It’s Better to be the Empress Dowager

Chapter 33: plastic


Tong Xiu carried her skirt and ran quickly in the corridor. When approaching the door, she stopped to take a deep breath, and when her breath calmed down, she hurried to the door.

At this time, King Jing's cars stopped at the door one after another, and the carriage escorting the female family members did not stop and drove directly to the second door. While picking up the things, Tongxiu asked the accompanying guard: "Why did the lord come back now? It's many days later than expected. Is there a delay on the way?"

"No." The guard replied, "Miss Tang is sick. The lord waited until Miss Tang was cured before continuing on the road."

Tong Xiu seemed to have heard something from the Arabian Nights, her eyes widened, completely unable to understand the guard's words. Doesn't King Jing hate trouble the most, especially because one person drags down the whole progress. When the female family member fell ill, it would be fine if King Jing didn't throw him away, but he was still waiting at the inn for a woman

At this time, a little eunuch hurried over and called, "Aunt Tongxiu."

Tongxiu responded quickly, and the little eunuch stopped panting and said, "Auntie, Director Liu has something to say, please call the imperial doctor in the palace as soon as possible."

"What?" Tong Xiu suddenly became nervous, "Is the prince injured?"

"No, it's to diagnose Miss Tang's pulse."

Tang Shishi was just recovering from his illness, and his illness has been repeated on the road. King Jing stopped at the post for three days, and Tang Shishi was in a hurry to return to the residence, reluctantly saying that he was cured. As soon as she entered the second door, she couldn't hold it any longer, and hurried back to her yard to rest.

In Jianjia Courtyard, the maids have been busy for a long time when they received the news that King Jing was coming back. When he heard the news that the convoy had entered the door, Du Juan was taken aback and said in surprise, "Why so fast?"

The little servant just reported that there was still a stick of incense, but he came back in a blink of an eye. Du Juan hurriedly went outside to meet Tang Shishi. She had just gone out when she saw Tang Shishi being escorted and coming sickly.

Du Juan was taken aback when he saw Tang Shishi's face. She helped Tang Shishi enter the door, and the little girl inside quickly brought hot tea, put cushions, and served cakes. After everything was arranged, Du Juan poured a cup of tea for Tang Shishi, carefully looked at Tang Shishi's face and asked, "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Tang Shishi held his forehead and said weakly: "It was raining in the paddock and caught the cold, and the road has been bad. It's okay, I'll just sleep."

When Du Juan heard this, he shouted: "You are actually infected with the cold, girl, you lie down first, and the servant will make ginger soup for you."

Before Tang Shishi could stop him, Du Juan hurriedly ran out of the house. She had just left the house when she met a group of people, and what she was about to say was stuck in her stomach, and her tongue was uneasy: "Liu... Eunuch Liu? How busy are you, father-in-law, why are you here?"

Liu Ji smiled kindly, and said, "The miscellaneous family has been ordered by the prince to ask for Miss Tang's pulse. Is Miss Tang inside?"

Du Juan glanced in blankly, suddenly reacted, and quickly made way for Liu Ji and the other imperial physicians: "The girl is here."

Tang Shishi was holding his forehead and closed his eyes, and when he heard the movement outside the door, he opened his eyes slightly. She saw Liu Ji and was about to stand up when Liu Ji hurriedly stopped her: "You can't do it, girl. You are delicate, so just rest."

Liu Ji supported Tang Shishi, but Tang Shishi refused and failed, so he could only sit down with strength. Liu Ji personally served Tang Shishi and sat down, stuffed a cushion on her back, and then said to the imperial doctor behind him: "Come and ask for the girl's pulse. This is what the lord himself ordered, you must do your best, and never leave the root of the girl's illness. ."

"Wei Chen obeys."

Watching the eldest and most qualified imperial physician step forward, he put on a veil and gently pressed Tang Shishi's pulse. He pondered for a while, then saluted and stepped aside, another imperial physician stepped forward and examined Master Tang's pulse again.

After the two checked their pulses, they discussed in a low voice for a long time. Seeing that it was almost time, Liu Ji asked, "How is Miss Tang's illness?"

The two imperial physicians reached a consensus, and the eldest of them stood up and said, "Reporting to Eunuch Liu, Miss Tang was frightened, and because of the rain, the internal fire attacked her heart, which led to her falling ill. When she had a fever, it was not treated in time. , Fortunately, there is no burning problem, now the most dangerous time has passed, the girl can drink some mild tonic and slowly warm it up for a few months, and you will be fine."

This diagnosis is the same as that of the imperial physician who accompanied him before. Master Tang showed no expression, but Liu Ji breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. Let's go and write the prescription. We only consider the efficacy of the medicine, don't worry about the price, no matter what you need. , go directly to the warehouse to pick it up."

With Liu Ji's words, several imperial physicians knew it. They cupped their hands together and saluted: "Yes. Wei Chen retire."

After the imperial physician left, Tang Shishi said, "Eunuch Liu has taken good care of me. It's just a minor illness. How can it be worthwhile to recruit teachers like this?"

