It’s Better to be the Empress Dowager

Chapter 24: bonfire


Naren Toya was provoked like this, and immediately became angry. She widened her eyes and asked aggressively, "Okay, what do you want?"

"Whatever." Tang Shishi said, "You decide. What the county master is good at is better than anything."

"Arrogant!" Narentoya was furious and said, "Are you looking down on me?"

Tang Shishi spread his hands: "I'm just telling the truth."

Naren Toya has been pampered since she was a child, she can't stand any grievance, how can she tolerate this kind of contempt? She immediately said loudly: "Bring the piano."

The qin of Beiting is different from the qin of the Central Plains. Their qin is shaped like a pipa, with a straight neck and a little thin, transliterated as amber words. After Naren Toya got the piano, she gave Tang Shishi a provocative look, sat on the piano bench, and played and sang skillfully.

Amber words are like pipa, but the tone is thicker than that of pipa, and it has a strong grassland style. Naren Toya can play and sing without any preparation, which shows that her talent is really good.

At the end of the song, Naren Tuoya looked at Tang Shishi defiantly. Tang Shishi smiled and turned to the Beiting attendant next to him and said, "You should bring your musical instruments. If you have trouble, help me get a pipa."

King Jing disliked the burden and didn't even want to bring his female relatives, let alone musical instruments. When Tang Shishi came on stage, he had to temporarily borrow a musical instrument from his opponent.

Beiting's attendant looked at Tang Shishi in surprise, and Naren Toya snorted and said proudly, "Go get it. I want to see what tricks she can come up with."

The Beiting guard quickly returned with a pipa. Tang Shishi thanked him, took the pipa, and after a random audition, he sat on the high stool with the pipa in his arms.

Because of their movement here, many people gathered around to watch, and even people in the distance kept looking here. After Tang Shishi tuned the strings, he suddenly made a high-pitched attack. Then, the sound of the pipa poured out, sometimes majestic, sometimes low and tactful, rushing but not chaotic, and resounding.

The pipa was originally a murderous musical instrument. In the hands of Tang Shishi, it seemed like there were thousands of troops.

Amber words are like the pipa, but the scale is not as broad as that of the pipa. In terms of structure, the pipa is still larger. The meaning of Tang Shishi's choice of the pipa is also obvious. Hu people are me, but they are not me.

At the end of the song, the scene was quiet for a while, and no one spoke. Naren Toya has never suffered setbacks, she refused to admit defeat, and said loudly: "Bring the drums!"

Narentoya's drums are small and delicate, with ornate ornaments on them. After Narentoya got the drum, she improvised a beat, and the drum beat was fast and urgent. Tang Shishi just used a song that was eager to kill. Naren Toya wanted to make up for it and chose drums.

Zhao Zixun stood not far away, sighing secretly in his heart. Naren Toya is really good at singing and dancing. In such a short period of time, she is not afraid to even play two instruments. This time, I am afraid that Tang Shishi will not be able to.

In fact, Tang Shishi's ability to do this has surprised Zhao Zixun very much. He always thought that Tang Shishi was a sloppy beauty.

When he was in King Jing's study earlier, Tang Shishi rushed to say that he was number one, but Zhao Zixun was quite disapproving. Zhao Zixun thought indifferently that when Tang Shishi was elected No. 1, it was all because the Empress Dowager Yao deliberately disgusted Jing Wangfu. When it comes to true talents and practical learning, how can Tang Shishi, a businesswoman, compare to a lady like Zhou Shunhua

Tang Shishi was too eager for quick success, and his desire for fame and fortune was almost written on his face. The woman that Zhao Zixun admired should be Zhou Shunhua, who was as elegant as a chrysanthemum and who did not fight or rob.

But today, Naren Toya uttered wild words, Zhou Shunhua stood aside, but Tang Shishi stepped forward to fight back. Zhao Zixun was surprised when Tang Shishi picked up the pipa. He didn't even think that Tang Shishi could not only play the pipa, but also had a very good skill.

Zhao Zixun was quite impressed, probably because his expectations were very low. If Tang Shishi did something a little, the effect would be amazing. It's a pity that Tang Shishi is still a step behind. Naren Toya is the county owner after all, with a noble background and a good education. Narentoya can not only play the piano, but even the drums.

