It’s Better to be the Empress Dowager

Chapter 21: night


When Tang Shishi returned to her tent, she quietly touched the book in the package. She wanted to take it out and read it, but thinking of King Jing outside, she gave up.

Forget it, wait until tomorrow when no one is there.

Tang Shishi tidied up casually and was ready to sleep. It is not an easy job to travel for days, everyone is tired, and soon, the camp is quiet.

Tang Shishi wanted to sleep too, but after laying down for a while, she suddenly felt itchy. There are many mosquitoes on the grassland. Even if King Jing's main tent is specially selected for high ground, it cannot avoid all the insects.

Tang Shishi was so stung by insects that she couldn't sleep, and she even suspected that there were insects on her collapse. It's okay to not want to do this kind of thing. Thinking about being drowsy, Tang Shishi couldn't bear it any longer. He quietly got up, and in the faint light, he struggled to find the mosquitoes on the collapse.

Tang Shishi was shaking his pillow when the tent door behind him was suddenly pulled open. Zhao Chengjun stood behind and looked at her coldly: "What the hell are you doing?"

Tang Shishi was still holding the pillow in her hand, she silently threw the pillow back to the bed, and innocently pointed to the bed: "There are bugs."

insect? Zhao Chengjun frowned. He thought about many situations, but he didn't think of bugs. In other words, before Tang Shishi, Zhao Cheng released a. Jun didn't even realize that there were bugs on the grass.

At this moment, Tang Shishi was wearing a middle coat, her hair was loose, and her shoulders and neck were thin. Tang Shishi gradually felt a little cold, wrapped his arms around him, and couldn't help scratching his neck.

Zhao Chengjun looked through the night light, and there seemed to be a red bump on her neck. Zhao Chengjun didn't know what to say. He turned and walked outside. Tang Shishi thought that King Jing was gone, and just breathed a sigh of relief, Zhao Chengjun came back holding a lamp.

Previously, his vision was dark and he didn't pay attention, but now Tang Shishi realized that Zhao Chengjun was also wearing a white t-shirt. Zhao Chengjun usually wears red and black prince costumes or military uniforms. This is the first time Tang Shishi has seen his normal appearance.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Chengjun was ruthless and inhumane, and when he put on his sleeping clothes, he was much more approachable. His appearance is actually very good-looking. Although he has been stationed in the frontier for many years, his face is still as white as jade, standing with a group of soldiers, it is outrageous. At this moment, Zhao Chengjun put on the thin middle clothes, and without the prince's clothes with his teeth and claws.

But the light was clear and other problems followed. Tang Shishi found himself disheveled and faced King Jing face to face. Tang Shishi was embarrassed, and Zhao Chengjun put the lamp on the table, looking like he didn't care what Tang Shishi was wearing: "Hurry up, or else the lights in the main tent will be lit, and someone will come in a while."

Tang Shishi was stunned for a moment, and she was quite flattered when Zhao Chengjun reminded her: "Yes. Thank you, Lord."

It was really convenient to have the lights, so Tang Shishi hurriedly looked at his bed, trying to find the hidden bugs. Her neck and arms were bitten by some unknown insect, and it was so itchy that Tang Shishi couldn't stop scratching, the more she scratched, the more red and swollen she became. Her skin was delicate, and it was shocking to see such a red spot on her skin.

Tang Shishi's clothes are thin now, his collar is loose, and his long hair is scattered on his back. With her movements, the red marks on her neck became more and more obvious. Zhao Chengjun couldn't really see it, and silently avoided his eyes.

Zhao Chengjun finally realized the inconvenience. He was woken up by Tang Shishi just now and wanted her to calm down quickly, so he took a lamp to illuminate her. Zhao Chengjun had no other ideas, so he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his behavior.

Only now did Zhao Chengjun realize that Tang Shishi was different from others. She was not a eunuch, son, brother, or subordinate, she was a woman. It was very inappropriate for him to stand here late at night.

Even if Zhao Chengjun didn't mean that.

Zhao Chengjun took a step back and planned to leave. When he left, he heard Tang Shishi sneezed. It was already a little cold in September, and the grassland began to turn yellow. At this moment, the night was cold and heavy, and Tang Shishi was only wearing middle clothes, so it was easy to catch cold.

Zhao Chengjun glanced at the baggage on the table, guessing that it was Tang Shishi's personal clothes. He originally wanted to throw the package into Tang Shishi's hands, but Zhao Chengjun just touched the bag, and Tang Shishi rushed over as if he had seen something extraordinary.

Tang Shishi was looking for ants and insects, and when he turned around, he saw that Zhao Chengjun was about to open her burden, and was almost scared to death. The book is in this package. Once someone sees it, it is still seen by King Jing, and the consequences are simply unimaginable. Tang Shishi didn't even have time to think, and subconsciously rushed over: "Wait a minute, don't move!"

Tang Shishi only cared about grabbing the package, but he didn't pay attention to his feet. When he ran close, his left foot twitched and fell directly towards Zhao Chengjun. Zhao Chengjun took a step back and held Tang Shishi's arm firmly, not letting her touch him.

Zhao Chengjun's hand looked white and slender, but his strength was enormous. He supported Tang Shishi's whole body with one hand, and his wrist did not shake. Tang Shishi awkwardly held the table and stood up. He didn't forget his package in his hand, and quietly hugged it into his arms.