"The matter of the girl's recuperation was ordered by the prince himself, and the matter of the girl is the matter of the entire prince's mansion." Liu Ji calmly looked at Master Tang and said with a smile, "You can take care of it with peace of mind, this medicine money, right It's nothing to the lord. I heard that this time around, the girl also made a contribution. Congratulations to the girl, in the future, I hope that the girl will help the old slave more."

"What is your father-in-law talking about?" Tang Shishi smiled and said, "I am today thanks to my father-in-law's trust. In the future, I will count on my father-in-law to continue to take care of me."

Liu Ji finally had a genuine smile. He folded his hands and said, "Miss, the lord has just returned, and there are still many things to be arranged in the outer courtyard. The old slave will retire for the time being, and the old slave will come back when he is done. Say hello to the girl."

Tang Shishi stood up and said, "This is natural, the father-in-law is a busy person, and the little girl does not dare to waste your time. I will send the father-in-law out."

"You can't go out, girl." Liu Ji stopped her and said, "The girl has not recovered from her illness. She should focus on recuperating and not go outside to catch the wind. The old slave can just go by himself, and the girl will stay."

Tang Shishi still sent Liu Ji to the door of the house. After Liu Ji stopped her many times, she stopped and motioned to Du Juan: "Du Juan, follow your father-in-law and take Liu Gong out for me."

Du Juan should be, serving beside Eunuch Liu, and walked out in small steps. Tang Shishi stood at the door and watched Liu Ji's figure leave the courtyard before slowly returning to the house.

The girl in the room stepped forward cautiously and asked, "Girl, the imperial doctor's prescription has been sent to decoction, and it will take a while to complete. Would you like to lie down for a while?"

Tang Shishi nodded: "Okay."

Tang Shishi changed into soft clothes, loosened his hair, lay on the bed, and sighed. I have been bumping outside for a month, and when I came back, I still had a fever, and Tang Shishi's bones were burned. Leaning on the bedpost, she casually asked the servant girl, "Did anything happen in the manor during this time?"

The maid thought for a while, and said, "It's not a big deal. The lord and the prince are not here, and those in Liuyunyuan have also stopped. It's just that the house has been very busy recently, and the maid next to Aunt Tongxiu said that the palace is going to marry the prince's concubine. "

"Oh?" Tang Shishi raised his eyebrows in surprise, "So fast?"

"It's a bit fast, but the dowry has already been prepared, and now it's all about the process. Aunt Tongxiu has been busy with her feet lately, but after this time, when the concubine enters the door in the future, Aunt Tongxiu will be able to enjoy it. Free time."

Tang Shishi just smiled at this, and said, "Maybe."

Tang Shishi wanted to be clean for a few days, but it backfired. Early the next morning, her place became lively.

Ji Xinxian, Feng Qian and others came to visit the patient in a mighty manner, and even the always arrogant Ren Yujun also came. Each of the eight women took their maids and sat in the house, which was really spectacular.

Feng Qian sat beside Tang Shishi's bed and held Tang Shishi's hand distressedly: "Sister Tang, you've only been out for a month, why are you so thin? I look uncomfortable, and I can't wait to be your own."

Ji Xinxian and Tang Shishi are not so close, not like Feng Qian sitting on the edge of the bed at a glance, but sitting on the Luohan bed far away. Hearing Feng Qian's words, Ji Xinxian sneered, yin and yang strangely said: "Replace with your body? Madam Tang has done a great job, this time when she is ill, did you not see how nervous the prince is? You are replacing Tang Shishi with illness, after all. Or do you want to be favored instead of others?"

Feng Qian was immediately aggrieved, bit her lip and said, "Ji Xinxian, what are you talking about? I'm really not ashamed."

Tang Shishi rolled his eyes in his heart. The people in this room are all plastic sisters. On the surface, they are sisters and sisters. They are all thousand-year-old foxes, what kind of innocence are they pretending to be

Tang Shishi smiled gently, turned his head and coughed weakly, and then said weakly, "Don't make any noise, it's all my fault that I'm not in good health. I fell ill on the way and delayed the trip. The lord is kind, and can't bear to see me die of illness. , This is only one or two graces. The lord is wise and wise, benevolent and generous, no matter who is sick, he will not ignore it."

Tang Shishi attributed the halo to King Jing and King Jing Rende. In this way, he summoned the imperial physician for Tang Shishi not to treat him differently, but to pity the weak and the poor. Sure enough, after Tang Shishi finished speaking, the women in the room were either drinking tea or stroking their temples, and there was no more chatter.

Tang Shishi breathed a sigh of relief, and then, using the traditional virtues of the court, he said casually: "Besides, how can I be considered meritorious? The prince has both civil and military skills, and things are as good as God. elder sister."

Ren Yujun had been hiding behind the crowd, and when he heard this, his eyes slowly enlarged: "What?"

