It’s Better to be the Empress Dowager

Chapter 30: past


Zhao Chengjun didn't answer for a long time. Tang Shishi originally thought that Zhao Chengjun didn't want to speak, but after a while, she found that Zhao Chengjun's body temperature continued to drop, and Tang Shishi hurriedly touched Zhao Chengjun's hand, which was already cold.

Tang Shishi was in a panic, and quickly asked: "My lord, how are you?"

Zhao Chengjun seemed to finally be unable to support it, holding the tree next to him, his face turned pale. Tang Shishi was frightened, she quickly helped Zhao Chengjun to sit down, Zhao Chengjun didn't speak for a long time, Tang Shishi dared to touch Zhao Chengjun's face, but the result was also cold.

He lost a lot of blood, his lips were pale, his limbs were cold, and his pulse was beating very fast. Tang Shishi didn't know how he got here. He had been silent before, and Tang Shishi thought he was fine.

As a result, it turned out to be so serious.

Tang Shishi hurriedly looked around and asked, "Where is the grass that can stop bleeding? Wang Ye, wait, I'll look for it right away."

"No need." Zhao Chengjun stopped Tang Shishi's movements, suppressed his breath, and said slowly, "No need to work in vain. Listen, I have just informed them that someone will come soon. If the person who comes is Jiang Jiu, Or the faces you have seen in the study, then you follow them. If they refuse to take off their masks, or they hesitate to report their identity, it is an internal response. You don't have to worry about me, just run away by yourself. They don't dare to search the forest, you can be saved as long as you hide until dawn."

Zhao Chengjun said these words in a low voice, and sometimes had to stop before he could continue. Tang Shishi's eyes widened unconsciously: "My lord, what are you doing?"

Why is it the same as confession

Zhao Chengjun had to plan for the worst. He has lost too much blood now, and his vision is blurred. No matter who comes next, he can no longer resist. In the first half of his life at the court and in the second half of his life, Zhao Chengjun had long been taught not to hope for the unexpected. The first people to arrive may be the people from the palace or the Tartars. Zhao Chengjun doesn't know how God arranges it. He only knows that he must make arrangements for his death now.

He should have died as early as the second year of Yongxi's reign. If he could live another eleven years, he was already fighting for his life with the King of Hell. However, Tang Shishi shouldn't die here. These people came for him and had nothing to do with Tang Shishi. She should have lived squeamishly and freely.

Zhao Chengjun lowered his head and breathed a little, and after he had gathered enough strength, he continued: "After you go back, bring this jade pendant to Liu Ji and tell him that there is a letter in the dark, which explains the arrangements for my death. , and let them do what they said in the letter. After conveying these words to Liu Ji, you can leave, and Liu Ji will arrange it for you. After that, you will be free. "

Zhao Chengjun said the next piece of jade pendant and handed it to Tang Shishi. Tang Shishi watched for a long time, and suddenly held Zhao Chengjun's hand and pushed the jade pendant back to Zhao Chengjun's side.

Tang Shishi said: "My lord, this is your personal jade pendant. If I bring it back, it's hard to say whether Liu Gonggong will believe me. It's hard to say whether the people in the palace will let me go, or whether I can live until tomorrow. I won't send a message for you, and I won't leave. If the prince is really worried, then go back to the palace and arrange it in person."

Zhao Chengjun looked at her in surprise: "You..."

"Your Highness, you are the backbone of Prince Jing's mansion." Tang Shishi stared at Zhao Chengjun and said, "If you are gone, many things will not develop according to your ideas. There is no perfect plan in the world, only you are in the center. , to be perfect.”

Zhao Chengjun did not answer, but he did not continue to stuff the jade pendant to Tang Shishi. Seeing that his consciousness was getting weaker and weaker, Tang Shishi kept talking to him, trying to wake up his attention: "My lord, the prince has not been found, he is not under the cliff, where is he?"

"The concubine has not yet entered the door. If the prince is not watching, the prince will probably run away from the marriage again. He loves Zhou Shunhua so much, if no one in the palace is looking after him, he will have to do the thing of spoiling his concubine, destroying his wife, and raising a concubine to be his wife. The prince, Are you really at ease?"

