It’s Better to be the Empress Dowager

Chapter 41: Dance


Tang Shishi narrowed his eyebrows and said, "You can't do it. This is given to you by Emperor Xiaozong. How can I afford it?"

"What's not worth it." Feng mama looked at Tang Shishi meaningfully, and said, "I am a servant, and you are a person who wants to enjoy great wealth. There are many good things you have to handle in the future. The queen mother The house is kind and kind, and treats the king as if it were his own. King Jing has no children for many years, and there is not even a caring person by his side. The empress dowager does not know how worried. If you are favored by King Jing, please serve King Jing well. , The Empress Dowager is kind and happy, and your reward will be indispensable in the future. It is not impossible to even be kind to the family."

I said so much before, Tang Shishi has been listening obediently, but there is no fluctuation in his heart at all. Until Momma Feng said "Enji Family", Tang Shishi curled his fingertips and bowed his head: "Yes, the little girl understands."

I don't know if Huang's kindness can benefit the family, but if something goes wrong, it is certain that the nine clans will be involved.

Mammy Feng is both benevolent and majestic, beating Tang Shishi to be obedient, don't delusionally think that with King Jing's favor, you can betray the queen mother. Tang Shishi is in Jingwang's mansion, but her parents and clan are all in the hands of the imperial court.

Tang Shishi didn't care about the lives of Tang Mingzhe and Su Shi, but her mother was still at the Tang family.

Mammy Feng didn't want to talk to death either, slapping a slap in the face and giving a sweet jujube is the way to control it. Mammy Feng turned into a smile again, and said kindly, "But you don't have to worry, you are always well-behaved, and the Empress Dowager can trust you. The old body and you are in a relationship, so I might as well give you the right words. The Empress Dowager said before she left, as long as You have the Queen Mother in your heart, and when you do meritorious deeds, you will reward your father and younger brother with the status of fame, and from then on, you will be able to leave the business."

Scholars, peasants, and businessmen were divided into distinct classes, with scholars at the top and merchants at the bottom.

Businessmen have money but no status, so after Qi Jingsheng shows his talent for reading, he will be regarded as the light of revival by the Qi family. If Qi Jingsheng were to take the exam seriously, even if it was just a master, the Qi family's status would be turned upside down.

The Qi family was able to walk sideways in front of all the merchants in Linqing just because they became a scholar, and even Tang Mingzhe regarded Qi Jingsheng as his quick son-in-law. However, it is still unknown whether Qi Jingsheng can pass the test and whether he can become an official after passing the test. But now, Empress Yao can say casually that she will give the Tang family fame after the event is completed.

This is power, and this is the woman with the highest status in the entire dynasty, the empress dowager.

Tang Shishi's heart was burning again. Tang Mingzhe spoiled his concubine and destroyed his wife. Tang Shishi grew up under the pressure of the mother and daughter in the second room. No one knows better than she is to hold high and step low. What is it to give her father and younger brother fame, what she wants is to add her own body and export it.

If Tang Shishi didn't dare to be rash before, now that she has seen Zhou Shunhua's life trajectory, how can she be willing to be subordinated to others. She wants to be the empress dowager herself, Tang Mingzhe, Su Shi, Zhou Shunhua, Yao empress dowager, and even the male protagonist are nothing.

Tang Shishi is ambitious and has set a new life goal for himself to be the queen mother. But now, she is still a humble and weak little girl who is trying to survive in the cracks. Tang Shishi lowered her eyebrows and pleaded with her eyes, and promised: "Mom, don't worry, I am loyal to the queen mother. As a minister, you should be loyal to the emperor. If you hide it, you will be disloyal. I will report everything to the Queen Mother."

Madam Feng smiled and looked at Master Tang with satisfaction: "The queen mother really did not see you wrong, you have the heart, and you will not waste the queen mother cultivating you. go do it."

Tang Shishi lowered his eyes, um, it should be, no matter what Mama Feng said, she would agree. She doesn't have any moral burden, anyway, when she sees people talking about people, and when she sees ghosts, when she sees Prince Jing's son, Tang Shishi is crying and showing her loyalty.

As for the Tang family who was taken as a hostage by the court, Tang Shishi didn't care. Tang Mingzhe's huge family property is not left to her, and Tang Wenxuan is not Tang Shishi's younger brother. Whether they are dead or alive, what is the matter with Tang Shishi

After a period of time, the limelight passed, and people quietly took his mother out of the Tang family, and Tang Shishi had no worries at all.