Tang Shishi covered his mouth exaggeratedly, squeezing his throat and said, "Sister Ren doesn't even know? Sister Zhou sacrificed herself to shield the sword for the prince. The prince was very moved. The prince has been taking care of Sister Zhou in person these days, and the two are inseparable. Today, Sister Zhou is not there. Come on, I thought you knew she was recovering, so I didn't call her on purpose. It turns out that Sister Zhou didn't tell Sister Ren? "

When it comes to yin and yang weirdness and stubbornness, Tang Shishi has never lost. Ren Yujun turned pale and said absentmindedly: "I don't know. I went to see her yesterday, but she didn't tell me."

Zhou Shunhua blocked Zhao Zixun's sword, and his status in Zhao Zixun's heart immediately rose. When he came back this time, Zhou Shunhua did not move to Huiyunyuan again, but went to Zhao Zixun's courtyard to rest.

It is self-evident that it is said to be recuperating, in fact, what it represents behind it.

Tang Shishi successfully provoked the heroine and her sister group, and was satisfied. Because of yesterday's movement, Tang Shishi was originally regarded as a thorn in the flesh by all women, but now Tang Shishi throws out Zhou Shunhua and the prince's life-and-death promise, and the attention of all the beauties is suddenly diverted.

After all, the prince is also the target of many people. Tang Shishi danced again, still wearing a boudoir bun, no name, no pet, no love, but Zhou Shunhua suddenly jumped.

Among these beauties, they can accept that they are not favored, but they absolutely cannot accept that others are favored more than themselves. Especially when that person is her sister.

There was a moment of silence in the room. All the beauties sat on their seats, or lowered their eyes and said nothing, or lowered their heads to drink tea, or quietly looked at their friends, but none of them were idle anyway. When Tang Shishi was done, he started coughing happily, madly suggesting that you can get out.

Zhou Shunhua was hired by the prince, and the news immediately spread throughout the backyard. Tang Shishi leaned on the beauty's couch to bask in the sun, and the whole person was lazy.

Du Juan was beating Tang Shishi's leg and asked, "Miss, are you in a hurry?"

"What am I in a hurry?"

Du Juan hesitated, but in the end he could only say it more clearly: "Zhou Meiren has been adopted by the prince. I heard that he has been favored recently. The prince rested with her for five days in a row. The girl was recuperating in the house for a day. In the end, I can't even leave the door, and the errands at the prince's office have stopped. Girl, you can't relax like this."

Tang Shishi didn't lift his eyelids, and said slowly: "That master has rarely spared me from the study, and I am too happy to be in time, why should I rush to make trouble for myself? Anyway, he said, let me recuperate at ease, no Don't worry about anything until it's healed. I'm ordered to heal, why not?"

Du Juan had no choice but to break the jar and threw it out, and said thoroughly: "But girl, at the end of the year, the concubine will enter the door, and it will only be a month before it is full. You have been valued by the prince, and it is time to gather people and cultivate power now. If you wait for the concubine to enter the door, and the palace will be handed over to the concubine, it will not be easy for you to install people."

Tang Shishi rubbed his eyes open: "What, Lu Yufei will enter the door at the end of the year?"

"That's right." Du Juan looked at Tang Shishi strangely, "It's been spread all over the house that the prince and Miss Lu got married in the twelfth lunar month. I thought the girl knew."

"I don't know." Tang Shishi sat up abruptly, with a solemn face, and asked, "Didn't you say next March?"

"It was originally scheduled for March next year, but I don't know what happened. The lord made the decision and brought the wedding date earlier."

Tang Shishi frowned: "It's only been two months from accepting to getting married, which is too fast. Why?"

Du Juan shook his head: "I don't know."

For some reason, Tang Shishi unexpectedly remembered the rainy night when she was attacked. She told Zhao Chengjun that Zhao Zixun didn't like the concubine, and he might spoil his concubine to destroy his wife and take her as his wife.

At that time, Zhao Chengjun closed his eyes and looked motionless. Tang Shishi thought he didn't hear it, but in the end, he knew all about it

Sure enough, Zhao Chengjun is really taboo about this kind of thing. Seeing that it was quiet, but as soon as he came back, he immediately accelerated the wedding date, and almost carried Lu Yufei back to the palace.

Doesn't that mean that he also heard other words she said? No, that's not the point. Tang Shishi quickly pushed out the messy thoughts in his mind, thinking with a headache, his wife entered the door, and she wanted to conquer Zhao Zixun in the future, wouldn't it be much more difficult

Tang Shishi originally thought that he was not in a hurry, there was still time for everything. When the novelty of Zhao Zixun and Zhou Shunhua passes, and Zhou Shunhua is too busy to take care of herself because she is regarded as a thorn in the eyes by everyone, she will come forward to compete for Zhao Zixun again, and she will do more with less. But now, Tang Shishi has not started his own performance, and the wife of the palace is about to appear.

Tang Shishi thought that although Lu Yufei was not favored in the plot, he had been sitting in the main room for many years. He was the prince concubine in the palace, the prince concubine in the east palace, and the queen in the palace. Zhou Shunhua didn't pick it up until he finally died of illness. Now, is this long life-long battle about to start in advance

Tang Shishi couldn't help but sighed.