It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 97: The Ninth World (Thirteen)


Now that Le Sen, the eye-catching rival in love, has been completely resolved, Eason reluctantly accepts the company's desperate suggestion that he will disclose his relationship with Sui Yuan later and "step by step". After all, although Eason doesn't care about being attacked and ridiculed by the public, he also thinks that Sui Yuan probably doesn't care either, but he doesn't want to take risks, lest Sui Yuan really feel unhappy.

— This decision really relieved the upper management of the entire company.

Huo Ke participated in Hollywood blockbusters, and after the news spread, he caused a lot of envy and hatred for him, and he also enjoyed the smearing and dirty treatment that Sui Yuan had enjoyed before, but all of this has nothing to do with Sui Yuan It doesn't have much relationship with Eason, at most it's just a few words on Weibo to express support and affirmation for the former group members.

However, even so, it has relieved Huo Ke a lot of pressure. After all, the combination of Eason and Fashion Mix has become more and more influential, with more and more fans, and higher combat effectiveness. Not only are they good at organizing, There are rational fans of the leader, as well as enthusiastic and impulsive loli fans. As long as the idol speaks, even a black cat can be called a white cat without blinking an eye. Since the idol supports Huo Ke, they also support it. They don't care whether the negative news is true or just speculation.

—Fortunately, the protagonist has always had the aura of the protagonist. No matter how much dirty water is splashed, Huo Ke can always clean himself up at the right moment. Not only is his popularity not affected, but he also gained benefits. Similarly, Eason and Sui Yuan, who have always supported him, have also gained a lot of good reputation, which can be regarded as mutual benefit.

After going back and forth, the relationship between Huo Ke, Eason and Sui Yuan became a bit closer than when they were in Fashion Mix, and the connection between them gradually weakened.

Compared with Huo Ke's rise in the film and television industry and his own place, Fashion Mix's popularity in the music world has never faded. The group has been stably maintaining a high level and high efficiency of two albums a year, constantly turning new fans into old fans and turning old fans into ashes, almost turning the entire music world into a one-word hall. There is no one in the same period. Singers are capable of competing with it.

This period of time has been hailed as the most glorious and darkest period in the music world. The brilliance refers to the unparalleled brilliance of Fashion Mix, while the dark refers to other singers who try to make a way out but have no way.

A music whirlwind named Eason set sail from China and quickly swept the world. No matter what country or culture, you can find resonance in the songs he "created". This is definitely an unprecedented music feast.

Finally, under the long-awaited calls of fans, Fashion Mix held its first concert after its resurgence, and it was also the first stop of its global tour.

Due to the strong influence of Fashion Mix, the company did not dare to be careless, and rented the largest stadium in China as the venue, but tens of thousands of concert tickets were sold out soon after the official sale. No one is surprised by this. Before the ticket sales started, fans learned to comfort themselves early: it is luck to get it, and it is normal not to get it.

—Damn it! Brothers and sisters who snatched tickets for one game, begging for a way out, don't grab the next one! Believe it or not, Xiaosheng hanged himself in front of your house in the dead of night? !

— Hey, I beg the kind-hearted people who got the tickets to broadcast it live! It doesn't matter if you don't allow the shooting and recording, just describe it in words! Thank you little sister!

— In order to grab tickets, my mother has already replaced the latest machine and used the best broadband! Let the storm come more violently!

After the first ticket sale ended, there was a lot of mourning on the Internet. The upper management of the company wiped the sweat from their brows, knowing that the real challenge will only begin now.

How to arrange the venue to the best effect? How to protect the security of the venue? How to maintain the order of fans to avoid pushing and stampede incidents caused by fans getting too excited? One thing after another is a problem that needs to be solved urgently. Fortunately, the company is experienced in this area, and has close contact and cooperation with the management of the fan group. Orderly.

Every country has its own different culture and different appreciation of art. Although the songs in each album are well received, the degree of popularity in each country is different. In order to make the concert as perfect as possible, Fashion Mix chose different songs for different countries and cultures, trying to match the local culture and preferences, and such dedication naturally got the rewards it deserved.

The concert maintained a rather high atmosphere when the audience just entered the venue and before it really started. After the lights dimmed and Eason and Sui Yuan appeared side by side, the concert quickly reached its first climax.

The overwhelming shouts, uncontrollable screams, uncontrollable tears, and vigorously waving light sticks all showed the fans' expectation and enthusiasm for this long-awaited concert.

Eason, who had seen many big scenes, was at ease with this, but Sui Yuan was swept away by this wave in an instant, subconsciously stunned, even his palms were slightly sweaty.

