It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 84: The original world & the intersection of the world and the world


When the smoke from the mecha explosion cleared, Sui Yuan found himself in a pure white space, 5237 had disappeared, and the connection between them was completely cut off.

Sui Yuan vaguely remembers this place, he was born from here, although he still doesn't understand everything, but Sui Yuan vaguely feels that this is the source of all derivative worlds, even the most intelligent brain is not qualified to set foot in it .

Apart from white, there is nothing here, no objects, no sounds, even time no longer exists, Sui Yuan looked at himself, and found that he had already merged into this piece of white as expected, leaving nothing behind .

—Is this a return to basics? But why, does his consciousness still exist

Sui Yuan was a little confused.

Brought him here after the end of the story, his creators seem to have no tolerance for what he's doing, so can't wait

There was no time to say goodbye to 5237 and Zhao Xihe, which made Sui Yuan a little disappointed, but at the same time he was relieved, because he didn't know how to deal with such a situation—even if he faced Zhao Xihe, then even if he had time, , he probably wouldn't be able to say goodbye.

Because he had accepted such an ending long ago, Sui Yuan didn't feel sad, instead, it seemed more like it should be done—this ending is actually quite good.

Of course, the premise is that even his consciousness disappears, instead of being locked in this whiteness all the time, otherwise it would be too bad...

[Looks like you're in good shape? P0001.]Suddenly, a voice sounded from the consciousness of Sui Yuan—or it should be called P0001. Sui Yuan couldn't tell how this voice felt to him, it seemed cold and ruthless, and it seemed to be ridiculed, illusory but real, no matter how you describe it, it is not an exaggeration, but it is not complete.

The only deepest impression is kindness, so familiar that it seems to have been deeply embedded in his consciousness long ago, and it can't be erased no matter what.

"Probably... not too bad? If this kind of time doesn't last very long." Sui Yuan said, with some relief-like expectation, "Are you here to kill me?"

[no.]The voice replied, [You are the most worthwhile solution that I have spent so much energy to create. Although it is not perfect and has flaws, but I am slowly improving you, I believe there will be a successful day soon .]

"I don't really understand." Sui Yuan frowned—if he could still frown—"If you don't kill me, what are you going to do to me?"

[Find out flaws, repair perfection, remove your memory, and then give you a new life.]

"It doesn't sound bad, but if I forget everything, then am I still me?" Sui Yuan rarely thought about such a philosophical question.

[For me, you have always been you, but you have become more perfect.]

"If 'rebirth' - if it can be called this - after rebirth, can I still choose 5237 to be my guide?" Sui Yuan looked forward to it.

[It turns out that 5237 is not suitable for booting you, I will replace it with a more suitable boot for you—or are you more inclined to ask me to reformat 5237? This is also allowed.]The voice sounds reasonable, but the direction of reasonableness is a bit wrong.

"...Forget it then." Sui Yuan rejected the proposal in frustration, "Hearing what you said, I don't think it's the first time I've been...repaired?"

[Indeed, it has been several times, and I can't remember the specifics. You are becoming more and more perfect in my hands. I like this feeling very much.]

The sound sounds very pleasant, which makes Sui Yuan feel relaxed involuntarily. Perhaps the connection between him and the sound is closer than previously imagined—compared with the creator and the created, there are other things mixed in. Allow Sui Yuan to accept the full will of the voice without any resistance.

"So, what am I going to be repaired this time? Feelings?" Sui Yuan calmly gave his own suggestion, "I think I'm too soft-hearted, I can't stand others being kind to me, and I always hope to reciprocate. For turning everything into such a bad situation, Zhao Xihe won't be punished, right?"

When Sui Yuan was talking about himself, his voice kept murmuring, and he didn't agree with his statement, it seemed hesitant, but for the questions that followed, it (?) answered very simply.

[No, unfortunately, he will not be punished in any way, he—is quite a special existence.]

"For example?" Sui Yuan looked forward to it, he felt that he might know a big secret.

[No example. ] The voice was a little annoyed, [You shouldn't know this.]

