It’s Better to be the Empress Dowager

Chapter 10: Please be safe


"On the fourth day of the seventh lunar month in the fifth year of Shentai, Mammy Feng left from Prince Jing's mansion."

Tang Shishi stood at the second gate, and behind her were two beauties lined up in two rows. Everyone was silent together, watching Madam Feng get on the carriage.

"Zhou Shunhua stood in the crowd and watched the palace messengers leave in silence. Her outfit today was not out of place. Standing among the beauties, she was immediately submerged. Mammy Feng didn't look at her when she left, as if she completely forgot about her. Just like people, Zhou Shunhua doesn't want to be noticed either. When Mommy Feng got into the car, she deliberately looked back and saw that it was Mr. Tang at the front."

Tang Shishi noticed Mammy Feng's gaze, and bowed his head and said, "Congratulations to see off Mammy."

"Mammy Feng finally got into the carriage, and after the curtain was lowered, it didn't move again. The carriage moved slowly, the wheels of the carriage ran over the ground, making a slight creaking sound. Mammy Feng left, no matter how tit-for-tat the ten beauties usually fought each other, At this moment, there is a look of sadness. Zhou Shunhua also seems to be low, at this moment Zhou Shunhua does not know that her story with these nine women has just begun, and she has fought with them for a full twenty years."

Mammy Feng's carriage drove out of the side door, turned a corner, and soon disappeared. The porters and guards followed closely behind, holding the flags symbolizing the imperial court in their hands. After a while, the flags were no longer visible.

The ten of them stood there for a long time, with Tang Shishi standing at the forefront, the morning wind blew past and slowly moved her skirt. Tongxiu waited for a while, then said slowly, "Little masters, it's time to go back."

All the women should have turned around. Tang Shishi walked last, she took two steps and looked back again.

The side door of Prince Jing's mansion closed in front of her, and when the heavy wooden door closed, there was a muffled sound. Tang Shishi understood that her whole life was also locked in this palace.

From then on, whether she lived or died, whether she was sad or proud, whether she rose up or died quietly, was firmly bound to this mansion and the people in this mansion. If you succeed, you will be crowned with a phoenix, and your export will be successful. If you fail, you will be miserable and miserable, and you will die miserably.

When the maid saw Tang Shishi stopped, she could only wait beside her. Gradually someone looked back, and the maid couldn't help but reminded softly, "Miss Tang."

Tang Shishi retracted his gaze, without any hesitation, he walked in firmly: "A new day has begun, let's go."

Mammy Feng and the court messengers finally left, and from then on, Xiping was under King Jing's world again. Tang Shishi thought that King Jing would breathe a sigh of relief, and after that, he should do something to test or clean up these girls. Tang Shishi was all ready, but after a few days passed, everything was calm.

Not only is she quiet here, the other nine beauties' Liuyun Court is also as quiet as ever.

If it weren't for Tang Shishi holding the plot, she would have suspected that she was isolated by the other nine people. In the middle of the night, Tang Shishi hid under the window to read again. Since Mammy Feng left, there have been very few newly unlocked plots. Today, a chapter was finally updated. Tang Shishi excitedly opened it and found that it was trivial.

Nine women live together, or nine pretty and spoiled women, how much friction they can have in a yard is completely conceivable.

This chapter talks about Ji Xinxian's conflict with Ren Yujun over who should use the hot water first, and finally Zhou Shunhua gave up his own water to resolve the dispute. The rest are all praises for Zhou Shunhua's general knowledge and reasonableness. Tang Shishi didn't bother to look at it, so he just skipped it.

Then, it's gone.

Tang Shishi read these pages over and over again, and once again determined that King Jing really didn't want to see them.

Not only is she quiet here, but there are no new plots in the book, which shows that King Jing made up his mind to let them go. Circle them together for food and drink, but don't need them to do anything, with a posture of letting them live to old age and death. If Tang Shishi was a person with no ambition, he might like this kind of life of eating and dying, but Tang Shishi knew that if she was greedy for comfort now, in a few years, she should cry.