Feeling Sui Yuan's stiffness, Eason tilted his head and smiled at him, reaching out to hold his hand, as if to give him strength. Then came the soothing and melodious tune of the opening song.

Different from most general concerts, most of them choose to open with hot dances to stir up the atmosphere. The management team of the concert has already considered the fans’ overly intense emotions at the beginning. After many discussions, they finally decided to use a slow-paced opening song to stabilize the fans’ enthusiasm. emotions so that problems do not arise.

Eason and Sui Yuan are holding hands. The voice of the former is deep and magnetic, while the voice of the latter is melodious and clear. The different timbres are harmoniously blended together, which quickly appeases the over-excited mood of the fans and makes them completely immersed in the song. In the melody, I was guided into the palace of music.

The slow tune gradually became intense and high-spirited, followed by the explosive singing of many musical instrument groups, instantly substituting the emotions of the audience that had just calmed down to a new climax—this is a dance song with a strong sense of rhythm.

The entire body and mind of the fans are controlled by the music, either peaceful or passionate, with ups and downs as if experiencing life after life. No one noticed the gradual passage of time, and no one would be willing to realize that the concert was halfway through and was approaching its end step by step.

The penultimate song is a love song. Obviously it should be a duet between a man and a woman, but it is not against the harmony if it is replaced by two men. The lingering love is more fascinating than listening to the album or watching the MV. The deep affection in Eason's eyes on the big screen is so real that it can drown people.

No one can afford to be stared at like that - it's a pity, but thankfully Eason isn't looking at the camera, and not looking through it at the fans - even though, generally speaking, it should be.

At the end of the song, the aftertaste was still echoing in the venue, and the fans who were immersed in that love still hadn’t woken up yet, but Eason on the stage suddenly made a move that no one expected—he hugged him tightly from behind. Sui Yuan.

"I made this song for you, for you. I have always wanted to tell you, to tell you in front of everyone, I love you, my life cannot be separated from you, if you are not with me By my side, I'd rather end it—like the song says."

The deep, sweet and affectionate voice was clearly transmitted through the microphone throughout the venue. On the big screen, Eason's hot emotion was unreservedly poured on Sui Yuan, and Sui Yuan, who was held in his arms, seemed to be She didn't react in such a daze at all, and then gradually became helpless, soft, and shy.

Finally, the fans who were stupefied by this sudden shocking confession also reacted one after another.

At this moment, Eason's subtle influence with the company's upper management some time ago finally showed its due effect. After a moment of silence, the first fan choked up and shouted loudly: "I wish you happiness!"

This blessing attracted other fans to respond one after another, gradually converging into more enthusiastic and sincere cheers. Over the years, they have long been accustomed to Eason and Sui Yuan being in pairs. The intimacy and sweetness of the interaction between the two makes them feel as warm as if soaked in warm water every time they see it. CP fans are getting stronger and stronger, and they are no longer satisfied with enclosing themselves. Almost all Fashion Mix fans have been in contact with CP circles. Even if they are dissatisfied, they cannot stop this torrent that is secretly promoted by the official.

People are habitual animals. Even if they don’t like something, they will gradually adapt and get used to it after being exposed to more places, even if non-CP fans say to CP fans that "Eason and Li Kun are a natural pair, a match made in heaven" Disdain, after being instilled over and over again, can't help but imprint it in my heart.

Even, once when Eason was being interviewed and asked "the type of girl he likes", he smiled and said frankly: he hadn't thought about this at all, and he even couldn't accept that a woman intervened between him and Li Kun. This sentence quickly became a strong evidence for CP fans, even non-CP fans are quite helpless - even the idol himself said this, what else can they do? I can only feel and comfort myself that the idol is clean and self-loving, and devotes all his mind to music and Fashion Mix, which is more than a little bit better than other entertainment stars who are always scandalous.

So, time and time again, Eason and the company had to gradually increase the tolerance of fans, until it was exposed all of a sudden, and CP fans cried with joy, and most fans also had a kind of "ah, Sure enough, it seems that this is the right way," sighed, and then accepted it frankly. Even fans who are extremely opposed to CP, after being moved by Eason's affectionate singing, can't utter any fierce rebuttals for a while—or, even if they want to say, their voices are too weak to be greeted by mainstream blessings Completely overwhelmed, unable to set off a storm.

"I know this road is difficult to walk, and I will be criticized and attacked by public opinion, but I don't want my love to be buried or tarnished because of such reasons. No matter what we encounter, we will go on firmly, and Tell everyone loudly that we are in love and very happy!" Eason and Sui Yuan looked at each other, then both raised their heads, looked directly at the camera, and declared their persistence with voice and eyes, "Thank you for your trust and love all the time , and hope that you will still support us in the future and give us the courage and strength to face all difficulties!"