"Okay." Sui Yuan didn't continue to entangle, after all, he was about to forget everything, and it didn't make any difference to him whether he knew or didn't know, "Then, shall we start repairing it?"

The voice fell silent, lost its response, and only spoke again when Sui Yuan waited patiently for an unknown amount of time and was about to urge him.

[I... still need to think about it, combined with your words and deeds in the previous eight worlds, and finally decided to revise the plan. Until then, I'm going to put you to sleep, lest you get too bored.]

"Okay." Sui Yuan responded indifferently, and then, he felt that he... could probably be described as "extinguished".

[... You guys are really causing me a lot of trouble, or in other words, am I hindering myself? I really hope this is just an accident...]

— This is the last sentence Sui Yuan heard, of course, it may also come from his hallucinations and imagination.

Although it was a bit regretful, when he opened his eyes again, it probably wasn't Sui Yuan, but P0001.

—Originally, Sui Yuan, who fell into a deep sleep, thought so, but the facts proved that the development of things at critical moments always ran counter to what he thought.

When Sui Yuan opened his eyes, what he saw was the familiar scene of 5237 rushing into his arms with tears in a familiar posture.

Sui Yuan hugged the chubby sobbing 5237, a little dazed.

"Hey... Sui Yuanyuan, you are finally back QAQ Zhao Xihe is so scary, Wo is almost going to be killed by him, did you make it... If you don't come back, Wo will definitely be killed by him QAQ" 5237 forcefully Rubbing on Sui Yuan's body to ease the pain of long-lost (?) lovesickness and the lingering fear of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"...Did I miss some very important event?" Sui Yuan was extremely confused, looked around, and found that he had left the white source, and returned to the intersection of the world and the world, "What happened?" ? Why am I here?"

"I don't know QAQ" 5237 sobbed, trying to make his words clearer, "In the last world, after your mech exploded, I was forcibly cut off from you, and then I was teleported to The intersection of the world and the world, and then, I received a communication request from 0007, who is so faint—God knows how he got my communication method!"

"What's next?" Sui Yuan interrupted 5237's complaints, and asked eagerly.

"Then, 0007 and Zhao Xihe were sent over, and I told him everything... Although I really wanted to help you torture him, Zhao Xihe's appearance is really terrifying, so... so I Counseling..." 5237's voice became softer, as if he still couldn't get rid of the fear at that time, "I think he wants to kill me—no, I think he can destroy me! But obviously he is just a player with relatively high authority , it is impossible to cause any harm to the brain, why do I feel this way? It must be because he was too scary at the time, and I was so frightened that I lost my head... "

Sui Yuan stroked his forehead with some headaches, and stopped 5237's chaotic thoughts again: "Then?"

"Then? Oh! Then!" 5237 suddenly reacted, "Then, I told me everything I knew, and he told me to wait here, don't do anything, and then disappeared! Then It is definitely not sent somewhere with the help of the brain, but... another way that I can't analyze with my current authority... "

Sui Yuan was silent for a moment, feeling that what 5237 had said was as if he hadn't said it, and still couldn't answer his confusion at all.

"What else?" he urged.

"And... there's nothing else... I waited here obediently, and then, 0007, who was always here, suddenly left, and then, you came out—from here." 5237 signaled Sui Yuan to look behind him.

The place where Sui Yuan "comes out" is a mess. In the past, he used to check the points he had obtained in each world from here. Sui Yuan felt that maybe the source there leads to.

Sui Yuan stood up, approached the chaos, raised his hand to touch it, but found that his fingers were repelled—he refused to be accepted.

Sui Yuan didn't know why his memory hadn't been erased, and likewise, he didn't feel any changes in himself—he wasn't "removed" or "repaired".

Of course, it cannot be that the voice is missing, Sui Yuan knows its(?) expectation and pursuit of perfection, so it is absolutely impossible for it(?) to make any mistakes.

So, it was Zhao Xihe who made that voice give up repairing himself and erasing his memory

Sui Yuan clearly remembered that the voice said in an almost helpless manner that Zhao Xihe was a special existence, so the only possible variable among them was Zhao Xihe.