Amber words and pipa are both stringed instruments. Tang Shishi can outperform Naren Toya in stringed instruments, but I am afraid that it will not work in other aspects. Zhao Zixun felt that the matter was almost here, he was about to go forward to speak, but was stopped by a person behind him.

"Don't move." Zhao Chengjun didn't know when he came. He looked ahead and said to Zhao Zixun unhurriedly, "Let her come."

Naren Toya changed her instrument, looking provocative. Tang Shishi sat in the same position, changed his posture, and said, "I don't know many musical instruments, but the pipa is relatively proficient. I can't compare to the extravagance of the county master, so let's continue with this pipa."

"Using a lute?" Narentoya was very suspicious. "Do you know music theory? How can you compare a lute with a drum?"

"Why not?" Tang Shishi's fingertips slid across the strings, and the music suddenly became brisk, "Whether it works or not, try it and you'll know."

Tang Shishi's fingertips are nimble, like dancing, swiftly passing over the strings. In the place where the music was agitated, she suddenly let go of the strings, and hit the pipa with the beat. The palm of her hand on the pipa made a thumping sound, which perfectly blended with the beat, and was filled with a strong foreign amorous feelings.

Drums are better at the rhythm. Since Naren Toya has been replaced by grassland drums, Tang Shishi will use what they are best at to defeat Naren Toya head-on. Moreover, Naren Toya changed the instrument, but Tang Shishi did not. No matter from which point of view, Tang Shishi is the complete victory.

Tang Shishi's desire to win is so strong. Where she is, no one can stand out more than her.

No one thought that the pipa could still be played like this, and the scene was extremely quiet for a while. Tang Shishi stood up and handed the pipa back to the Beiting attendant. The words were clear and firm: "The pipa is also a foreign musical instrument, but when it entered our country, it is our Chinese culture. We Han people pay attention to eclecticism, harmony and difference, and the Yan Dynasty spread widely. The portal faces all directions and welcomes visitors from all over the world. Whether the pipa or the qin and drums in the hands of the county master will eventually be integrated into the culture of the Central Plains and become an inseparable part of China.”

After Tang Shishi finished speaking, there was a burst of applause from behind him. She turned around in surprise and found Zhao Chengjun standing in the shadow of the bonfire, slowly stroking his palms: "Well said."

Everyone was stunned, they didn't even know when King Jing came. Tang Shishi didn't expect Zhao Chengjun to be there, so he hurriedly saluted: "See the lord. I don't know how rude it is for the lord to come..."

Zhao Chengjun raised his hand and stopped Tang Shishi's words. He approached slowly, and gradually walked from the shadows to the firelight: "The key to skill is to learn from each other. The Yan Dynasty and the North Court are one body. The pipa, amber words, and light drums are all musical instruments of our Dynasty. What to be nervous about?"

Tang Shishi breathed a sigh of relief and slowly got up. Zhao Chengjun came, and Anji Timur also appeared soon. When Anji Timur heard Zhao Chengjun's words, he didn't express his position, he said with a smile: "King Jing, you are finally here, let's have a banquet."

Zhao Chengjun nodded to Anji Timur: "Please."

The two chatted with each other and walked away, and everyone dared not mention what happened just now, and carefully moved with King Jing and Anji Timur. Naren Toya was still standing still, she had never been wronged, especially in front of so many people, she was humiliated by a Chinese woman. Naren Tuoya couldn't be more angry, and shouted hard: "Hey, did I let you go?"

Tang Shishi rolled his eyes secretly before he was too lazy to pay attention to her. Unexpectedly, Naren Tuoya's temperament came up, and she didn't even care. She took off the whip from behind her waist, and without thinking, attacked Tang Shishi directly.

Tang Shishi heard the sound of breaking the air behind him, so he didn't have time to turn back, and hurriedly hid to the side. She was about to dodge the first move, but in a hurry, she stepped in the air and accidentally wounded her right foot. Tang Shishi was in pain, and without waiting for her to respond, the second whip came.

Tang Shishi watched helplessly as the whip approached, and when the tail of the whip was about to hit her, someone suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled it behind her. Immediately afterwards, a sword blocked in front of Tang Shishi, blocking the long whip that swept over.