The other nine women thought the same way. To be selected by the Queen Mother Yao, each has its own merits. If you believe that they will live in peace and happiness, it would be an underestimate of the charm of the court.

They had spent three years in a place like the Forbidden City, and had seen how the people at the top of the royal power lived, how could they still be humble? The nobles in the palace are not necessarily higher than them, so why can't others be able to do it

The new plot didn't have any valid information. Tang Shishi was quite regretful. She continued to scroll back and saw the title of the next chapter.

"Please An Toucheng take the lead and accompany the prince to the school."

What, go to school

Tang Shishi was stunned. If she understood correctly, the title should say, Zhou Shunhua wants to accompany the prince to the school, right? Tang Shishi will not be sleepy soon. If he can accompany his son to school, doesn't that mean that they will stay together from morning to night every day

Tang Shishi was instantly interested. She liked this development. Well, she decided to grab it.

It's a pity that you can only see the title, but not the content of the text. Tang Shishi stared at the line for a long time, pondering carefully, surrendering to take the lead, what kind of surrender method is it

Tang Shishi couldn't guess and gave up quickly. It doesn't matter, there is another key word "please be safe", Tang Shishi decided to go to the main hospital every morning to ask for peace, starting from tomorrow.

The next day, Tang Shishi got up early for the first time in the world. After dressing up, he went to wait outside the courtyard of King Jing. Although Tang Shishi did not grow up in the official circle, he had some understanding of the lives of these princes and nobles. The higher the door, the more strict the rules are, and the saving of the morning and evening is a very important item.

Please, please ask the Most Venerable, Zhou Shunhua, a young lady who grew up in a public residence, cannot make mistakes in this kind of thing. Zhou Shunhua must be acting good at King Jing, and happened to meet the prince who also came to greet him. After going back and forth, the two did not know how to see the right eye, so Zhou Shunhua was logically called by the prince to serve the pen and ink.

Tang Shishi felt that he had seen through the heroine's intentions and was quite content. King Jing's residence is the main courtyard of the palace, named Yan'an Courtyard, which covers a vast area and is magnificent and magnificent. Tang Shishi stood under the steps and waited motionlessly. The guard on duty at the door glanced at her several times, and finally couldn't help it: "Miss Tang, you came to see the prince early in the morning, what's the matter?"

Tang Shishi said with filial piety: "The little girl is here to greet the prince."

please? The guards were simply incredible. Tang Shishi is outstanding in appearance, and now in the palace, no one does not recognize Miss Tang, even the guards on duty have heard of it. When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation. However, this girl Tang doesn't seem to have a good mind.

The guard said politely: "Miss Tang has a heart, but the prince doesn't like noise, especially the red tape, so please come back."

"How can this be done?" Tang Shishi vetoed, with a righteous expression on his face, "It's a matter of etiquette to save in the morning and evening. It's the prince's business to see me or not, but my heart is indispensable."

Okay, the guard has nothing to say. He was well-intentioned, so he just mentioned two sentences beyond the time limit. He didn't expect that Tang Shishi would not give up if he didn't hit the south wall, just like eating a weight. Since Tang Shishi likes it, let her stand slowly in the dew.

After Zhao Chengjun woke up, he went to Yanwutang to practice martial arts as usual. But today, the people who waited on it were dawdling and hesitating.

Zhao Chengjun glanced at Liu Ji and asked lightly, "What's wrong?"

Liu Ji is an old man who has been with Zhao Chengjun for more than ten years. When Zhao Chengjun was still a prince, Liu Ji served by Zhao Chengjun's side. Liu Ji smiled embarrassingly, looked at Zhao Chengjun's face carefully, and said, "My lord, someone outside wants to greet you."

"Please be safe?" Zhao Chengjun frowned. He was impatient and wasting time with others. This kind of politeness has always been spared. Even Zhao Zixun only came to ask for his greetings once every ten days. Today is not ten days, how could someone come to greet him

Zhao Chengjun asked, "Who?"

"That girl Tang."

Zhao Chengjun was really surprised this time. He stopped for a long time and asked incredulously, "Tang Shishi?"