"Yes! We will!" Faced with the idol's request, the only thing the fans could do was to loudly respond and wave the light sticks in their hands vigorously. The accompaniment of the last song of the concert sounded leisurely, Eason raised the corners of his mouth and raised eyebrows, making no one doubt his happiness and joy at this moment. Lowering his head, Eason kissed Sui Yuan's lips who turned his head away at the same time.

The cheers at the venue went straight to the sky, the fans were happy for the happiness of the idols, happy for the happiness of the idols, and firmly supported all their choices. The manager who had been observing the whole situation in the backstage was finally relieved, and laughed and scolded, "What a troublesome bastard, such an important decision has not been revealed at all!" Then he made a phone call helplessly and told everything the upper echelons of the company.

After preparing for so long, now is the time for the final fight.

The news of Fashion Mix's first global tour has swept the world, not because of how successful the concert will be and how hot the atmosphere is - of course, this is beyond doubt - but most importantly, the leader of the group Eason in the concert, With the support of tens of thousands of fans at the scene, he made the most affectionate and romantic confession of the year, and both came out with group member Li Kun.

The company that has already arranged everything has suppressed the negative news reported by all regular domestic entertainment in the first place—as for the tabloids, they can’t take care of it for the time being—trying to make the reports more fair and moderate. As for the foreign news, most of them Homosexuality is relatively tolerant, and even many countries and regions that have legalized gay marriage hold a positive attitude towards it.

In addition to news reports, the company also dispatched a large number of trolls to guide public opinion on the Internet, coupled with the huge fan base of Fashion Mix, naturally formed a force that should not be underestimated.

Some sailors, as "insiders and insiders", publicly praised the purity, sincerity, and depth of the relationship between Eason and Sui Yuan, and wrote about the mutual help and daily love between the two when they debuted in Fashion Mix with extremely touching writing. Love for a long time is written about the mutual support, mutual encouragement, and perseverance when the group is facing the dilemma of dissolution; it is written about the two people who have never been deceived by the temptation of the outside world after the group became popular, and still firmly guard each other's feelings.

If that's not love, what is? The love between the two did not hinder anyone, and even because of this relationship between them, it brought so many songs so precious to fans. Homosexuality is not a disease, let alone a perversion. As long as they have made a choice and are willing to bear the consequences and responsibilities of such a choice, then no one has the right to accuse their relationship of being "immoral."

Huo Ke finished browsing an article written by Shui Jun praising the love between the two, shook his head with a smile, and closed the page. This kind of article can lure people, but they can't go deep into it. However, most of the fans are tolerant. They care about idols, and they care more about their works. They only want to see what they want to see. These trolls who guide public opinion, but It's just to give them a reason to convince themselves to accept their idol's sexuality.

As the only person besides Eason and Sui Yuan who knew the truth and was still killed, Huo Ke didn't intend to add any trouble to them. After quickly making a gesture on Weibo to express his support, Huo Ke threw the phone aside and lay down on the bed a little weakly.

—He wants to support, but he just hopes that he can also take advantage of this wind in the future. If the domestic public opinion can accept Eason and Sui Yuan, when he wants to come out, he will probably face a lot of mild criticism, right

Thinking so wildly, the phone by the bed suddenly vibrated. Huo Ke lazily picked up the phone, was stunned for a moment when he saw the name displayed on it, and couldn't wait for the next action: "Brother Le Sen?"

"... Did you see the report? Unexpectedly, they really did it." Le Sen on the other side of the phone was a little emotional.

"Yeah, I did it, but I'm not surprised at all." Huo Ke tried his best to control his voice, trying to be calm, but he still couldn't help showing a slight astringency, "I didn't expect... Brother Le Sen You will take the initiative to call me."

"... I just don't have anyone more suitable to talk about this except you." Lesen paused.

"I know." Huo Ke smiled, his eyes darkened, "No matter what, if you still talk to me, I will be satisfied."

"Sorry, Huo Ke." Le Sen's voice was a little tense, "I just regard you as a talented junior, I... still have a good impression of Li Kun."

"I understand that too." Huo Ke lowered his gaze slightly.

"In fact, I don't have the guts to really take that path. Even if I do, I don't have the courage to declare this relationship to the public." other people.

"Me too." Huo Ke smiled, "I don't have the guts to bet my own future. Brother Le Sen and I are actually the same kind of people. If Brother Le Sen wishes, he can forget about my previous drink After the slip of the tongue, we are still just seniors and juniors."

Le Sen was silent for a moment, and seemed relieved: "... I see, sorry."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Ke let out a soft breath and smiled wryly.