Zhao Chengjun held the sword, and the flames went out every now and then, which made his face extremely cold. Naren Toya's whip was wrapped around the sword. She seemed to want to pull the whip back, but Zhao Chengjun's hand was slightly harder, and Naren Toya was pulled forward and staggered two steps forward, and lost the whip handle in embarrassment.

Zhao Chengjun threw away Naren Toya's whip, and the disgust on his face was undisguised. He turned back and gave Anji Timur a cold look and asked, "This is how King Zhongshun taught his children?"

Anji Timur was embarrassed, and quickly scolded Naren Toya: "Naya, don't be rude, why don't you apologize to King Jing?"

Naren Toya was reluctant, but in front of King Jing, she didn't dare to be willful and said with a stinky face, "I'm sorry, King Jing."

However, Zhao Chengjun didn't appreciate it at all, and said, "The person you offended is not this king, so why should I apologize to this king?"

Naren Toya's face changed. She looked at Zhao Chengjun and looked at her father in disbelief. Anji Timur shook her head slightly at her, and Naren Toya was extremely aggrieved. After holding it for a long time, she quickly said, "I'm sorry."

After speaking, Naren Toya covered her face and ran away quickly.

"Naya!" Temur shouted to Narentoya and hurried to chase. Anji Timur couldn't even call out his children and sighed deeply. But Zhao Chengjun turned a blind eye to all this. He lowered his eyes and saw Tang Shishi was not very happy, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, your face is fine."

Tang Shishi was relieved to the naked eye. Tang Shishi knew that her face was fine, so she had the intention to pay attention to other things. She found that Naren Toya apologized just now and didn't say her name.

Tang Shishi couldn't help muttering: "It's too insincere, I haven't said that I forgive her."

After saying this, the surroundings were completely quiet. Tang Shishi was embarrassed, and quickly expressed his loyalty to Zhao Chengjun: "Of course, this has nothing to do with the lord, thank the lord for saving me."

Zhao Chengjun didn't make a statement, just walked quickly forward. The attendants gathered around, naturally separating Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi knew that he had offended the daughter of King Zhongshun, so the banquet was very quiet, and he sat on the side as a decoration. Unexpectedly, halfway through the banquet, Naren Toya came back.

Naren Toya seemed to have been persuaded and didn't cry when she came back, but she looked at Master Tang with a very bad look. When Tang Shishi saw Naren Toya, she knew something was wrong. Sure enough, she came directly to Tang Shishi and slapped the table with her palm: "I can't compare to you with an instrument, but I still don't think you are better than me. Dare to drink to prove it?"

Tang Shishi looked at the jug in Naren Toya's hand, and glanced at Zhou Shunhua quietly. She hasn't seen the plot yet, so she doesn't know how Zhou Shunhua did it in the original book. But if Zhou Shunhua defeated Naren Toya in the plot, with the style of this little princess, Zhou Shunhua would definitely not be spared.

That is to say, Tang Shishi wants to defeat Naren Toya in all aspects from talent to drinking

Tang Shishi thought about it and felt that she guessed correctly. Tang Shishi immediately calmed down and raised his eyebrows at Naren Toya: "Okay, I will accompany you to the end."

Naren Toya couldn't stand it, she sneered and started drinking with Tang Shishi. Tang Shishi is the daughter of a businessman. I dare not say anything else, but the amount of alcohol is good. As soon as the two of them disagreed, they were on the bar. Others saw it and felt it was inappropriate. However, looking at the posture of the two, it was not easy to step forward to stop them.

Tang Shishi and Naren Toya spent a whole night drinking. In the end, Tang Shishi succeeded in pouring Naren Toya down because he had too much alcohol. Tang Shishi returned to the tent with a dizzy head. After she went back, she didn't even bother to drink water. The first thing she did was to read a book.

When she saw that "Zhou Shunhua left the stage early with invincible drinking power", the whole person was stunned.

So, it turns out that the correct operation is to get drunk quickly, then leave the banquet to sober up, and finally successfully activate the plot of encountering the prince and watching the stars and the moon

Tang Shishi and Naren Toya spent a night drinking together.

Tang Shishi was completely stupid. Is that why she can't be the heroine