Being so close to Zhao Chengjun, his presence is extremely strong. Tang Shishi was embarrassed and nervous. His fingers were tightly clutching the package, and his whole body was tense: "My lord forgives my sin, but this burden is a personal thing left by my mother, and it is not convenient for outsiders to see it. Please forgive me."

Zhao Chengjun looked at Tang Shishi, then looked down at the package in her arms, and was silent. Does her family miss her? It doesn't look like it.

Tang Shishi felt that King Jing was looking at her, and his nervous body began to shake. In the silence, a soldier's questioning voice came from outside the tent: "My lord, my subordinates saw that you turned on the lights, what happened?"

Zhao Chengjun just said hurry up, but now, he has indeed recruited the patrolling soldiers. Zhao Chengjun asked with a sullen face, "Have you finished your tossing?"

Tang Shishi shook his head awkwardly: "No. I don't know why, but I couldn't find it when I turned on the light. But when I was just sleeping, something really bit me."

Tang Shishi said, his voice lowered. The temperature in the tent was almost frozen, and Tang Shishi felt that King Jing was so angry that he was about to kill him.

Zhao Chengjun gave Tang Shishi a cold look and turned to go out. Tang Shishi silently buried his face with the burden, God, it's too embarrassing. If there are mosquitoes, there will be, just bear with it tonight, and she will find wormwood when it is dawn. Tang Shishi remembered that during the day, he seemed to have seen wormwood in the grass.

Tang Shishi thought that this farce was over. She had just put the burden on the collapse when she suddenly heard Zhao Chengjun's voice from outside: "The Imperial Physician Xuan is here."

Zhao Chengjun's voice was clear and crisp, obviously speaking to the soldiers outside. The soldiers clasped their fists and trotted towards a place. Tang Shishi was so surprised, he quickly hid his burden and walked outside: "My lord, why did you declare the imperial doctor? Are you injured?"

The lights in the main tent were already lit, and Zhao Chengjun was holding a red cloak in his hand and was about to tie it on. At this time, the tent door opened, and Ye Feng suddenly got involved. Zhao Chengjun's face changed, and he turned his hand and threw the cloak on Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi didn't realize what was going on, and suddenly the head was covered with red. She quickly took off her cloak, stuck her head out, and found that the main tent door was open, and there were two rows of soldiers standing outside.

Zhao Chengjun's face was cold, but his eyes were black, which made him look unparalleled, like a fairy and like a demon: "Go out."

The guards wanted to come in to escort them, but they were all stunned when they saw the scene inside. The noble and powerful prince was wearing a white single-clothed shirt, with a tall figure and undiminished aura, but beside him stood a woman with a messy dress. They didn't see the woman's face clearly, but the fact that the woman was wrapped in King Jing's cloak couldn't be more conspicuous.

The soldiers were given a cold drink by Zhao Chengjun, and then they hurriedly retreated as if they had just woken up from a dream. There was a lot of anger in King Jing's voice, and if he didn't leave, an accident would happen.

The soldiers stood outside the tent, blown away by the night wind on the grassland, and they were all shaken. They looked at each other, both feeling psychedelic.

The main tent was lit, and the whole camp was agitated. The imperial doctor was pulled from the bed by the soldiers, and he was dragged into the main tent without knowing what happened. He stood in the tent and looked tremblingly at the man in front of him.

"My lord, what's wrong with you?"

It is not a good thing to rush to call an imperial doctor late at night. The imperial physician, including Zhao Zixun and others who came after hearing the news, all looked at Zhao Chengjun nervously.

Zhao Chengjun was wearing a pure black cloak. Although he didn't have his hair tied, it didn't detract from his aura. Tang Shishi wrapped himself in a red cloak, revealing only a scalloped fingertip. She shrank behind King Jing, lowered her head, and pretended that she didn't exist.

Zhao Chengjun's face was stern and calm, and after a while, he calmly said, "Is there any deworming medicine?"

The imperial doctor was stunned for a moment: "What?"

"That place." Zhao Chengjun pointed to Tang Shishi's tent and said, "There are mosquitoes in it."

The imperial physician was stunned for a long time, and asked in disbelief, "That's all?"

Zhao Chengjun is worthy of being a person who is used to seeing strong winds and waves, and nodded without changing his face: "Well."

Tang Shishi buried himself a little deeper, it was too embarrassing. King Jing deserves to be someone who wants to do great things. Look at his psychological quality, he is amazing, I admire him!

The imperial doctor pulled his face away. After Zhao Zixun listened to the whole process, he was a little at a loss, and saluted Zhao Chengjun: "Father, are you healthy?"

Zhao Chengjun shook his head: "No problem. It's none of your business, go back."

"It's fine." Zhao Zixun looked relieved. He glanced at Tang Shishi behind him, lowered his eyes, and cupped his hands, "I don't want to disturb my father's rest, I'll retire."

The imperial doctor finally left the main tent with a completely black face. He is an imperial physician, who saves the dying and heals the wounded. As a result, he endured the bumps all the way to the paddock. On the first day of his arrival, both the father and son of the palace called the imperial doctor.

One is to ask him to take the pulse of a woman who is not sick at all, and insist on asking him to prescribe medicine. Another better, let him deworm!