The only thing that is worth her risk of life is her own future.

Tang Shishi listened to Madam Feng tell her about the contact person in Prince Jing's mansion, and thought to herself that she might disappoint Madam Feng and the Empress Dowager Yao.

Because her goal is not King Jing at all.

The next day, the girls gathered in front of the inn, waiting to get on the bus.

Tang Shishi finally came out with Feng mama, and the girls saw Tang Shishi with strange expressions on their faces.

Tang Shishi was too lazy to pay attention, she was the one who wanted to be the queen mother, and she was entangled with Xiaoyu Xiaoxia. After Mammy Feng came out, the carriage quickly came over, Mammy Feng got into her own car, and then it was the turn of the beauties to board.

Tang Shishi was the last to come out. She was standing on the periphery. She was not in a hurry and stood at the back. The girls looked at each other, no one dared to rush in front of Tang Shishi, silently giving way to Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi smiled lightly, passed through the crowd, and boarded the car first.

Ji Xinxian has always disliked Tang Shishi, and when she saw Tang Shishi's performance, she was so angry that she rushed to scold people. The people around quickly grabbed Ji Xinxian, and Ren Yujun stood beside Zhou Shunhua and looked at Zhou Shunhua as if soliciting.

Zhou Shunhua shook his head secretly, motioning not to fight with Tang Shishi. The rafters that are in their early years will rot first, and those that are held high may not be able to go far.

And look at it.

Zhou Shunhua and the others got on the carriage one after another after Tang Shishi boarded the carriage. The girls sat down and the carriage started slowly.

Tang Shishi closed his eyes and rested peacefully under a lot of open or dark glances. To deal with Mammy Feng last night, Tang Shishi dared to sleep with his eyes closed, until he got in the car, Tang Shishi dared to make up for sleep.

Ji Xinxian has been waiting to pick on Tang Shishi's thorns, but she waited all the way, Tang Shishi always closed her eyes and rested her mind, Ji Xinxian finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said yin and yang strangely: "Last night, I heard that Sister Tang made a lot of limelight."

Tang Shishi closed his eyes and hummed lightly: "Isn't it right for me to be in the limelight?"

Ji Xinxian was choked, and after a while, she stabbed again: "The daughters of good people don't see outside men. Yesterday, Sister Tang rushed in front of so many men, and Mammy Feng didn't say anything?"

Tang Shishi opened his eyes and glanced at Ji Xinxian with a smile: "Mother Feng spoiled me, not only did she not blame me, but she also praised me for doing a good job."

With that said, Tang Shishi raised his sleeves unintentionally, revealing the suet jade bracelet on his wrist: "The reward of Emperor Xiaozong, what virtue and ability can I wear it?"

This is the bracelet that Feng mama wears and never leaves her body, and all the girls are deeply impressed. When Ji Xinxian saw the familiar jade bracelet appearing on Tang Shishi's wrist, she rolled her eyes with anger and was speechless.

Ren Yujun couldn't bear to see it, and couldn't help saying: "Publicity may not be a good thing. You rushed directly to King Jing last night, reported the assassin, and gave directions to the outsider. Could it be that the girl did it?"

Among the beauties who came this time, although everyone was at odds with each other, they could be roughly divided into three factions. Ren Yujun and Zhou Shunhua are the daughters of princes, they knew each other in the capital before, they belonged to the noble clique; Ji Xinxian and Feng Qian were the daughters of civil officials, and they had high literati and were of the civil official clique; and Tang Shishi himself belonged to the clique.

Tang Shishi calmly said, "Daughter has to obey the rules of the boudoir, doesn't she have to obey the Four Books and Five Classics? This is King Jing's fief. I found an assassin and reported it to King Jing. Is it wrong?"

Ren Yujun is stuck, who dares to say this kind of thing wrong. All the girls in the car fell silent. Seeing that they had finally stopped, Tang Shishi snorted softly and continued to close his eyes to make up for sleep.

Tang Shishi acted righteous and dignified, and when she closed her eyes, she sighed inwardly.

Of course she did something wrong. If she had known that she had admitted the wrong male protagonist and killed her, she would not have reported the assassin to King Jing. Tang Shishi regretted that his bowels were turning green, but he couldn't say it, he had to show happiness.

It's very bad.