If this series of inferences are correct, then what happened to Zhao Xihe? What does he have to do with Yuanyuan and that voice

Sui Yuan always thought that Zhao Xihe was just an ordinary senior, the only thing special was that he had experienced many worlds, earned more points, and possessed higher authority.

But the facts proved that Zhao Xihe was even more special than he thought.

Now that Zhao Xihe was not by his side, there was no one to answer all doubts. Sui Yuan looked at the empty surroundings, feeling a little dazed, as if he had absolutely no motivation to continue.

— Where is Zhao Xihe...? The voice says he's special and won't get any punishment, so, he... should still exist, right

—Since it exists, where did he go? Why not be by his side, waiting for him to wake up

— Is... have you given up on him? Because he was deceived, because he was disappointed, so he didn't plan to continue chasing him

Sui Yuan raised his hands to cover his chest, feeling a void in his heart, the absurd thought of not wanting to enter the next world, not wanting to continue to play a certain role, just sitting here for eternity, lingering in his mind, lingering.

— But why wait here? Is it to... wait for Zhao Xihe

— If Zhao Xihe still has the identity of an actor, then he will definitely come back here, right

— But if the other party really gave up on him, then even if he waited here, what's the point

Sui Yuan felt that his mind was in a mess.

—It turns out that the feeling of being abandoned is like this... so hopeless that I don't want to do anything...

Does the relationship between him and Zhao Xihe count as even? Zhao Xihe caused him to be taken back and repaired, but he rescued him intact. He owed Zhao Xihe a favor and gave up on him first. Now, it was his turn to reap the consequences.

In this way, the two do not owe each other? In other words, he still owed Zhao Xihe more? At least, an apology is missing.

5237 quietly stayed by Sui Yuan's side, seeing the other party's dim appearance that seemed to have completely lost color, wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say, so he could only turn around impatiently, until a burst of teleportation not far away triggered The spatial distortion of the space, instantly awakened Sui Yuan who was almost in a demonic barrier.

Suddenly raising his head to look in the direction of the distorted space, Sui Yuan was disappointed to find that the other party was a completely strange man, with an emotionless alienation.

Sui Yuan's looking forward to something made the other party stunned for a moment, and he subconsciously nodded. Sui Yuan also returned him a smile—the politeness engraved in his bones prevented him from turning a blind eye to the other party's greetings—even though he couldn't hide his disappointment at this moment.

"It's really rare to see other cosplayers here." The man walked towards Sui Yuan, and opened his mouth without the slightest enthusiasm, "Are you waiting for someone?"

"...Maybe." Sui Yuan replied hesitantly.

Sui Yuan's unusual behavior did not arouse any curiosity from the man, it seemed that he was just asking casually, no matter what the answer was, he didn't care.

Then, the man passed by Sui Yuan, and walked towards the chaos without hesitation, but followed the man's brain staggeringly far behind, as if hesitating to speak to Sui Yuan, but in the end he had nothing Did not say.

Sui Yuan watched the man get the points, then quickly entered the next world, and finally turned his attention to the long-awaited 5237: "Should I continue to play the mission?"

"It stands to reason... that's right, I didn't receive any instructions, which bothered me a little." 5237 hesitated, but quickly switched his voice to the happy mode, "But it's unbelievable that you passed Passed the assessment of changing the world! In other words, now you can enter the BL world!"

Sui Yuan has no interest in which world to go to now, he just tilted his head in an ambiguous manner.

" go?" 5237 tentatively asked.

"... let's go." Sui Yuan nodded.

He is very confused now, his mood is a little messed up, and staying here all the time—regardless of whether the rules allow it or not—is of no help except to think wildly and make himself worse. Therefore, Sui Yuan decided to continue the work he was familiar with first, find something to do, let himself settle down and clear his head.

"Okay, okay!" Received Sui Yuan's affirmative reply, 5237 finally heaved a sigh of relief, impatiently selected the next world, and brought Sui Yuan there.

Although Sui Yuan didn't seem very happy, for 5237, being able to get rid of Zhao Xihe who had evolved from annoying to terrifying was definitely a miracle that moved people to tears!

—It really doesn't want to see Zhao Xihe anymore! QQ