Yuan with a slight smile Make dance movements around yourself, and occasionally cooperate, it looks very well-timed from a distance.

Sensing the eyes of the other real beasts on Sui Yuan, Leonard narrowed his eyes slightly, and when Sui Yuan turned to him again, he suddenly reached out to wrap his arms around his waist, pulled him into his arms, bowed his head and kissed Sui Yuan. She touched the lips of the other party who were slightly parted because of surprise.

Immediately, there was laughter from the orcs, loud whistles, warm applause, and booing noises, and even the sound of the music instantly became exciting, bringing the bonfire party to another climax.

Sen Nuo looked away from his younger brother and Leonard, looked at Allen with a bit of trepidation and hope, and stretched out his hand stiffly: "Can I invite you to dance?"

Alan paused the hand holding the wine glass, showing a little hesitation, but after seeing Sen Nuo's expression, he nodded helplessly, put down the wine glass, and put his hand in Sen Nuo's palm.

"Although you think it's a bit abrupt for me to mention this now..." He hugged Alan uncomfortably, Sen Nuo, who had grown up and had first love for the first time, was shy and awkward, and his maturity and stability in front of Sui Yuan were unbearable I don't know where Floating Cloud is. She is as green and straightforward as a little boy, "But may I pursue you? Not only as a follower, but also as a guardian and even a partner."

Allen: "... Sorry, I don't think I... can accept..."

—He has always regarded himself as a man, but he has to be pursued by another man, this feeling is really quite subtle...

Although there is a saying that "do as the Romans do", but sexuality is not something that can be reversed in a short while.

"It doesn't matter." Although he was a little disappointed when he was rejected, the sub-beasts are all cautious and reserved—even the younger brother who loves Leonard deeply will often take Joe—so almost no real beasts wooed for the first time. time will be able to succeed. For such an answer, Sen Nuo was already mentally prepared and was not shocked, "Then, at least you won't refuse me to be your follower?"

"...Actually, I don't recommend that you waste too much time on me, I can't guarantee that I can accept you..." Alan replied with some hesitation, with a tangled expression on his face.

"I understand." Hearing the wavering in the other party's tone, Sen Nuo's eyes lit up, "I will try my best to prove that I am a good choice!"

Allen: "..."