Tang Shishi said a lot of things related to Zhao Zixun, and he picked Zhao Chengjun's most taboo to say, but Zhao Chengjun still closed his eyes and didn't make any movement. Tang Shishi's heart was stunned, and he said, "Your Highness, do you have any regrets?"

Naturally, there was no answer, Tang Shishi knelt under the tree, warmed Zhao Chengjun's hands in vain, and said in a low voice, "I have."

"My mother is obviously the first wife, she helped Tang Mingci knock the cooking pot back then, but now, she lives a lonely life, being trampled under her feet by a concubine, and swallowing her voice; I have worked so hard to become Qi Jingsheng's wife, read him Favorite books, learn the skills he likes, and please the Qi family, but in the end, Su Shi just blew the pillow wind by Tang Ming's cooking, and my marriage was taken away by Tang Yanyan. Why are they?"

The night rain was pattering, the rain wet her clothes, Tang Shishi felt a little cold, slowly hugged his knees, and huddled in the corner surrounded by Zhao Chengjun and the tree: "I'm not convinced. I don't believe that my life was born to be humiliated by others. Yes. I entered the palace without any resistance. On the day of the divorce, Qi Jingsheng and the Qi family sisters came, but I sat in my boudoir and never went out. I want to return home, I want to stand out in the palace, my favorite concubine, I can be a female official, or give a courtier as a wife or a concubine. As long as I can gain power, I can sell Tang Ming with a smile, and he has to obey. For this reason, no matter what I want I'm willing to give anything."

"Zhou Shunhua and Ren Yujun, they disliked me for being utilitarian. They stepped on top of ten thousand people when they were born. They have everything. They have never felt poverty and embarrassment. Generous, indifferent to fame and fortune. But I am not, I have a lot of ** want to achieve, I am not willing to spend my life in such a mediocre way, I don't want to die, I am an ant in the hands of others. "

Tang Shishi was actually very tired, the cold and fright greatly exhausted her physical strength, Tang Shishi leaned her face on her knees, and her voice gradually decreased: "My lord, you are a prince from birth, will you ever feel unwilling? "

Tang Shishi hugged his knees, naturally he didn't see that Zhao Chengjun's eyes moved slightly. Zhao Chengjun is like being soaked in ice water, his consciousness is sometimes awake and sometimes he is sinking. He vaguely heard a woman ask him, are you unwilling

Not reconciled? Of course he has.

His mother, no, he can't call her a mother, but an imperial concubine.

Guo Guifei and Sejong met at the age of six, and they were childhood sweethearts for ten years. It is a pity that because of the ancestral rules, the daughter of the noble family cannot be appointed as the main concubine, and Sejong can only accept Guo as the side concubine. After being enthroned for many years, Sejong and Concubine Guo had a strong relationship, and they stayed in Shen Guifei's palace for more than half a month. They gave birth to three children together, the eldest son Zhao Chengxuan, the second son Zhao Chengyong, and the youngest Zhao Chengjun.

Among all the children, only Zhao Chengjun is the most favored. When he was enlightened when he was a child, Sejong repeatedly said, "This sub-class I", he read and practiced martial arts, all of which were taught by Sejong.

Zhao Chengjun was crowned King Jing at the age of ten, the first among the princes. Sejong bypassed the three sons above, and the first one gave Zhao Chengjun the title of king. Later in the second year, in order to look good, Sejong named the eldest son Zhao Chengxuan the king of Chu, the second son Zhao Chengxuan as the king of Xiang, and the third son Zhao Chengyong as the king of Teng.

From the title, you can also see Sejong's preference for Zhao Chengjun. In the first thirteen years of his life, he had a distinguished status, pampered and well-placed, his father and emperor valued him, his mother and concubine were gentle, his two elder brothers loved him, and his grand master and courtiers were full of praise for him. Everything about Zhao Chengjun was top-notch, but at the age of thirteen, everything came to an abrupt end.

During the reign of Emperor Sejong, Empress Yao was nothing but the Empress. Sejong didn't know Empress Yao at all before marriage, and he seldom went to the Empress' Palace after marriage. However, Empress Yao was so lucky that she successfully conceived a child on the first night of her marriage, the eldest daughter of the emperor, Princess Nanyang. Five years later, Emperor Sejong was drunk and rested in Empress Yao's house. Empress Yao became pregnant again, and the first son was the emperor's eldest son, Zhao Chengchen.