After another four or five days in their carriage, they finally arrived at Xiping House.

Xiping is very different from Jinling. Jinling water town is soft, floating gold and jade, and the atmosphere of emperor is everywhere. When Xiping enters the city, you can feel a silent vastness and solemnity.

It is a city that has been at war for many years, and it will have a sense of chill.

The soldiers guarding the city had long known that the capital had sent the beauties over, and after checking their identities, they let them pass with a cold face. After passing through the city gate, all the women in the car fell silent.

Although they didn't see it, they could already feel the breath on the street. At this moment, whether it is Zhou Shunhua, a maid of the government, or Ji Xinxian, a prefect's daughter, they all clearly realize that the environment here is completely different from their past.

They are no longer pampered boudoir ladies, but insignificant maids in the frontier vassal king's mansion.

The carriage stopped, it seemed that someone came out to check, and after a while, there was the sound of unloading the threshold from outside.

Tang Shishi knew that they had arrived.

Several carriages stopped at the second gate one after another. Mammy Feng changed into formal clothes, cleared her throat, and said solemnly: "Prince Jing's mansion is here, come out, don't miss the time to greet the prince."

Undoubtedly, this time, Tang Shishi was the first to get off the bus. The girls lined up in a line, and Tang Shishi followed behind Feng Mama, folded his hands, and went to the main hall to greet King Jing with his eyes down.

Usually Tang Shishi was very persistent in standing in front of people, but this time she paused before entering the door.

Wait a minute, see King Jing

Before Tang Shishi thought about it, the main hall had already arrived. Tang Shishi bit her head and entered the main hall. She glanced quickly before entering the door, and it was dark in front of her.

The man in the middle seat that I saw last time was none other than King Jing Zhao Chengjun. In the next place, there was a very young boy sitting.

Don't think about it, it must be the adopted son of King Jing, the son of Zhao Zixun.

Tang Shishi's scalp exploded, but she was the first, and it was impossible to hide behind others. She bowed her head deeper, trying to shrink her presence.

However, things backfired. As soon as Tang Shishi entered, the first two men looked at her together.

Obviously, both King Jing and the prince recognized this woman who made a deep impression on them.

Tang Shishi was stepping on Zhou Shunhua and Ren Yujun everywhere, so he just said clearly that these two people came to "meet by chance" when they learned that the prince would come to greet him today. When Ren Yujun heard this, his eyes widened, and Zhou Shunhua said calmly, "We live in Liuyunyuan these days and stay at home. How can we know what's going on outside? We are here to serve His Royal Highness King Jing, but these few days The sun was only eating and not doing anything. Sister Ren and I were deeply terrified. We dared to come out today, just to see if we could do something for the palace. I was stupid, naturally not as smart as Miss Tang, and only today did I think of sharing the worries for the palace. "

Tang Shishi insinuated that Zhou Shunhua had bad intentions, and Zhou Shunhua returned it intact. Zhou Shunhua wanted something else, didn't Tang Shishi have it

Zhao Chengjun was questioning Zhao Zixun at first, but Zhao Zixun did not explain a word, and these women were scrambling for each other. Zhao Chengjun had no interest in their little thoughts, and he even felt that it was a mistake to stop talking to Tang Shishi. Zhao Chengjun withdrew his gaze and walked directly into the courtyard without saying a word.

Seeing this, Zhao Zixun did not dare to delay, and quickly followed.

Tang Shishi was about to compete with Zhou Shunhua, but before she made any achievements, the target person she wanted to fight for left. Tang Shishi was surprised for a moment, and immediately abandoned Zhou Shunhua and followed him inside.

When the people in Yan'an Academy saw that Tang Shishi actually walked in, they all cast a shocked look. Tang Shishi pretended not to know, and still followed behind Zhao Zixun cheekily, and followed Zhao Zixun into the room. Zhao Zixun glanced back in surprise, Tang Shishi had already found a place, and leaned his hand in the corner, standing like a decoration.

Zhao Zixun didn't react to this set of actions, so Tang Shishi set himself up. I don't know whether to say that she is interested or not.

Zhao Chengjun had already taken his seat, and Zhao Zixun didn't dare to delay, so he hurried in. Across a partition door, Tang Shishi heard King Jing's voice inside: "How is your schoolwork these days?"

"Father has a life, but Erchen doesn't dare to slack off. Erchen wrote a strategy yesterday..."