"is her."

Zhao Chengjun was silent, Liu Ji lowered his head and stared intently at the brick under his feet. After a while, Zhao Chengjun chuckled lightly, and his voice turned cold: "Then let her wait."

Tang Shishi thought that he would have to wait for a long time, but he did not expect to stand for a while before the door of Yan'an Academy opened. Tang Shishi caught a glimpse of the figure inside, and immediately bowed his knees and saluted: "See the lord, and greet the lord."

Zhao Chengjun walked past without expression as if he didn't see anyone standing at the door. Tang Shishi stood on the side of the road, obediently maintaining the movement of Fushen, the corner of King Jing's clothes flashed past, and behind him, hula la followed a group of people.

Everyone quietly followed behind King Jing, no one spoke, but when everyone passed by, they could not help but quietly glance at Tang Shishi from the corner of their eyes.

The beauty sent from the capital was waiting outside for the prince early in the morning, and kept saying that he wanted to greet the prince. What exactly is going on

Everyone was curious, but no one dared to ask. Tang Shishi turned a blind eye to many eyes, and she was not annoyed when she was ignored. After everyone left, she stood up by herself like nothing.

Then continue to stand guard at the door.

This process lasted for five days. Tang Shishi came every day before dawn, and only left until three poles in the sun. The depth of his love and the steadfastness of his thoughts made even the guards unbearable. On this day, King Jing ignored Tang Shishi as usual, and Tang Shishi stood by himself. She thought it was another day with nothing to do. Unexpectedly, when the twilight hour, Tang Shishi suddenly heard someone calling her from behind: "Tang Shishi?"

Tang Shishi turned back, his eyes suddenly lit up. Zhou Shunhua frowned when he saw that it was really her.

Zhou Shunhua looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Why are you here?"

Tang Shishi knew that he made the right bet, and the plot really happened! Tang Shishi quickly suppressed the excitement in his eyes and said weakly, "I'm here to greet the lord."

please? Both Zhou Shunhua and Ren Yujun looked strange at the moment. It is not unusual for others to say such words, but when they came out of Tang Shishi's mouth, there was an indescribable strangeness.

Tang Shishi quietly swept the two beauties in front of him through his movements. Zhou Shunhua's clothes were elegant and pure, but the details were everywhere.

Tang Shishi smiled and suddenly asked, "Then what are you doing here?"

The two were silent for a while, and then Zhou Shunhua said as if nothing had happened: "We have been in the mansion for a month, and Aunt Tongxiu has arranged our lives very well, but we have not done anything for the mansion. Sister Ren and I feel guilty. No, today, I want to see if there is anything we can do, so that we can do our best."

Tang Shishi didn't even want to say: "No, don't be sentimental, go back."

Ren Yujun has been patient, and when he heard this, he couldn't help it: "Tang Shishi, you don't want to make an inch..."

"What are you doing?"

The three women were all startled, and immediately put aside their quarrel, turned around and saluted: "Prince Jin An."

Zhao Zixun came to greet Zhao Chengjun today. He had just approached, and he felt that the people at the door were familiar. After approaching, it really was her.

Although Zhao Zixun said "you", his eyes stayed directly on Tang Shishi. Zhao Zixun ignored Zhou Shunhua and Ren Yujun, stopped in front of Tang Shishi, and frowned: "What are you doing here with your father?"

Tang Shishi had rehearsed countless times for a long time. She lowered her head and adjusted the angle slightly, just to reveal the most beautiful side of her profile: "Report to the prince, the little girl is here to greet the prince."

After Tang Shishi finished speaking, he suddenly found that the air was quiet. She lowered her eyes now and couldn't see the situation outside. Tang Shishi didn't know why, and quietly glanced ahead from the corner of her eyes.

In the low vision, the sound of footsteps gradually approached, and with his movements, the surrounding people were obviously quieter. Zhao Zixun took a step back and bowed, "Father."

Zhao Chengjun stopped in front of the steps, his eyes swept over Tang Shishi and Zhao Zixun, his face became colder and colder: "You guys are busy here."