Zhao Chengxuan occupied the name of the heir apparent and was embraced by the etiquette. Sejong fought for a long time, but he still had no choice but to appoint Zhao Chengxuan as the crown prince. Later, Sejong died of serious illness, the crown prince ascended the throne, and Empress Yao struggled for many years, and finally became empress dowager proudly. The first thing she did when she turned over was to order Guo Guifei to be buried for the late emperor.

The court has always had the custom of concubines being buried for the late emperor, but this is only for low-ranking concubines and even palace maids who have not had children and are not favored. Guo Guifei is the daughter of the founding hero of Wuding Hou Guo's family. She has been very favored in the palace for many years, and has given birth to three princes. It is impossible for her to be buried.

However, Empress Dowager Yao insisted that Guo Guifei chose to hang herself in order to save her three children. However, Concubine Guo's regression did not satisfy the Empress Dowager Yao. The Empress Dowager Yao's appetite was getting bigger and bigger, and she even played tricks on the emperor's heir, and in the winter, she withheld charcoal fire. The third prince, Zhao Chengyong, lost his father and then his mother. He was weak from the beginning. He contracted the cold after being frozen, and was restrained by the Empress Yao and was unable to seek medical treatment. He died of illness within a month.

Overnight, Zhao Chengjun lost three relatives one after another. In November, his father died of illness, and his biological mother was buried in the same month. In December, his third brother, who loved him the most, contracted a cold and died.

The burial of the noble concubine was appalling, and then the third son of the emperor also died. Empress Dowager Yao was afraid of being criticized, so she hurriedly drove the only two remaining sons of Concubine Guo Guifei to the vassal, regardless of whether they could go on the road at that time. Zhao Chengjun was fourteen years old at the time and had a high fever, so he was stuffed into Jifan's carriage. The place he wants to come is still the remote and dangerous northwest.

The empress dowager Yao made no secret of her heart, she just changed the way and forced them to die.

Zhao Chengjun had a high fever repeatedly on the road, and almost died several times. But he just survived, and it wasn't until August of the following year that he finally recovered. However, after this time, Zhao Chengjun's health was greatly damaged, and he coughed for a whole year. Zhao Chengjun was sick and recuperating in Xiping Mansion. Before he could recover, he heard news from Xiangdi that his second brother, Zhao Chengxuan, died of the infection.

A mother and three brothers, and now he is the only one left. And he couldn't even meet his second brother for the last time.

Zhao Chengjun was seriously ill, and when he woke up, he changed his personality completely. The fourth prince who was once arrogant and favored in the court has died, and the one who survived was King Jing who licked blood on the tip of his knife. Zhao Chengjun abandoned the delicate habit he had cultivated in the palace, and personally took the knife to the battlefield to fight the Tartars to the death. Relying on the merits soaked in blood, he gained a firm foothold in the northwest.

Does Zhao Chengjun have any regrets? Of course he has. The remains of the second brother were left in Xiangdi, the cause of death of the third brother was unclear, and the ghost of his biological mother remained in Dingling for a long time, while his enemy was sitting high in the temple, enjoying the honor of the empress dowager.

How can Zhao Chengjun not hate it? How can you not complain? Empress Yao is not dead yet, and the descendants of that woman are still occupying the dragon chair. How could Zhao Chengjun be willing to die like this

Zhao Chengjun's fingers moved slightly, but Tang Shishi also froze and couldn't feel these slight changes at all. She kept warming Zhao Chengjun's hand and talking to him, and in the end, she didn't even know what she was talking about.

Tang Shishi didn't know how long it took, the rain gradually became smaller, and her consciousness also floated. Tang Shishi's mind was throbbing with pain, and she felt that she might be sick.

In a daze, footsteps suddenly sounded outside the forest. Tang Shishi woke up in a flash, she instinctively looked at Zhao Chengjun, but Zhao Chengjun closed his eyes, his face was pale, his face was quiet, and he had fallen into a coma.

Tang Shishi's heart slowly rose. She labored to hide herself and Zhao Chengjun under the bushes. After doing these things, she was almost exhausted. Tang Shishi was about to hide when she caught a glimpse of Zhao Chengjun's knife out of the corner of her eye. She thought about it and hugged the knife hard.

The footsteps were many and mixed, and I don't know who saw them and shouted: "Come on, they are here!"


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